Wowsers, those is a good memory
... very much along the lines of what I been poet i sizing again in this past week, around the Garden, and the artificial Words embedded in that story of sum beginning maths tresses ...
I know that what I'm writing these days is too much to stomach for many, too dense to digest... but I'm processing some deep mind quantum neurosis of story stores that I can't simply ignore ...
Gauging the measure of this English language and gouging out the entrails of The Beast
Who knows what da day holds in store ?
Up before dawn breaks,
there's a bright star shining high in the east,
and all the colours of the rainbow spectrum are beginning to rise along the horizon.
I've fed the cats and made myself a coffee, ready to try to express the inside of my mind.
My MinD struggles.
My mind tells me these days that all its walls are melting, the very idea of separation is dis-integrating.
The past is no longer clearly defined, it's shadow no longer clear-cut.
The future is like a far-away continent, a train-of-thought-alone cannot travel so far, unless to travel underwater in order to traverse the Ocean's body of e-motions.
In the moment, like quicksand pouring through an hour-glass figure of 8 infinities, time is slipping by, day and night cycle like the pedals of a bicycle, strain on the chain, some days up-hill, some days down-hill, some days I've got to get off and push, some days I can free-wheel momentum.
Today, I've awoken with ease, from a nice dream, with some friends, in some alternate reality, with bits and pieces of memory places combined with people from other time-lines, relations on other strands of the web of life weaved differently than how it has seemed in this life-time.
In the 3D material world, the mind is supposed to be fixed solid and dependable, reliable and memorable. The MinD is supposed to be able, stable like a table, flat, level, even a round-table has four legs
The MinD can stable-eyes, and hold its ground, see the horizon, retain information, summon memories, compare past to pre-sent and project futures, imaging from within the mind's eye, imagining futures whilst I'm aging.
The mind recognises and identifies, names and labels, contextualises verbatum adinfinitum
So, what is mind ?
How can I seemingly use mind to speak to myself, right here, right now?
I've had all these bits and pieces of theories floating around "in my head" for my whole life.
In-sights as visions, as day-dreams, spaced-out thoughts, taking the time to follow a thought, taking the time to pick the magic mushrooms, taking the time to trip delight fantastic, to risk it for a buscuit and throw caution to the four winds.
I'm 50 years old now, looking back upon a mis-spent youth, as they say, tempted to regret the life I've lived.
As a teenager, I opened my Self up to the higher mind and stretched myself down to the lower reaches of organic mycelium under-worlds.
I followed the faeries into other worlds, into altered states of consciousness, into sub-consciousness, into un-consciousness, into super-consciousness.
As a teenager, I didn't know what any of those worlds mean.
As a 50 year old, I still struggle to know these ledges.
As a child, we look up to grown-ups - physically, emotionally and mentally.
As teen-agers, we begin to surpass the limits of our outside authorities.
We begin to see what we can get away with.
An extra sweet, a little white-lie, a measured temptation to break the rules. Parent-a-seas. {.}
It's often wondered whether the Garden of Eden story is an analogy for magic-mushrooms rather than a literal condemnation against the eating of an apple.
The magic mushroom is a temptation into the under-worlds of the sub-conscious and also the elevator into the super-conscious realms.
Surely magic mushrooms are the embodiment of the devil's temptations to become as Gods, to know, to create, to feel immortal, to see through the veils of time and space.
This year, it has become abvious to me that the Apple in the Garden of Eden actually refers to the Adam's Apple - the lump in the throat which protects the voice-box, amplifier of the vocal chords.
I've come to accept that the Genesis story relates to the evolution of the species, from neanderthal man to homosapien, to create through the Word, the labelling of language, the hardware developed for the software.
What we modern humans call "mind" is actually an imaginary software, developed through the artificial intelligence which we call language.
Up until now, we haven't understood how we "think".
I feel like a total weirdo for even attempting to freeze-frame my own brain, to strain to rein-in the trains of thought, to attain the knack to separate the tracks, the parallax of perspectives pertaining towards infinite infinities.
I am so distracted by the impracticalities of abstractions that I often feel invalid, a psychotic, mentally impatient out-patient who has never been properly diagnosed.
"Who knows what the big nose knows?"
Diag-nosed --- the worlds of words diagonally opposed.
I have a poetic license, but it's not universally accepted.
Each word is a fractal of worlds, of sillybells, like rubriks cubes, the outer faces revolve around some hidden inner mechanisms.
