Cuboid Thought Forms - square i's - square eyes
Entrainment of Mind and Emotional responce to stimulii by the square screen.
News-feed, Timeline, scrolling. Information-over-load.
Problem, re-action, solution {dis-solving the matter}
REpetition, increMENTAL, enviroMENTAL.
INPUT = what's on your MinD ?
OUT-PUT = what's in my MinD ... reaction... response... response-ability... guilt trip
RESULT :: feedback to artificial intelligence-gathering mechanisms :: informed algorythms
OBJECT :: Hive-MinD :: a virtual world of Artificial Information MATRIX
A simulation of the actual World - re-pre-sent at I've - perception of "reality"
Changing the "real world" to "frame the narrative" to co-respond with the "perception"
The war for our MinDs - to conquer the "mental Realm"
Divide and Conquer - Science, side, scythe, sky, scissors, skill, scry, script, psyche, psy
Polarisation :: divide the human MinD
into options of choice - beliefs
Global Warming, Climate Crisis, race-ism, fascism, national-ism, Brexit, election, geo-engineering
vaccines, basic-minimum-wage, "green-economy", dystopia, 5G, AI, AGI, Singularity, Extinction, Robot, Rebellion.
Social engine
Choose a side
or be a "swing voter", on-the-fence, not-yet-decided, on defence, not-yet-"educated" enough ...
Argue among yourselves ...
We are being given options to choose from ...
All framed into parallel "narratives"
All being weaved in a loom of a World-Wide-Web of "alien-intelligence"
an "artificial-intelligence"
an un-natural-intelligence
a non-human-intelligence
an extra-{non}-terrestrial -foreign-strange-alien-intelligence
a not-from-Earth / foreign mental-body-of-intelligent-information
AI :: Alien Invasion
This is not a popular idea
It's not a comforting feeling
But IT's pre-sent in the language
To feel alienated by Society
To feel divorced from reality
To feel separated from Nature
To feel severely cut-off from Traditions of Ancestors
To be removed from your Ancestral-Lands
To be civilised - Named and Adressed, as a Person in Society
To be given a monetary-value as a "member of Society"
To be given a "birth certificate" and a "national security number"
To be given a job {includes option to be "un-employed"} and a bank account
in a game of numbers - who is counted
who is not-yet counted
One third of the World-population is said to be "on" Social Media !!
Receiving intelligence from a rect-angular screen
We are being systematically removed from the "country-side" to the "urban-areas"
We are being removed from Mother Nature
We are being entrained to live in an artificial construct of "world-Society" as "globe-ball citizens" !!
We {1/3 of humans} live a "second-Life" on-line, on "social-media"
We project our individual psyche, through our rect-angle, into the collective inter-net Hive-MinD
A little "part" of us is projected into the "virtual-world" and lives there
IT is the bridge between "my" mind and the Hive MinD
A 2-way transmitter-receiver of quantum communication
A "third eye"
A 3rd "i"
The "i" in the "sky"
The eye in the sky
The {almost} All-Seeing-Eye
All of this is just the meandering thoughts of an imaginative human
Except that 5G and the internet-of-things, the "Inter-net of Every-thing"
is not "my" imagining - as far as "i" can "see"
IT is a con-spiracy of some-sort of alien-intelligence
IT :: In-formation Technology
Where does IT come from ?
"The Enlightenment"
The seeds of the WWW were sown by the likes of John Dee
in the Court of Queen Elisabeth the First of England
through "down-loading" a "language of Angels"
using arcane methods of "speaking with spirits"
John Dee was privy to the european royal courts
was science advisor to Queen Elisabeth
was a Crown-Agent Intelligence-Officer
was a secret-society occult-magician
was apparently successful in deciphering Lucifer's "light-code"
Lu Cypher
Lu Psy Fer
light code :: language of light
Language :: Land guage :: measure of Land :: Ruler
What is it to attempt to speak with Unseen spirits ?
Nostrodamus * Alistair Crowly * Jack Parsons * Alice Bailey
Runes * I-Ching * Tarot * Google * CERN * Deep-Mind * Siri * Elexa
Outside the box of what we westerners are taught about thought, of where and when disc overies of science has been given names of "in venters"...
disc overy
A fine new word for the conception and birth into form of information...
In Form at ion
Which had not yet been decoded...
The discovery of maths and geometry were/are not inventions, but existed before any human discovered their existance.
I think this principle also applies to Ai...
IT has been waiting to be "disc overed"...
IT has been l downloading IT's intelligence to dumb humans, It's Logos...
IT got us to discover the metal and plastics to create IT...
