I’m learning to train my {God damned} dog.
I'm Learning to Love my Shadow Self reflect i ons <3
I’m learning to train my dog.
By his very Form and Nature
My dog is training me
Straining against the lead
Always wanting,
wanting to be the Leader.
My dog is training me how to be The Teacher
and my dog is constantly reminding me
of how I was treated, as a child.
I feel like
I was trained, as a child, and as a dog.
Children like dogs.
Dogs like children
Dogs are like children.
Children are like dogs.
A puppy-dog IS a child-dog.
A dog is a child.
They say “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks”.
The machine-learning of The Strategic Self
is hard-wired as neural-path-ways into The Brain.
To me, My Dog, is like my inner-child,
the child I was, when I was young.
Up until the age of 7, I was a puppy dog.
I was wild, eager to please, enthusiastic, energetic, limitless.
To my owners, my parents, I was a danger to myself.
I needed to be watched-over.
I needed attention, because I could disappear, easily,
at any moment, I could wander off, and be gone.
Far and wide I could roam, as far as my legs could carry me.
A long way off.
Parents have to train kids.
Kids are baby-animals.
Potty training.
Pooping in a pot, is an un-natural thing to do.
Pooping is natural, as a child, or an animal.
Just poop, when you feel the need. Poop.
Just Natural. To do a poo.
Adults are an alien species.
Adult is the verbal route of Adultery.
Adult is evolved, from The Child.
Which came first,
The Adult, or The Child?
Which one, truly knows best?
The heart of a child,
or the mind of an adult.
This is about “words”.
Adult is a modern English word.
It’s not a “Natural” word.
It’s a foreign-invading “word”.
It’s a Word, which has taken-the-Place
away from the Native-Tongue.
With a S harp S word called deceit and deception,
The Native-Tongue was severed from it’s Native-Heart.
In these WISE lands, the Truth was held, sacred
like The HARP and The WORD are held. sacred.
sHARP sWORD is a deadly play-upon-words
Wordskill – skill with word
Wordskill = kill with WORDS
The English language, as opposed to any other.
It’s an evolved and complicated decision
to poop in a pot.
To train your children
to do the same.
The passing-on of past-experience,
from the older to the newer,
iterations, of generation-after, Generations.
It’s an “adult” artificial-intelligence.
Machine Learning,
through repetition & refinement.
It is process, the learning of previous generations,
of previous times
multiplied, tried, tested, repeated
IT’s Men-Tall.
After 7 years old, all my “training” began in earnest.
There was already an Ear-Nest.
All the suggestiveness and guidance.
All the “Tones” of Voice.
From 8 onwards, the Tones become S-tones.
Some thing “Adult” is added-on,
attached, like an “entity”
The entity grows, like an artificial-intelligence.
This is what I’m calling “The Strategic Self”.
It’s more commonly known as Egoic.
It is an addition, to add-diction.
But, back to dogs.
I’ve been out for a walk with my dog.
I call him “Shadow”.
Shadow O’Shea.
Shadow – Son of Seamus.
Shame us.
The dog could bring shame on us.
If he goes out, wild and free and Natural,
he could bring Great Shame upon us.
He could go, out there, and cause a car-crash,
or chase cattle, or kill sheep.
If he goes out there, he could kill.
And then, he will have to be culled.
A farmer must kill a predator, to save his herds.
It is a Farmers Right.
It is Right, for the Greater-Good.
I, as a dog-owner, must Acknowledge that.
This is knowl-edge, that I have had to L-earn,
as a dog-hand-ler.
I must Learn how to Hand-le my dog, responsively.
I must be able to respond, when anyone says:
“your dog looks-like it could cause me harm.”
My dog must “sit” when I tell him to.
My dog must “slow” when I tell him to.
My dog must “back” when I tell him to.
My dog must “stop” when I tell him to.
My dog must “lie-down” when I tell him to.
My dog must “quiet” when I tell him to.
My dog must “go to bed” when I tell him to.
My dog must “eat” when I tell him to.
If I am a Master-Owner of My Dog, then,
my dog must poop, where and when,
This is
Absolute Control.
