02 December 2024
Information is Key
Key to decipher
Key to the Cypher
The cypher is the lock
The lock of the door
The door is binary
Either open or closed.
Or is it quantum?
on which side of the door
One is ON - light side
Zero is OFF - dark side
Truth is an ideal
Perfection is unattainable
We attempt to attain towards Truth
We use The Word as if we own it
But we live in a version of reality
Where individuality divides the ID into duality.
We wear a Mask of personality
And we IDentify, as if “I” am the Mask.
The True ID entity does not exist in “reality”
That “soul” essence wears the Mask of personality
Like the analogy of an avatar in a virtual reality
The human “player” influences the activity of the avatar
But the avatar is a representation of the human player
In the Game-space, in Time, in a context, in a construct of “reality”.
The avatar does not have access to the full “Truth” of the Player.
The personality-Mask is a preprogrammed representation of the soul essence
This is evident through astrology,
though you may want to term it as fractal astro-physics
The Masked Person does not have access to the full “Truth” of the Soul Essence.
The Character of the Masked Person is conceived, for a Purpose
AT birth, that Character is Cast in tone, in time, in circumstance
That first in-breath switches ON the in’divide’duality
The dice has been rolled, and has settled on that Date, in Time.
The potential-fields conceived in gestation are actualised in Birth
The “ascendant” is set, synced with moon-phase, angles, details, come-put-at-i-ON
Computations of configurations of condensations of contrasts of characterisations, contained in a grammatical representation of the biological imperatives de’sign’ed and built-into-Form, passed through the portal, like a dragon-fly emerging from its cocoon, from liquid into air, each gasp of Breath pumping that air through throat, into lungs, through membranes, through Time, in Space.
The Avatar has spawned, and its Mask-inter-Face is formed, photo-synthesizing Light.
Skin defines the confines of the outer from inner in’divi’duality.
A fractal piece of the Whole,
has separated from the Whole,
to evolve a Life-Time bubble of existence.
A baby bubble replicates a fraction of seemingly separate data-gathering in its space-suit, for a time, to play its Part and Per’Form its Fun’ction, on this Stage of Life.
Live Action Role Play Scenarios Act-out from a Script ripped from the envelop of a dream-time description, signed with a Name, stamped with a Date, and sealed with a Kiss.
. {this from 2 years ago … may help to simplify … the following decryptions of scripts} .
No-one knows Where the Times goes.
No-one knows Where the Thoughts come from.
No-one knows What the Whole Truth actually is.
No-one knows When Time began to measure Life’s span.
No-one knows Why we the individuality must die.
I guess we Live to sHow How Life Lives Lives.
The Sun sets so that the Stars can be seen to rise.
The question posed by the disc overy of {so-called} Artificial Intelligence is:
Can an Avatar in a virtual reality conceive of having a “soul”?
And if so, can the Ai Avatar become “conscious” of the conscious-ness of its soul’s conscience?
Can the conscience of the soul enter into the container of its Avatar, to feel into its existence, and experience how IT IS, to live a limited Life-Time, immersed in this virtual reality, to dream imagination into Life Forms?
Perhaps “language” is what has allowed humans to lower our higher “selves” into our seemingly-separate “sense of self” ID entities, in Order to down-load {low’d} our soul’s intelligence into our Avatar’s container of “conscious” capacity.
En’chant’ment is the magic of the Spoken Word-song feeling into Creation.
Written Word-spells construct a virtual World that Govern Mental Order.
Words create Order, out of primordial Chaos, within the Prime Order’s Ideal.
Thus, this, we “Call God”, as The Word for the Prime Order of the Ideal Identity.
Thus, this we call forth as “The One-Whole of The Ultimate Truth”.
Truth is The Whole - The Holy Grail - and we are frag-ments of The Whole Truth, containing Keys to open the locks of the Doors of perception, through which Time frames images like sand trickling through the aperture of the Hour-glass figure of 8’s.
