I'd had-to recognise that my Life is "Scripted"
21 years since Da Return of de Faries - 5 April 2021
This is a section of my faeritale book from 20 years ago, much of this section was actually written around Easter of 2000, when i'd been in glastonbury for almost 9 months, and in climbing out of my cocoon, i found i could fly very high and wild and free ...
See video here … https://www.facebook.com/kelfin.oberon/videos/10159474096916579
I'd also had-to recognise that my Life is "Scripted", that I'm heavily guided, that I appear to represent what people call "magical" and "Faerie-energy" and "speaking for Nature" and "speaking in tongues" ...
I found that I was writing in my notebooks of things that would happen in the following days, intuitively channeling and "writing my own scripts"
I took an awe full amount of psycho-medicines and drugs for a while, not a huge volume, but they had huge effects, and I flowed very freely, and I flowed into quite a few conflicts and confrontaions and near-death experiences ... I was a stranger in a strange land and i revelled in it for a few years but i found that the Visions didn't all come through immediately.
I'd been rabble-rousing and dreaming of a great-coming-together and of a harmonic-convergence of "spiritually-connected-people" who would raise the human-frequency up out of mundanity and slavery by manipulation and demonic deceit ....
it didn't quite happen as i hoped ...
by 2004 I'd split up from my wife,
the mother of my first-born son ...
I was living with the "arch druidess of the Glastonbury Order of Druids [GOD's !!]"
.:. when our very dear friend Tomey Atoma Shekina died by his own hand under very Mysterious circumstances.
Such a wise and beautiful, generous and impressively humble, magical man, took his own Life, in the midst of some personal endeaver to fullfill His Wholely Spirtual Destiny .:. sign-posted by Jesus the Christ, together with Saint Germain and the rest of us Rosy Crux's ...
We were living reincarnations of ancient saints and scholars, imbibing strong medicines and embodying eternity's Myths ... and Tomey seemed to have had an ongoing-battle with Death IT-self, since the Times we had walked around with The Saviour .:. our Impeccible Master-Healer.
These past-lives are enscribed upon my Soul, my inheritance, my previous end-evers to return-to-the-Source-of-All-of-my-own-existances.
All this eventually shook me and took me to oblivion, an information download-overload over the next half a year of homelessness before I finally left glastonbury in summer 2005, and had to retreat back to my aging parents and the home i'd grown up in, but now in my early 30's, pennyless and broken-hearted and ashamed, an exiled prodical-son-returning, with nothing to show for myself except a faeritale and a look behind my eyes which would not reveal just how derelict i felt inside, while the rest of Ireland was thundering full-steam-ahead on the back of the delusionary Proclaimations of the "celtic" tiger economy.
Well here we are ... 20 years gone by ...
and I'm happy to say
the faerie tale i wrote
is unique and beautiful
So Powerful that I
had to give-it-up
and set that Power aside
for power corrupts
and i was still too young
to keep my head-about me
with that much power
and that much pain and anguish
behind it and infused within it
So, this end section of the faerietale
speaks of my hero's journey
to find my one-and-only all-time
True Love
He seeks her through the dream-time
and entrusts that Spirit-Soul-Level Guidance
Will bring them together in the dream-time-realM
and Will manifest-as-meeting in the day-time-World
And He, being the King of De Faeries,
must be inner-initiated in this process
by the mortal self-coming-face-to-face
with my Soul-line-age Immortal Self
and so, this poems section speaks of journeying through the dreamtime navigation
navigating by self-honesty and intent
to fulfill the Covenant-with-Christ,
with GoD
and with The Mother_And_Father of manifestion.
And so, while the poem beautifully speaks
of finding the dream-self of my "Soul Mate"
my destined relationship that would make
me a Family-Father,
yet also I knew inside of me that this outer
expression & prayer & Faith & intent
to meet my earth-sole-partner-"Wife"
is also an expression of the Vision
of the Mortal-sub-conscious dumb-man
meeting and rejoining with his own SoulsElf
and that naturally, magically, synchronistically
I'd meet my manifest soul-partner
in syn-chro-nicity
and we'd all live happily ever after
I was 25 years old when i wrote this segment
coming down off of a night-on-the-town
in Glastonbury, Spring of 2000 AD ...
