Shed loads of Fears about technology
and yet see how artificial intelligence
mirrors our own perceptions and traits
in a way, i see technology like a pooper-scooper
cleaning up the blind-spots of our Faith ...
04 04 2021
i guess we all see differing fears and sensibilities ... personally i don't fight any of this tech, but i'm glad i looked into it all, and challenged my conservatism and fear-bias, and I challenged my Faith in a Mother-EARTH-Soul connection and bigger-picture out-comes ....
I honestly think and feel, even "believe" that,
with technology we are collectively Creating in the Im'age of our Creation, and we are having to challenge our body-beliefs ... ultimately from looking into 5g and finding out further about the Internet-of-things, the Internet of Farming, the Internet-of-Bodies, the Ai Singularity, the Space Ports, the terra-forming and replication of Nature-HerSelf, all this pushed me to have to tackle the VERY biggest concepts in my philosophy.
Perhaps, it is the Bardic Nature of my Soul to try to integrate all the New innovations and changes in these Accelerating Times .... I've come through this last 5 years as pretty-invulnerable to the fears that others seem to be so engrossed and awash with ....
where-as, all my castles-made-of-sand have long since been washed away by the tides and moon cycles,
by having babies and cherishing them towards becoming "grown-ups" rather than "adults"! ....
its a pretty AND crazy World out there, and many are so-out-there in an objective world-experience, with-in limited comfort/discomfort Zones while the overall transition is certainly NOT being directed by The Will-i-am-Gates or any other "elite" materialist - Aetheists,
in Truth, we are but humble actors, mere mortals who don't even know how we get back into our "bodies"
when we've been asleep and dreaming ....
my sense is that technology ultimately will merely mirror our "consciousness" back to us and that Ai in particular will actually run the world-Citizenry far better than the mess its in right now ... but i'm loving all this upheaval rather than fearing the End-of-the-World-these-days ...
I see the "snakes-in-the-grass" but i also see the invisble Hands of a Loving Creator, of the Miracle of Life, the Way of Christ's Architype, the Way of the Buddha's, and the shadowy dark-path-ology that I myself have journeyed.
Personally i know that technology nor government nor legislation nor covid can kill me before my "allotted time", cos otherwise i'd have been dead multiple-times before i'd have even reached my 30's !!
With such extreme-desire-to .:. Know
with an insatiable appetite for self-instruction,
I got no doubt about the humble indestruct-ability of Nature nor the abominable-need-to-know of humanity. ...
I see a curiosly beautiful Vision with the Ai and "Virtual World" simulation-technologies which are about to "innovate" IT-Self directly, and centrally into our lives and become "basic and normal", and even "primitive" to our children, and even-more-so "backwards" to our generations still to come ...
But I'll share my info more and more now that I feel more comfortable the living-on-line paradigm, which i have been terribly resisting for the past 20-odd years ... I've realised that its ok, that its fine for me to describe a better Vision of the World than what is weaponised and viral, flying around "social"-media generally,
and I'm willing to face being known again,
for making a Stand
and preaching the Good WORD a-gain through this Aquarian-Age Gizmo's and screens ...
I have a strong guess that Being too-much, too-out-there, too-spiritual- too happy, too open, too strong, too out-rageous, too willing, too able, too determined, too humble etc etc is gonna become more and more acceptible as time goes on from this year ...
but hey, only TimE will tell, and even so we'll still all see "differently" with our {babyLion]-projected Visions and our all encompassing-past-based-traumas clouding our Visions and yet giving deeper-depth and color and tone and emotion with which to Create our phoenix from with in The Flames of desperation and the Will to Live and Grow Abundance from survival ...