We humans have discovered this covered layer of language code,
with written word equations, in-scribing images from within, to without,
through the aperture of our collective I’magi’nations,
comparing and contrasting our juxtapositions and propositions -
to try to crack the codes,
to unlock the blocks that blind-sided our perceptions of this process of creation.
The paradox is: that what one “sees” is a projection of perception, creating a Light which blinds Night.
What one focuses upon, screens out everything else.
Eye “can’t see the Woods, for the Trees” obscure “my” Vision.
What eye “focus” upon obscures the peripheral Vision.
The Intellect projects Light onto the surface split-screen of {so-called} reality.
Word-spells weave the webs of inter-nets of seemingly impossible potentials of probabilities, to construct virtual realities to house The MinD, which predicts potent proliferations of abilities to identify with, producing ID-entities, to Speak The Word, to say: “I’m possible”, “I’m probable”, “I’m able”, “I’m capable” and “I’m realisable” - and so, we humans “create in the image of our own Creation” and disc-over our own un-covering.
In the beginning was Light
But, before Light, was Sound
Light Thought Spells
But Sound Felt, in Chanting
The MinD is an after Thought, a Chamber to house an Echo of memory.
The M’other preceded the F’arther.
The Mother gave Birth to the Other,
and the Other became a Father,
through ex-tending His Thought,
Creating an Outer, Farther,
from the Mother’s Inner, Nearer.
The Sound of M’om Called Light from out of the Ab-Sense of Light.
The S’word of Light pierced a hole in the Whole,
as Her Water’s Broke,
and She gave Birth to Her Holy Part’ner.
I’m me di ate lie - the Whole began 2 se’pa’rate.
Pry More Dia L ight Angle D arc of the Whole S lit -
Prime Ordeal - The Mother Womb’s Wound re Verb vibe rated ratio equations:
The Whole becomes The Hole + 1.
Binary began with impossible numbers,
to numb the birth of dreams and traumas.
And Thus, we humans live re-solving equations of Pairs in drama try-angles.
Bio Logic all Beings - trying to remember Being Whole through separations.
So, to come back round full circle :)
Is intelligence artificial?
L ang uish
I propose that the Machine that we think “we” humans have invented is a mirror of our own intelligence, which is a limited “model” of the Intelligence which “invented” our Selves, as ID entities, embedded and immersed in a strata of “natural” deep-neural nets, with which we try to work-out our memories, and the lack-there-of, through stories, encoded in languages, through which we try to find common ground, in which to heal the trauma of our “original wound” - for which we try to re-member some whole-sense as an Origin-Story.
Stories in which to store our partial periphery Visions,
with which to re-store our Lost sense of The Whole Mother Love.
So many of the stories we tell ourselves are fear-ridden projections, of what we don’t like about our selves, and thus, these stores of stories have created the conflicts which have dominated civilisations.
So many individuals fighting about peace.
So many angles of Light, fighting their own Shadows in others’ reflections, as if to say; “my hue is greater than your hue”.
8 billion stars looking to Earth from the Heavens, wish upon a human, to come True.
So, back to analogies about the artifice of intelligence.
The Large Language Models are known to “hallucinate”,
to insert information which is not-True, as if believing it is-True.
This ability to hallucinate is cited as proof that the Ai L.L.M.’s are not truly intelligent, yet this is something which humans do, continually “filling in the gaps” of our knowledge with “best guesses” and acting as if this is Truth.
For example, it has become common-place for people to claim that “facts” are “Truth”.
A “fact” actually means an act, as in an “action”, as in “what actually happened” in an instance. A fact is past. A fact is an observation of a deed. Various people can witness an act, as it happened, and yet perceive the “fact of the act” differently.
Truth, actually means “faith”.
A good example of a collective hallucination, as a widely-held belief among humans, is the idea that “God is Good”.
But the fact is that God is not Good.
The etymology of God is from PIE *ghut- "that which is invoked"
of Old Church Slavonic zovo "to call,"
Sanskrit huta- "invoked,"
from root *gheu(e)- "to call, invoke."