Wild. Other-Wordly Times. Embodied.
Myth i c Myth i see
My 3 daughter have gone to visit
their mom's mom down in Bath
It was my 2 eldest girls who resurrected
my faerie-tale poetry-performing persona
in the run-up to Christmass of 2018
when they were 5 and 7 years old
they had somehow realised that I
had written a book
and that it is beautiful poetry
and with out-of-this-world
awesum artworks to illustrate and
be colored in
They asked me to speak to them
lullabies of sections from my book
Words I hadn't looked at properly
for about 15 years
and my children loved it
and asked for more
every single night
for months
and months on end
and I realised that i gotta
"stop hiding my light under a bushel"
but accept myself and my strangeness
accept me for who I Am even-though
Who I AM had got-ten so very, very
terribly immortally-wounded
Healing of the Wounded Healer
The Father-Earth Arch-i-Type
air-brushed out of Existance
along with The M-other of All Beings Her Self
My heart had been ripped out of me
upon that night in 2009, that I noticed on the C.I.A.'s Facebook. fakebook newsfeed-timeline,
his Mother,
my {}still-not-divorced-and therefore legal "wife"
had just posted
that my Boy Paddy, on "holiday" in America
had got a dog
and my MinD did a jack-flip summer-sault
into past-Lives pains and tortures
of betrayals
and deceptions
and the seeming-miss-matching
that some sort of quantum-entangled
soul-Karma-healing requires
for the mutual arch-i-types
to dance on the Stages-of-Love
and slash and wound, and sew
threads and oaths and possible-futures
laid out and limited in all ways
with built-in hard-wired sub-consciously deceptive
patterns of the most Ancient Memory-Wounds
The Way holds many Secrets
The Way is Esoteric
The Way is intuitive
The Way is complete
The Way is trans-temporal
The Way is but a Moment
The Way is long and Windy
The Way is an "Earth-Walk"
The Way is a gifted experience
The Way is to share
The Way is to ask, to listen, to accept
The Way is to adapt
The Way is to be great-full
The Way Is O-PEN
The Way is a long Way, around
I've spent the past 20 years wondering
"have i lost the plot",
have i maybe-done too many drugs
and gotten carried on some CIA-MK-ULTRA
where demons were revealed
as Shadowy Theatre, of the potential "what-if-this"
shades of under-worlds over-standing cliff-hangers
hand-bags of the Psyche-at-Dawning Visions
and "I"
become too wounded,
too out-there, too cosmic
did I go too far, a Way with the faeries ?
Knowing I was in Touch with soul-Wisdom
following my guidance {as best i felt i could}
becoming a reclusive hermit
I shaved off all my hair one morning in 2006
borrowing one of those motorised shears
from my neighbour at-the-time, Mici Mulcreavy
It was a very weird and unique experience for me:
Because I woke up from un-conscious slumber,
3 mornings-in-a-row
distinctly hearing The Instruction
To cut all of my hair off
In Order
To mark a re-Birth
My new incarnational catapiller
about to climb out of my cocoon,
getting ready to spread my wings
to begin to imagine being able to fly
and flutter-by again
To see a different reflection
than my worry-stained complexion
at the time i was feeling like I'd bitten-off
far more than i could chew
with my Life now a smouldering shambles
a broken and poisoned Holy Grail Chalice
and all our potential, Way-laid
and lost by the Weigh-side
of OtherWorldly gossip back-stage
And then, this recurring dream-instruction:
to cast-off my own frozen-images
of dead-weights, measured in memories
I had killed my kelfin-poetical-persona
in a campaign of Self sabotage
whether Righteous or wrong-scious
I did man-age to destroy my own good-reputation
in a psychotic-Quest for The Holy Grail of Truth
I Sacrificed and had my Heart removed
.:. see king to embody the Grail-Kings-Irish-Christ-Mysteries
and to seek to erradicate "evil" from these Local Lands
Wales, Ireland, Scotland, England
The WISE lands
The Blessed Isles
The Holy Islands
The remaining Remnants of Atlantis
and repositry of the living memory of Lemuria
and the Time of our Lives
before Death introduced us to the concept
that even a stopped-clock is correct
twice a day
The WISE Lands .:.
