this was writ few days ago - this audio is challenging profound pondering
resonance enchantment;-
The Bardic Ability to re-write Myth and Law -
There's a good few weeks, months, years and life-times
of work gone into this post at this stage of gathering so
many strands of understandings and over-standings so
far as I've been able to relate and communicate openlyIt's certainly not been easy to gather all these threads !
And to sew a weave of words, written, spoken, video'd
Yet here is a the most useful and practical combination
to realise how we actually CREATE our life experience
"i accept what you've said here...
I'm coming out of my protective shell
and learning to talk-my-walk, step by step,
perhaps I'm still, perhaps I'm wandering
aimlessly muttering to my self
about invisible things like God's
and Christ-like Faerie's and Mermaid's
and dog's and cat's
ideas from outside the realms of What is
{not} accepted Reason and Purpose for
mere me-and-the-ring i-cycles of past pains.
I know of no other Way to actually bring-up
what has been down-played in my Life
so far, I have got-as-far-as Self-isolation,
far-from-the-maddened-crowds of opinions
over whom I used to raise my own Voice
and shout for ego-ic at-tension response
re-spawning my frogs eggs legs.
Most recently I've been getting better
in my self awareness of how far-out I've been at times,
and how I can can now draw-the-far-out
down-to-Earth in my own Way, back-to-Life
to let the Nature flow freely, like a cat or dog.
I am listening to my own thoughts, giving time
to express with trust, the thoughts solidifying,
and write to my self in a new Way of seeing
that GoD is The Word we Invoke – imperfectly.
I'm perfect-ly imperfectly attempting
to reconfigure and recognise my Self-awareness.
I have floated on the wavelengths of many ideas,
some have sustained, some have drained, some stayed
though all of them, I have been willing to let go.
I have felt like the hawks, with eyes in the sky,
with such an overview and yet such clarity.
I have felt like the snail accidentally trod upon
in the dark frozen pavements of winters past.
I have felt the suicides of best friends
and still feel their presence to this day.
The MinD of GoD as Thought is vast and deep
in my experiences of both floating and flying free.
The MinD of GoD as Thought is Memory.
The MinD of GoD as Spoken-Word is Christ-like.
Potentially, perfection is inevitable, given TimE
to experience the finite with the infinities of infinities.
Lately, my MinD has realised that “GoD” is The Seed Idea.
GoD resides in the pineal-gland, the pine-cone-Void
which humans refer to as “the Third Eye”,
the internal-eye, the eye of the needle,
the “i” of the need-All, the inner-”i”, the 3rd “i”
eternal “i” sing
EnChanting enchant-ment
enchant mind
enchant thing
To sing The Word of GoD into Existence
IT is we humans who have failed to Speak Whole Truth.
IT is we humans who Judge the World without Come-Passion.
IT is we humans who punish each other for ill-speech.
IT is we humans who murder, rape and pillage.
IT is also we humans who can heal and love and birth.
IT is we humans who can speak The Word into Creation.
In this Way, I have set GoD free from religion,
and from man-made DoG-Ma-tic blood-sucking cults.
GoD is the seed idea – the germinating force of Thoughts
embedded within the soft mushy muscel of the flesh-brain
encased in bone of skull – Golgotha – image of the cross-word
with blood to oil-the-machine of the brain and feed fuel
to make the brain-processor suspend it's dis-belief
by cushioning the harsh bare bones, skull-protecting-brain.
The blood rushes, to the head-stone.
Life can be cut short.
What we imagine, is what we speak and write.
We “create-reality”.
The invention of The Earth,
and the situation of Creation
is as much a Mystery as our Selves.
I have studied my own Thoughts
and find that Thoughts have
“a MinD of their Own”.
I have studied many questions
a-rising in my MinD:
“W'here do Thoughts come from?”
“How do Thoughts all-fit-together?”
“Is T'here a One-Thought, holding All-Thoughts?”
“How can I come-to-Be, thinking about thinking,
in recursive-loops, infinite con-fusions of Tongues?”.
“How do I over-look the miracles of Life Living,
such as the breathing of Air in my Lungs?”
These days eye realise that the 2 eyes are not 1st.
The inner eye is 1st.
The outer eyes are 2nd.
The Inner World is 1st.
The outer world is 2nd.
What ever appears to be with-out
was 1st conceived With-In.
What ever can be imagined
can appear to be without.
What ever can be imagined – to encompass,
can come-to-pass through the eye of a needle.
A compass was 1st imagined before it was created
and became a common-place invention.
