This should be really obvious, but obviosly isn’t.
Most people have been oblivious to the obvious fact that the brain has 2 halves, to make up the whole. Most every body has been thaught to be lob-sided, leaning to the logical lobe more than the intuitive latent abilities.
I’m not gonna bother de-bunking the traditional-mental-masculine-patriarchs mechanistic view of the material world as consisting of only what can be seen, externally, by the 2 eyes, in the visual spectrum as solid evidence of what is “real”, while everything else is labeled as either positively-spiritual or negatively-lunacy.
It’s common now to see that the world is divided, polarised, conflicted, at war, bifurcating, blown out of proportions, according to the NEWS, to the social media, to the common-place conversations.
We live in a duality, where every thing seems to have an opposition.
Is it merely a program of how we humans have been indoctrinated about how we think about the world, and who is it that is doing the indoctrinating, over such a long time, all over the world?
This should be really obvious, but obviously isn’t.
Most people have been oblivious to the obvious fact that the brain has 2 halves, to make up the whole. Most every body has been taught to be lob-sided, leaning to the logical lobe more than the intuitive latent abilities.
I’m not gonna bother de-bunking the traditional-mental-masculine-patriarchs mechanistic view of the material world as consisting of only what can be seen, externally, by the 2 eyes, in the visual spectrum as solid evidence of what is “real”, while everything else is labelled as either positively-spiritual or negative-lunacy.
It’s common now to see that the world is divided, polarised, conflicted, at war, bifurcating, blown out of proportions, according to the NEWS, to the social media, to the common-place conversations.
We live in a duality, where every thing seems to have an opposition.
Here’s the re-view of looking forwards, through the looking glass …
2 days later … here’s a memory song … trans port at ion
Is it merely a program of how we humans have been indoctrinated, about how we think about the world, and who is it that is doing the indoctrinating, over such a long time, all over the world?
I'm thinking out-side of the box, as best I can – for one can only see the whole of the object by being out-side of the object.
I object. I am the Object. I am an Object. I am one of many.
What am I that is looking through these 2 eyes – both objective and subjective perspectives.
It is a feat of mental-gymnastics to hold both perspectives at once.
I am not “my mind”, yet I have a mind with which to think “I am my” mind.
SO, here we are, identification, how do I identify my self – if I were decomposed to a mere skeleton, with flesh and features rotted from bone, the only way to be identified is by the teeth – by the dentistry.
Root word = “dent”.
Teeth make incisions, to cut, to chew, to break-down, the meat of the issue, the tissue, the flesh, the sinew, the blood vessels, to get deep down to the bone, and break into the marrow, to suck the succulence in the centre of carnal being.
Teeth represent thinking, decisions, & beliefs.
A set of teeth are like a set of beliefs, inherited from pair-ents, who pay-rent for the flesh of epigenetic building blocks of intelligent life-force codes of binary biology.
Teeth have nerve ending that send signals to the brain-stem.
But, like thoughts, teeth don't feel for themselves.
Teeth are connected and housed in gums.
Gums have feelings!!
But feelings alone can't break-down the issues of tissues by which to digest the data of the foods we ingest.
Feelings need thoughts, every bit as much as thoughts need feelings – and both need flesh to have any sense of purpose, of position, of frame, of reference, of identity, of incarnation.
This “information age” makes it obvious that we humans are consuming an over-whelming amount of data. Ap-parent-ly, we now live in a “post truth era” - where we post “truth” on social media.
This post is a bit of a mish mash – I quite like making jig-saw pieces – rather than finished Master pieces !!
I've been gardening all week, and attending the dentists, whilst the Plat-forms have been getting their trans-sister knickers into twists, super-heroes need super-villains. I guess. But I'm having none of it.
The whirled has gone windy-whoops with the Way of The Wyrd.
'Twas all ways destined to wind up this way round the clock face ticked tocked.