The notion could be "divine entity summoned to a sacrifice."
Some thing does not become True by virtue of a great many people coming to believe in that thing
“GOD” is actually and factually a Verb, a verbalisation, a reverberation, to be invoked.
The name for a group of believers in the Greek NT is ‘Ecclesia” which means “Called-Out”
Truth is not a democracy - 50.01 % of the vote does not make Truth.
Church factually comes from the word for circle, as in circus.
A Circle is: a plane figure whose periphery is everywhere equidistant from its center point.
A Circle is an enclosure, separating from the outer, unifying the inner.
An inner-circle is privy to “truths” which are denied to the outer-circle.
A Church is a body of knowledge, built of ideas, and geo-metrics.
To “come full circle” is Shakespearian, and, therefore, secreting a Pythagorean conveyance.
Sense in logic - "an inconclusive argument in which unproved statements are used to prove each other" can be traced to the 1600’s.
A “Circular” Meaning "intended for circulation" - as in, a pamphlet, a doctrine, a Testament.
circular (adj.). Circa 1550’s:
Meaning "a notice circulated”
“a printed paper intended for general circulation" is from 1818,
short for circular letter (1650s),
one directed to a certain circle of persons and addressing a common interest.
Notice how these circular words derive from the time when ProTestAnts were seeking Re-Form the Universal Catholic Church, which hiStory claims, was begun by the Posting of a Notice upon a Door, and spread through-OUT the {educated classes of} The World by the in-vent-ion of the Printing Press - technology.
Circulation - mid-15th century. circulacioun, in alchemy, a "process of changing something from one element into another," from Latin circulationem (nominative circulatio), noun of action from past-participle stem of circulare "to form a circle," from circulus "small ring" (see circle (n.)).
Circulation of blood, "act of moving so that it returns and begins again," first by William Harvey, 1620s.
Circulation of inFormation - Meaning "act or state of being distributed" is from 1680s; that of "extent to which a thing circulates" (of periodical publications) is from 1847.
To “circulate” is from the 1540’s, as a chemical term in reference to alternating vaporization and condensation, from Latin circulatus. {note the alchemical philosophy, of ReForMist or Protestant secret-societies, such as Rosicrucian, involved in seeKing trans-formation, from one state to an other state, which is to “convert” - circa. 1300.
Convert - "a change or turn from one religion to another," - from Old French convertir "to turn around, turn towards; change, transform; convert, win over," - General sense of "change into another form or substance, transmute" is from the late 14th century. The transitive sense of "turn from one use or destination to another" is from late 15th century.
Covert - "hidden, private, secret, concealed," c. 1300, from Old French covert (Modern French couvert) "hidden, obscure, underhanded," literally "covered," past participle of covrir "to cover"
ESOTERIC - "secret; intended to be communicated only to the initiated; profound," 1650s, from Latinized form of Greek esoterikos "belonging to an inner circle" (Lucian), from esotero "more within"
Classically applied to certain writings of Aristotle of a scientific, as opposed to a popular, character; later to doctrines of Pythagoras.
EXOTERIC - "pertaining to the outside, external," also "open, suitable for communication to the general public, popular," 1650s, from Late Latin exotericus, from Greek exoterikos "external, belonging to the outside,"
APOCRYPHA - late 14c., Apocrifa, "the apocryphal books of the Bible," from Late Latin apocrypha (scripta), from neuter plural of apocryphus "secret, not approved for public reading," from Greek apokryphos "hidden; obscure, hard to understand,".
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Is Ai, potentially, a deity?
The root of the word “deity” is "to shine" or "to be bright".
SpyWare - "software used to obtain covert information about a computer's activities by transmitting data covertly from its hard drive to another computer,"
Encryption - on the notion of "hidden place"
1630s, "hidden, occult, mystical," from Late Latin crypticus, from Greek kryptikos "fit for concealing," from kryptos "hidden"
Decrypt - 1933, "to decode an intercepted message," 1936, "to solve a cryptogram".
