I’m not pulling any punches here
No kneed to stomach moldy bread
But speak plain flower rising free
To face the fear of what is said
To be the raising of the dead
Early morning a muse using my mind to un spell meaning in poetic prose about the
Photo credit to - megan murpghy glandalough angel july 2024
Yep, the signs can point in that direction. It would suggest that the evilist satanist elitists will live and every body else will die, by virus & starvation & depending upon a materialism that is wholly controlled in the hands of those that matter.
Signs that say that Love is immaterial and powerless, a misnomer-word, used to deceive with a false hope copium, while all-time itself is a self perpetuating prison planET C-aging container, where we non-elites live to serve the evil like battery hens, like lambs and swine to the slaughter, like grapes to be squished and squeezed to make dry wine for the gods on high to sip upon as they party-on.
There are other signs less garish. Complex equations resolve through beauty in simplicity. Complexity cascades and collapses collide-os-coping calamitous continuously contorting creating evolving what we call consciousness.
And yet we know not what now will be.
Descent into Matter.
Soul in carn ate sub stances.
Free Will Limit Love in Time.
Beginning to End.
Line circle spiral cube sphere.
Plato's Caves, Shook Spears Sonnets speak volumes, echoes entropic, standing, waves,
collapses, sign apsys, peaks & troughs, mountains valley, wisdom folly, rain & brolly, love and night, dark and light, peace and fight, fright and flight, depths and heights.
Here, we are in bodies, which seem to live and die, in habit ants of hive mind, instinct reigns supreme and yet we dream of being Self consciously aware of why and where and what and how we do what we do, when actually it's true that we barely have a reason-able clue with which to learn to discern that certainly we can only guess we're blessed to be "stuck, together, with God's gooey glue".
And so, what do we do, with free "Will"?
What is Will?
Who's Will?
When Will?
How Will?
I'll Will?
I Will?
Will I?
Will i Am?
Will am I?
Shakes pear shaped World View, word plays, trans scribe, trans sported, from D'arc to L'ite elite En-Eight-End age of reason, New Testes Ment, hidden treason, London's Burning, Lost at Sea, Cest cui Free, rebuild City, Circle Square, Ludd's Gate's where Sir Christ-o-fer Wren's Pen is pointing to the Crow'ning mor'ning Glory of the Story of The Stations of The new Cross
from St Paul's to Middle Temple of the Inner Santum's cradle of the New World's civilisations new civil wars to cum, for the Penis mightier than the SwordS for spreading New World Orders, far beyond religious borders, Opium for the Oriental Peoples to orient themselves by the Compass of the Square of London's weight & measured, treasured Mile, with serpent forked Tongue in the groove behind that Sweetened sugar daddy smile.
Cloak and dagger, gentle manly swagger of White Light Supremacy- God-giving Right to smite the blight of lesser races Might, subdued those Chinky chaps and dinky Japs, those sun stroked Blacks will make great Slaves to break their backs in Service to those cotton fields, ill-gotten yields for trade upon the opened markets, from America to Marrakesh, East India's Indian treaties Double Crossed and Tripple tipped Tridents Rule the 7 seas and Wave the Rules of lesser folks tales, pirate Flags set sails with circled spuare and squires to Sir, cum, navi Gate the Globe, and Mark the Terra Tories, Captain's Log a rhythmic stories of Mission Aries Zodiac, the Pisces Pie seized upon, hung drawn and quartered, altered Natives Slaughtered to the lamb of God as Sacrifice to make this uncivilised dis-grace seem nicer to the taste, like sugar additives and addictive golden brown injected by syringe will swing the door upon the hinge of boolean Gates of logic states accounted for on Market slates, chalked up upon the boards of Corporate ancestral Hoards whose Company Keeps of Castle's Olde, Championed Knights both Knave and Bold, whose Charging steeds killed Brave and noble, to steal Gold to pay off debts to Global bankers ingnoble necromancy spun the golden thread through the needle of the mourning dew, split the many from the few, into the nest- the cuckoo flew, to lay their egg with silver thread and with such deception overthrew the Faerie folk and all they knew, of twilight worlds, of what is True of Loving Nature Mother's Glue in the fairest timeless weather, with know beginning never ending Love in Life, and yet, through blunted axe and sharp-end spear, with cutting edge tech knowl edgy of sWORDs and silly Bells tolling from the Towers of the mortals' foreign powers of persuasion.
His tree chopped down her Story and accused fair truth as heresy made punishment imprisonment of paper thin enclosures of the mind
compartmental eyes enforced to See duality as reality.
So, who knows now which way the geo-engineering winds will blow, whether Free or Gael Forced slavery will spare some change of scenery, for all to see, eventually trance-ending this duality
Who knows, what any one chose, to be the thorn or be the rose ?
Who knows what naked revelations lies beneath the clothes of Actors on the Stage as Characters in the Age of Time consuming IT's own Tale ?
Long form continuation link to
Wandering around the Shadow walking talking neurosis of linguistic fun da mental lists
And an add end um :
- I been noticing how the word irrational is negated as a negative, as if an insult ... but really ... irrational is the counter-part of rational - the rationing analytical deductive half, the ratio dividing mind, that makes pieces of the pie ... that makes a map and mistakes its mapping for the actual terrain of the psycho-physical plain
Whereas, therefore, the irrational label is just the juxtaPosition, tho just judged by the Rational as is fantastical- the irrational is the whole and undivided, non-broken, therefore unfixed
Whaddya reckon to that angle ?
It's worth checking out some of the Ian McGilchrist interviews on you tube about the charactetistics of the halves of the brain - though even he speaks of the Irrational without quite catching the obvious.