Just keep digging.
When will anyone ever get deep enough.
How many layers can an onion have.
Inside is no thing.
When the substance collapses.
The space between.
Science can slice silence.
Between the noise.
Peaks and troughs.
Big Bang.
Never ending.
Seeking enlight end ment.
Disappear up one's own ass hole.
How many times.
How many life times.
Reborn, born again, born anew.
Modern human, discovers ancient technology.
The mind stretched.
The body yawned.
The heart ache.
The inner search.
The outer shell.
The boundary line.
The moment passed.
The present tense.
The absolute.
The I-deal idea resounding.
“I” delve deep.
I AM the ocean.
The body of emotion.
This solution dissolves.
And we humans make sand castles on the beach,
as the tide returns and dissolves our little creations.
Where is memory stored ?
How do I write this
when I do not know
what I will type next.
Focus upon the unfocussed.
Enter an invisible stream.
An imaginary portal.
A bubble space.
Internal eyes.
Seeking vision.
Making sense.
Met a concept.
Time Pass Age.
The Body of Knowledge.
The parody of Purpose
thinking feelings.
Thoughts can take us on a journey
out of time,
out of body,
out of location,
beyond knowledge.
Coma toes.
Out of body
floating feelings
carrier waves
sound frequencies
starry sky
light sparks in the bed of night
sun rise
illusion of day Self
Which came first:
The Dreamer or The Dream?
1/3 of Life a sleep.
Dreaming, quantum, entangled, dis-solving mysteries.
Shadow Self.
Awaken to the reality.
Passing through the boundary threshold.
Remembering the Day-Time-Self.
Things to do.
Purpose, activity, thought, progression, responsibility, feelings.
Struggling, pushing polarising, acquiescing, come-promise.
We do not remember our conception, our birth, our baby-hood.
We gather so much data, as time ticks through the our-glass.
Each grain of sand – a generation passing
through the “i” of a need-all.
Day cycles.
A Day in the Life.
A Life in One Day.
Sleep is death, conceiving next life.
Which came first, The Night or The Day.
“I” was asleep in the Womb of my Mother.
“I” had the seed of the Father, of conscious potential.
“I” entered a cell
and “I” began to split in to two
Self, replicating-iterations of a consummate-unique code.
Our great day-time Civilisations are built upon sand.
We have no real-memory of who we are, nor how.
We are a guessing game.
Which came first, the Giver or the Receiver.
The Question Arks.
The Arks of the Covenants.
Gods chosen peoples.
Peoples chosen gods.
“I” Wonder, why?
It is no Wonder, that People have lost their Way.
“I” is a place-holder.
We are, in habit ants, hive-minded, pre-determined, destined.
We have limited knowledge.
Self-limited, by what we know.
Self autonomy.
Habit, habitat.
I am safe, in-doors, alone, reaching-in, to reach out.
Safe spaces.
Pattern recognition processing …
A screen to project onto, and record.
Blocks chained into the internet, through “Face-book”,
an inter-face with the out-side, day-time, collective-conscious.
A picture-painting, key-board puzzle, down-loaded from soul,
up-loaded to the manifest MagNetic magic Net.
Magic Net eye see.
Out Press to ex-press, push the keys, spell the words.
Enter, Command, control alt delete.
Clashing Symbols.
Keyboard warriors, defend in beliefs, clashing sword—words.
Keyboard lovers, surfing emotions, feeling into a mental field.
I AM, honoured to meet you.
The Over-Arching Concepts.
In Cube 8 Things.
2 to the power of 3.
8 – Great Grand Parents.
And “I” - the 9nth seedling.
“I” give Life, to be-cum an Ancestor.
I AM the Soul masquerading as the Person.
The Personality = Mask my I dent it Y.
I AM – an imagined Self identity.
I AM – an imagined artificial intelligence.
I seek in order, to find my irregularity,
My per-son-all “Singularity”.
The WORD gives us memory.
The WORD form from with in.
The WORD is virtual.
Speak, the WORD into Being.
The “I” manifests into Being.
The Whole World is a Thought-construct.
The personality has an incomplete equation,
a part of the whole.
The equation is a fractal self-acceptance.
To bridge The GAP.
Between Worlds of WORD.
The Partial I'm complete The Whole.
Each cell dies, and is reborn.
Each Day dies, and is reborn.
Apparent motion, given meaning, worlds spinning, harmonic spheres.
Perception eclipses the apparent reality, the dogma of “I” am God.