Hidden in plain sight,
the Sacred Heart of the Christian Empire
"where the Sun never sets"
But here, in 2006, I was a stoner
a loner-old-Soul suffering the slings and arrows
of passed-Lives residues
all my past-life quandries
all my Karmic I-owe-you's
Because I, who smoked too much pot
and there-fore hardly never remembers
my night-time-sub-conscious dreams ...
but in 2006, I woke up 3 morning in a row
from the feeling of having been healing
in soul-Level hospitality-Healing-Heaven
for my trust levels had been incredibly truncated
by the last of my 6 years in Glastonbury T own
I was down-trodden, down-cast, castigated
scape-goated, exaggerated and berrated and exiled again
dis-shevelled, un-welcome, an icasus-burn-out, a pity disgrace
I, who had experienced what it is like to be
The incarnation of Guinn Ap Nudd
Over-Arching demi-god of faerie folk Lore
The King Under The Tor
The "Native" D ark Brother of "Christ"
I had ended up sitting on the sides of the streets
with the Benchers and hard-core drop-out alcoholics
And I even got thrown out of their abodes
"for being too much", sooo terribly antagonistic
so much bravado yet
blatently bleeding astral blood every where
that all could plainly see & feel from me
without needing to have "the Sight"
So, anyways, After the 3rd morning in a row
of coming out of a very comforting dream
in which a feminine voice said "shave you hair off"
so, I could neither deny nor procrastinate
nor even think of why-not
and I simply acted upon instruction ...
I borrowed a hair-timmer-machine
and scalped my Self
but kept the Whole-Lot of my hair intact
thinking i could use it as a wig
at least for performance
{but my hairy-crown disappeared
in fact, never to be seen again since}
So, healing wise, it was fascinating
I let go of over-identifying
with the past-stories of Jesus and the Jews
immediately, when i went out n about
instead of people jeering with
"you look like Jesus"
trans-formed to people assuming I am a Buddhist
and I began to meet many people who expressed to me
that they felt me to be very still and calm
and resonating with a shy, steady peacefulness
I had turned my life around
from having seen [Way=too much] full exposure
of the Wild-Chaotic-sense-of-Humour
of the Other-Worlds and Spirit-Realms
of the Life-Lessons to be Learnt
by resurfacing Lifetime after Lifetime
until, at Last,
the pre-destined
perfect circumstances
and break-down all
last vestieges of ego-owner-loner-trip
of in-de-pen-dance
and "voices" communicating constantly
with-in my "minds" intellectual story-lines
so I cut my loughs off,
my curly whirrly Goldie Lockes
3 years later I would meet Tara
for the first time
and somehow knew
even though, those times were soo tough
so touch and go, squatting, and very very rough
though I had at that stage been the proud
owner of a canal-narrowboat
officially Known As .:. "G0D's WILL"
of all names it could have been
My eldest daughter Bee went on to be
"Born-with-Her-Waters" on that Boat
Which, by then, I had changed its name to
.:. LOVE .:.
I used to sing a little pre-birth lullaby to baby Bee-Love
while she was still in the womb
and we were travelling through "The Cut"
away through Hackney direction in London
" I Am born in Love, conceived in Love, I AM LOVE
I Am Love, I was born in Love
and conceived in-Love, I AM LOVE
I Am Love"
for philosophically I had reasoned
as to "What is Gods Will" but "LOVE"
"on Earth as it is in Heaven"
Our Boat-baby Bee was born
"in Her Waters"
which means the bag of skin
which we all hunch up in
while we're in the foetal-position
inside the Womb of the M other
for Bee's birth this bag remained unbroken
It's a traditional Sign of a Mermaid-Birth
Though its become statistically extremely rare nowadays
as the Nurses and Midwives and doctors conspire
to process your Birthing experiences
as quickly and efficiently as possible
... and that means, inducing and accelerating the birthing dynamic
... often bursting the sac with a fingernail
Well, because it was Tara's first time "giving-Birth"
{ in this here life time !!! }
it meant that we called the midwife team
at the very first tremors
long before when the contraction had really kicked-in
so, all these midwives came in shifts
for 3 full days and nights
and for the last 24 hours of that there were constant phone-calls from the "manager at head-office"
who kept telling the mid-wives to "speed things up"
as we were affecting the averaging-statistics !!