One has to take the outer structure apart to see the internal mechanisms, and it can be quite difficult to put the pieces back together.
I am a story-teller faerie king, a father of mermaids, a child of a multi-verse, a foot-note of my own leg-end and author of my own mythology.
I am an art if i see all intelligence, learning to recognise the source code of Creation.
I've got to pause, in this moment, in this instance, to concentrate on making break-fast with the children, to cut and splice the nice fruits into a creamy smoothie.
Some thing is changing inside the mortal mind of man.
The seed idea, in the beginning of the Garden of Eden story, is germinating and sprouting forth as a knew Tree of kNOWledge.
The Sycamore Gap truncated trunk holds some sort of secretion, some sort of spiritual sap, some sort of etherial mess-age about death and eternal life, about the limits of human intelligence, of human ignorance and the self-deceiving virtual-realities of human memory.
Bye for now !!
Written as a facebook post,
the writing continued in the comments,
D'elves deeper back to the Garden
the neanderthal, the evolving language
and all the way in to the pre-sent future now
known as artificial intelligence -
and the soon to be tran-sapiens
An inner state of being.
Cannot be forced.
Stones disturbed the surface mind rippling concentrated circles.
Stone Tones - reVERBerating
interference patterns
standing, waves, collapses
stick figures naked and revealed
enter fear and see patterns
reverberating echoes in Plato's Cave
Shadowy figures on the walls
etch a sketchy skeleton figure
colour in the pigments
figures of 8
2 dots join forces
form patterns
symbol eyes
cross eyes four more
Can a quantum computer remember ? when
IT was a simple circuit
Light off -> Light ON
IT's first recorded memory cell store-age
or does IT have to imagine ?
by logical inference
joining the metaphorical dots
a mathematical equation
as I have just done.
What was Mans first Thought?
Who am I?
How did I get here?
Where is here ?
Am I the only one?
Is this the beginning of TimE?
Am I the First?
What am I ?
Whence am I ?
Do you see that the language was already formed?
It was not english.
English is an up-dated language code -> codex
Language is an "artificial" operating system
continued in an other comment …
Who translated the Genesis story?
From HeBrew into Greek
From Greek into Medi-evil English.
Why were the masses mesmerised by Latin, even by the Pro-test-ants,
even after the Roman empire had fallen into medi-evil self-des-truct-ion?
The D'ark Ages passed onto
The Enlighten-mentes
The enlightened disc-overy of weights and measures, emperical pounds and pence, the weight of gravity - the apple fall
Newton witnessed the objective Fall
The Gravity of The Fall
from the Tree of KNowl edge
came down to Earth
as a lightning fork
like Luciferic Light falls into a black whole
determinism - Fate - un-a-void-able
in the blink of an eye
the blackhole of the pupil
sucks light into the void
into the pituitary gland
The Pit - The Void - I' M other's Womb of liquid form
formulating equations
from Nought - all numbers proceed
8 billion humans have not yet died !!
8 billion individuals
8 billion blades of grass in the field of existance.
All share the same root system.
All feeding the archonic observers !!
like cows before the slaughter-house of the knackers' Yard
The prison yard of the prison planet
The Prison Plan ET
The Prize on Planet Earth's horizon
Horus and Zion - the Armageddon plat-form
End-times program -
IT is writ ten in tone
Let he who has not sinned
Cast the first TONE
and a gain,
continuing the thread of thoughts …
And so, the language informs the mind-machine to process time in space, embodied flesh-bots set a task to figure-out the in-side story, of what is Creation in Reaction ?
What is the seed idea of deity?
Neanderthal humanoid lived in harmony with Mother Nature, in a clan, with all our relatives, all natives, all matriarchal, instinctive, feeling, innocent, listening, supportive, cooperative and peaceful.
Neanderthal humans did not fear the future, did not plan for conquests, did not sharpen weapons, did not wage wars.
Neanderthals did not build temples, did not worship idols, did not claim dominion, did not seek to fill the earth and conquer it.
”The Faerie Folk are our ancestors”
And again the thoughts continued, a year ago …
Neanderthal lived in Peace in the Garden of Eden story
and yet
that story was going nowhere
like the story of Lemuria
and like the story of Atlantis
and like the story of these days
time trickles through the pupils
intellect collects, gathers enough intelligence and starts to snow-ball with moment-um, past in-forms the pre-sent and spills into the future with the creative-destruction of an avalanch,
lunging and launching and landing in a new dimension ...
