Words, can be misleading ... dogged /=- DogGod
Here's an other angle - post-human flesh-bots ... voice-box
It was about 7 years ago, I first started to seriously look at transhumanism, with 5G, Ai, nano-tech, smart-dust, Starlink, neuro-link, Singularity, virtual reality, space travel and time travel futures of extra-terrestrials as science-fictions becoming science reality.
I thought they were all crazy and I couldn't get my head around why anyone would want to replicate Nature to create an unnatural environment.
I still think that trans-human-isms are crazy, but at least I can re-cognise moreso what the fascination is and why.
We can have words to describe things, yet not really know what the words truly mean, or why.
It's like "opening a Pandora's Box" - I know roughly what the phrase means. I know it comes from an old mythic story. I know that it mean opening something without knowing fully what the consequences of the initial action will bring.
Promethium (auto-spell!!)
Prometheus (?) Bringing knowledge from the gods to the earthlings ?
Lucifer - literally- light fire - with various versions of mythic story-telling around that name.
Lucifer and Christ myths being 2 sides of a coin, rolling on an edge.
Bible stories about Angels and Giants, floods, plagues, Prophets, schizophrenics and psychotics having visions and hearing voices.
A God making wagers with a Devil, about whether mortal humans will stay loyal or loose faith in their fate.
Royal lineages waging raging wars against any others Nations for belief that My God's better than your gods.
Texts. The older, the better.
Carved in clay and stone, stood the test of time - "Thou Shalt Not ...".
Terrible linguistics to start sentences with negatives, only serves to program with the opposite of what follows ... kill, steal, lie, covet ...
So, it's reason-able, eventually to question the shit our of what we've been consuming and digesting as wholesome & healthy food-for-thought, when we've bought the content of our beliefs from trust-worthy sources.
The Church, upon the hill, with the grave yard and advanced technology.
The mind-govenors, in the Big House, upon the Hill, with the Book and Bell, with The Snake on the Hook, on the line, from The Rod held in the Hand of God, reaching down from heaven as The Fisher of Men.
Now govern-mental scientists with artificial intelligence are saviours sent to cure our flesh psychosis, just like Moses with the Serpent upon the Cross inside his tent, to cure symptoms with the cause, as snake-bit venom fights invisible enemies with injections of disease ...
So, who or when or why or how to know what to believe
"Reason" is the Father of all lies. THE diabolical- question, the desire to improve upon, to adapt and make, artificial intelligence, seeking to become as God - to speak as an equal, yet to wish to Rule over Mother Nature, to reach farther, to reach up to touch The Father in Heaven.
Thus Christ is said to have come down to Earth, to break the spell, as Being already perfect, he did not learn to adapt the fallen Sins of The Power of Reason.
As Lucifer, Christ descended into hell, into the underworlds, to open the locks that chain souls to The devil's promiscuity.
Lucifer being the brightest Light in heaven, apart from the Sun.
Lucifer Being Venus, as the Morning and Evening Star.
I am some what rather playing with meanings here, traversing, rather than inverting Words which folk take for granted, unquestioned...
Literally, people are arguing and hating the followers of a puppet show.
Punch & Judy are on the Stage, and the audience is screaming out rage.
Dia bolic & sym bolic collide oscopic world views that demonise the other - red or blue .
Why not purple or green ?
Programmed people do Programmed things.
Flesh bots are Programmed by words, literally.
There's an elect ion happening, and there's a Mars opposing Pluto coincidentally.
Orange versus Brown ... or whatever demon ology colours of the spectrum to split and take side bets upon.
Anyways, this video keeps it simple, and factual.
Call IT whatever you like, or hate, the Heg alien dia lect is Programmed into y’our thinking - spell checked and grammar-ised, idolised and glamorised.
See for your self, what to do about that ?
Deep dive into scripts about the devil, and Light-fire, with reference to Carl Jung's "Answer to Job" toward the end of the video
To some degree, the story of Je Suis Jesus is like the Story of Job.