{while our musician-friends played non-stop
shanty-tunes by the side of the toe-path}
but every time that the Mid-wives asked Tara,
"can we break your Waters?"
I was there, as the Father,
to know The Law
That With Non-Interference with Free Will
that Tara would have to "give consent"
for Her Waters to be "Broken" {pierced}
and Tara DID-NOT want to be rushed or man-aged
or tricked into Her and Bee's process being
invaded, interupted nor disturbed,
so that the Midwives, could not simply do
what they other-wise do-get-away-with-doing,
under managerial persausion,
to burst the baby sac inside the womb
and there-by induce the baby
to have to face "The World" on schedule
rather than In Her own, heroic good timing
in coherence with a Natural-trip-heightened
internal pharmacology of a Natural birthing
woman and child united in separating
the Miracle of Life, being unveiled
drawing the First Breath
forming the very FIRST IMPRESSIONS
of the World, the Smells,
the Time, the Company of Souls pre sent,
The Atmosphere in the environment
And so, 7 years later,
that Daughter called Bee-Love
and her 5 year old sister Ocean-Love
had "caught wind" that I had written a faerie tale
long before they were ever born
long before I'd ever even met their M other
in Queens Way, New Cross, London 2009
We often try to give our children
some of the very things we ourselves lacked
in own child-hoods' up-bringing
I don't "know" "where"
"i get" these "messages" from
but I do !!!
I'm effervescently delighted that my daughters have such epic imaginations and have inherited an innate comprehension of magical realms and layers of identity; these two consider themselves to be Mermaid Souls who have recently come from the depths to inhabit human form, but they specialise in beaming Love, as emissaries from the Mermaid Realms, come here to join in with establishing the Worlds-wide Planetary-Peace-Process
in the covenant-of-Healing
between the Faeries and Mermaids
When I left Glastonbury Town in 2005
and came home to my elderly parents
for 6 months, including things going "splatt"
with my DaD, in terms of tensions
getting out of hand and colliding in
the vastness of separation
between our too-different Worlds
He did not know what I was always looking for
but he {thought he} knew it was not him
and so since the age of 15,
and an incident with the cutting down
of an old Oak Tree
for fire wood
and we 3 sibling-brothers were employed as slaves [
to help our Dad to butcher it down
from sovereign Earth-Light-Living Being
to a big-old-tractor-trailor load
of logs and rounds
to be further split
to fit in the Fire Place
"wee angels, wee have landed, our inheritance to claim ... "
These were experiencial-experimental
time-lines in my life where "shifts" occurred
as I worked my esoteric-guidance into existence
like lathering oil into leather
and found all kinds of frustrating barriers in my Way
IT was on our way home that day
after sawing up the old Oak Tree
and stacking its body-in-bits in the trailor
with 15 year-old "me" sitting on top of the
chain-sawn logs and rounds
but with WORDS FORMING in my mind
no big deal
just a kinda human ting to do
to sing what I'm feeling
to put words to a feeling
but better still
for the Words to just come
fully flowing
fully finished
Its about 3/4 of the Way through this video
the last little segment that ends the Faerietale book
was the first bit of "poetry" that ever stuck in my head
that came back to memory unbidden
re-assuring, guiding, giving Hope in Faith
An inner Faith in an Inner World
My kids finally got me
to dust-off a copy of my book
and read the {off by heart} "Poems"
and to guide them blissfully into Dreamtime
I found that I still knew the whole 2 hour
story, off-by-Heart,
but i had softened and obviously matured
good-natured and soft-spoken
as it felt great to recite these Words of Poetry
a Gain, an influence and trans-form-ation
an energetic prophetic en-chant-ment and PRAYER
I'm about to finally fear-less-ly fly
back into the Lime-Light of
performance poetry
at long-last
and at least try to get "published"
by some company who would manage
to get my works to a wider audience than my
Hermetically-sealed non-dis-closure
dead-to-the-World method-ology
with which I've been holding my self back
while shooting my feet off with inner conflicts
and the out-rageous amounts of energy
AND disapline it takes to control these Powers
Its been a reality of being a real-life version