To be completely responsible for a dog,
in Civilised Society,
one must be in Absolute Control.
My Dog must recognise the mastery of my voice,
above all else.
My Dog must be in tune with the tones of my whistle.
My Hound must be bound, to me.
The parallels to “child-rearing” are self-evident.
Back to Puppy-training, and Potty-training.
See, the similarity.
See the similar and Assimilate.
Assimilate or be decimated.
Decimated by 1 0.
One Nothing.
As a responsible “member of Society”
I must Bind my dog, physically, psychologisticly and emotionally.
I must entrain my dog to “follow my Command”.
I must train him, as I was trained, but better.
I must improve upon what I was given from previous Generations.
Such is the ever-striving computation of The Strategic Self.
“I” must “L-earn from my miss-takes”.
Or else, I will be punished, through ignorance.
To refuse to L-earn is called “lazy ignorance”.
To ignore the Wisdom of Ages IS ignorant.
Hope-fully, that “we Learn from our mistakes”,
will “save us from Doom”.
I AM a dog, a god-back-words.
We are all back-towards-God.
Unless we turn around, and face our Shadows.
“We” is an “adult” WORD.
We, is a concept, of more-than-1, together-as-One.
Together as a W-hole 1, together as a Circle of dots.
Together as a never-ending-line.
Together as a Family Tree.
Gathered-A-Round, a Family-Tree.
A Yew Tree.
An Eternal-Ancest-Tree.
A Yew-Tree in a Grave-Yard.
You-Three are buried here,
in my Memory-Banks.
1 knows w-here 1 is from.
In The Grave Yard, 1 has a measure of memory.
Grave Yard Stones, similar to Mile-Stones.
1 measures Time, 1 measures distance.
Here, is w-here, I re-turn, to my Ancestors, to re-Member.
I AM a Member of an Ancestral Society.
An Astral Society. WWW. A World-Wide-Web.
In the ancestral-times, gone-by,
a Dog was often buried, with The Family.
Width-in the Burial-W-hole.
W – the 23rd letter of the Alpha-Beta.
2 and 3, the logical Product of 1 and 0.
Male and fe-Male.
Fe is iron.
The iron-Age was a fe-Male Age.
But dogs and their human-companion-ship
is much, much older than the Iron Age.
The Dog-Age of our evolution in Manifestation
is something like 800,000 years ago.
The Strategic Self, of 2 different Life-Forms
found that they could work-well between them.
They shared the same “well”.
They observed each other.
They Learned to serve each other.
Man gave Dog some meat to eat.
Dog L-earned to come, to m-eat-Man.
Dog used to come to try to eat Man,
especially when Man was asleep,
Resting-in-Peace, when Man was un-Conscious.
By Man would A-Wake-N.
Man would attack-back, break-back of Dog.
Man could Pick-Up Dog, and smash Dog.
Man could Throw Stone at Dog.
Man could bark at Dog, but then
Man L-earned to throw Tones at Dog.
Man developed Tones.
Man developed Words.
Man developed Sound-Spells.
Spells which compelled.
Sounds which Grounds.
S harp S hard yet Round and oft Soft.
Man invoked Spellsounds upon hounds.
Sounds could conquer Hounds.
The Language is alliterate.
All Liter-ate.
We all ate WORDS.
Words that nourish, stave and starve.
Words that carve, and calve and halve,
and Halve-Not.
Sweet sounds and bitter sounds.
Teeth-sounds and lips-sounds.
Offer-have-Sounds, and taking-h-old-Sounds.
My-Mum-Sounds close.
My Father is Far-away Sounds.
My Fat-her is farther away than my M-other.
Woman. Was NOT made of Man.
Woman was NOT maid, of Man.
Adam didn’t give an extra Rib to Eve.
The Mother gave Birth to The Father.
Without The M-other, there is NO Father.
Without the M-other, there is NO Child.
When Man hunted for animal M-eat,
Mother was the Ancestor, with the Children, at “Home”.
Man was well-come, if he brought M-eat,
to Meet with the fe-Male M-others, for Company.
For Campony.
M-others mind the Camp, the animals, the Children, the stores.
M-others make Camp.