I've been "seeing" a Vision for a couple of years now,
where the technology Serves God
{collective consciousness of all Life}
in providing a means of communications and governance which mirrors our very own Space for Nature, mirrors our thinking, but also challenges humanity to have-to think outside the BOX and imagine much more than 3, 4 or 5 "dimensions" in our search to Re-Member "how we ever even got here" ...
for whatever Cause or Reasons why, we have our Myths
of Lemuria developing into Atlantis
and somehow our over-manipulation of Magic-technolgy led to The Great Flood, which destroyed Atlantis and Created-the-Sub-Conscious-Realm, contained in a cosmic-hour-glass of 3D-time, trapped into Karmic-incarnations till the "Trauma" which had built up to the tsunami cataclysm of the "drowning" of Atlantis.
see, I been looking at Things from-God''s-Point-of-View for a long-while-now, and wondering how we all man-age to heal-the-past and live with real-TimE Truth Manifesting-The-Word-Made-Flesh.
Well, i been seeing that with social-media,
all the arguments that have gone-on-online,
all the trolling and stupid-memes
and all the fears
and paranoia's
and fake-news
and false-flags
["terror-ism terra-wrist, terra-fied, alkieda, Iran, Syria and Yemen, terror-ism, "GoD complex" Terror-ism etc"
and then,
so-suddenly "cOvId 19" comes
and fullfills all the criteria of
the technological-control-grid-Utopia
of the World-Economic-Forum ...
and how, suddenly, a year ago, we accepted the brain-washing phase of the phrases of the WORDS like "new normal" ...
and its amazing what has been achieved,
and the biggest complaint of the "conspiracy-community" is that "not enough people have died" to warrant the severity of the lock-downs - that the dis-ease is not real-enough, and we want to go back to "normal" ....
so, there's a heck of a lot of fear and panic out there,
yet, I just trust in this "Process" of awakening,
of in-light-end-ment, [enlighten-MinD]
of fullfilling Visions,
of recognising Divinity-in-All-Things
and in recognising the dust obscuring our Inner Visions these days, becoming apparent as a Veil, a veil obscuring a "future" we mortals cannot truly imagine with our sub-consciously-traumatised and wounded MinDs still needing to absorb the "idea" of Death, of Learning what happens when we don't maintain an inner-world-guidance-centred in Heart-Truth-In-Tuition functioning in harmony of feeling-Mind ....
The biggest interpretation i developed as short-hand for all the philosophy of "non-duality" - which I first came-across in a book called "A Course in Miracles" - is that .:.
"the body is in The Mind",
rather than the general-ignorance [no-Ledge]
of !thinking
that the MinD is in The Brain somehow, and the folly of trying to create frankensteins and manipulate minds with MK-ultra etc ...
Rest assured that there are entities in the OtherWorlds, which keep-tabs on making sure that the Whole World does not end-up enslaved for eternity and that this planet is not dying or even suffering, for I tell you, on this Easter Sunday 2021`...
we are truly in Good Hands,
so long as we can take-the-time-to-ask-"GoD" to guide, to make an attempt to see-beyond-the-tip-of-your-nose and at least strive to look-for "GoD" and to puzzle the inexplicable Miracle of you own "existence" and query to yourself as to the mechanisms of that Miracle, the completely common-place miracle of waking-up-from an unconscious slumber, and some-how "remembering" the "real-world", and your "identity" and your "to-do-lists" !! ...
on a final note,
regarding technology and all the terrifying powers of control and manipulation, of continuing trends of covert-manipulations, of mind-control and conditioning techniques made possible by the combination of technologies with "behavioural-sciences" .:.
... like with the Question of whether Artificial-Intelligence could/would be "worse" than our "human-systems" in maintaining some hope of achieving "world peace" or any other sort of viable-utopia, truly&surely it's just a Matter-of-Faith
and Time-Will-Tell ...
but perhaps, virtual-worlds are a Gift-of-Grace through which the dense-ist [?] and most pre-veil-edged mortal-souls will eventually-far-more-quickly come to realise the Miracle of Creation is not contained in Body, in Possessions, in Knowledge, in Control, in Computers - but in Healing, in remembering and centering and concentrating and for-giving-fore-gone-conclusions-that-led-to-illusions-and-losses and the breaking-free from material-slavery and hard-ship, the "sweat-of-Adam's-brow, the child-bearing pain of Eve's hips" - which allowed our brains to become so big as to run-process the functions of language and intellect and trans-generational-writings and Scripts ...