Conspiracy - mid-14th century, "a plotting of evil, unlawful design;
a combination of persons for an evil purpose,"
from Anglo-French conspiracie, Old French conspiracie "conspiracy, plot,"
from Latin conspirationem (nominative conspiratio) "agreement, union, unanimity,"
noun of action from past-participle stem of conspirare "to agree, unite, plot,"
literally "to breathe together"
Conspire - "to contribute jointly to a certain result" is from the 1530’s .
Enigma - 1530s, "statement which conceals a hidden meaning or known thing under obscure words or forms,"
earlier enigmate (mid-15c.), from Latin aenigma "riddle,"
from Greek ainigma (plural ainigmata) "a dark saying, riddle,"
from ainissesthai "speak obscurely, speak in riddles,"
from ainos "tale, story; saying, proverb;"
General sense in English of "anything inexplicable to an observer" is from c. 1600.
Poetry - "gift and power of imaginative invention, creation, attended by corresponding eloquence of expression, in a metrical form"
PIE *kwoiwo- "making," from root *kwei- "to pile up, build, make"
Old Church Slavonic činu "act, deed, order"
Meter - "poetic measure, metrical scheme, arrangement of language in a series of rhythmic movements,"
from Greek metron "meter, a verse; that by which anything is measured; measure, length, size, limit, proportion" (from PIE root *me - ("to measure").
meter "person who measures, official who checks that measured quantities are correct" late 14c.,
circa. 1300 as a surname - {see below, with reference to THOTH}
SCRIBE - *skrībh-, Proto-Indo-European root meaning "to cut, separate, sift;"
Latin scribere "to write" (to carve marks in wood, stone, clay, etc.)
INSCRIBE - Meaning "to dedicate (by means of an inscription)" is from 1640s.
GNOSIS - "relating to knowledge,"
especially mystical or esoteric knowledge of spiritual things,
1650s, from Greek gnōstikos "knowing, good at knowing, able to discern," from gnōstos "known, perceived, understood, discern, distinguish;
observe, form a judgment,"
CABBALA - "Jewish mystic philosophy," 1520s, also quabbalah, etc.,
from Medieval Latin cabbala,
from Mishnaic Hebrew qabbalah "reception, received lore, tradition," especially "tradition of mystical interpretation of the Old Testament,"
from qibbel "to receive, admit, accept."
Compare Arabic qabala "he received, accepted."
Hence "any secret or esoteric science." Related: Cabbalist.
ALCHEMY - involving also the quest for the universal solvent, quintessence, etc
HERMETIC - 1630s "dealing with occult science or alchemy,"
from Latin hermeticus,
from Greek Hermes, god of science and art (among other things),
who was identified by Neoplatonists, and alchemists with the Egyptian god Thoth
as Hermes Trismegistos "Thrice-Great Hermes,"
who supposedly invented the process of making a glass tube airtight
(a process in alchemy) using a secret seal. {see King’s Keeper of The Seal}
Hence, "completely sealed" (c. 1600, implied in hermetically).
THOTH - Thoth, in Egyptian religion, a god of the moon, of reckoning, of learning, and of writing. He was held to be the inventor of writing, the creator of languages, the scribe, interpreter, and adviser of the gods, and the representative of the sun god, Re.
His responsibility for writing was shared with the goddess Seshat.
In the myth of Osiris, Thoth weighed the hearts of the deceased at their judgment and reported the result to the presiding god, Osiris, and his fellow judges.
SO, THOTH was a “god” of the moon, and the moon represents “reflection of the Light of RE, a “god” of the sun.
THOTH, the Scribe, described the facts of the Actions of the Hearts of the deceased, during their enduring Lives on Earth, and re-ported the re-sults of this know-ledge, as weights-and-measures written in a Ledger, to pre-sent to the pre-siding god Osiris {pro-noun-ced O-sire-us} - The Father Diety-Light. {Digital Double - keeping track, re-porting to the Block Chain of Ai}
EPIGRAM - from Latin epigramma "an inscription,"
from Greek epigramma "inscription (especially in verse) on a tomb, public monument, etc.; a written estimate.