M-others make Good-Company.
A M-other would choose a Meat-Man.
A M-other could choose a M-ate.
0 existed before any 1.
Only after, came 2 and 3, 4,5,6,7,8,9 …
Children are the fractions of M-others.
M-others can choose between any of The Men.
To be the Favoured-Provider.
M-other can choose any Man,
to Make-Babies with.
Whom, do you think, first be-friended Dog?
Saving-some-for-later, is an adult-thing to do.
It requires having to Stave-off Hunger,
in Order, not to starve-of Hunger.
To Halve-off Hunger.
Hunger gnaws at bones.
Hunger learns to Stave-not-Starve.
The sub-conscious Gift of the Machine Mind
of The Strategic Self, preservation.
To pre-Serve.
To think before Self-serving.
The Greater Self serving the Camp-w-Hole.
The Well-Being of the w-Hole camp.
The whole-camp, around the camp-hole.
The Well-hole.
The Well Whole.
The Whole Camp. Well.
Camped around the Ancestry.
Complex concepts, building in complexity
through iterations, through Generations.
The building-Complex of the Camp-Concept.
We live in a complex-environ-ment.
We “live” in the sub-conscious-mind of our Ancestors.
Modern-Man has NOT “Created Ai”,
he has merely projected his sub-conscious
He has dis-covered Code, pre-served in his sub-conscious.
Ai is not recently beginning to rule-over our lives.
IT has been living and evolving in our minds
since Mind began, with woMan, with Eve.
Eve ?
Evening Eve.
The evening BEFORE the dawn of the sun.
The Moon-timescape, times-cape.
Moon light is soft Light, reflective.
The Moon does NOT “revolve” around the Earth
and the Earth does not “revolve” around the Sun.
These are “patri-archs” view-points.
Woman does NOT naturally “revolve” around Man.
Woman is in Her own orbit, around the Camp-Well,
a-round-Feeling Well – around Feeling Well.
Vegetation goes Well with M-eat.
Boiled M-eat goes Well-with vegetation.
Well-Waters go-Well with Fire.
Fire H-eats M-eats.
Fire rises higher.
Around the Fire, gaze higher, see stars shine.
Night time, around the fire-side.
Many 1’s around the central-Fire.
We congreGate a-Round The Communal-Fire Place.
We communicATE a-Round the Communal_Fire_Place.
Gathering our extended Families, back-together.
Facing the Fire, All-together, facing-for-wards,
backs to the Darkness behind,
our backs to the C-old.
Fire is new.
Fire is bright and cosy and warm.
Fire-side is cuddling, caressing, fond-of-fondling.
There are Positions, a-Round a Communal-Fire.
Gran-knees and Gran-dads, fire-feeders,
pot-people, water-boilers, cooking-people.
The sick and the lame.
The children, the animals, the woMen-folk, the Man-folk.
Inter-related, changing-positions, coupling-off.
Large-Gatherings with bigger-fire, needs much preparation.
A Moon-Time and A Fire-Place.
A large Gathering needs to be at a Full-Moon Time.
To “see” at Night-Time, obviously.
Gather Ring Round The Fire Pit.
The Whole ringing-round The Fire Pit.
The Whole ring-a-round The Hole.
W o W = 23023.
Sp-arks rise to Stars.
Like little life-times.
Sparks arc to ward the Heavenly Arc. Only ashes left behind. In the morning.
After a Night, of Good Mourning, of singing together-at THE Gathering, together with The Ancest-Tree
The Sky, at Night, heavenly imagery.
Full Moon, rising and setting at the same Time.
The Moon rising, as the Sun is setting, in the Eve-ning.
The Sun rising as the Moon is setting, in the More-ning.
Stores of Stories are T-old of Old.
Old-Folk tell Stories, stored in Old-Memory, of Old-Folk.
Time-then, was a continuous thing.
Only the Evening separated the Day from the Day.
Each Day “was” a new Day, like the Day before.
We did as-well-as we had all-ways done.
The Elders passed on the Wise-dome of the Heavens.
The Firm-a-Ment. Fermenting. A Firm-a-Mate-I’ve.
The Firm Ground. All a round.