I imagine what I am going to write
and I have learned to remember what I forgot:
“The outer is inverted from the inner-feeling”
“The outer is invented from the inner-feeling”
“The outer is breathed out, and also in”
“The outer is a feed-back-loop, from/with/in.”
I needed to retreat, to recluse, to retrace my steps,
to remember my routes, to rescue my inner-Child.
I needed to return to my innocence and naivety.
My own this-life-time nativity play, my darma-drama.
A man can not serve 2 masters.
That is The di-Lemma: which instructions to follow?
I follow my own “weird” walking in words
resounding and pounding in my inner-brain-function,
processing the Power to create choices,
to “make a difference” in vibration-resonance,
I wish to change-my-frequency-patterns
to vibrate the solid into trans - parancy
to “see through the illusions”.
I seek the Crux-of-the-Mater:
I seek The Cross-f-The-Mother.
I feel the need to evolve The I'mPrinted Pattern.
I take IT ALL ON and process
The Shape of Things to Come and :- comm-and.
I choose – to choose my Words care-fully
from Now ON
to imagine a both {boat}
to image-in a relation-Ship
in which I can ride the waves
the ebbs and flows in the body of Water
and harness the wind, in my sails
and harness the individual Will
to pour my strength into the oars
to row against the winds and tides
If ever I feel the need to
I have imagined an Anchor
to ground my relation-ship
and be still and Know
that the storms will pass
the under-currents will sub-merge
and all will be well in the flow
And so, I drop my anger over the edge of the both
and let D'anger drop down to the depths
and let my Faith in Love hold fear safely
in the clast of my handy finger digits
and count my Self Lucky to be alive.
In stillness now, I type these Words and Wonder:-
What happens next?
What Am I super-sub-consciously dreaming?
W'hat will happen W'hen.
The Golden Goose is born again.
If eye can see from inner to outer with ease
can “i” as healing hollow-bone bring resonances
of healing to dis-ease
by Being, The World-at-large, in-vocation, in toning
The Word by Being Void,
enchanting wishes like fishes
and being brave enough to cast nets
in full Faith in Truth with Love
to come-and-command W'hole vibrations
to reason-eight infinities to resonate Whole Love?
Others may argue ad-nausium about The Words of GoD
and draw SwordS and point-out differently
and cut and slice, throw dice, sacrifice mice + men
raise armies, in shiny precious metal-suits of armour,
and claim to be “serving GoD”, with “God on our side”.
But, I find that the Seed of GoD is/with/in
and I find that also Seed of SinS is/with/in.
Care-fully -- what “i” think --- “eye” image-in.
What eye-image-in ---- “i” image-out.
If inner-eye retain a false-belief in my “retina”
I will “see” this false-hood shroud and cloud
my per-ceptions of “The World” “i” see in The SeaS
a-round me, bubble-wrapped in deluges of delusions.
I lose all sense ability to suspend-dis-belief.
I believe a lie which “i” conceived and projected
from the inner to the outer world-constructions.
And by “believing a lie” I be-left a Truth be-hind.
If I need to defend my belief in a Lie, I wear armour.
If I need to attack the belief in a Lie – of an other,
then I need a Sword and Spear and Cross-bow.
As the man-made-self-deceptions have evol-ved
so have the war-like constructions of World's War.
Angry gods of petty visions of con-quests, of Dominions.
Empires who elect their divine-leaders as Emperors.
Enslaved to belief-systems and contained in compartments
in civilian city-states of con-fine-ments.
The Pen is mightier than the SwordS.
The PEN re-writes the beliefs of the sWORDs.
The Old Test.
The New Test.
Men Tally – sticks and stones – tick and tone.
But treasure is buried within the Minds' eye
swamped within the brain-chemistry
enveloped in dreams of faithful-distopia.
If One can empty One's MinD for a Mo-ment
If One can be still and now,
with-out needing to know more,
receive what One {usually} does knot-know
One may see the Seed germinating New Life in Love
and learn to evolve a more-loving out-come.
seriously, it's helpful, to be challenged and have to dig even deeper ...
you comment in the night, and responses from others
give me pause to consider the con-side-red ...
so, no need to for-give a brother for offering a helping hand,
to judge or be judged is an age old option,
it's how we have looked out at things that disturb -
and the stuff i write & say is disturbing,
like digging up a garden that's already planted,
there had better be a worthwhile Reasoning.
