Eve Angel i call evangelical!!
D'evil knows not Whom he serves... Not knowing, the partial must break d'own Order, to come to know the W'hole
Love is Whole, not knowing Conscious Love, the missing p'art seeks the hole in side the Whole
The World is born out of the Whole Love.
The Whole is in the hole, as the Word is in The World...
The Self seeks to know itself in the person,
the person is a fragment of the Soul,
the created is the image of The Creator,
the art is in the part growing to knowing the soul self as Whole.
Christ invokes God into Being made manifest.
The child makes the father through the souls' will to be conceived and born into the flesh.
Without a child, the father is only a man, with potential to be a Father.
Love is becoming conscious of becoming Whole in relation ship. M'other, Father and Holy Spirit Child made manifest.
The M'other de'sires a M'ate to conceive a loving relation'ship.
Relations'hip - lovers joined at the hip
Kelfin Oberon
When i wrote the Return of de Faeries over 20 years ago and published as a book, i went around Avalon and England for 3 years performing the poetry and preaching a faerie christ mythology, saying that the so called New Testemant is 2000 years old, so no longer new, but I'd written a new New testement, without the roman religious slant, and embodied The Faerie Christ Child in our Albion soul inheritance of herit'age - breaking down The Word and Reinvigorating the English lan'guage with true meaning.
After 3 years I killed Kelfin,
yet somehow survived many near death encounters...
Eventually, my children resurrected Kelfin, when they heard that I had written a faerietale book, in a previous lifetime, many years before they were born.
My tale came around and bit me on the lips!!
Now I'm finding that it is time that I return and speak openly a gain of the Megalithic magic of the faerie christ king mythology and allow The whole Y Spirit to guide from obscurity back to infamy.
I've got an immense amount of stuff I've written, yet not taken myself too seriously in terms of needing to share what I think.
There have been too many thoughts to ever write down anyway.
I've been living in my own version of the World-views, with no great ambition to become famous or successful, watching from the sidelines as Society and the world-mind grows towards some sort of end-times revelation and re-solution.
Much of the time, I've wondered if I'm crazy or a genius and whether in fact there's any point of fact along that fine line.
When CoViD made the news, and the lock-downs kicked in the doors of perception, I watched as Society turned into a parody of in-sanity, sanitised Washing-of-hands became the symbol of The New Norm.
I finally got a clear answer to the question of whether it is me or The World that is crazy.
I'd been waiting on the sidelines for 2 decades, waiting for Societies psychosis to breakdown to the point where the vast majority would finally see-through the illusion of "west is best", of 9-11 was an inside job, of priests in frocks bugger children, of comprehending that position of The Pope IS the reality of The Anti-Christ.
Society turns a blind eye to so many things which have seemed so obvious to me, even as a child.
Adults commit adultery, nuclear families explode, and the children grow up to accept the adultery as ordinary and neccessary for the maintenance of Society.
That moment of Normal being exposed to the in-sight of what Truth lies beneath the fake-dull-sheen of the NEWS machine, of democracy, of world-war-3 being a war against the 3rd world.
The 4th world war is a war of the mind against feeling, in denial of healing.
I've been writing and posting this kinda stuff on facebook, now and then, but as a literal-lunatic in the helio-centric, ego-centric self-servingly blind Society, knowing that I, as an individual, can not, and don't even want to, bring about the Darkening closure of the so-called scientific enlightenment.
These revelations have been waiting in the sidelines, stage-left, while the collective delusion has been center-stage, and the actors have been hogging the limelights.
It's been my sense of inner guidance since 2005, to let the drama play-out, and to be satisfied with finding my own sense of inner-peace, within the outskirts of a temporal World destined to march at its own pace toward its armageddon stage of final conflict.
In 2006, I came up with some logical inspiration of how world peace will only ever happen by each individual finding one's own inner peace, until then, the inner conflicts will be projected onto others, and ultimately, the conflicted will kill themselves and each other, in the fullness of time.
