9 years ago —- A head of Time lines —— in 2013
So in all, honesty, 2012 is over and vain hopes of revolution feel like "they" have faded. The News is bad. So i turn inward. The only way out is in. The fear we manifest is inside. Love is the answer to all our fears. We got used to organising free festivals to celebrate the endurance of our culture, but the need for security meant obtaining licences to pay to party. We marched on da streets like lemmings to show our governments that we want world peace rather than the third world war. We've got it constantly reported on The News that war is the only constant. The economy demands war to keep feeding jobs for the big boys. 90 new road projects announced for UK, 60 yr old locals getting arrested for objecting. The Christian democratic West waging war for wages of sin. Social Insurance Numbers. Numb economic news. The fear of losing the gross inane Standard of Living! 2012 is past. The fear of the future was tied to hope of a New Age, some higher power of universal Love might intervene and quarantine the selfish elite. Why would Love have waited til 20/12/2012 to end the eviL LIFE BEING lived back ward s ? ? ? We collectively have made up and accepted reasons to believe the outer to cover the lie within be-lie-f. We sat in the hedge and bet on who is to blame, believing in numbers, counting down the days, we allowed our selves to b lame. I feel shame. I feel anything but Love while the fear remains. The fear of losing. Life: the fear of death. Good grief ~ bad grief. The love of Nature ~ the nature of Love. Taboo to talk about death or eternal life. The mystery of Christ confused by mass hypnosis. The prophesy of Revelations, earthly affairs, the rise of the Roman Catholic Empire of Popes, gave rise to the doubt: did Jesus even exist? The suffering prayers of paedophile Popes, priests and politicians. So we have been substituted some stale story of a holy man but the story is inside out. The old testament publishers promote his tales. A billion Christians sold suffering lies with in~beliefs. Now Here is the part that is hidden with in: Love can only be shared. Love cannot be saved for Love is invulnerable. Love is not light anymore than Love could be darkness, for Love is undivided, for Love is whole. Love is Eternal. Life not bound by time or space. Life without death. Non duality, the original state, the un manifest. Alef, before the beginning! Before time. Before mankind. Before the big bang. Before sight. In the Mind of The Maker. This spark of Love remains with each and every one of us, the source of all Creation, eternity ex pressing it~self true sharing. The big bang exploded into being, creating this manifest uni verse. With all of us apparently separated into the outer World. Separate persona's masking the same source of Love within. The Christ story tells of a man who knew this, a man who could share Love, a man who could manifest miracles, to feed the multitudes and heal the help~less. True Love, thru not believing the voice of fear, by not being fooled by appearances. The powers of politics tried to break his mind, to break his Word, to have to defend himself in Court to Save his life. He did not. The fearful World has continued on, has divided and conquered itself. The fear of Death creates the fear of life and breathes in an atmosphere choked with the fumes of hell on earth. True sharing of Love transcends The World of time and space, and brings warm feeling back within the numbness of numbers. No body, no religion, no laws, no force can ever stop any one of us from sharing Love. Each and every time, it is only our own self, deluded by split mentality of ego, which chooses not to Love. World wide austerity and world war three are the revelation of what the divided mind makes of Life. Free will chooses to share Love in the only moment of Eternity. Physician heal thy self. I choose to return to the Father. The whole truth of the holy spirit, anything less is a broken promise
bless said Bee …………………………………………………………………………………………………… happy
something eternal in truth is standing still within the crumbling mountains of past. We are standing stones in our own sacred sight extending the currency of Love's invisible waves. We cast no shadow in truth. We are immortal shining ones. We are remembering We are returning We align within the highest truth centering in acceptance of salvation of soul. Bless said be