Meta analysis. A view from outside the box.
NEWS broke.
North East West South.
Stabbing, IRELAND, Republic.
5 people injured, 3 children, a woman and a man, in Parnell Square, Dublin inner city
META shared the NEWS.
As rumours grew into speculations. META shared information, allowing people to share their theories far and wide.
Left [wing] theories of how the Right [wing] would “spin” this event, to serve their “narrative”.
Right [wing] theories of how the Left [wing] would “spin” this event, to serve their “narrative”.
The initial announcement created a verbal image in people's minds.
A Head Line.
No further announcements caused a vacuum of information around the incident. The vacuum sucked people's minds into the collective image of the scene, and their imaginations filled in the gaps.
The lack of any further details around the stabbing incident caused people to search Social Media, desperate for more NEWS.
Meta allowed these speculations to spread through the system, tracking and tracing the data flows, the real-time networks, the individuals becoming caught-up in their data-streams, as the over-all polarised Patterns formed.
Tiny trickles of imagery are released.
A detail here, a detail there, like brush-strokes added to the easel, painting new layers of meaning.
A Brazilian man had smashed the attacker with his motorbike helmet.
The only photo of the scene showed a middle aged white man, stretched out, unconscious, on the pavement.
Was he Irish?
Was it a family feud?
Why would anyone stab children?
The 3 children have been rushed to hospital, in very critical condition.
They have been stabbed multiple times. They must be losing blood fast. There must be blood every where on the pavement, on clothes, there must be a knife of some sort.
The injured woman is also in critical condition, stabbed multiple times.
She is a hero now, not merely a victim, because she threw herself in the space between the attacker-man and the children, to stop the attacker from killing the children. It was the children who were being targetted. The woman acted as a human-shield, to save the children.
It was right outside the school, unusually, a Gaelscoil, a Gaelic Speaking school. The woman was a creche worker.
Were they coming out of the school, were they just passing by?
Each tiny announcement only raised more questions.
Is this a “terror attack”?
Is it the Muslims?
Is it the Israeli's, the Palestinians, the IRA?
Is it a lone lunatic, a mental asylum casualty of Life?
Or is it a non-national, single male, military age, unvetted migrant?
The photo of the injured man on the street must have been the attacker?
Zoom in on the photo, is he black or white?
Looks like he's white.
And then the NEWS broke.
It's been confirmed that the attacker is Algerian.
The pattern is confirmed.
Foreign Nationals, coming into Ireland and attacking Irish people with knives.
This is exactly what the “far right” have been warning about.
“We told you that this was gonna happen!”
Our worst fears have come true.
At this point, the background tension in Ireland comes to the fore.
“The far Right” Social-Media-Circuits have been agitating about too many migrants being brought into Ireland and complaining that it's being done on purpose, because the government is actively replacing the Irish people.
“The Far Left” Social-Media-Circuits have also been agitating about their greatest fears, that the Far Right extremists will seize upon any incident and use it as proof that their “fascist and racist conspiracy theories and fantasies” are true.
The Far Left believe that the Far Right are evil, twisted, stupid, gullible, hateful, supremacist, nationalist narcissists.
The Far Right believe that the Far Left are evil, twisted, stupid, gullible, hateful, supremacist, globalist narcissists.
Both polarities exist to validate the extremes of both sides.
Normal people pretty much ignore the extremes.
But the media has been promoting the “debate” as if it is entertainment for the majority who are sitting on the fence.
It's a bit like watching a football match when you don't support either side.
Who cares who wins a match, the whole thing is a distraction.
NEWS info-tainment.
The Public are fed the NEWS, as “consumers” buy products.
You get to choose which NEWS provider you prefer in a “free market economy”.
Social Media means that you can ignore Mainstream Media.
In the digital age you can believe whatever you like, and have algorithms serve you media to match your bias of background beliefs.
“The attacker was Algerian”.
But where did that information come from?
It came from Gript, the most influential Right Wing, “Alternative Media” news source, website, publication in Ireland.
So, that explicit detail was announced as confirmed, by Gript, but the mainstream media did not confirm the fact, nor publish this information.
So, this detail was injected directly to the Far Right.
And the Far Right are being constantly monitored by the Far Left.
And both the extremes are monitored by the Irish Authorities.
And both of the extremes are monitored by META.
And both of the extremes are monitored by Tick Tock.
And both of the extremes are monitored by X – Twitter.
Computer science, behavioural science and political science have pretty much perfected the art of tracking information-flows and practice the art of disrupting networks in order to censor “false news”.
So, this is a “live situation” developing as a NEWS story.
The bodies have been evacuated from the scene of the crime/tragedy.
A vacuum is left in the wake of the incident.