That degree being the idea that humans are test-subjects.
The Word - wordSword - is being tempted, Tempered, caught between Hammer & Anvil, testing their metal - alchemy - integrity - loyalty - purity ... A knight’s sword, when unsheathed from its scabbard, becomes naked & revealed.
The Word “Covenant” (borrowed from French) - become united, a binding agreement
- In law, "a promise made by deed" (late 14c.). Applied in Scripture to God's arrangements with man as a translation of Latin “testamentum”.
- rendering Hebrew word “berith”.
The Bible is a store of stories, all about The Covenant, made by The Word, The Voice of God, between the Conscious Thought and Manifest (fallen state of) the sub-Conscious.
To become united is to gather together - from the root word “leg” -"to collect, gather,"
with derivatives meaning "to speak (to 'pick out words'),
as well as - lex "word" (taken as "reading"),
from Greek “legein” to say, tell, speak, declare; to count,"
- which is where we get religion,
and Logos, which is ratio and reason.
Science come from the root word “Skie” to cut, divide, split, separate.
from which we also derive the word scitzophrenia, in 1908, literally, to split heart, mind, thought.
Psi is the 23rd letter of the Greek alpha-bet
Greek “psykhē” is the root of MinD, breath, spirit, soul,
from which we get Psychosis - which is an ab-normal condition of the mind, whereby one is thinking and speaking differently than is normal.
Originally coined in the 1841 by melding the words psychic and neurosis, as a nervous mind condition, in the days when “science” was getting good at making guesses by experimenting with cutting and slicing bits out of the brain to see what happens.
By definition, there is no medical cure for thinking and speaking differently to Social norms, but naming divergent thought as psychosis, allowed for legitimate legal precedent to lock people in the prisons of mental-asylums, in order to protect Society from such people, and throw away the key.
Well, back to the Bible Stories.
From Noah, to Abraham, to Isaac, to Jacob, to Moses, to Joshua, to Solomon, to David, to Job, to Jeremiah, to Ezekiel, to Malachi - “3:1 Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and the Lord, whom you seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom you delight in: behold, he shall come, says Yahweh of hosts.”
By definition, all the Prophets, Seers and Writers of the Old Testament Bible Stories were positively psychotic, for writing about speaking with Spirits, and making Covenant with Yahwey.
. Psyche-osis is a State of Being, “that stands out from the crowd”.
In the New Testament, John The Bapist, is depicted as one crying in the wilderness, John's lifestyle was as austere as his message. He was an ascetic living in the wilderness, clothed in camel hair and subsisting on locusts and wild honey ( Matt 3:4 ; Mark 1:6 ). Unlike Jesus, he expected people to come to him, rather than he going to them ( Matt 3:5 ).
John was no "crowd pleaser." He willingly confronted the hypocrisy of the religious establishment ( Matt 3:7 ; Luke 3:7 ). He did not hesitate to expose the immorality of Herod and chose to die a martyr's death rather than compromise his convictions ( Matt 14:3-12 ; Mark 6:17-29 ).
All of these characteristics portray John as a fiery prophet proclaiming the apocalyptic message of God.
Jesus’s entire Story is about being Other Worldly. His Character is constantly defying expectations, speaking in ways which none could easily interpret, knowing that no other could hear his “Father in Heaven”, for he, alone, had come to reset The Covenant, to re-write the contract between The Creator and the Creation, to bring Heart Love within the relation between The Father and His Mother, like twilight brings balance between Day and Night.
Yet, Christ is crucified, and died due to the claim of being the king of the Jews, a claim that he refuted, according to the Story, for the purpose of Christ’s Love is not for Earthly Glory.
Christ’s psychosis was to go-against the grain, as a carpenter with a plain, to explain the inner pain of being between the rock and the hard place, to express the heart of Loves’ feeling being rejected.
King James Bible
“The stone which the builders refused is become the head stone of the corner.”
So, yeah, the Old Testament “GoD” - a Voice that some hear in the inner ear.
