Over looking overwhelming over seeing life times.
Past life parallels, bringing up memories of past life spells.
In this Moment, all at once, feeling every thing, get over your self.
Past life pain, this life gain, perspective of the over view, feeling the strain.
Grounding in the Earth plane, let Love in, let feelings flow, let the hurt drain.
Thoughts come from now where, every where is now here, the only way to heal hurt is let it flow and trust the Earth.
The Earth Soul, over-soul, sole purpose, only goal.
Take time to still when feeling ill, let the illness overspill.
The cup of plenty over flowing, down to Earth, soul-love knowing.
Trust in time, let love rhyme, dark holds space for stars to shine.
Night time, day time are all the one, different views of Earth and Sun.
Stars revolving as Earth spins round, starlight at night brings Soul to Ground.
There is so much that is out of our control, and yet so much of our time is taken up in worrying about things that we cannot change:
The weather, the government, other people, war, nuclear power, inflation.
It's wise to realise that there are things that we can improve though:
our own attitude to all these things, and to our selves.
Try to see the reflection, that what we are worried about out-there, are extensions of the existential angst of life itself, and to objectify is to project and yet deny what's stuck inside.
We can't make the outside world become peaceful by projecting our worries, our judgements, our disgust, our criticisms.
Rationalise the ratio though.
Can we find ways to be more peaceful, inside?
Can we mediate the arguments raging in our own hearts and minds?
Can we ease the tensions that tear us up inside?
Can we give ourselves some time and space, to have a break?
Can we un-grudgingly let go of offences?
Can we recognise the defence mechanisms that expect attack?
Can we live and let live?
For every one who chooses to look for peace,
is one less person looking for conflict.
For every one who finds a moment of inner peace
is holding space for peace to extend externally.
We have a choice, if conscious enough,
to bring a state of peace into a place of conflict.
To be able to be peace-full is a position of strength,
even though the conflicted may accuse of cowardice.
In my mind's eye I see a situation of 8 billion bodies
in a field of individualised separations and potentials.
In any given situation, we are stimulated by the outside-world,
to react to circumstances, depending on how we see things.
We can curse the darkness, or we can light a candle.