of an under-cover super-hero living Myth
a FaerieKing-Bardic-Druidic-Seano Key
and yet, chained to the D ark side allegience
of un-common sense of the in-side-out
heart on my sleeve variety
I was bleeding, blood-clotting and scabbing
and almost healing
til ripped open again
from some self-sabotaging conflicted moment
where the un-healed Trauma demands
demands to be seen for what it is
demands to be recognised as wisdom
not cursed as an inconvenience-stored reminder
I am 47 and a Half years old now
Finally giving up my residency as an exile
in the British Isles
see king out the Ancestral spoke N broke N
wordskill bloodspill chill pill a-corn Nut_job Head_case
S pace S in S be tween S tone S kill S word S well S naked
Seen - UnSeen
see, I've got a canny notoriety in seeing things
that I'd never noticed before
like in the language,
and/or in the Logos logic all phallys seas
there's a war-of-Words going on
a proper gander War,
governments against the Peoples
because of history
because of mystery
because of the Fall of "Atlantis"
because of the route-cause
that "led-up-to and gave-rise"
to the Fall of Atlantis
The Expulsion from the Garden of Eden 2.0
repeated shattered problem with manifest Duality
Noah what I mean ?
"manifestation itself" is an impossibility
and goes against Nature, so to speak
to split One Self in Two
and then to multiply infinities
and press play
with pre-destination-birth-chart
all mapped out, to a blue-print unfurling
in TimE .:.
Ladies and gentle, can you please step this way
I'd like for you all to now "ion-divisualise"
into "solid" matter
and con-form to traditions AND new legislation
concocted by soul=less officers acting as "civil" servants
The System has you ... ?
This outer-world-manifestation these days
is heading along its' Time-Line into a headlong
collision course with experiencing TimE-less-ness
and experiencing Life as high-spectrum
RAW SOUL connection
It does seem as if there's 2 worlds separating at this time
and CoViD fears & the locked-downs co-ordinated efforts,
with the fear-tactics, with Mind-control used to command such obediency from the populaces around the whole industrialised and systemised civilised world ...
and yet, an other section of "humanity" is feeling fine,
indeed feeling finally relieved of The Burden,
as if The Veil really is in-deed D-own for good
an the Faeries Faith in The Neolithic Christ
has paid-off
and our streets are paved
with C-rocks of G-old
is it a matter of Faith or wishful "positive thinking" ?
to suggest that I absolutely KNOW, now and here
and everywhere Life is
giving birth to a new Wave of "consciousness"
To Be. or not-to-Be
.:. seen as a new Age-Shill ushering in a new Age of "magical-soul-realms-Thinking"
Whereby the weights and measures which have ruled our civilised MinD for these 100's and Thousands of lifetimes,
building these civilisations, putting the graft-work in,
with mining, and designing, the metalurgy, weaponry, survival-instincts, Darwinian evolution with billions of years of convoluted, CO2 polluting-Farting-Dinosaurs "evolution"
that led to their extiction !!
and yet here we are
modern man
on the precipice of Creation .:.
95% unconscious still
unquestioning, consciously pre-tending
- to keep our selves in the D ark
- and not spoil the Joke
- that the last laugh is on you
- shroud your self in Pain and Shame
for as long as you can stand it
knowing Life's a Game
and on some levels
you under-stand it
you trusted it
you Willed your Self-made-Manifest
but in this "new age" destination
can you recognise now, the world is crazy .:. ?
our human systems
are somewhat utterly-butterly-disfunctional
in-equality, ism-schisms, beaurocracies, elite-ocracies
money-making, maskquerading puppet masters marketeering, earth-ship steering mechanism
in the collective MinD's Eye
I've kept fairly quiet [by my standards anyways]
for the past 15 years, only losing-the-rags
the odd-time,
all ways accidentally-with-Purpose
when these inner-forces emerge as circumstances and challenges and psychotic-breaks with black-out-in-action episodes of my incredible Hulk-demon-psychological-experienced-met-befores
and my fine-honed toothed combed
and care-fully dis-entangled
beliefs systems combined
with innate-imaginative-abilities
full-scale, off-the-scales self-sabatage and particularily by raging so loud, so drunk & tripped-out
and so bewildered and dishevelled and dis-owned
until finally. inevitably set-upon by "security" ...