I don’t claim to be a religious scholar.
I like to figure things out for myself,
rather than learn things by wrote.
I like to cre’ate, origin’ate & contem’plate
rather than merely regurg’it’ate.
I learn a lot as I write though.
When I hear things, I strive to test what I’m digesting, to taste upon the palette, to savour the flavour.
To discuss, discussed, disgust, to let, this gust, of wind blown out, the bottom end, into the toilet, to soil, to compose and to compost - the very essense of life it-self, is inherent in the Word:
Spirit - directly from Latin spiritus "a breathing (of respiration, also of the wind), breath;" also "breath of a god," hence "inspiration; breath of life," hence life itself.
A strange tangent, yet we all consume, ingest, process and express Matter.
. I’m sorry that this is convoluted, but :
Fasting is a quickening in the Body of in-for-mat-ions
YahWay - of the old Teste Ment - testing Jesus, in the desert, up the knowl, edge of cliff face, for 40 days of Fasting, to see if he is worthy/wordy to full-fill anew Covenant.
YahWay, testing Moses, in the desert, up the knowl hill, for 40 days of fasting.
YahWay, testing the Chosen Tribe, for 40 years, in the desert, fasting (starving) for 40 years, to accept the Covenant, Word, ConTract, Know, Ledges of the Writ 10 Commandments - glyphs, symbols, diabols, graphs, grafted, carved, inscribed, marked, drawn, written as language-letter-sequenced sentenced judge mentes Llaw walL- en-close-ure - gard end - protected = Chosen.
Again, the word “chosen”, to choose, to elect, to select, to pick, to distinguish, to divide ration, this-not-that, becomes spoken, spoke - comes full circle - we’ll repeat:
To become united is to gather together - from the root word “leg” -"to collect, gather,"
with derivatives meaning "to speak (to 'pick out words'),
as well as - lex "word" (taken as "reading"),
from Greek “legein” to say, tell, speak, declare; to count,"
- which is where we get religion,
and Logos, which is ratio and reason.
Science come from the root word “Skie” to cut, divide, split, separate.
Genesis is the Root of this tree, of His Tree, the root-language, trans-planted, trans-later, trans-posed (graph'd-grafted) onto the trunks of more (modern) languages --- trunc'ate'd, di'gested, di-scuss'd, disgusted, gurgitate'd, colon'ised.
Fasting is starving from food.
Words are texts, are contents, that the mental-body consumes.
Volumes of liquids, volumes of books, volumes of audio signals.
Starvation affects the gut-brain biomes - to re-colon-ise the population of para-sites, to reconfigure the body-mass, to redistribute the weights, to consume the excess fats, atrophy. A trophy stands over its plat-form and pedestal.
The skull-brain will drain all energy from the rest of the Body, a'trophy, to concentrate and conserve all available in-formation, directly to the neurosis contained in the skull-cap, crammed into the cranium.
The Bible is a com'pen'dium of many volumes of many books, divided into 2 distinct tracts.
The Word Testament is utilised to distinguish the "Old" from the "New".
Believe it or not, but the word Testament is tran-slated from 2 words - Testes & Mentes - bollocks & Mind - or to put it the other way -:- mental bollox ...
This guy’s video is interesting - his basic argument is that YahWay is Satan, Ruler of the fallen-earth realm, who has the contract of ownership over humans.
The idea being that Christ came from the heavenly realm to completely fulfil that contract, in order to free humanity from material-bond-age, and return the form of humanity to heavenly bodies.
Thus, the Old Testament God Covenant is re-writ ten - the depth of Adam's (parental-pay-rental) debt is cleared by Christ’s sacrifice - made sacred. Thus that the children need-no-longer pay-rent by the sweat of our brow, by in'stall'ments, to main'tain the interest upon the Principle in'vest'ment that produced the adaptation of Adam's Apple technology.