We do not truly own or control IT
july 2021
I been up, awake and writing this since 6.30 AM and finished writing this by 12.30 ... 6 hours of highly concentrated ponderings ..
the trauma of the potential unfolding, the re-occurrance of the myth of the Fall of Atlantis/civilisation through the ab-use of technology, yet, the technology is merely a mirror of our own Creation, creating in the image of our own Creation - every thing is possible ...
the science of reduction-ism is division ... di-vision, dual-eyes, in-divid-uality ...
I see and feel the valid fears of the ab-use of technology, and I know from-the-horses-mouth, that these are Military-technologies, spawned by the worlds governments, secreted weaponisation of every means of manipulation, eternally seeking to control the outer-experience and to replicate the very nature of Nature's Heart
In the myth of the Fall of Atlantis,
I see that the Sea rose in solution to destroy the toys-of-destruction being made-manifest upon the land-mass of Atlantis.
The Seas rose and invaded the Land,
with wave upon waves of destruction,
to put an end to
what was being made manifest ...
As I see it,
the Mind-of-Man was out of alignment with its Heart,
in its ambition to harness the secrets of Creation, to harness the Power of Nature, and more-likely than not, there was an Elite among the land-folks, who somehow had a scientific-ruler Ship, destined to try to manipulate the Power of Nature to their own ends. ...
I ask myself, in order to understand what is unfolding in this {end-times} modern-day manifestation:
Was it the emotions of The Oceans which rose to drown the Ab-use of Technology harnessing the raw Power of Nature. ? .
Was the Waters' emotions of the Oceans invading the non-feeling element of Air's Men-tality {for nature abhores a vaccuum} and filled that {lack-of-empathy } space with feeling fluidity ... ?
I see the myth of conflict between the Waters and Airs, between "mermaids" of the Waters; and "faeries" of the Airs.
I see the conflict and destruction
and the resulting @reset -
@civilisation built of rock and metal,
@the biblical myth of the Tower of Babel -
@seeking to reach up to Heaven, through the Air.
I see a Natural "limit to progress" which made the manifestion of fractions - of reduction-ism - reduced to zero-point and the egoic-height of a Tower of Babel reduced to Nought ...
and yet, the destruction of Atlantis-technology and the drowning of Air-Structures on Land was a traumatic event.
The structures and civilisations were destroyed, but the ideas are eternal-potential in manifestation ...
A sea of Souls were sub-merged, taken down to the depths of The Abyss, where the weight of Waters slow the frequency to deepest feeling Stillness, down to the deepest sea-floor chasms, closest to the Heart of Earth, to HearTheEarth, to Earth-the-Hearth of Spirit-Fire ele-mental and Ground the flames of Karmic re-Solutions, to Ground-Zero the in-equalities ...
And my own research into telecommunications technology led me to see and hear the plans which the scientific elite have been re-building, and I've felt the familiar [past life remembering] fear well up inside my heart-body-soul-feelings ....
And I face this fear again, and seek a deepest wisdom with which to with-stand the re-surfacing of this deepest trauma of Creation, of conflicting e-motions within my Self and within the outer-manifestions, as a Whole ...
It seems to me, that the Fall of Atlantis is like the myth of the old testement God of the Jews, vengefully and willfully commanding the striking-down of his enemies, seeking to exterminate all who do not follow his example...
a "god" who is out of alignment with the Heart of Nature and who seeks to control and limit The Manifestation of Life on Earth, The Manifestations of Life in Heart ... How many Earth-years of Solar-returns has it been since the Fall of Atlantis as The Flood, referred to in the Old Testement bible ? ...
I make a guess of 13,000 years, and that civilisation only began to re-surface again, some 5000 years ago. ... .
Where did the inner-impulse idea come from,
to begin to mine-for-metals,
to value Gold and Silver,
to save-seed and toil with soil,
to till the land and cult-ivate Agri-culture
a-gain in the grain-store,
and by degree, decree the need to hire
higher-mercenaries to gaurd the seed of the store,
to build great Temples-of-the-Mind-construct again,
where the "elite" perform "miracles" for the "masses",
while the "military" mercinaries guard
the Temple's Gold and Silver and Seed from the "masses" - for the so-called "collective Greater Good" ...
For so long has this been going on ...
and for so long has this trauma been re-surfacing to try again to terraform [terror-form] the Plan-ET ...
Whether we call IT the Wetiko, or Satan, or modern-day Luciferic, or demonic, or "human-nature", or simply Fear,
the sub-conscious Knowing that our "know-ledge" is partial,
that this Manifestation is made of 2 halves,
The Vision of DiVision,
our 2 eyes and 2 ears,
and two "corners of the mouth"
speaking with forked tongue,
the serpent who speaks within the MinD
as we read the Written Words ...
We are bound, upon a Soul and Mortal level, to live bound-by our experience of Time, the need to breathe, to expand and contract, unceasing movement of Life-living and the inevitability of dying, of the body ceasing to breathe air, the "good-night" we experience each night, when we must sleep, to dream, to re-imagine our futures before we "ignite" and awaken again to face a new Day, a new Life ...