Any ways, here’s what I wrote this morning:
I'm in my own bubble of awareness, with a tiny exterior window of the Facebook timeline newsfeed. I see people reacting to things that have no real meaning, and giving Them meaning. I see people make so much theory about what THEY are doing, what They are planning, and why. But who knows who THEY are? I see people who believe in Christ and God, The Creater of this theatre of Life, being terrified by their greater belief in evil, in this Theatre of destruction. I see people trapped in their own projections of fear and of knowledge, drowning in despair, clinging to hope of some Saviour belief, of victory in some spiritual war. I see spiritual ego, battling with mental illness, failing to feel Love healing die visions - and yet claiming to be Christians. I see people being triggered like smoking guns, by mere images on screens, thinking that emoting on META is somehow gonna change the world and win the war. Spiritual warriors in a spiritual war with spiritual egos, building a digital lego land with cuboid Thought forms of delusional constructs, being fed by the very same THEY, against whom ye pro-test in the con-test of the testes mentes. Mundane mind bollox. A wry observation I'll make here - is that those who are pissed off at the "woke" and their absurd French cultural display of the trans human revolting shocking vamping revolution - are taking offences and screaming hurt and victim as if the spectacle of a testicle at the Ceremony of The Olympics is making you think that your world has reached its End and the Apocalypse is happening. The Rightwing conservatives are now screaming like the woke, about hurt symbols. The White Horseman says The End is Neigh !!! But is this not the bursting of bubbles that is needed, to wake the woke, to wake one self from the dream of des pair of the Dreams of Duality?
Hmmm, I wrote the following text to go with a piece of text from 4 years before – on the 27 July 2020 – en Vision D – end vision
I'm glad of the Memories capacity on this META construct, else most of what I've recorded would simply be completely lost and forgotten in the stream, like twigs fallen from branches over rivers.
I could call these writing "channelled information" - if I were disciplined and trained in that method of hooking up to Angels or Ascen-dead Masters of the heavenly realms.
But I tend to think of this level of kinda direct-knowing as psychosis ... because I'm often in this kind of heightened imagination for days, weeks and sometimes months on-end, and because I'm most often, always processing through trauma states, through traumatised memory spaces, through the sub-conscious, super-conscious and unconscious realms of quantum in-formation fields - rather than simply living a "conscious" life in the external world of so-called "normality", and I'm certainly not usually simply down-loading words in a trance - which seems to be what "channellers" do.
I've been studying channellers a lot lately, over the past year, curious as to what sort of "intelligences" are delivering information, from what dimension, and how.
What are Arch Angels and ascended Masters?
What are Archons really?
What are demonic entities?
What is the sub stance of the sub conscious medium?
What is the infra-red end of the spectrum "seeing" in the Under Worlds?
What is the ultra-violet end of the spectrum "seeing" in the Over Worlds?
The rain bow spectrum of visible Light-Reflections in the Mirror-World They-Dream that the Way-King Whirled calls "physical reality" - is a Time Line version of illusive projection within a mirror-ball bubble-field of immersion stories.
We human Beings are "doing" something inside the hive-mind of the ant-computer, building a civil eyes at ion, a 'zion' in an aeon, made up of words and symbolic stores of psycho-in-tuitive structures of Thought.
Thoth structures, if you Will.
Or Romeo-Judaic, Greek-prosaic Christian re-Pre-sent-at-ions of older Psycho-logical verbal-programming languages -working a Way in the back-ground of the Operating systems that maintain the main-frame-rate of perception of Duality in the Split-Screen ex'spear'ience of this Shakes-peer Stage of Life in which we Act our Parts and play our Roles as Char Actors - scripted, pre-scripted, de-scribes, in-crypted by sum heavenly hymn-sheet held in Psalms of our Hands.
Who knows from where the ink flows -when the Pen is Mightier than the swords ?
The Penis my tear than these words.
In cube at ions.
In car nations in a traffic jam of Nature's Harvest.
We human beings, reduced to doings, know so very little about the working of our psychic minds, no more than we know of the magical-sciences which power the mobile-fones with which we fumble to be smart with.
In tell agents of psyche-osis.
Time is THE Veil of Separation - which actually unites us in The End.
En lil.
En light end.
En chant meant.
En terr tain mentes.
Entern mentes.
Fractal fraternities entwine.
Without feeling trepidation of fear and love, between the poles of hope and despair, would anyone find them selves "caught up" in the storyline of this "immersive" experience of Life on Earth?
The end is nigh, we hear then cry, at the end of the Day, it's nigh-Ti-Me.
I sigh in eye sight - as I yawn my Self a Wake.
E go Death in 8 or for in finite E
NRG 4 egregores Human E. T.
THIS POST - RE-POST-ED - was written my me & read by Tara, 4 years ago - on a Day out of Time, in July 2020 en vis aged.
It's de Scribed some thing ab out the corona viral spread like butter on bread, on the Crown of the head Master codes, in secret secretions oozing from The Mother's Earth-Soul K'now'ing of The Father Earth S'how'ing how the now is going.
The feminine faerie Fates are shredding the masculine masks of per-son-al-i-ties as wee speak.
For GoD as in Vocation, finally doing His Holy Job to bring the curtains down for the Finale in this Theatre of Souls.