1 photo. Scant headlines with no details.
Knife-man attacking women and children in broad daylight, in Dublin city centre.
What is this country coming to?
“This just doesn't happen in Ireland”.
But actually, Ashling Murphy, may she rest in peace, has just been in the news over the past weeks.
Ashling's murderer's identity is now a house-hold name in Ireland.
Almost 2 years after the “incident” which traumatised the Irish people, for fear of the safety of women in Ireland, the media finally reveal that Ashling was not strangled but stabbed in the neck multiple times.
A decision had been made, across the board, among journalists, media outlets, Gardai and government, as well as non-disclosure Orders against individuals in the HSE, not to “disclose” the truth.
Instead, the media was filled with a narrative that women in Ireland are terrified of Irish men, when in fact they knew that the murderer was not Irish but was a foreign national.
So, the “far right” audience were digesting the fresh news “revelation” disclosures about Ashling Murphy, when the new stabbing incident story broke into the collective consciousness and struck terror to the heart and soul of Ireland.
The NEWS is full of live-feeds from the scene, where there is now nothing to be seen, as reporters stutter their way through the official proclamations and promise updates as soon as they happen.
All run of the mill, clockwork orange, 24 hour a day NEWS coverage, that we have all become desensitised to, chattering away in the background, as we do our business and get on with our lives.
Dusk falls.
The NEWS up-dates and explodes with shocking live-video feeds of violence, of riot breaking out on the streets, of hooded youths, with balaclavas, smashing windows and terrorising “ordinary people”.
Suddenly the dark streets are lit up by flaming buses and police cars and a tram carriage, as live-feeds loop on repeat, while voice over narrators describe the scene.
Hooded and masked looters on loop, running out of Foot Locker with armfuls of loot.
As the narrator explains the back-story of the “incident earlier this afternoon” and of how the riots have been caused by far right factions, using the tragic incident to fan the flames of racism against non-nationals.
By 9.30 the next morning, in a live video broadcast, Leo, the Prime Minister of Ireland, condemns the Irish people as racist and claims that the women of Ireland are terrorised by the violence of Irish men.
He states that racism was the cause of the violence on the streets of Dublin.
He declares that the new “Hate Speech Law” that has been debated in the media for 2 years, and is about to be passed by the Upper House, needs to be fast-tracked and implemented without delay.
The riot-violence makes the stabbing story more interesting, and so, the Story goes viral on news channels around the world.
The world-wide Right Wing Media networks swing into action, declaring it's rhetoric with glee, using the Irish incidents to highlight and prove their beliefs that unvetted migration is a Left Wing strategy to destroy western Nations from the inside, to bring about a New World Order with a One World Religion.
Back home in Ireland, ordinary people are none the wiser as to what has happened with the victims of the stabbings, because all the media are talking about is opinions about Irish racism, and reactions to opinions.
A fund has been set up for the Brazilian hero, to “buy him a pint”.
There was no fund set up for the victims of the attack.
It’s difficult to know what is fact, but it is now rumoured that monies from these fund-raisers will go to the vicyims rather than the heroes.
There's loads of interviews with the Brazilian man, but then there is a facebook post saying that an Irishman intervened to stop the attack, wrestling the attacker to the ground, before the Brazilian arrived on the scene.
Another post says that it was a young French man who got the knife away from the attacker.
There were no confirmations from any official sources.
Theories were allowed to run rampant across Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram and TikTok platforms.
I'm not on X Twitter, so I can't say how the questions and theories spread there.
My point is that a vacuum was created in which people were facilitated in “joining the dots” for themselves, in the absence of updates from official sources.
John McGuirk, of Gript Website was invited onto MSM to debate with other journalists. He was accused of stirring hatred by publishing the Nationality of the attacker, and thereby irresponsibly became responsible for igniting the flames of Right Wing racists, who torch buses and cars and a tram.
He claimed that what he published is fact, and that he should not hide the fact.
He asked the other journalists to consider for themselves, what gives them the Right to decide what to publish and what to censor.
My question as an observer is: who gave this information to John McGuirk and Gript?
My question is whether the same information was given to the other Media companies, but they all chose to redact that fact from their NEWS reports?
From the debate, it is clear that no other Media company released the nationality of the attacker because it might ignite a Far Right reaction among the Public, given the tensions that have built up over the past years in Ireland.
The Media treat the Public like a football in a game of “public opinion”.
It seems that Gript have scored an “own-goal”, by providing the scape-goat of “right wing extremists”, to explain why the so-called riot broke out at dusk on 231123.
As an observer, I have devoted a lot of time over the past week, trying to analyse what's really happening, on all kinds of levels of all kinds of spectrum, seeking to see patterns repeating.