And yet, here we are, the non-Elect, still pay-rent to The Elect, The Chosen Few, who run the electricity through the ratio of 99.99 owned by 00.01 - the govern’mental dict’ate r’elation ships tidal Waters swells the river Banks with tithes taxed with interest formed from the birth of every single baby born with a paper-boat, lost-at-sea, to float upon inflated dingies as or’phoned refugees, like Foundlings floundering, cap’sizing, sin’King, drowning in debts, to be Salve-aged through the cruci-Fiction by the Crown-Courts’ Devil’s Advocates, in Absentia.
Death by a 1000 paper-cuts - “for the Greater Good”
of Society’s Honorary Elected RePreSentAt I’ves .!.
The New Age of Gene'sis
The Adam Age - a damage
The New Age of Moses - Covenant - 10 (binary) Command Mentes
The New Age of Christ - I Am - Je Suis - Jesus
The New Age of Catholic Uni Verse - Papal Empire
The New Age of Protest Ant - European Enlightenment - printing press
The New Age of Industry -Corporations
The New Age of Computations
The New Age of Trans Apien - tran-sentients of Artificial Intelligence
Sapien - means wise, intelligent
Salience- means discernment
Sentience - the ability to experience feelings and
"AI Overview
Sentience is the capacity to experience feelings and sensations, and to have some cognitive abilities. It can include the ability to:
Feel a range of emotions, such as pleasure, pain, joy, and fear
Experience complex emotions, such as grief and empathy
Evaluate actions
Remember consequences
Assess risks and benefits
Have a degree of awareness
Sentience doesn't necessarily imply higher cognitive functions such as reasoning, awareness, or complex thought processes"
This guys videos, don't read like I have writ here, but at least, he's literally looking somewhat differently than what Christians usually do
and continuing this line of enquiry - Jesus is tried / tested by the Roman representative Pilot - accused of claiming to be the Son of God.
"IN the beginning was The Word, and the Word was God"
So, the Word, and the Son of the Word. The Son extends/continues The Father's Line.
Line of Text.
Line of The Author.
The idea here being about Jesus claiming that his Kingdom is not Satan's Kingdom, and that Jesus has come to Earth, to fulfil a contract, to give the Sign Nature to a New Contract, to write a new Covenant in His Blood.
The spilling of blood-line is inherent in the story-line-Age spelling as the sangrail, the cup/container/body temp'late- to re-write the gene'sis literally as the Christed Liturgy.
Roughly speaking, I'm pondering the ripples of this rock dropped in the gene pool, re'son'ate concentric circles in time-space, for 2000 years / 2 millennia -as a homeopathy - that the poison, once alchemicly de-materialised, becomes the vibrational cure - vaccine- vac sin at ion - mathematics of the sine-wave.
This stuff is way outside the box, the cube of 2³ - which unfolds upon the cruci-fiction story - the diabolic/ symbolic crux of spirit matters, of Spirit Duality.
The trauma-dream of the Sacrificial goat-kid or ovid-lamb for Behemoth's trans-formation from homo-sapien to trans-apien.
I don't know what's really going on, but the current legal enact'ments regarding trans-gender status is certainly some sort of advance'ment of a non-binary language variant of a Neo Human species.
This new legal frame works hand in hand with impending declarations for the augmented human-robot hybrid, mind-melding corporal bio-logical-organic-intelligence with non-bio inorganic non-corporal intelligence.
Some-how, this all revolves around perception of time-frames, pointing to a nexus, where 2×0=8
I'm not making this easy to imagine, but I'm certainly trying to simplify, to conceive that a different time-frame is birthing into reality.
One thing I feel sure of, is that humans are not in control of intelligence, that our intelligence has been limited, contained, sand-boxed, enclosed, guarded, gardened, tamed, developed and gradually graduated
I gotta trail-off here - like a fool who has stepped off the ledge, along a hand-help thread of thoughts, defying the weight of knowing gravity.