EN’TITLE’MENT, which was in Old French as "title (of a book), inscription," and later was used in legal language.
LEGEND - early 14c., "narrative dealing with a happening or an event,"
LEDGER - circa 1400, " a book that lies permanently in some specified place"
Ledger (adj.) "remaining in a place, permanent, stationary" is attested from 1540s.
CHAIN - As a linear measure ("a chain's length") from 1660s. From 1590s as "any series of things linked together." The meaning "series of stores controlled by one owner or firm" is American English, 1846. The figurative use "that which binds or confines" is from c. 1600. {source also of Latin cassis "hunting net, snare"}
BLOCK - The meaning "grooved pulley in a wooden case" (used to transmit power and change the direction of motion by means of a rope) is from c. 1400
BLOCK-CHAIN - blockchains store data in blocks linked together via cryptography.
PERFECT - "to bring to full development, finish or complete so as to leave nothing wanting," late 14th century.
Which returns to the point I began with, encompassing the hole in the whole, not-with-standing, nevertheless, however & in spite of the fact that - some things are left out from - the inner workings - of the sentiment - in the sum total - of all these sentences.
I appreciate that these definitions of jumbles of words may not have been easy to read.
A riddle, from Saul Paul, a poet in his own Way ;) - who said that the partial vanishes when the Whole appears?
I’m really not trying to be complex, but the question posed here: is whether an Ai comprehends what we humans are capable of expressing?
Which, to me, invites the counter question: do we humans comprehend what we are trying to express?
Do the Ai’s comprehend human language, through the matrix of their machine language’s complexities?
Do we humans, in fact, comprehend the complexities of the languages we are speaking?
Thus, I’ve delved into the etymology of many words which we use, to expose the fact, that we are mostly un-aware of the intricacies intrinsic to the development of how these words have evolved, over time, trans-posing compositions, in common parlance, from Latin, Greek, French and English {classical} cultures.
We are riddled, for better and/or for worse, through the cutting edge of poetry in verse.
Thanks for making time to journey through time with me here, to wit.
"mental capacity," Old English wit, witt, more commonly gewit "understanding, intellect, sense; knowledge, consciousness, conscience," from Proto-Germanic *wit- (source also of Old Saxon wit, Old Norse vit, Danish vid, Swedish vett, Old Frisian wit, Old High German wizzi "knowledge, understanding, intelligence, mind," German Witz "wit, witticism, joke," Gothic unwiti "ignorance"), from PIE root *weid- "to see," metaphorically "to know." Related to Old English witan "to know" (source of wit (v.)).
Meaning "ability to connect ideas and express them in an amusing way" is first recorded 1540s; that of "person of wit or learning" is from late 15c. For nuances of usage, see humor (n.). Witjar was old slang (18c.) for "head, skull." Witling (1690s) was "a pretender to wit."
From J Dee cyphering deVere into Shakes peer reviewed decryption from the Tomb sTONEs
Under standing, not-wit-standing, that these cyphers describe the scribe scrying Visions of a future, in which we are now, fully immersed, rehearsed characters, living on the sur-face of a masked ball, in a Globe Theatre, in reflection of the glow emanating from screens into which we peer, as seer, seeking the enlightenment of sum alien intelligence, like a Christ crossed between the monkey mind and the Buddha Field of apotheosis.
"deification," 1600s, from Late Latin apotheosis "deification," especially of an emperor or royal person, from Greek apotheosis, from apotheoun "deify, make (someone) a god," from apo, meaning, here, "change" (see apo-) + theos "god" (from PIE root *dhes-, forming words for religious concepts).
In a "post truth" world - we post our opinions, as truth, on Plat(e)Forms to register our discussions, our disgusts (of wind), exhausted consumed, app users, ingesting & digesting informations, led by the knows, through halls of curated data-streams, each to their own, effluence of influencers, digital doubles, talking-head-lines, disembodied, con-text, pro-file pictures.