Karma as a mathematical algorhythm.
At the time, in 2006, I was a troubled man, recently self-slaughtered and deceased from my own mythic ego, no longer willing to answer to the name of Kelfin Pa Tricks Oberon, trusting in my own inner wyrd, to accept being "dead to the world", with need to find my Self in the Realms of the so-called Spiritual World.
How does one find one self inhabitting an id-entity in the first place. Creation myths cloaked in religious reaction myths.
I was certain that I'm no poster-boy for the outer promotion of the Planetary Peace Process, trying to keep my self alive, while simultaneously suffering occurrances of alcohol "black-outs" whereby my conscious Self could not always contain the levels of self-control involved in these kinds of thoughts and feelings and actions, back in Ireland, in relative obscurity, and yet also attempting to allow these inner algorythms to fullfill experiments of following inner poetry such as -
"Who is left
who would ever want to feel
all the feelings
which no Body
in their right mind
would ever want to feel"
Which, to make more trans-parent, translates as:
choosing to be willing to feel all the feelings
which nobody volunteers to feel.
To be rejected, to feel agony, hatred, uncontrollable rage, abandoned, exiled, insane, paranoid, infected etc
I knew that there are feelings which no one wants to feel, which are therefore denied and projected onto others - scapegoating.
I sought to comprehend the invisible and inverted "laws of karma" that under-pin the inequalities of so called respectable Society.
It was not a popular stance, not an easy Job, and certainly not a path upon which to have "followers" in any earthly or spiritual sense !
After 6 years living in Glastonbury's "open air lunatic asylum" as a faerie king returned to incarnation to resurrect the under-worlds of heretical myth made manifest, I was no poster-boy for spirituality or so-called "mental health" either.
It's all been a bit-much to integrate.
A lot to come to terms with.
Break down to break through.
Clothed Hearts learning to be naked.
Closed hearts break open.
Paradoxicall parallel paralysis.
Words broken into pieces in a literal jigsaw puzzle of Life meanings.
Abomination a-bombing the Nations.
I write this for the sake of speaking at All, a confessional professional conversation piece, roughly to say:
it's OK, to feel con-fused by the obscenities and insanities of Life, where the sheer veneer of respect-ability breaks down, and the sense of confidense about Society has suffered the polarisations which the coVid cat-as-trophy has revealed over the past 3 years.
I have been witnessing, through the face-book-feed, as everyone has been professing their beliefs about "what's really going on" beneath the surface.
I been witnessing the fall-outs, the divisions, the opinions, the hatred-projected on others, the disbeliefs and obsessional attempts to make sense of sense-less things in a temporal world in transition between "ages".
I've seen the world having to try to make sense of coVid, Locked-owns and mandatory vaccination vindications as people's bias became revealed, to each other and to themselves.
I've seen people who are truly finding themselves, by finally feeling utterly Lost - for only the Lost can ever be found.
"Who would ever want to feel ALL THE FEELINGS which no Body, in their Right minds, would ever want to feel?"
There's been an eclipse of the Sun last week, in which the astrological signature is something I have been waiting a looong time to finally arrive -
the inner self is finally being recognised, and the outer self-projection/expectation is now beginning to suddenly reflect the inner True Feeling rather than having to act "sane" in an insane reality construct.
feel free to follow your heart into the eternal fields of Love, if that makes any sense, for those with eyes to see and ears to hear, find peace in the pieces, as the partial fades, when wholeness comes to fruition.
So for any who actually read this stuff I occasionally write, thank you for the time, and the comaraderie, for else, wise, I'd be babbling a way to my self and not bothering to write or publish any of it.
It's been more than 2 decades that I've thought to write and publish another book, but never quite bothered to because, well, how does one ?
As I've alluded to above, my mind and attitude is ballisticly and intrinsicly dedicated to exploring unknowns of non-sense and in a very literal sense, I turned away from the outer world, seeking to unravel the oppositions of finding meaning in a meaningless transient mystery buried in this dualistic "reality" where the individual is born into a chaos of human Society at war with its Self.