Any-ways, I been writing a bit more easy-sense this morning,
from this thread, with the images in my head, soon to be said,
invoked, provoked and come equinox again, out loud spoke
to the persons, gathered at the rim of the hub,
while the wheel keeps turning bigger bicycles
on - off-grid destinations
"it is not what we put into our mouths,
that can make us sick to death,
but it is what comes out if our mouths,
that creates disease"
Para phrase more than a literal quote,
but roughly, Jesus is said to have said that
it isn't what quality of food we eat that
defines our physical and spiritual health,
It is the thoughts invoked as word sounds
which people sent-hence as creation which
can make a persin ill and diseased,
through speaking ill of any person,
including one's Self.
In jewish tradition, by the Laws of Moses,
eating pig is forbidden, because a pig is defiled
by its nature and habit,
so eating a pig will defile the purity of a jew.
These Laws distinguished the Jew from the Gentile,
not merely by "race", but by absolute adherence
to strictly enforced written Rules,
written by Adamic-man, over many centuries
until there were so many "laws" - contradicting
depending on the circumstance.
Same as today, in Christian "Law" of western-world-view
"legal" contradict G0D's Truth, and is actually still really
Practising Moses' Laws ... still the "debt" to be paid,
still no Jubilee salvation of the for-giveness of Debt
and the re-placement of punishment to celebrating-healing
and the sharing of everything which "G0D"-invocation has Created and continues to Create
Jesus saying the Moses got it wrong.
Same thing with healing-work performed in the Sabbath,
an illegal "Act" under Moses law.
Declaring himself as The long awaited Messiah,
Messiah deliberately challenged the "written Laws" to the punishment "stoned to death" for debt,
regarding the belief in the Sins of Adam & Eve.
JESUS claimed that he was cancelling all debt,
for any who would admit the error, and the need
of the upgrade of Law from Past to New
comprehension of Living Love rather than
"survival of the tribal clan, family, male-authority"
The Law demands punishment for not-following every single pro scribed written commandments of Moses' clay tablets - not written in S tone S - de scribed in written Torah/
His rebellion against man's misunderstandings of "GoD"
were not aimed at the out side,
but to the inside,
the inner female and the child's heart,
from Whom - Womb, the male can learn to cherish,
and LOVE, instead of blindly denying
the truth of highest MinD Being GoD
incarnate through Man speaking
The Truth of Absolute Love,
in every breath,
and thought and
One cannot serve 2 Masters.
If the outer Master over Rules the inner
feminine Mystery rhyme:
Then man's error produces lack
and compounded interest upon the debt.
If one chooses to listen first and foremost
to the inner Voice of the inTuition,
then the outer world will harmonise
with the inner Thought of whole Love expressed
and Brought To Life in expression,
invoking One's God-like creative Nature,
and thus,
"the 2 can be, come One"
photo taken by Ze Agusta Nascimento, 2001 A.D.
Mist i call Sun Rise overlooking the levels of Somerset
Isle of Apples / Isle of The Dead / Glast a faerie Lands
T own buried in Glass Mirrored Reflections Reactions
Creation Salvation Resolution Equations of Home0path i c
........................................ feeling healing .............................................
........................................ healing feeling .............................................
........................................ faeries fly freely ............................................
My only “real” concern in my life these days has to do with
helping my Mother to heal her situation of being bound by
patriarchal controls and eldar abuse by her own children.:.
It is an issue of healing more-so than legal-challenge, or
even the legal-battles of revoking an Under-Handed doc
u ment … the slings and arrows of the solicitors sWORD/
The concepts expressed on this page are hard-boiled eggs
that I have been forced to disc-over in order to help Mom.
I have been consumed with wrestling over how to help with
my Mother’s situation, in tandem with the Mother Earth <3
For 13 months now, since my Father died, this past 3 months
in particular, my energies are concentrated upon faerie faith,
to find and follow a Way in which to bring Peace in Truth <3
to the situations in which the feminine feeling is thwarted :(
For the past 12 weeks I have been fully immersed, invesigating
the means by which to make breakthroughs in the energetic .:.
holding patterns which subjugate our freedom to unfair slavery.
I haven’t had time to invest in making money, for being deeply
invested in maintaining my consciousnesses in bringing higher
mind —- down to Earth, and integrating into the Feeling-Body.
I share all of this harvest from my investigations, as best as I can
& I will not and cannot consider making any charge as exchange.
But I realise that I must also make myself open to financial help-
as I am struggling to save-up the money for our new vehicle as my
old van did not survive this winter, with internal rust have eaten it.
A miracle has happened whereby a local friend has offered to sell
me a fully kitted-out live-in Van, with solar panel & inverter etc -
I have handed over £850 sterling already, with £850 more to pay -
including being fully-serviced & Road-Tax + insurance costs Paid.
So, a miracle good deal delivered to my door, but I have only half -
of the total that’s needed to “get my act together” & also to get the
“show back out on the Road” and begin again to weave a tapestry-
energetic pattern of a new kind of Gathering phenomena this Year.
