Recent break throughs, parting the veils,
bringing the dream time into practical healing.
So much of what I'm going to say now, is so very far “outside the box” of ordinary thinking, or accepted capacity of what is considered real.
The astral plane, and the astral body of feeling.
The idea of other dimensions, and aspects of the Whole-Self
which “exist” in dimensions which are more subtle than the physical plane of existence.
I have just been chatting with my lady Tara over the video-phone through the internet.
We have a good rapport, and a deep understanding of how each others minds “work”.
We have been chatting, among other things, about how the feminine half of the physical brain is the right-hemisphere, the left side of the outer body, and how this half is connected to the overall field of all Creation, of all subconscious memory.
It is the dark back drop of the sky at night, in which the stars can shine all those tiny-looking-lights, that shine down to earth in their uncountable billions.
The masculine half of the physical brain is the left hemisphere, the right side of the outer body {Might is Right-belief-system} and how that half is connecting dots of light-thoughts and objects in the outer-world, but is not aware of the Whole Field of the subconscious memory.
The masculine is Light, and cannot “see” the dark, because where ever it looks, it shines Light, and the Light fills the space of the Dark with it's Light.
The masculine is “blinded” by its own Light.
Dark does not “see”.
Dark feels the field.
Light does not feel the field, it only sees what ever it looks at, it only remembers what it has seen, and it is compelled to try to shine everywhere in order to truly think that it “knows” every thing.
But Dark already “encompasses” every where, already surrounds every light, already IS the “space” around every star in the Heavens.
Dawn and Dusk, are special moments, every day, where the 2 become 1, when the ethereal becomes tangible, where we can walk between the worlds, especially when there's a mist in the air, the morning and evening dew.
Venus is the Morning Star {planet}.
Venus is also the Evening Star.
Biblically, this is how Venus got labelled and entangled with the idea of Lucifer, and also with the stereo-typical type-casting of The Devil.
Lucy-fer and the Devil are both feminine qualities, but cast-out as if masculine principles.
Why do we fear?
What do we fear?
I've just owned my awareness of all of this and realised how simple it is to send my astral-dream-feeling-body to where my Mother is, in Cliffony, on the Sligo/Donegal borderland, on the terrestrial-map of the physical-world, at my blood-brother Martin's house.
In my third-person-present, in my mind's eye, in my third eye, in my astral-vision, I can see what I can imagine – I can see what I am “thinking” about.
I've just found my Self present there, standing with my Mother in the bedroom, up the stairs and to the left at the landing. The door is open.
And while chatting with Tara, and explaining this, Tara has come there too, in her astral-dream-feeling-body.
Imagine if 50 people gathered, physically, outside that house, to show my Mother, that she is not alone, not unheard, not doomed to solitary confinement, no longer imprisoned in the false-light of my brother's “care”.
Imagine if my Mother could look outside the window and see us there, and then she could open the door and invite us in, and she could feel able to speak her mind, and be listened to, could receive the empathy and the healing, and respond in kind, with hospitality and welcome.
Image if this happens on the astral plane, in the dream-time, while we are sleeping and dreaming, even though, upon awakening, we may not remember.
Imagine if we understand that this IS how healing happens, upon the soul-level of the Feminine – The Earth Soul expressing it's collective sub-consciousness.
Imagine if we become conscious of this collective sub-conscious soul-dream-space-field of individuated energies of our individuated soul id-entities
And imagine, through empathy, how our individuated soul essences can resonate together into a large morphic-field of conscious and sub-conscious united in the pre-sent Moment, both out-side of, and in-side of the manifest present moment now.
Imagine, we all meet with Our Mother, and ground our awareness and open our Sacred Sacral centers, and call upon the archetype of the Divine Mother Earth-Soul, and the Divine Father Sky-Spirit, to hold a space of divine unity – IN TIME – bringing a deeper harmony of Loving Light to the situations playing out on Earth's physical plane of cut-off-outer-experience – the illusion of separation.
I wrote this a few weeks ago, but didn't get around to posting.
Now, I can add this too:
Imagine a cave in the ancient past, a deep cave, voluminous and dark, and warm, with a large pool in the floor, deep enough to bathe and swim in.
Imagine the interior of the cave is showered in crystals, shimmering reflections of any light which might enter through the entrance of the cave mouth.
Imagine the sound of stillness in this cave, reverberating stillness.
Imagine the hum of Stillness, as Presence, rather than an absense..
Imagine being, living, humming in this cave.
Imagine swimming and bathing in this pool.
Imagine Being, resonating in this manifestation of Harmony.
Imagine living a whole Life in this soulful ecology.
Imagine a life-time of peaceful loving Presence.
Imagine being able to visit this place in the astral plane.
Imagine resonating between that lifetime and this lifetime.
Imagine feeling the healing of a Life without trauma.
Imagine being feeling that healing resonate into this Life.
Imagine resonating that feeling in this modern world.
Imagining inviting this resonance of healing into this Body.
Imagining this resonance Whole-ding this Body.
Imagine the traumas resonating to this healing feeling,
Image the effect this can have.
This is just beautiful 😍✨