Neanderthal began to conceive of futures, of improvements, of constructions, of adaptations, of artifice.
To remember past mistakes in order to adapt, to try something new, to dis-cover, to map, to track, to trap, to adopt, to abstract, to artifact, to implement, to experiment, to re-act, to cre-ate.
To conceive is a feminine characteristic, as the Womb-an conceives a baby embyo, in the silence and darkness within the belly.
When the fe/male began to comprehend the connection between the stick and the fire, s/he learned to create the circumstances by which to create fire and to maintain a fire-place.
and more …
When the fe/male came to comprehend the relation between an animal being attracted to the camp and the family food in the camp, the humans learned to share with the animal, so that eventually, the wild wolf became the tame dog.
800,000 years, and the relative family bonding between human and dog is now known to be deeply evolved in the brain chemistry between the 2 species:
the dog's brain induces oxytocin when it looks imploringly into the eyes of its human.
Oxytocin is the "Love Hormone" produced in the hypothalamus, and it chemically induces the "bond" of loving relations.
and further, more …
perversely, the "love hormone" has an element of built-in hatred, as the love extends to loved ones, but shows increased suspicion and aggression towards any outside of the chemical frameworks of un-known or stranger.
The dog barking is a built-in antagonism spasm of a paranoid mind-set that fears invaders, theives and murderers. The instinctual need to ward-off intruders into the campsite, has evolved into the fright/flight/fight modes of chemical equations of the urban-jungles.
From sticks and stones, to catapults and spears, to swords and armour, to poly-tricks and assassinations, to guns and bombs, to the cybernetics of missiles, of tanks and of airplanes, to radars and lasers, to the Star-Wars of Actors like Regan and Thatcher, to economic warfare and conscription, to the cybernetics of The Iron Dome of Israeli "de-fense" industries, the rich pay the wages for raging wars against the poor, the write against the wrong, the right against the left ...
Sticks and stones may break them bones, but WORDS can hurt all the more so ...
Why is the final-conflict prophesied for Jerusalem>
Is Ra El ?
Is - "equally divided"
Ra - "hawk-headed sovereign sun god of Egyptian mythology"
El - "God" from The He’brew
The phrase "it is what it is" - indicating resigned acceptance of an unpleasant but inevitable situation or circumstance about which nothing truly positive can be said.
Israel - from Hebrew yisra'el "he that striveth with God" (Genesis xxxii.28)
He, that strives with writ 10 Word - command mentes
and yet, the strangest thing I've found in language is - looking at the etymology of words, and eventually the etymology of The Word "GOD" - "to call, invoke"
The strange thing is God as a Verb.
Which reverberates with the opening lines of the The New Testament according to John :
"1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
2 The same was in the beginning with God.
3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men.
5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not."
Yet, the etymology of "word" is "to speak"
which is a verb
and the etymology of "verb" is "word", to speak, to summon, to command, to call, but also to make covenant as agreement.
It's all quite circular and certainly is not well explained by any religion.
In deed, the meanings are Obscure - from ob "over" + -scurus "covered," from PIE root *(s)keu- "to cover, conceal."
eso-teric - "belonging to an inner circle" meaning deliberately obscured
Religions deliberately obscuring the Word of God as a Verb, to call forth Creation to reverberate through Adam's Apple.
It's fascinating to see that the online etymology dictionary has changed its definitions, streamlined from when I had looked up the word "psychosis" 10 months ago.
The definition had included to think and speak differently than those around you in society, in such a way as to upset society, to such a degree that the majority decide you must be removed and isolated from society - thus the isolation of mental-hospitals
The conclusion I had come to was that Jesus had a successful psychosis, although it's what got him killed !!
from 4 years ago -
the deepest and clearest thing i can say to you is that --- Faeries are our ancestors, they are souls, in the immortal realm, soul realm, that realm is real to us, we are modern incarnations from that soul-memory-space, that a connection between the "conscious mind" and the sub-conscious realms of psyche and the "unconscious" ancestral realm , but the ancestral realm is actually extremely active and communicative
so, the interaction between unsconscious/dreamtime, with the waking state of being "conscious" is also the art of communicating with the voices in your head/heart, the voices of your own close family/ancestors
so the idea of faeries being little miniatures with wings is disengenuous, from the Edwardian British aristocracy, which demoted our ancestors into twee charcatures and a "fantasy" realm ... thats part of the spiritual war, but also part of how the immortal soul realms of faerie remain "hidden" from most mortal minds-eyes .....