There it is, and here I am, having to ask for help with fund-raising
So, anyone reading this far down the page, evidently comprehends
the situation I find myself within, regarding the enacting of intent
in order to follow through with guidance into activating Thoughts
in alignment with the True Feelings which wish to bring Harmonic
realisation of this Planetary Peace Process — Down to Earth Heart.
If anyone wants to buy a faeritale book
If anyone wants to buy Steve’s color in book
If anyone one wants to get in touch with me
If anyone’s feeling to send a PayPal donation
My email address in
I refuse the idea that’s presented these days
to commercialise, professionalise, monetise
these sharings of talents or healing abilities.
I’m not “against money”, but I have had deep
dissociation away from chasing a career,
cos the “work” I’m committed to is all
”inner work”, within heart-mind
of a deep-wounded healer
deep contemplation
living mythology
living quietly
takes time
to heal
. merry very nearly new full moon coming up soon, reflecting what was infecting our winter solstice Christ mass season with hope fully full filling dreams, to come true .:.
This is the video upload to Meta which had the audio cut-off halfway through
More about invocation of g0d as Thought residing in the pine-cone pineal gland .:.
One’s Thought is the over-all image of the World - fixed in The Mind - projector .:.
The Mind’s Eye is how&where our imagi-nation creates the version of World i see .
How eye-feel-about The World sets the T-one as what version of The World i see .:.
One’s deep-down-feelings & their inherent conflicts & wounds - H-old the T-ones .
This is how come our world-view out-look flip-flops depending on how One feels .:.
The Mind has generally not been listening to the True Feelings deep inside one Self
The Mind has been making-the-Self manifest what the Mind believes to be needed .
The Mind manipulates its view of True Feelings in order to try to complete its Task.
The Mind often completely ignores intuitive feeling in order to complete its T-asks.
The Mask-u-line over-Rules the Fe-male-line because of what The Mind Be lie ves.:.
Every-thing is flux nowadays as Men-tall belief-constructs are internally collapsing .
Every-One has the choice available within One-Self to honor the inner true feelings.
This takes time, this needs time, now is the time, to take time-out, to make time - in.
NO-One is stopping any-One from investing time with/in to get-to-know One Self .:.
The World is an empty shell without truly feeling what lies hidden within our psyche
We have all inherited ill-feelings from the World-View in which we have “grown-up”.
The Personality Mask-u-line Self Image - per-son-a - is a made-up inter-face costume
Cost-u-me players acting-out in this Stage of Life - but who is writing your Script ? .:.
For each one of us - My Story is Mystery - His Story is History - Her Story is Heresy .:.
Epi-genetic languages passing along post-traumatic re-en-act-ments of self sabotages.
Men have been fighting against man-made-ideas about “GoD” & owner-ship of Truths.
My-Truth is greater than your-Truths expressing conceptions about The Creator GoDs
The veil of time & seeming separation is a vast long-story that keeps reiterating ITSelf.
This vast long Story is continually recycling through our individual + collective MinDs.
What the hunter-gatherers once simply knew instinctively became over complicated .:.
Time is being a complex equation which we are having to figure - out for our Selves. .:.
The re-solution of this is within my own Thought relation ship with my own Feeling .:.
Thought-MinD-Field has been past-based dependant & ignoring of intuitive wisdom.:.
The MinD has not known how to heal the “negative-Self-images” of Feeling in-tuition.
The MinD has continually built castles-on-the-sands-of-Time which collapse in failure
Ever since the expulsion of ManMind from the Garden of Eden - Man-Mind has Failed
The Child of Electro-Magnetic - Thought-Feeling - Male-Female is The Heart Center .
Heart ideally holds & stablises the polarities of dualities to Gather in The Heart Fields.
The Heart of The Child has not been able to hold the polarities of dualities together :( .
Our relation-ships deteriorated along with our castles-built-on-the-sands-of-Entropy.:.
.:. Our wisdom-traditions have all been diluted & lost-in-translation in modern times.:.
.:. Yet any One can find True Heart in One Self & no-one-else can stop your intuitions.
.:. It is our own responsibility to be True in Heart & MinD & Feeling & Physical Bodies
.:. No one else can stop One Self from finding One Self inside of One’s Own Self Won.:.
.:. The inner work involves One’s Own Thought Penetrating One’s Own Feeling Body :
.:. The inner work involves One’s Own Feelings Penetrating One’s Own Thought Body:
One needs to feel-into One’s own thoughts & also think deeply into One’s feeling Self .