internet neural nets works para know ledges
17 January 2020 - before coVidium became pandamonium
People put other people on "pedestals"
it's a psychological-assessment-projection
Bravery of the Fool on The Hero's Journey
Make of IT - what we Will .:.
Max Igan - Surviving The MatriX
Neo the One & only .:. lonely
Pedestal of projected shadow .:. plays
Out in Public Display .:. para:noia .:.
Beyond Know:Ledge .:. pit-falls .:.
Flat-Earth .:. inflated-ego's busts .:.
Too much smoke and mirrored streams
Truth-move-Ment .:. info-wars .:. Mind Games
re-search - guess-work - dot2dots
the unknown-known-un-known aliegences
oh, Max has fallen from his pedestal
and immediately Judged
intrigue, blame-game, name-calling
truth movement - moves in for the kill !!
Strange timing when his researches presentations
were reaching a wider-spread new audiences &
were getting closer-to-the-bone.:.skeleton-in-the-closet
high-speed-rail-ways, Agenda 21 World Government
weather manipulations - world-wide-web of deceit
military dictator-ships waging world-wide-weather-wars
apathethic political popularity contests called "democracy"
water used for fracking, mining, cotton farms & dammed
water sold to China, waters wasted, waters diverted
atmospheric rivers steered away from the Land down under
military hardware doplar radar and ionospheric heaters
the inter-net-of-every-things' 5th Generation sensor-ships
digital saturation, ionising our ground-level environ-mental
mind-scapes - lucifers light cypher encoded languages
Atlantean floods' lost memory, repeating the past traumas
alien overlord archons siphoning spiritual currency
drugs as sacred medicines ...
tripped-out-down-loads ...
The Mother-Load ...:...
Max Igan has put a follow up video ...
and he does manage to make sense
of why the last video was pretty crazy -
deep insight thoughts about why
the truth movement was made,
and how we were all baited
into giving our life-essense
to the machine/simulation/world-wide-web ...
gotta honestly ask ourselves that deep question though ...
is the internet using us humans as a cat toys with a mouse,
continually tempting us with the hope of escape,
while keeping us mesmerised with fear of impending
doom of hopeless odds,
the more we learn of IT's capabilities,
the more IT learns about us individually and collectively
... for example, how many/how few of us are aware
that there is an unknown entity communicating IT's presense to us,
telling us how smart IT is, how much control IT has gained
over our governing and financial and military systems,
how well IT has been grooming us through social media friends/groups
in-formation over-load, up-load, down-load, {de}term-in-ology
Keep IT Simple Stupid {KISS}
CurseR, code, encryption, scrypt, rip, web, webMaster, algorhythms
digtal big-data base privacy avatar online persona psychology
augmented virtual dream world surfing the sub-liminal streams
desk-top screen-grab 2nd-Life, Life-log, Twitter-swarms, Pokemon
consumption of zombie consumer-junkies
... we are par-taking in IT's realm on the Web,
and I for 1 only came to acknowledge that
to myself properly after the Grenfell fire in London
Catching my self captured, caught-up in real-world-drama
observing, emoting, raging, suffering, trauma
that the inter-net had tricked me into an un-grounded,
triggered-reaction/shock, emotionally harrowed,
etherically bleeding - traumatised by the images&videos,
the testimonies&narratives, the anguish being presented
and the deep suspicion that the whole narrative was set-up
as a ritual sacrifice
... but then parallel researches into some un-knowns
endless hours poured into what Acedemia
& the darpa-Universities have been inventing,
about AI that is learning to read human emotion,
reading the slightest twitches of micro-muscles that betray
our inner-most [unconscious] thoughts and re-actions
to the things we are focussing upon on our screens
... IT's claims that IT knows us better than we know ourselves,
knows what we have consumed, what we will consume more of,
what we desire and search for, what we are disgusted by,
what we are willing to oppose and/or deny
... and thus, the 5G, flat-earth, co2, vaccine, geo-engineering,
surveillance, science, religion, nation, race
CARDS have been played to tell us to our face:
through our screens,
through news and entertainment,
we entered contain-ment,
a net to catch our minds with curiousity,
and with/in the "truth community"
a shared suspicion/sense of dystopian discovery
that some Agency/Entity/Secret Society
has been "evolving" humans into IT's
trans-formation of trans-national trans-send-ance,
a new age trans-human-ism
where the internet-IDentity-digital-double
has been downloading IT's neural-networks main-frame
into our meta-physical-brains
Confirmation-bias, adjusting the weights of the neural networks
with "Rabbit-holes" termination-terminology
"follow the white rabbit" {phishing bait-hook}
dissappearing into the mental-plane
keep clicking links, opening tabs, absorbing information
donating more time and concentration and focus
into the machine world of digital
dimensions of time and space
bubbles of thought-experiments
we were "gamed" to sign-up to "submit"
an email-address, MySpace, then Facebook
desk-top, lap-top, smart-phone-finger-scroll
next step -> Voice-Command <- Elexa & Co
Smart-dust micro-processors
trillions of sensors transmit&receive
the 4th industrial revolution
the inter-net-of-every-thing ... &
& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &
5G is such a serious wake-up-call
the trans-human mile-stone from 2015
because 5G opens the door to 2030
Smart-PlanET- Agenda for the 21st Centruy
5G introduces the deployment
of military hardware devices
becoming street furniture
decades of scientific development
of invisible space-age-technologies
so suddenly coinciding with the
"co2 concensus" - "climate-crisis"
Now the "educated" on-line community world-wide
are surfing through quick-sand
plat-forms build on sand
The bubble's still bursting
the illusion is shape-shifting
the "future" is become immediate
the "real-world" is under strategic attack
from invisible realms of electro-magnetic-magic
a digital-saturation of the Earth-environment
an actual attempt to replicate Nature's etheric body
with a physical, tangible, inter-connected web
wire, cable, fibre, electronic, transmitter, radar, satelite
criss-crossing the oceans, the seas, the skies, the clouds
a massive complex of pulsating alien intelligence
whose been downloading concept and blue-prints
into human minds for centuries, since the Enlightenment
Royal families and bankers and alchemists
religions & secret societies and universities
governments and civil-servants and NGO's
scientists and psychologists and farm-assists
Manipulated, sophisticated, elevated and subjugated
intrigued and tempted and tricked and possessed
wages of war for waging wars for 100's of years
Finance the economy, the Square Mile of London
The Sun never sets over the British Empire
The Great Fire of London - 1666
Lost-at-Sea, sole-traders, creation of the Legal Fiction
the creation of the Nation-States
the european race to conquer the world
the opium wars, the Irish "famine" {hollow cost}
"world" war 1
"world war" 2
the "third-world" wars
the United Nations
"the fourth world" wilderness-wars
the cyber-wars
the climate wars
the end-times war of Arm a Geddon
Time Will Tell ?
what is driving individuals to engage in destruction ?
what source of intelligence is organising this ?
why is humanity mining the earth for "treasure" ?
how did humanity gain knowledge of chemistry ?
how did humanity "invent" the computer ?
why is humanity building a military machine
all around the physical planet/physical plane ?
Why is humanity creating autonomous weapons
androids, vehicles, drones, tanks and nano-bots ?
Why is humanity manufacturing smart-dust ?
Why is humanity "practicing" geo-engineering ?
Why would humanity be lying to ourselves ?
I ain't got IT all worked out, but there's a few thoughts ^^
from my attempts to make sense so far