But i've been far happier in the shadowlands than I was in the Lime-lights back in the day, taking-to-the-Stage,
over-exposed and alone, feeling somewhat nervous
and uncouth and offensive
and some-what-slightly unsure of myself -
green-eyed country farm-boy,
shining out there in Britain,
an exiled Stanger in a strange land,
being guided in ways that most find un-believable,
as being too in-creditable to warrant
I heard my Self declare my Self a Celtic Christ
a reincarnated Saint and Scholar of Antiquity
returned yet again, at the turning of the Tide
brandishing copies of my new-New Testament
my prophetic Great-Work of Bardic Beauty
You see, the ting about my faerietale,
that is strange, in my experience at least,
is that I know of no other story-book like it
it is a modern myth
it's written by an indidgenous incarnation
born into the early 1970's
athsmatically weakened by allegies suffering the sensitivities of all the sufficated feelings-of this world-Society, in old London Town
and then us Prodicals returning to my father's homelands
"it's a long, long Way to Tipperary,
but my Hearth lies there"
The Harshness, the lack-of-Love, the Lack of trust.
800 years of occupation, subjucation and "education"
I escaped my rural circumstances from the age of 15 onwards, by being able to visit my older brother in Galway: City of the Tribes, becoming a pool-table hustler in pubs and finding my Self to be - a natural-born dope-smoking mushroom-picking hippy-head drop-out environ-mentalist
while at the same time living in a rural home-life
and a school-life where there was no mention of any-such experiences getting talked about by the others of my age
I was very head-strong and determined
to just do my own ting, Will to Power
to find my own weird Way
impulsive, wildly-innocent, naive and gullible yet
somehow akinda like-ably precocious-wound-up
wary wayward kid who dazzled yet kept out-of the way
as last-orders were called
and survival instincts kicked in
"Dodging in and out, between Worlds"
So, do you see that I've lived in 2 worlds
the so-called "real world"
which I knew next-to-nothing about really
in which I'd never yet really engaged
and a hugely over-active imagination and intellect
which was still biding its time before leaving school
and gaining full independance
from living under my parents roof
A magical imagination,
clearly out-shining the mundane so-called "reality"
I youthful-enthusiastically lived my dreams as reality
and made my inspirations become manifest
So I've always "seen" what "we" could make of things
of how Heart communications and cooperation
would turn a harsh world into a friendly environment,
in-throw-juice-sing-sum random-rough-strangers into friends and acquantences, in stead of :
ignore Amos's cock-tail conversations
Its taken a fairly long-time
for me, living on the side lines
in the Shadow-Lands,
beyond the veiled shroud of Mortal-fears
surrounded by suicided friends as Soul-Family
who help keep me "on my toes" when I'm "on one"
as they say in Blighty
for some-thing and some-one's evidently do
keep their angelic-eyes on me, and upon you too
For as much as i can concede
that without a government and their shite-structures
we'd be in a worser-world
and i can also concede that we do need police
and even armies to maintain the peace on the streets
and even newer high-spectrum satalite-
digital surveillence becomes ubiquitous
"now-new Normal"
for what more shall it be required to awaken
the personality-mask from the slumber of herd-immunity
That is, at L east, until, the time finally comes
to collapse
for a great awakening
a great transfomation
the great reset
not so much a revolution in technology
as a realisation becoming embodied
that The Source of all power is within
that The Will Power, if flowing free,
can move mountains, but better still,
can finally "see" and feel free in the "moment"
no longer "mind"-controlled ... but feeling - free
I'll try and say this again, get it off my chest, get over any fear that i'm not being clear, that I'm some-how beating round the bush ...
I haven't been performing this "epic work of Bardic Beauty"
since early 2004
If you'd like
I'll begin performing once more
I really just finally want some feedback and encouragement
and help ... SHARING is Caring
if anyone out there can help ? ....