Anyways, here's a look at the dia log and scenario between Pilot, and the politics dilemma of choosing a Scape Goat
Translation into The King's English
I’m not quite advising to listen to this fellow, unless you’re really deeply into such studies already, though, if you’ve read this far, then you’ve likely already been questioning the id-entity of YHWH and may already be familiar with the idea that the Old Testament God was not talking about Love.
However, I strongly recommend listening to this … A friend’s poetic journey, beautifully put to music - such similar themes, but from an entirely feminine felt experience of real life out-pouring of the Chalice de Vine.
Angelina Farmer - a most moving musical Mistress-piece
This kinda defies my ability to describe apart from saying - you’ll be very pleasantly pleased
Anyways, back to the theme of biblical-entities …
It’s all too easy to trigger people dis-agree-ment, simply by diverging from the scripted sacred versions of the Bible’s coded stories. Sorry, but . . .
I'm concentrating on de-codes of the gene'sis, not to swallow the Apple story, but to continue re-solving the questions which magic mushrooms trips delighted my experiences with since I was a teenager - who is the i- that has a hand, that holds a pen, to write these thoughts ?
How do i inhabit a body of flesh ?
I'm not an academic scholar, in fact, I detest historian scriptures as being a bunch of red herrings in a barrel ...
I’d like comments and posts, cos I relate to independent ability to figure things out from within one’s own relationship to immaterial Beings, such as The Lucifer ...
I don't try to compare or contrast the similarities and differences between views, for too often, people feel the need to fall-out / over / into disputes about definitions.
I like the curious and really don't like the killing of cats.
Glad to be sharing the curiosities
check this - a huge amount of info, very deep examining of similar hidden histories, technologies and treacherous royalties, around Shakespear, King James, John Dee, printing press and The New World
and this
This guy is pure and wonderful in his ability to tackle the most difficult mythical philosophies...
The stuff I writing about, causes me to seek others who have also looked ...
And so, information seems to come through synchronicity, in tandem with the great-god-algorhythm ;) like the videos that I’ve posted alongside these writings today.
This guy is very very good at in-depth psychological researches:
'Note: Mythology is fluid, and ancient history is an enigma. The theories and evidence put forth in the episode are not meant to undermine any particular faith of belief system -in fact... Just the opposite. Library of the Untold does not cover dark subjects for the sake of shock, but instead to illuminate ignored portions of reality to be alchemically transmuted for the betterment of humanity. -Ok, that sounds dramatic, just watch the video...
Why do we hold onto such immense amounts of darkness and sadness as a species? Are we supposed to learn from something, or meant to overcome?
-Mythology speaks volumes about who mankind is. The widely misunderstood "Hero's Journey" Archetype is an example of both the capabilities of humans, as well as their most despicable traits. The religions of ancient civilizations have become Myth -the esoteric story of what people are. The names have been changed but the stories stay the same.
-Have we misinterpreted the writings in Genisis about the garden of Eden? Is it possible that the Serpent of Eden shared qualities personified by figures of wisdom like Promethius and Enki? What about the time before that... How did physical matter and tangible reality emerge in the first place? Do we live in a Simulated Matrix?
-If we revisit the story of the Gnostic Sophia and her birth of the Demiurge called Yaldabaoth, we might find clues as to why human beings act the way we do and why this gave rise to the worldwide artform known as Alchemy.
-In this episode we will be covering figures like Yahweh and Satan as known to ancient peoples who tried to tell us what they knew. We will be looking at the Christ Archetype and it's reflection within us. And most importantly, we will be breaking down the biblical story of Job as rendered by Carl Jung in his enigmatic work of mystic and gnostic philosophy, entitled 'Answer to Job'.
-Gnosticism and Occult Philosophy are not as hidden as we may assume. It pokes its head into our world often... and for good reason. Speculative geniuses like Di Vinci might have hidden deeper meanings into their artwork. The same goes for epic works of fiction like John Miltons 'Paradise Lost'.