It is difficult to attain lasting "peace" in amidst the turbulence of other people in the chaos of relationships and conflicting beliefs.
But I'm finally coming to accept my own self-acceptance, as a story-teller who feels ready to actually condense my complexities into a new book, fit to publish, and feel worthy of pro-motion - of having figured out some things in my Life, which I judge worthy of sharing, as capable of being actually helping others to comprehend themselves in the context of knowledge of this manifest world.
The working title of the new volume is: "CogNative Dissidents".
The subject matter is myth made manifest.
I'm gonna take the religion out of the myths and explain GoD, in a very personal sense-ability.
Thanks friends, for the patience and curiosity in taking the time to read this
Challenging the accepted Norm
Challenging the accepted Norm
Thank GOD for the New Normal !!!
Whatever anyone thinks and believes and feels is what one perceives as real.
The narcissistic and empathetic peoples are in psychological co-dependent relationships.
2 sides of the same coin, but the coins also have edges along which to role play.
It's Good versus Evil, hero versus anti-hero, Christians versus anti-Christ.
Man versus woman, woman versus man, snake-head against it's own snake-tail.
Time will eat it-self.
The Original-Sin Story speaks of Choice, with a forked-tongue.
In this Sense, the Personal-God-Head has set us up with a deceit: to choose or not to choose, that is a Quest ion.
God personified in the form of a snake, to inform his Creation of its naked truth.
God at war with with Angels in Heaven, sent his favorite Angel to Earth as a secret agent, to lead an invasion against the Mother Her Self.
Lucifer becomes The Devil, eternally incarnate, emasculating the temptress.
Spirit subjecting Matter, intellect suppressing feeling, of Patri-archies scientifically man-splaining matriarchies like microscopic bacteria in patri-dishes of the laboratories of Life made manifest.
Manifest Destiny – fill the Earth and conquer.
Divine Right of Rule – The Papal Bulls of Roam, impregnating the Natives.
Humans are @full o shit !!
beliefs are the nails of our coffins
Kelfin Oberon 2020
· Shared with Public
it's the oldest conspiracy-story ...
invading alien-souls who destroyed their own planet-home
with civil war technology
... and came here claiming to be seeking refuge ...
but then they attacked
and inflicted their trauma-wound onto us-lot -
by waging war-of-conquest against us ...
... that's Lemurian-memory
from waaaay before the Fall-of-Atlantis ...
the soul-memory of Faeries and Mermaids ...
there was no "mental-realm" in lemurian times,
and we had etheric more-so than dense-physical bodies ...
the density came from
having to integrate the alien
{annunaki} attack ...
Lemurian age became the Atlantean Age,
with Earth-soul carrying the karmic-betrayal
inflicted by the alien-half-life/damaged-souls of the Annunaki ...
Atlantean Age ends with the Flood / Noah's Ark story ...
abuse of technology and inter-breeding/genetic engineering
and attempts at Atlantean trans-human-ism led to the disruption
of the Earth's energy field through Annunaki attempt to harness and control using technology ...
and their world was swept beneathn the tsunami of their arrogance and blindness towards native-natural-wisdom ...
same trauma is what has resurfaced in our consciousness
over these past 400 years,
culminating now with space-rockets, satelites, radar, f
requency modulation, digital-density, geo-engineering
and general resurgence of Atlantean-trans-human-isms ...
hence how come i dig that Aboriginal Prophesy for 2020 ...
chat ... "hmmm, don't be harsh with yourself about slumbering or off-path .... i've felt guided/forced/wisdom to get more material/real-worldly/mundane - for the past 10 to 20 years ... a long cycle ... and not really what my nature-urge is ... i like to be wild - yet i have tamed myself and am glad of it ... being able to pass for "normal" among the normals 😉
but whatever the Originies are saying publicly now, is like a bell tone resounding ... its not a new concept, the parting of the ways ... people have already chosen, over the past 20 years and more, every tiny little choice {with infinite quantum consequences} ... but that biggest worry the likes of you and i have about the techn ology taking over the whole world and making earth into a technoprison planet .... that's not gonna happen 😉
so, that kinda finally clears off the fear-distraction and unknowing/knowing despair which knowing too-much about the darker side of spirit-devils and spirits and humans and demonics etc Earth Nature is stronger than 3D alien systems !!!