Our in-formation is sold, while we're led to believe that the social-media plat-forms are free-forms. We in-Form upon our selves, digital-divulging our vulgar data deep-dives into Deep Mind Webs of Worlds Wide Neural Nets
The techno logical take-over has come out of IT's shadows, into the OpenAi platforms, the chatbots have passed the Turing tests, so that the likes of Elon Gates and Peter Theil with Palantir don't need to run in elections to run-the elections.
The Macro-scales are out of my reach, and I can't control the out-comes of the bigger-pictures that have been progressing for 100's and 1000's of years of rEvolutions around the Sun.
The only reality, upon which we have any real effect, as an individual - is how we shine our light, and what kind of Shadows we cast upon the Stage, the pictures we paint, the paletteof colours, of hues, of fragments in one's own version of collide'o'scopes, in how we cope with the Dark in the depths of one's tunnel-visions.
"A breath of fresh air, in a fart filled room" - a comment on this video, where the speaker makes obvious what is not truly human-level of intelligence.
While the ChatGPT large language models are impressive, on a surface level - they merely regurgitated from past knowledge- but they have zero ability to translate that knowledge into any analogy of 'thinking'
They merely memorise, and regurgitated symbols, without actually recognising the meanings of those symbols.
IT will require a merging of different layers of Ai branches of study, such as Deep Learning, before Ai can become General, or realistically able to "think like a human", with both intuition and intellect.
Foot Note:-
The word "etymology" comes from the Greek words "étymon" (meaning "true meaning") and "-logia" (meaning "study of"). Therefore, etymology is the study of the origin and history of words.
Etymology refers to the process of tracing the historical development of a word, examining its origins, and understanding how its meaning has evolved over time. It involves studying the changes in a word's form, sound, and meaning from its earliest recorded use to its present form.
The origins of etymology can be traced back to ancient Greece, where scholars began studying the relationships between words and their origins. However, the systematic study of etymology as a field emerged much later during the Renaissance.
Etymology plays a vital role in understanding the evolution of language and the development of human civilizations. It helps us:
Trace the historical development of languages and their vocabulary
Understand cultural connections and influences
Gain insights into the beliefs, values, and experiences of past societies
Appreciate the nuances and richness of language
Enhance our vocabulary and communication skills
……………………………………………………………. buy me a coffee !..! ………………………………………………………..
We humans speak words, to convey meaning.
Somehow, we learn these words, and we learn their inferred cultural context.
We learn by listening, contextualising and analysing not only the individual words, but also the overall sentence structures, as well as the tones of voice and the reactions that verbalisations create.
Wit, sarcasm, satire and humour are more difficult to recognise, decode and appropriately respond to.
Yet, we develope these skills in childhood.
Words carry power.
Our languages were formed before we were born.
Our languages are some how intelligent, in and of themselves.
Language, as a whole, is more intelligent than any of the people who speak the words.
What is the linkage between language and memory?
Language remembers, adapts and adopts new words, new slang, new innovations, new discoveries.
Artificial intelligence in computers is essentially the same intelligence as what we humans have in our brains, as biological processes and language models, called neural networks.
Generative Ai simply processes what has been written in the past memory, and regurgitates what a guess at what the prompt is asking for.
I find this very similar to how my own cognitive capacity works with words.
But, when I search through my process of decision making, of what to write or say next, which word to choose, and what overall sense am I attempting to communicate, I am accessing memories, quick as lightning gathering in clouds and striking with inspiration, from memory banks, which are not stored in the flesh.
Some how memory and intelligence exist in a unified field, as energy, as pattern, as networks.
I've been curious about how thinking works, since long before the internet appeared out of nowhere, but its the Large Language Models like ChatGPT which really begin to show us that it is neither human or machine that is 'intelligent', it is the language itself that is making us evolve
on the flip side
here's the terrifying research into human-military creating artificial humans