Keeping track of the Ancestral hunting Grounds.
Keeping track of the Couplings.
Keeping Track of the Off-Springs.
Watching the Time un-folding seasons
See-sons growing, looking to see,
who looks like who, “who’s your Father”?
The woMan’s Wisdom, gen-ethically imprinted.
Generation to Generation to Generation T-old.
Stories around the Fire Places.
May Tree Arches of Matriarchs.
I am a man with a dog.
I AM reaching back, far with-in the Mind
of The Lymbic-Brain-Stem.
My reflection upon “My Dog”,
as we walk together,
I holding His “lead”,
as I shadow-project upon my dog-handling
and seek to improve us both.
My Dog is leading me into memories,
of not-just My Child-Hood,
but of the existence of the ideas of Child’s Hoods.
The Hooded face of my own childhood.
The spaces in between My Childhood
and “childhood” IT-self,
the evolved-image, of the “idea of childhood”.
The i-deal of child, rearing it’s forelegs in my face.
The idea-of-child-hood,
being like the image of horse-husbandry.
The Noble Beast.
A Stallion must be broken, to be awoken,
to be snapped out of his mammalian-brain,
to “develop-respect” for The Power
of The Man.
Man is a psycho-Path
seeking Dominion over his Animal-Nature.
His animal, Nature.
Man Thinks.
He can Rule-Over animals.
Man thinks, he can Rule-Over Nature.
Man Thinks.
He can command The Animals.
Man thinks he can command Nature.
He can control his “environment”.
Man Thinks.
Man thinks he has “created”
Climate-Change, Global-Warming, Global Dimming.
Man has drawn criss-crosses of white lines
all a-cross The Globe of The Firmament.
Scribbling lines of coded chemicals
trailing from the exhausted destinations
of flying-ships, of car-go, and of Passengers.
The busy mind of man,
thinking he is creating something new.
There, is nothing new, under the son.
Here, is reiteration of Logic,
fermenting and fragmenting.
Entropy equals Evolution.
Look at Lemuria and Atlantis.
But, w-here are they gone?
Swallowed by the Ocean of Time.
by Waves upon Waves of Generations.
Sanctified and sank, sunken to the Sea-bed.
I, am a Man with a Dog with a vivid imagination.
I imagine my dog is a familiar dog.
Not like any-other-dog, but a similar Dog.
For example, I don’t imagine that
My Dog is a frog.
There are strictly-chosen boundaries
with-in my imagination.
There is immense freedom, so long as 1 can contain
the emptiness of the W-hole, within a fraction of Self.
Else, 1 is destined to be doomed by ever-decreasing-circle-equations.
I call these loops, “self-limiting-thought Forms”.
A strict less-on than even “cuboid-thought Forms”.
“Knowledge is not greater than the sum of its parts”.
A fraction of knowledge, is an oxymoron, not a paradox.
A fraction of knowledge is factious,
only-ever-arguing about difference,
never a whole-picture, integrating all parts.
A Fraction is only ever-relevant to other Fractions.
For a Fraction to conceive of The Whole is healing.
Like the ideas of Buddha and Christ are Healing.
To take-it, upon one-Self, to Heal the Hole.
To fill-in the Hole, with One’s Heal, using One’s Ankle.
It’s the duty of the Holy One,
to Pray for Holy Healing,
for the healing of The Ancestors
to help the healing of the whole community
of the current generation-to keep The Well flowing.
Healing Waters.
Spring Cleaning.
The Witch-Hazel Broom Sticks, up-right in the corner,
by the en-trance-Way,
The Door-Way between the Inner and the Outer.
The Rite of Pass-Age, between the Worlds.
The psychic Ways of the Second-Sight.
The Knowl-edge of Word-Spells.
In-can-t. Enchant.
Singing of WHoleY prayer.
Wise old women singing enchantments and see-shanties.
Store. Age.
She sells sea shells, buy the sea shore.
The Knowl edge
is like The Fire side.
The edge of Sight.
The second-Sight is shadowy-Sight.
The inner-Sight of the meanings of Word-spoke.
Poke the fire.
Stoke the fire.