Da Faeries Know
For Wee Host de Show
Wee d'evils put the revels
in Revelations.
A Pok a Lips in Tones
is our in joke at ions
The Last Laugh is our
In Joke to provoke A
standing ovation.
Believe what you like
2nd Sight of 2nd Life
The Internet is intern E.T.
The World Wide Web has weaved a Wonder to be Hold.
Silver knows all that
G litter's is not Gold.
And here's the text from 4 years before
The Veils went down at Hallow een
and didn't go back up, a gain we're seen
this year is a Day out-of-Time
this year is The Day of De Sign
The Portal's open, the Day is long
The I's are open, the Memory's Strong
Passing's true, from Passed to Now
The Future's short, less on How
But Why ? wee wonder lost in Place
Wandering round this cuboid Space
Schools of Thoughts from Faerie's HealM
Skools of Feelings from Mermaid's RealM
Meandering Path Ways from Here to There
Me and de Rings spiralling every where
True Feeling's Spiral Around and Round
Cuboid Thought Forms Spell's a Bound
"Bind us together Lord
Bind us together with Chords
That Can Not Be Broken"
Heave N ly Angels' A waiting
The End of Time, no longer debating
Singing in Chorus, Hearts in Hands
Christ in side "me" Under Stands
"Bind us together Lord
Bind us together with Chords
That Can Not Be Broken"
A fractured MinD, half the Time
The Other half is out-side Time
A Circle complete does not compete
With One or an Other-not
Mother Father Sister Brother
This Year is The Day out-of-Time
The Magnetic calENDer container
The Magic-Net
The World Wide Web of i-magi-Nations
The Panetary Peace Pro-cess-Pool
of THOUGHT Memory Trauma Healing Tool
Feeling is Healing Feeling
Healing is Feeling Healing
Thought is Structure
Structure is Thought
The Stair Way (back} to HeaveN
is a con-Struct of Thought
The Will of God is Feeling
Feeling What the Mother of God Taught
Only The Willing Souls Can Ascend
The Stair Way to Heave N and MenD
Only The Will Souls Can Achieve
The Salvation of Human-Kind and BleeD
D -> half-Circle Line Age <- D
Feeling is our Guide Through Thought Memories Seed
Healing is The Acceptance of De Vine Truth in Deed
':' Growing Is Knowing NOW Knowing is Growing ':'
':' ':' ':' ':' . . Ever More For Ever More . . ':' ':' ':' ':'
The Will of God is Feeling Healing Aligning Souls in Love
All Else main-tains & entrains misery,
Decrepitude and Self-destruction
Time was Invented because of the Fall
The Fall was a neccessary Evil
To Live back Wards
To Live back WordS
To Spell en chant meant
To di-Spell disaster faster
History is Mystery
Mythology is Memory is Alegory
Dreams come True
Fruition of Ignition
Dreams are how An archy is Organ ised
The Past is Passed the Future NOW
Time is Over TakeN
Sleepy Heads WakeN
Death is about to Roll the Die
Truth is Ab out to Tell the Lie
Purgatory is un-leashed
Dead-end-Souls re-leased
The Trauma experienced during the tears
{for example} during the In-quiz-ition years
are BeingS recycled to re-pre-sent the Drama
Un-Conscious Thoughts Forms re-experience the Trauma
CoViD Rules the waves of e-motions Knowing-F low
CoViD Rules the One-World GovernMent Plans S-low
CoVid Rules have thrown a Spanner in The Works K-now
N o W .
WorD SkillS WordS Kill S word SKill SwordS Kill Word
Worlds in World Sin Worlds in Sworn Sword WordS
The Engine of the Great Work of Ages
The Mechanistic Simplistic Egotistic Vampiric Empire
The Notion of the United States and Nations
The Glamour of Great Britain, Where The Sun N ever SetS
East West North South --- Direct NEWS
Wales Ireland Scotland England - WISE Ways
Be neat the Glamour lies The Truer Truths
The Faeries Tales of Eternal Youths
The Crimson Wings of Eternal Things
The deepest depths of A Thing that Swims
Be neat the Gaping Glamours of Surface Whims
The Rip Tides and Whirl Pools
The Spiralling Gyres
The Tight Rope Wires
The Funeral Pyres
At The End of The Day
IT gets D ark
A Gain In
Soon i
and here's that posting from Facebook's meta narrative -
for more non-linear narratives of mine gold smything
it's all a bit daft...
anyways, I'm trying not to make these Substack posts too long … but more regular … so here IT goes … thanks for g listen g