The podcast here is taking my half of the conversation on whatsapp with my friend Angie, { I’ve put a link in the top comment below, to 1 of Angie’s posts on Facebook - and I wanna make clear here that the stuff I’m on-about here aren’t in anyway meant to associate with anyone else’s writings of videos that I might post along-side my own media } about channelling the creative impulse to externalise the thougts that occur in the mind, and it shows the difference between the process of speaking, off the top of the head, compared to this process of writing words down, because when we speak, we don’t so much pre-think the whole sentence to the end before we say the words, yet when we write, we tend to more-fully conceive of what the end of the sentence is going to be.
So that’s an indication of the flow-state of the left-brain or the flow state of the right-brain being different to each other, in expressing what is being processed in the mind.
I tend to think of the brain as being divided along the lines of masculine and feminine characteristics - in the sense of gender traits - the right brain side is the whole feeling field, of Being, while the left brain side is the analythical focus upon particulars, of Doing.
Every Body has both functions, though the female embodiment has been characterised as Being less thinking and more feeling polarity, and the mele embodiment has been characterised as Doing more thinking than feeling polarity - and so, I guess, this is the underlying process of under-mining the societal”norms” of gender-stereotypical social constructs that have become characterised as the “trans” phenomena these days, as well as the new terms such as “neuro-diversity” - where the trans-formation of of our self-identity of role-models is changing to a fusion of left-brain / right brain, focussed upon the whole rather than upon the separate halves - I’m saying this as a comment upon the modern male becoming more capable of accessing and expressing inner feelings of Being sensitive, while modern females are experiencing an em-power-ment of recognotion that a woman is every bit as capable of expressing left-brain analythical-thinking clarity as any man can.
In saying so, I’m not trying to endorse any agenda that is being promoted these days, in the “trans-move-ments”, that a person born in a male body can simply “identify as a woman” or vica-versa, but I am seeing that the role of the soul-incarnation into body is being questioned and broken from past impressions while some sort of trance-formation is occurring and something new is evolving - something that co-relates to the trans-human-ist move-ments, where fusion between bio-logical flesh and “artificial-intelligence” is occurring …
I’m conceiving / receiving in-form-at-ion that indicates that the beliefs that have been Hard-Wired into human-beliefs-systems, in the Past, are being re-wired, for the Future, and thus I’m striving to question the “how & why” this is happening - while neither judging “for or against” whether this is “right or wrong” ….
by chance, while writing this, a guy in America has send me a text message, asking if I think he is psychotic.
My answer has some relevance to these past few paragraphs -
”…Psychotic - psychosis - I looked up the definition a couple of years ago - means to be thinking and saying things which are different, as an individual, to what The Society has generally accepted as true, or normal ... In that sense, Christ was psychotic in Jewish society - They say there's no "cure" for psychosis, and thus Society tries to lock psychotic people away in lunatic asylums- in order the separate the masses from the risk of being infected by the expressions of lunatics, to stop the masses from being influenced by ideas outside of what acceptable in the little bubble of Societies Rules of conduct, of what is normal and "respectable", under the Rule of Law. Again, think of the Jesus-story, crucified for saying and believing things which might "infect the herd" …“
So, in that sense, the Christ in the Story was a successful pychotic, in the sense of having infected Society with a psyche-osis which became the over-arching belief-system of “Christian-Society”.
It’s strange and difficult to write these ideas down to share, for fear of being judged as if I AM taking sides in any of these debates or promoting any agendas, or indeed, to be judged for NOT taking sides in other people JUDGE ments - so, give me a brake here, and re-cognise the bravery of trying to see a whole comprising all parts and attempting to sum-it-all-up, by breaking it down …
This has turned into an article, more than a mere posting of some audio - do comment as to whether this is thought provoking or simply annoying and triggering - cos all these ideas I’m expressing as far from simplistic or people-pleasing, in their incompleteness.
I feel like I know that these posts of mine are all very incoherent, collections of scattered and tattered thoughts tied to bits of string-theories in some quantum field of semi-poetic prose, which, like my un-spelling of words to reveal veiled extrapulations of obscured extra-meanings, could be very annoying to some people, while being very attractive to others. That’s a tricky tight-rope to dance along, on some times very dizzying heights, far from the solid ground of acceptible grammer, very un-grounded, very etherial and other-worldly, but this is what I’ve got going on in my brain-chemistry=translations - quite like having scraps of songs playing in the back-ground, with often repeating chorus lines coming to mind, recurring often enough that they become some of the most treasured guides in my thinking processes -
here’s an example, that has been one of the strongest measures that rule my life-decision-making all-go-rhytmic maths for 20 years now - like a poetic equation for my e-motional analithics —
“ Who is Left,
Who would ever want to feel
All the feelings
which no Body
In their Right Mind
Would ever want to feel?”
So yeah, I’m discussing things here which are un-comfort-able, which feel beyond merely “edgy” or “fringe”, and I’m not expecting to become popular or easily shared and appreciated among those who still stick to the un-conscious biases of up-bringing, of taking-sides in debates, of arguing against { …. } for the greater-good.
I’m trying to work-out how things work out here, and I guess I could do with some help in facing the fears of exposing my Self to being “written-off” by the audience, for being fool-ish enough to walk off a metaphorical cliff-face, steepping along a tight-rope that I’m holding loosely in my grasp, like the 0 card in a taroh deck …
Bye for now, thanks for taking the time to listen and read …
So, this is me wandering around in the field yesterday with the dog, capturing thoughts as short videos and stitching them together … like fishing in a lake and catching a few few fish out of the thousands that are swimming about near the surface.
Here’s the video that does explain a lot about the channelling process, empathy and telepathy … more triggering stuff, for those who dislike the “new age” ideas, and who think this kinda stuff is ALL mere fakery - but I’m trying to share the possibility that there is something true happening in the awakening from the “dream scape” of the past belief-systems of the di-visions of duality as reality constructs, and it’s not easy to conceive of stepping beyond the known, to un-know the partial, in order to birth the Whole ….
There’s a load of twaddle being pedelled about a new age and a new earth, and I’m fighting with my own cynicisms to try to perceive what is Truth compared to what is off-kilter from the emerging Truths and I’ve been struggling to express my impressions of this evolution of “consciousness” since I was a 15 year old countryside kid. 35 years later, I feel I’ve got enough life-experience to have some faith in my own perceptions, enough to risk ridicule and further exile from comtemporay society.
But, enough time has passed to see that the belief-system that Ruled Reality are trance-forming, and that the collective dream of rigid formalities is no longer so “solid”, and so, no longer so night-marish and scary to awaken from
Bye for now, thanks for taking the time to listen and read …
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