The Mirror-Age Mirage = Creation or reaCtion
There are many obvious things, that we don't notice,
Even the words we speak,
And the words we write and read.
pure i fire
People project what is in "their" mind.
Without being aware, neccesarily, of the fact that what we project, we expect.
These days, i see more clearly, that the mind obfuscates the feelings, and disrupts the intuition.
On this dark moon into new moon cresent,
a little over 3 moonths ago,
i full filled an intention, to simply sit by the fire,
and set the MinD aside,
invite the Ancestors,
feel into the intention for healings,
and stay by the fire for at least 5 days,
no distraction, no social gathering,
no personality-mask small-talk;
To give enough time to allow the fire to settle-in,
and to put a tendrel root/route to delve deep
down unto the under-ground, ley-line energy streams.
Peace is 1 of them over-looked words....
Where does peace come from?
Where does peace go?
So far in this lifetime experience, the inner feelings have been in some layer of conflict with the outer thoughts.
Thoughts and feelings never tend to be in absolute harmony.
The conflict pulls each "other" a-part.
Our outer relationships tend to reflect our inner relationships.
This week, I've got my head around some mighty big cosmic conundrums.
The Matriarchy is free roaming nomadic, feminine and nature feeling. Lemurian Nature, if you will, the number 7 in the sequence.
The Patriarchy is structural, administrative, masculine, and un-feeling governing logic, religious, dogmatic and mechanical. Atlantian civilisation, if you will, the number 12 in the sequence.
There's mythologies all around the world which relate about The Flood.
2 years ago, i saw through the Flood ,
and I felt that it was The Mother's feeling
which arose in rage and drowned the Atlantian civilisation.
Something like 13,000 years ago.
These days, we've got ancient stone monuments,
connecting with leylines, all around the world.
And we've got powerlines connecting buildings
and mega cities, all over the world.
Everything we "humans" have dug-up & in-vented since,
has been led by the nose,
plonked right in front of our eyes.
The subconscious leading the conscious.
Reaction to cReation
Without peace within = every body dies out.
And yet. ---
When the male mind suppresses
& dominates the female feelings,
no good can become.
The old wounds compound & regurgitate & regenerate & reiterate
the same old equations ._-+=£$%>=<+-@+-_.
We have regurgitated the trauma of Atlantis ad nausium,
with it's tragedy and trajectory towards self destructions.
There's an old phrase of prophesy that says
"next time the world faces self destruction,
it won't be a Flood, but a trial by Fire."
Time will tell.
But I'm not partial to parchment prophesies,
of revoutions repeating, revolving without evolving.
Philosophy =love of wisdom.
Wisdom=philosophy of Love.
12 and 7 have struggled in conflict,
like the male and female.
What could be beautiful creations,
can instead be destructive reactions,
fire fighting water, producing ever more
iterations of our Original Trauma,
the bloody births, the severed umbilical,
the love-heart inverted, raped, pillaged and murdered.
We humans are the children of some long submerged,
unconscious memory of some spiritual deceit,
some God-like denial, some heavenly sin,
where God threw his own mother down,
and could not admit his error,
could not admit his guilt,
could not admit his shame.
He could not control his feelings.
He could not control his hatred,
his rage, his strength nor his weaknesses.
A god who did not Love.
A god who sought to destroy his own Mother polarity.
A god who cut himself off from feeling.
A long , long Eternity ago.
And we, children, witnessed this happen.
And we ended up here, on Earth, one by one,
divided and frightened and broken inside.
Some of us were polarised to the Mother,
some to the Father,
but all of us, were born broken hearted,
children of a celestial/spiritual broken marriage.
Peace is a word that is overlooked.
Without heart evolving the ability to Love,
to heal, to Whole the Hole,
we will perpetuate a conflict which always results in death,
and the birth of yet another re-iteration of heart-failure.
Light, without Love is lethal.
Feeling without Love is agony.
People think that there is no time for Love,
that there are more important things
that we need for survival.