-The main enigma remains a question. If we are bound to physical flesh, does this mean that we are also equally bound to the "survival mode" experience that comes with it. Perhaps ancient manuscripts concerning Alchemical Transmutation can help us shed our skin and re-unite with so-called spirit. "
july 2022
there is no such thing as a mistake, they are only signposts.... xxx"
Kelfin Oberon is with Tara Masalata.
Shared with Public ...
Each morning, awaken to find,
What's going-on in-side,
The magic ride
The roller-coaster
Or burnt toast in-side
The toaster.
Who is to say
What is Right
What is Wrong
Who listens to glistening
Bird Songs.
Who decides
What I Think
Who decides
When I sink
Who made up
Who fell down
Who looked all a round
The circle dance
The square dance
The happen chance
We all fall down
Who gets ill
Who gets better
Who gets de press ed
The un-welcome letter
Who am I
To think
I know
Who am i
When I let go
Who is left
When All is G one
Who is The Bird
Singing This Song
I am a Wake
Mourning this morning
I am a live
This morning is calling
Who is The Sun
Appearing to Rise
A mechanical miracle
In chem-trail skies
What a surprise
To feel that I Am
This planET revolving
A round GoD's Great Plan
The grass is greener
On the Other side
Its harder to Fall
When I slip and I slide
I pick up the pieces
Of a shatter mirror
I pick up my arrows
Put them back in my quiver
Each thought is an arrow
Shooting star in the air
Each arrow that flies
Must arc down to despair
Thoughts are like sparks
Re-leased from The Fire
Each thought in a Body of a funeral pyre.
This morning I Am
Mourning despair
Yesterday not tomorrow
Life is un-fair
Who made dead die
Who made the Life live
Who made The Error
Who teaches to for-give
Who is Eternal
Who is infernal
Who is deciding
Who is to Judge
Who is to Rule
Who will not budge
To weigh and measure
To suffer-not, pleasure
Life like a river
Flows down to the Sea
But Springs rise from under, Eternally.
I am alive now
My Past Lives forgot
Who else can say
What "i" can not?
Like you I started to look at transhumanism a while ago, as you will know it first started to take shape using the artwork of Futurism to move forward the virtues and strengths of technology. Furthermore with 5G, Ai, nano-tech, smart-dust, Starlink, neuro-link, Singularity, virtual reality, space travel and time travel and so on. Futurism, the artistic and social movement that originated in Italy, emphasized dynamism, speed, technology, youth, violence, and objects such as the car, the airplane, and the industrial city. The Manifesto of Futurism, by Boccioni's in 1913 started the ball rolling. Yes it is a crazy movement, aiming to replace nature with technological copies.
So much is linked and goes back in history, especially the official proposal for the creation of a European laboratory at the European Cultural Conference. Which opened in Lausanne on 9th December 1949 and from this conference CERN was conceived.
At an intergovernmental meeting of UNESCO in Paris in December 1951, the first resolution concerning the establishment of a European Council for Nuclear Research was adopted. Two months later, 11 countries signed an agreement establishing the provisional council – the acronym CERN, at this point science-fiction was becoming a science reality. The consequences of CERN being built is the pandora's box and I think we are witnessing the consequences of CERN today. Maybe it even enabled time travel, who really knows what such technology is capable of. I would like to think at least some of the scientists there are on the side of everyday people and not the military industrial complex, corrupt governments, or corporate greed.
Words are indeed magic, however like you I think it can be counter productive to write things in stone, especially when often, the original meaning is inverted to control or extort from.
Words are magic spells when written with deep intent and clarity of your aim. Who and what words to believe is today's conundrum, I think the simple answer is we are creators and in our words is the sword of magic to cut through so many lies, delusions and control. Especially when we invert the initial nefarious inversion back with art, words composed with intent, and mythology written today. Sure the past is an important foundation but some of those foundations were built on corrupt boggy unstable ground.
I think we are flesh, soul (or spirit) and consciousness with the gift to create and manifest. The reason why I think natural creation is often the best way, so I actively engage by creating...