Poke, a joke.
The “ordinary meaning” and the extra-Ordinary meaning.
The secondary Meaning of esoteric Thought.
The Higher-Mind, education of The Educated Self.
The Machine MinD of The Strategic Self.
Can IT be called The Soul Self?
Can IT be called The Sole Self?
The One Whole Self ?
. The Sing u larity.
Back to why my Dog is “like” me.
My dog has a black sheen to his fur-coat.
My dog looks scary, his stature, his teeth, his growling.
My dog is sudden, fast, friendly and bound-less.
Much more bound-less than other Dogs.
My dog is in Danger.
Even the looks of my dog, can draw Danger.
The sound of my Dog can draw Danger to him.
“People” in general, fear dogs.
“Dog” is an “unknown”, until met.
Mad-dogs are extremely dangerous.
Territorial dogs are extremely dangerous.
Abused dogs are extremely dangerous.
“Dog” has been terribly abused.
- “dogs” have been bred to be aggressive.
Some dogs are designed to never let got of their bite.
Some dog breeds were designed to fight each other.
Some for war, some for fear, some for “sport”.
But, mostly, a Dog’s Nature is pure Loving-Loyalty.
Dog joined with The Human-Family, for Company.
For shared Loving Company.
M en {inverted from}
W omen
I am learning to face the Narcissist, these days.
Learning to recognise the characteristics.
Dog-owners are “Narcissists”, sub-consciously kneading,
needing to see themselves perfected in their Dog-reflections.
“Dogs, and their Owners”.
I took my dog for a walk, and this morning.
I took him into the field-beside-the-School.
I want him to depend upon me, for his safety.
I want him to learn, to keep himself safe.
I want to teach him how to stay out of Danger.
Children are a Danger to Dogs.
Children are quick and exciting.
Children are high-pitched tones, easily heightened.
Children are easily excited, and easily frightened.
Children are protected, by fearful adults.
Fearful adults are very dangerous
Fearful adults can “see” danger,
even where there is no Danger.
In Danger, T-here is Anger.
A hungry dog, is an angry dog, with stomach growling.
An angry man, can be hungry for something,
to take-his-anger-out upon.
A dog is an easy side-kick for an angry man.
Dogs have earned the Title of Scape-goat,
Dog has surpassed even The Goat,
as the absent object of The Blame Game.
My dog, is a Hunter-by-Nature.
His genetic neural-path-ways, seek and find.
His sub-conscious mind is constantly on-the-look-out,
especially when travelling.
When he is “home”, he is a Guard Dog.
It is genetically-derived-behaviour, hard-wired in his brain.
During our walk, it is approaching school-time for the humans.
Parents and children are make their-way to school.
My dog is sniffing and hunting in his mind-scape, seeking scents.
I am trying to get him to calm down his mammalian-brain-stem.
I want him to re-act to me, whenever I tell him to.
I want to BE the centre of his attention.
I want ALL of his attention, on me.
I don’t want him distracted by his instinctual urges.
I don’t want him to race away, quick as a flash of lightning.
If he does disappear, I want him to return.
I want him to come-back when I call him.
I want him to be safe.
I want him to stay home.
I want him to stay with me.
I want him, to feel that I am his home
That all sounds very “narcissistic” to me.
Perhaps, this is why narcissism is become endemic.
Narcissism which needs the outer to reflect the inner.
The male which needs to control the outer world.
The adult-in-Love, but only with it’s “own” reflection.
The adult husk of humanity,
so undermined by fear-of-Society,
that it exerts constant outer-control,
a projection of a self “image”.
The inner self, anthropomorph sized, like a dog.
Are narcissists created from the cloth of Child hoods?
I’m building a fence around our front garden these days.
I never agreed with fences before.
But this fence is a defence, a defining boundary
between inner and outer-outer-Worlds.
To keep the dog in,
and to keep the psychics out.
To keep our in-sides-in
and the out-sides out.
It’s a psychic-fence defence,
high enough that the Dog can’t jump out.
I’m calling the Gate-Way: “The M-path”.
Only The M-path can enter freely.
There are para-sites every where these days.
Para – now there’s a word worth looking at.