Kelfin, so what are your thoughts on that we came from divine energies (spirit), that there are other civilisations inside and outside of the cosmos. I've done meditations/visualisations that showed me both views of where the earth was going;. I've also been told that in another life time I would have the choice to return to help humans move from Earth to another planet to enable Earth to repair and recooperate, or to bypass this and return to a time where we lived in harmony. That would be a hard call for a self imposed "rescuer" !! it's not the kinda thing I can just drop into a conversation!!
hmmmm, i thinks its curious that the human population has grown exponential over the hundred years ... where do souls come from, form-from ?
ideas of earth-souls, who've been here for [?] millions of years / epochs, ages .... ideas of material-density "aliens" coming invading from Malduke {or what ever it was called}, ideas of tech-enhanced global civil wars that turn a planet into an astroid-belt ... ideas of a galactic federation, and ideas of angels and arch-angels ... ideas of genetic-scientists dabbling with dna, of plaedians and dracos of spiders-from-mars ... ideas of prgrammable-matter, smart-dust, black-goo ... whatever ...
Where do they (souls) come from - well likely straight from the "universal divine source", not all are incarnated at any one time. It's not something that's touched on, the main religions don't go into it. Wish I fully understood the hierarchy side of things!
so, the idea of many souls trans-migrating to Earth to be present and incarnate for this rather-extra-ordinarily-strange time ... for a hundred years of part-icipation in a trans-formation ... then leaving in much the same way as they came, back to other planets, other planes, other plans ..... a gathering for an event, inter-mingling, experiencing, learning, evolving {?} and then dispursing ... i certainly like the idea that the technologists-extremist, get to be here and imagine their ideal future and then go to some virtual-world to live out their imagination, .:. thereby, leaving Earth-in-Peace - free from their creations/manifacturing, AI etc"
Who takes Earth and Life and Love for granted ?
Who feels like The System is a failure ?
Who is living in fear ?
Who is feeling scared of their own skin ?
Who is afraid of the air ?
Who is afraid of of an invisible enemy ?
Who is afraid of the tsunami of this economic crash ?
Who believes in the Earth-Soul ?
Who believes that "soul" is a religious construct
of controlling masses ?
Who thinks that the idea of a Creator of heaven
and earth is a primitive non-sense ?
Who believes in the idea of a Christ
and of a second-coming ?
Who understands that every thought
and every word
and every action
are integral to the Life
we each Create ?
Who thinks that rubbish dis-appears
when the bin-men take it away ?
Who thinks the World is over-populated ?
Who thinks there are a whole-lotta-people
who don't really wanna be living
in a natural world ?
Who wants to live in a Smart City ... ?
Who wants to be cocooned in a Smart Home ?
Who wants to be dependant upon a Smart-Vaccine ?
Who wishes for a Universal Basic Income ?
Who wants to live in a world where Corporations
own the patents for the seeds for all our super-market foods ?
Who wants to live in a world where those seeds
are genetically modified by alien-scientists ?
Who wonders if the aliens will f*uck off to space
in their space-ships ?
Who's waiting for the extra-terrestrial ships
to come manifest
and take the Elect to Heaven ?
Who is already experiencing the Rapture ?
Who thinks the indigenous and Native Peoples
should change their ways,
modernise and join the real-world
of a Sustainable-System ?
Who thinks Facebook AI is a helpful friend ?
Who knows where Facebook AI comes from ?
Who still visits sacred sites ?
Who is happy ?
Who is meek ?
Who is breathing deep
and holding space
and feeling free ?