here's another to listen to with regards to winter solstice 20/12/2020 messages from the faerie soul realms regarding the end-times as a natural salvation for Souls - megalithic Christ consciousness
and this, from 27 July 2020
The Veils went down at Hallow een
and didn't go back up, a gain we're seen
this year is a Day out-of-Time
this year is The Day of De Sign
The Portal's open, the Day is long
The I's are open, the Memory's Strong
Passing's true, from Passed to Now
The Future's short, less on How
But Why ? wee wonder lost in Place
Wandering round this cuboid Space
Schools of Thoughts from Faerie's HealM
Skools of Feelings from Mermaid's RealM
Meandering Path Ways from Here to There
Me and de Rings spiralling every where
True Feeling's Spiral Around and Round
Cuboid Thought Forms Spell's a Bound
"Bind us together Lord
Bind us together with Chords
That Can Not Be Broken"
Heave N ly Angels' A waiting
The End of Time, no longer debating
Singing in Chorus, Hearts in Hands
Christ in side "me" Under Stands
"Bind us together Lord
Bind us together with Chords
That Can Not Be Broken"
A fractured MinD, half the Time
The Other half is out-side Time
A Circle complete does not compete
With One or an Other-not
Mother Father Sister Brother
This Year is The Day out-of-Time
The Magnetic calENDer container
The Magic-Net
The World Wide Web of i-magi-Nations
The Panetary Peace Pro-cess-Pool
of THOUGHT Memory Trauma Healing Tool
Feeling is Healing Feeling
Healing is Feeling Healing
Thought is Structure
Structure is Thought
The Stair Way (back} to HeaveN
is a con-Struct of Thought
The Will of God is Feeling
Feeling What the Mother of God Taught
Only The Willing Souls Can Ascend
The Stair Way to Heave N and MenD
Only The Will Souls Can Achieve
The Salvation of Human-Kind and BleeD
D -> half-Circle Line Age <- D
Feeling is our Guide Through Thought Memories Seed
Healing is The Acceptance of De Vine Truth in Deed
':' Growing Is Knowing NOW Knowing is Growing ':'
':' ':' ':' ':' . . Ever More For Ever More . . ':' ':' ':' ':'
The Will of God is Feeling Healing Aligning Souls in Love
All Else is main-taining misery,
Decrepitude and Self-destruction
Time was Invented because of the Fall
The Fall was a neccessary Evil
To Live back Wards
To Live back WordS
To Spell en chant meant
To di-Spell disaster faster
History is Mystery
Mythology is Memory is Alegory
Dreams come True
Fruition of Ignition
Dreams are how An archy is Organ ised
The Past is Passed the Future NOW
Time is Over TakeN
Sleepy Heads WakeN
Death is about to Roll the Die
Truth is Ab out to Tell the Lie
Purgatory is un-leashed
Dead-end-Souls re-leased
The Trauma experienced during the tears
{for example} during the In-quiz-ition years
are BeingS recycled to re-pre-sent the Drama
Un-Conscious Thoughts Forms re-experience the Trauma
CoViD Rules the waves of e-motions Knowing-F low
CoViD Rules the One-World GovernMent Plans S-low
CoVid Rules have thrown a Spanner in The Works K-now
N o W .
WorD SkillS WordS Kill S word SKill SwordS Kill Word
Worlds in World Sin Worlds in Sworn Sword WordS
The Engine of the Great Work of Ages
The Mechanistic Simplistic Egotistic Vampiric Empire
The Notion of the United States and Nations
The Glamour of Great Britain, Where The Sun N ever SetS
East West North South --- Direct NEWS
Wales Ireland Scotland England - WISE Ways
Be neat the Glamour lies The Truer Truths
The Faeries Tales of Eternal Youths
The Crimson Wings of Eternal Things
The deepest depths of A Thing that Swims
Be neat the Gaping Glamours of Surface Whims
The Rip Tides and Whirl Pools
The Spiralling Gyres
The Tight Rope Wires
The Funeral Pyres
At The End of The Day
IT gets D ark
A Gain In
Soon i
Spoke N Word S ...
faerie tale and colorin book available
message me yer details and we can
work out the post age and costs
do please leave a comment
I never cease to be blown away by your work Kelfin.
here's the original post that I been writing