Thus, we all have stories, and the Power of Story-telling
I love this World
coVid 19 happened to hit at a time when and where I Am fully ready to come back out-into the World-at-Large, a Christ-Child reborn, practicing Parables and Being able to shamelessly shine beautiful again, for feeling like i've come-to-terms with my Soul and with the projection of the World i see around me, in my interpretaion, my "pinch-of-salt if-you-Will, my turn-of-phrase, my adept-abilities and a willingness to adapt and evolve and believe in an ever-opening goodness in Creation ...
and in along these lines, i see how even the "virtual reality" that i might fear, is really quite harmless, and in the sense of helping humanity to realise that we are not "bound" by our bodies, perhaps we'll imagine and attain to returning to HeaveN a lot easier by being able to imagine and visualise so much vaster ...perhaps many who do not enjoy Being stuck in the Earth-Life-circumstances of their birth/family/region/country/constrictions/ill-health/physical-limitations will find inner-healing through these information and visualisation future-technologies ..... ......
one thing, i, for-sure, du, certainly reckon:
is that in GoD's MinD, "All the Endings Get to Happen"
what ever it is that people are imagining,
people are Creating and speaking
and thinking and feeling into-Being ...
we are manifesting from where we are now,
in the midst of great-transition, we are in a crucial crux-of-the-Matter-momentious-Moment in TimE,
a fulcrum-flux-state of maximum potential-unknowing ... WHO can any of us trust ?
and if any-of-us are not imagining and Creating healthy changes and choices on offer, if we are not Willing-to-Learn self-trans-parency and become our own inner-parent, our own inner-children, our own inner-Elders, then we won't have invested in our own uniqueness, our own time-flows and synchronicities and branching pathways of destined manifestations, instead simply being tagged and flagged and living a de-fault surface of survival ...
given the Choice,
and having invested 30 years of my whole "adult" life to pondering these quandries and getting some amount of grief for it !!! - i gotta say,
i'm finally Willing to give-up-the-ghost-of-dis-Trust-fullness and digust-judgements-against-The-World and finally feel fully free to simply be me, without the angst and fears and conservatisms that made my life feel like such a para-noid outsider for all my life so-far ...
But this year, some thing "obviously subtle"
has revealed itself
and we humans are in a crux-crucible
in a guessing game
and we are each in-divid-ually having to decide,
having to decypher
what sense we make of this World
What IS truth ? - who decides ?
When ?
What is Memory ?
A muscle, a music, a scale of associations
Who knows ?
THE MinD OF GoD en-folding
end less infinities apparently collapsing
CoViD Killed St Paddies' Day, then Easter Resurrection Day, no Mass was Served, no community was allowed, no celebration, no mourning, no meeting, no greeting, no spying, no gossiping, no back-biting 2-face-masked thinly veiled hatred and squalid incestuous hypocracy-politics while keeping up appearances ...
NO "get it off your chest"
NO public house
NO public Toilets
NO play-grounds
NO beaches
NO churches, in ireland, in Par-tick-ularly peculiar
so-called "self-governing" "RePublic of IreLand" Inc
No visiting Private Houses
Hear, Let me publish it here,
loud and clear:
for All to Hear
with ears to listen
and discern
your own
best feelings
to accertain
of Things to Come
Futures to Tran-s-pire
tiny decisions now
are re-balancing sub-conscious equations
by providing consistant in-tuition
to follow through with what feels TRUE
and to dis-associate from does not feel TRUE
to allow our lives to change
in circumstance
from OUTER-inheritence
to INNER True Nature-Soul Vision
again to OUTER experiences
of Being-True-To-One's-True-Inner-Being
There are 2 main diVisions
this is nothing-new
But this TimE is unique
as the pendulum swings to its furthest extreme
and we get to vibrate at the rate
of manifest-frequencies with-in
the core of our deepest Soul Memory Matrix
These things, you CAN ponder
for only you need
ask your Self
and Listen
"all wisdom IS innate"