With so few dots to connect, of a simple story, with a series of updates, I've been seeking to see the spaces between the dots, the gaps where information is missing.
More tiny tit-bits of information are spread, but without official confirmation. Screen-shots, rumours, WhatsApp recordings.
NEWS that the family of the Irish hero have been told to shut up and say nothing about the incident.
NEWS that the family of the children who were attacked have been told to say nothing or face arrest.
NEWS that fortification-barriers have been erected around the Dail buildings.
NEWS that the family of the critically injured girl are also foreign migrants.
NEWS that the critically injured girl is being kept alive in a coma, or has already died, but that the Government won't release the NEWS because it will further fuel the anger and frustration of the Public, and that more rioting would ensue.
NEWS that the attacker is in a coma, and that's why his name is not being released, because he cannot be charged with attempted murder while in a coma.
NEWS that the hero-woman, who is critically injured, is actually in a coma, and being kept alive with a ventilator.
All of this unconfirmed NEWS I have gathered by simple scrolling on META's platforms, with TikTok videos, Gript website links, and a couple of sub.stack links.
There's a video of a speech in parliament, where the woman responsible for the Hate Speech law explains that META and Tik Tok platforms are actively censoring information flows, but X Twitter is not complying to this policy, and will be forced to comply, with more new legislation in the pipelines.
But, the gap-space in between says to me that META and Tik-Tok have been facilitating the circulation of speculation which is feeding fears, in the absence of true reporting.
Yesterday, The Irish Independent newspaper published that Gript website has had to retract false information from an article, in which they had wrongly identified the suspected Algerian stabber, with a photo with personal details, though without naming him.
From the Irish Independant article:
“When contacted about the Gript article, a garda spokesman told the Irish Independent: “This article is highly inaccurate.”
“The individual referenced in the article is not a person of interest in the investigation into the knife attack of last Thursday.
“An Garda Síochána has contacted the online news outlet and the outlet has agreed to remove the article.
“The online news outlet did not contact the Garda Press Office before publication.
“An Garda Síochána is aware of some social media posts resulting from the article that purport to identify the individual and has put in place measures to ensure the safety of the individual.”
“Gript’s original tweet promoting the story published at 5pm yesterday has been viewed over 755,000 times on X, formerly Twitter.”
Gript Media has responded:
“Gript Media’s original reporting was sourced from a member of An Garda Síochána.
“It was further cross-checked against publicly available records, and while the name of the suspect was not reported, that name was put to a senior official on the basis of an informal “cross-check” before publication.
Gript also said
“We are investigating the circumstances of this error, including giving due consideration to the question of whether this media outlet was deliberately deceived by a senior official. If we determine that to have been the case, then our obligation to protect the anonymity of those sources will be considered forfeit.”
So, that's all very confusing.
Every one is bogged down in an information war here.
The government are telling the public that they are wrong to be racist.
The Media corporations are telling the Public that selective reporting is, in effect, the practice of censorship.
Gript are being blamed for publishing information which is unverified.
Individuals are being tracked online for spreading mis-information.
This information will be used in prosecuting cases under the new “hate speech legislation”.
One sentence in the above Irish Independent newspaper article is the most revealing:
“One of the accounts, which shared the details of the wrong person, is linked to a man currently under investigation by detectives as part of the inquiry into the organising of the violent scenes in Dublin last week.”
Link to Irish Independant article -
Black ink on white news paper says clearly that social media accounts are tracked and traced to real world identities.
The newest Hate laws in Ireland will crack down on anyone sharing information which may turn out to be unverified.
The Hate Speech Law empowers police to demand passwords to personal computers and smart phones, with Judicial powers to sentence citizens to 12 months imprisonment if they don't cooperate.
The seizure of electronic devices also applies to any other individuals sharing the address of the accused.
That's a chilling prospect for the Public.
For whatever reasons, it seems to me, that the government in Ireland is anticipating “uprisings” from anti government individuals and is therefore legislating in advance.
Since the covid-wars, every one who questions the mainstream narrative already knows what it is like to be branded as a “far right” victim of big oil conspiracy theories.
The “far right” versus “far left” framing of modern Ireland, pitches the image of the moderate middle ground as territory in which to gain possession of the Public's Opinion.
Be careful what you believe.
Be careful of who you speak to, and of how you might be framing yourself.
Be aware that “anything you say CAN and WILL be used against you, in a court of Law”.
Most convicts inform upon themselves.
At the same time, this winter, this year coming, it's never been more important to talk real and honest with your neighbours, family and friends.
And if you are going to help solve the worlds problems these days, you are going to have to talk real with and listen to your opposites as well.
We all need to learn how to.
You found a good home for your writing Kelfin, much better here than other sites.
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