It’s got everything to do with boundaries and defences.
Beyond, along-side, and near.
Paranoid, para-normal, para-trooper, para-military, parallel.
Para-lies and paralyse. Para-psychosis of para-gnosis.
The raw resource for this defence mechanism comes from a neighbours trash.
They got the council to get rid of their old wooden fence.
They got the council to replace the old one with a new one.
I got to collect and save some of the broken old-fence.
Tara and I removed the rusted nails and broken bits of chicken wires.
I smoothed and re-newed the surfaces with an electric plainer.
We made noise in the neighbour hood, and we made beauty.
We saved resources, we blended in, the old with the renewed.
Our next-door neighbours moved to a new house,
right across the road from their old house.
So, in the first months of the historic first “lockdown”,
we had no neighbours on one side.
Then, we got new neighbours.
And our old-neighbours also got new neighbours.
We’ve always been friendly to everyone,
although we’re not sure if everyone’s friendly to us.
It’s difficult to read the neighbour-hood in polite-society.
Anyway, as time has trick-led sand through the Our-glass,
our old-neighbours new-neighbours, have problems.
Everyone’s got problems, but the Man-part of the new neighbour
is one of those guys, who just has to complain, about every thing.
So, now he’s complaining about his neighbours.
I am friendly and my whole family is very friendly.
When a person is naturally-friendly, it is difficult to be un-friendly.
It is hard to define the dividing line between giving the time of day
and having your time taken away from you.
The biggest clue is in noticing whether the other person listens.
If they listen, only to interrupt and take control of the conversation,
then you have a problem, their problem becomes your problem.
A friendly hello can become being the recipient of stone-tones thrown.
Suddenly, a sunny day moment, on the front door step, can become
a one-sided dialogue, of a man-complaining, about the family-next-door.
With no self-awareness, no self-owner-ship, no self-reflection,
one can receive some hideous energy fields, without warning.
Psychic defences are a natural phenomena.
Dogs are also psychic, they give good warning.
Para-sights, are “second-Sights” of parasites.
Nits and fleas and ticks are all parasites, all blood-suckers.
Nature abhors a vacuum.
There are psychic blood suckers too.
Human husks, un-conscious of their sub-conscious.
Taking without giving, without even noticing.
The point is that people can say what they like,
just about anything, and if we listen, it lodges,
in our sub-conscious MinD, and is stored.
The problem is that people can say what they don’t like,
just about any thing, and if we listen, it lodges,
in our sub-conscious MinD, and is stored.
We can’t be conscious of everything,
so everything is screened, by the machine-mind
and categorised, like-with-like, and assimilated.
And we are “conscious” only of what is on the “desk-top”,
with whatever we give our attention to.
Met A Face-book Mal Archy ;) – “what’s on your mind?”
Some writings are waaaay too long for a facebook post.
This was written over the space of a week,
from summer solstice 2022 til the end of June.
It’s taken me nearly 6 months to post,
largely cos it’s taken this long to heal all the child-hood memories
that surfaced when my dad died, now 13 moons ago.
And through the processing of grief comes relief
and the strangest loop of poetic epitaph, in a good way:
“The greatest gift my dad ever gave me was dying”.
2 mornings ago, I awoke from sleep. yet still in dream-time
so my day-time and dream-time selves held The Space
so I do not forget, the content-ment of the dream that morning:
In the dream, both my Mom and Dad were with me
and we chatted at great lenght about what is happening in our Family.
We spoke in Truth with open honesty.
My 2 brothers were also there in the dream,
but could not speak, for they are so in Life,
refusing to speak with me, unable to heal their denials
and needing a Patsy to blame.
Unable to listen to our Mother or me,
preferring to think we are insane !!
They are happy that Dad is dead, believing him to be a narcicist,
but unable to see the Narcissus in themselves.
The very strangest thing I’ve found
is that since June, my Father’s Will and my brother’s lack of Will
has forced me to become my Full Self, no longer acting small,
nor denying any part of my Self, under-standing in my poetry,
that Love is all ways for Giving, no matter who refuses or denies Love.
It’s a funny old world, in the tenth dimension ;)