12 will try to control 7.
7 will always escape the control of 12.
But I feel, and my mind knows,
that there is a 13th frequency,
a quantum frequency harmonic overtone,
beyond the control of the 12.
This frequency is the healing
harmonic of 12 and 7 combined in Love,
in deference, of the mind acknowledging
that without feeling free,
without being self-honest,
without Love,
Creation - ITS elf - will die,
Eternity will end
and the Firmament will fail
to keep the Terror contained.
There is so very much trauma
in the collective unconscious.
I've been saying for ages,
that the "faeries are our ancestors",
and that we are the current incarnations
of our faerie soul ancestry.
We faeries have some deep memories,
some deep abilities to remember,
as though we did not drown in Atlantis,
did not become submerged in the 7 seas,
{1Ocean} of the collective sub-conscious collision
between the male and female,
the fire and the water.
We have known that the mortal world is a mirage,
a projection of trauma, trapped in feelings,
denied by the mortal mind.
We have watched TimE.
We have seen the Towers of Babel rise and fall,
time and time again.
We have heard the ConFusion of Tongues,
the forked tongues of all who lack self-honesty,
who lack self-know-ledge.
We feel de-scent of fear of the unKnown,
the light which fears to feel d'ark.
Sin Kings - relation-ships, that stank and sank
under the weight of raging waves in tsunamis.
Time began again after the Flood,
13,000 years ago, give or take.
What has a beginning has an end.
13000 years is a bubble in space,
13000 paces in space.
Re-flex-i've-ly in deaths realM.
D'ark Space existed before Light Time.
Our souls are a rainbow-spectrum
between these extremes of polarity.
0 pre-seeded 1.
But, it took 1 a long time for 1
to acknowledge that 1 was not O-riginal.
At First,
He did not accept that The Creator
was Created by Shee CreatriX.
God has a Mother.
Within Space, Light was birthed into existence.
Without Space, Creation dies.
It took God a long long time to real-eyes
what He had denied,
even to His Conscious Self;
that He had lacked Love in the beginning,
had denied that He could not-Love, Him-Self
& that His Creation had fragmented
into a polarised re-action,
the Moment of Creation was broken in Reaction
& time IT-Self, was bleeding from the wound
which God-MinD had inflicted upon the Mother-feeling.
It has taken an Eternity to see with real eyes,
but I tell you all now here, know-here, no where
God has realised that He has need to grow
& evolve with / in Love,
in order to save His Creation
from His Own Destruction.
7/12 is a re-cog-nition, ignition, rotation, notation, decision,
That 13th frequency is Love,
beyond the end of Time,
where the hole of heartlessness
becomes the Whole of Heart Love living.
Time itself is coming to an end,
like a faerietale ending,
the story has Purpose,
to bring wisdom to folly,
to bring luck to the listener,
to bring joy to the heart,
the ancestral faerie family gathered a gain,
around the Fire Hearth.
I hear many who say that they don't have enough
time to spare for faerietales,
nor wishywashy wisdom,
cos they gotta live in a harsh reality,
gotta live in the "real world".
A lot of people speak as if
they have no Time for PhiloSophia,
no Time to learn to Love,
& think that they can take Love, for granted.
A lot of men have thought
that they can take their loves for granted,
while they chase the careers,
chase skirts, chase Spirits
after each pint of beer-bellied pride, before the fall.
Broken famiies, broken nations,
broken children inherit alienation.
How u gonna save ur soul
when you ain't even spent the time to ask,
& listen long enough to even acknowledge
that u have Soul feeling and Soul intelligence,
when you "spend" all of your "time"
trying to "make money"?
So, I'll spell it out, in plain english:
Either you begin to truly wish to feel healing NOW,
If you don't know how,
Maybe it's about Time to take some time-out,
Before TimE completely runs out.
Comprende vous?
Thanks for caring - so much to read into - all of this
IT IS WRITE, to give thanks, and prays <3 ;)