from a year ago, walking through the fields, and through fences, speaking sacred SWORDs of Spoken SwordS of poetry, from the "Return of the Faeries" book - And this too, from a years ago, prophetic poetry coming through, in Visible planes now, in feeling sPACEs, healing places ... a stitch in time, saved 9 .....
About this video
what kinda pain drives a man insane?
poetic psycho says weave waves
poetry emotion driving home the point
where feelings fail to be under-stood
standing over feelings is mental abuse
Is that under - stood ?
Too many "people" mis-under-stand "feelings"
Too many People deny feelings
Too many People suppress feeling
Too many People ignore in-tuition
and over-rule with mental-control ...
IT's a social-norm - suppress your Self
in Order to "fit - in" --- the Un-Spoke-N Law
"don't rock the boat,
don't risk SinKing our Relation-Ships"
The un-Spoke-N control Systems of suppression
I grew up in a harsh and critical home environment
I got barked at like a dog, trained to "fetch" for food,
to work in exchange for a roof above my head,
to be shouted and roared at, to be hit and be cursed,
to be rejected, belittled, neglected and despised ...
I went to school with my uniform splattered in cowshit
from 12 til 18 years old,
for i had to cycle 2 miles through freshly scuttered cowshit roads,
to catch a bus for the further 8 miles to school.
Need-less to say - I didn't fit in well ...
I'd had fairly serious athsma since a baby
and was fed a diet of unknown drugs
as a result
I started smoking at 15
and soon started eating magic mushrooms
from the fields
the first taste of feeling freedom from oppression.
I finally faced-up-to and squared off with my father
one day on a building site, when i was about 15,
a young life time of frustration finally broke to the surface
like a babbling underground spring finding the surface
and breaking through the tension, bursting forth
with force of Word and Voice - I answered back
and said "no more" to the constant critic father figure
I will not be treated as a worth-less servile slave any more,
my work is good, built as per your instruction, to the letter.
Punch my face if you cannot control your rage
but this time I will punch you back.
And my dad backed down
and our relation-ship changed that day
though not particularily for the better.
I have often been a very troubled man
with "problems around perceived authorities"
My "problem" being that I stand up to authorities
and its taken a long while to temper my Self-reflections
and accept my own Authority
My own response-abilities
To be the Author of my own bio-graphic
This child-hood up-bringing brought-up
some deep psychosis from the collective un-conscious
as I sought to find my Self in this World
pre-loaded with these triggers and trigonometries
This poem is an event-you-all expression
of the other-worldly visions and des-crypt-ions
of past-life ancestral-soul song-lines
and a prophesy of how these lines un-ravel
in these "end-times" equations
in this all-times Salvation of complex equations
This poem is 20 years old already
"keep Her steady" Sidhe says ....
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