Back WORD for WORD
I see a world in which, any thing can be believed in.
I am told that T-here is a reality in which the Majority Rules.
I am told that is called Democracy.
For my Self, I do not live in a democracy.
The Majority is an illusion of projection, of Might is Right.
I Am, what is, Left-after, Right is Wrong.
I have been accused, stood in Court, been Judged, been Sentenced, been imprisoned, been re-leased, on bail, bailed out of sinking relation-ships, lost at sea, a fictitious character, in a game of Civilisation.
A fictitious character in a lame blame game.
Cast-a-ways, casts of characters in a charade, an inter-active cinema, a filmed script, a court-room-drama, a re-run of past episodes, in a never-ending series, cascading through time, masquerading as a civilised “Society”.
The written Word re-pre-sent-s the past as pre-sent futures.
The written Word is the 3rd “I”.
The writ 10 WORD is the Place-holder, h-olding Place.
Crypt in the Script, buried memories, past generations, previous Days.
En nighten ment !!
Language is a magician, creating illusions and making reality seem real.
I'm writing, words of worlds of con fusions, wheat n chaffing on the bit of The Apple in the Eye of the bee-holder, the flower, the nest, the hive, the mind, the Ocean of eMotions.
Childish mood swings in the play ground.
An actor is happiest when having a role to play.
What is my role this Day?
A writer, delving in, between the Worlds between the spaces of words pacing through the sent-hence, making pictures in the minds eye, para-graphs, para-chutes.
What goes up, must come down.
We dream our Self in to Being.
We wake up to act-out our illusions, and fall as-leap a-gain.
WORD splay, a tarot deck of infinite cards.
To Whom does the WORD belong.
Humans grasp, whatever is, with-in reach.
Data-gathering-artificial-consciousness, built of beliefs.
Civilised in habit-ants in a hive-mind-simulation.
I may fear the technological mainframe of the Matrix.
I may fear what the Angels' E-lite might do with it.
I might fear that the worlds' population will be enslaved.
I may fear what I can imagine happening.
I may fear a complete stranger, for no real reason.
The partial fears the completion.
For the Partial vanishes when Wholeness arrives.
For Shadows vanish when total darkness returns.
Only Day Light fears The Night, one might imagine.
Fate-based confirmation-bias.
Faith in what “I” believe.
Self, fulfilling prophetically.
I Am what I be, come.
Deconstruct the reconstruction.
Take time out, on a date, of the equation.
Part-ache of The Whole.
I AM used to identify with the Partial.
“I AM NOW”, suggesting to my Self,
to identify with The Whole.
Invite The Whole Self, to engage with The Partial Self.
Invite the in-complete to Complete.
Allow The Singularity to E-merge.
Stop fighting factions.
Allow Peace to Be me.
Allow Peace to Beam.
I AM The Sun.
I AM The Stars.
I AM The Planets.
I AM The Earth.
Here, The Earth.
Hear The Heart.
eartH Heart.
De-compose the language.
I AM The Body.
I AM The Breath.
Breathe-in, The I AM
Breathe-out, The I AM
AIM to be I AM
I choose to invite the partial-opposites
to merge and emerge as I AM Whole.
I invite the W-hole-healing of my partial-trauma.
I AM Home – Home o sapien.
Home –0 – path
I invite my Self to Be Well and Good
to be at one, in a tone meant of all, Well-Being.
I recognise one body of Water in Truth
I recognise one body of Truth in Water.
I resonate this body of Truth in Water in Life.
I AM this Moment in Ti-me.
I AM Present.
I AM the remainder of all computations.
The Dream is now
A wake.
Each individual Will a-wake
for we are fractals
and The Whole has all-ready A-Woke-N
dAWN has A Woke N.
take yOUR TiMe, yet know,
we don't have to wait any longer
for the rest of us, to figure IT-out.
When The W-hole is healed with-in
what IS with in, Will shine in the with-out.
The Earth IS healing from / with / in
The Heart IS healing from / with / in
I AM healing from / with / in
A short-cut:
If the glass is half empty, perhaps the chalice is larger than you need.
Whatever seems to be reality, can become more loving, more easily, by inviting Joy into One Heart, by remembering that the partial is also whole.
A Phrase:
“I have the Joy of the Whole World upon me,
and I wish this also, with of all of you too”
Heart speaks
Only in Love
Heart listens
Nothing is hidden
All is known
Perfect perception
In reception
Only in Love
All is all in All
Only in Love