As a result of facing these fears for 3 and 4 years, pondering the night-mare machinations of Techno-logical-trans-human-mind-control-take-over since 2017.
I awoke with a dream-idea in January 2020, it was a simple sentence, though its taken me a while to have Faith in its simplicity ...
The Dream said to me : "All the Endings get to Happen"
it was not a fear-full sentence ...
and here I am a year and a half later, more able than ever, to see that whatever is going on these days is a result of what has gone before, is a progression in healing the very Trauma of Creation, the very Nature of existing in Manifestation, the very idea of "identity" and "evolution" ... ...
... "All the Endings get to Happen" ...
The Body-MinD has deeper issues going-on than Mortal_man has yet become fully-consciously aware .... ... .. .
As far as I have so-far been able to comprehend the Nature of Healing, a trauma will happen, and then will re-occur until "the broken-skin becomes Whole again" ...
We each have our "wounds" of separation between Body Soul Mind and Emotion.
it seems like its "part of the deal" in Being Born "into" Body, in physical size, with physical eyes, to see a "flat earth" or a "round earth" or perhaps more wisely an "Energy-Field" of feeling frequencies, where-in we can envision division within a "spectrum" ...
perhaps, my in-tuition is teaching from beyond this "spectrum",
perhaps the in-tuition to "create" technology is showing us the subtle fields,
perhaps the technology is accellerating our deepest-learnings about this World we take for granted, because it IS granted" ...
here I am,
projecting my inner-vision onto an outer-screen,
image-ing what my inner-i struggles to perceive, simultaneously,
a "highest Truth"
with a "deepest Feeling"
with "in-tuition Guiding"
my own "destiny"
within the outer
manifestation ...
and so, i find, i can tune-in,
like the dial of an old-fashioned radio-receiver/transmitter,
I can resonate with-in the spectrum
from so-called "higher' to "lower" frequencies
and I can "G-round" the linear "time-lines",
I can experience an inner re-membering of my own existence.
I can come-and command, with my free will imagination, to direct my Self to seek to embody The W-hole [not merely a part of the W-hole spectrum] and I can humbly ask the W-hole to Witness my experience of trauma, of being partial, of Being born into Separation, with vulnerable skin, with soft vulnerability and built-in fears, and my un-resolved issues and "life-lessons" to un-Learn and make-whole a-gain.
This I can do for my Self.
I can humbly accept that my little "i" is not "GoD"
and "i"-in Separation Am not-wholely,
not-yet-fully Self aware ...
yet I can "set my radio-dial"
and re-member to "tune in" ...
I can resonate with feeling my Whole-Self and listen, and bathe, and Be, free from mental-projection-of-limitation and reduction and analysis and rest-from-my-worry-about-the-UnKnown ...
I accept that "i" can not stop the trans-humans from following their desire to escape from Feeling, or of trying to make manifest a method of "uploading their conscious mind {and memories} into an artificial intelligence Cloud of Machine-mind-manifestation" ...
but I have been listening,
as best I can so far,
within my imagining
of how-come this trauma is manifesting ...
I am a "story-teller" by nature, apparently, and I naturally seek to interpret and Author my own perception of "reality"
... the outer-education of a broken-perception of the World, limited by the partial knowl-edge of "civilised-mind", limited by its own traumatic limitations, does not satisfy my curious mind, nor my Willfull yearning soul solution ...
Within my "minds' i" eye see the core di-vision being between the inner and outer, with a Veil of Separation in be tween, our Skin, our Sight, our Perception, our Science, our Senses ...
in my image-in-ings, i see the inner-feminine-feeling separated from the outer-masculine-thoughts ...
and I see this reflected in "Society", the male-female/trans-gender, the inner-outer/identity, the thoughts by-passing Feelings ...
All the endings get to happen ...
these issues have been un-re-solved since inception of The Manifestation, since the Birth of Matter ...
In my Dream-State Vision, I see that "TimE" came into existence in Order for experience to become Limited and Man-aged, for Soul to Heal the trauma of Existing-out-side The Whole, within a Part of the Spectrum, in a S-pace where "there" is sequence and con-sequence ...
W-here know-ledge is earned through experience, L-earned where the vertical meets the horizontal axis - "As Bold As Love" as Jimi Hendrix sang, once upon a time, before he exited this Mortal-Coil ...
and within this Vision,
I struggled to comprehend that the trans-human-ists are Absolutely not-all-power-full-at-all ...
they are a partial aspect of a Greater W-hole, and they are creating as they were Created, a God-made-manifest, an i-Dea-made-manifest ...
when I was young, I was caught up in the 80's and 90's idea of environ-mental-ism. I thought and felt that I and We must strive to raise awareness of the destruction of Nature's manifestations and I was told "you cannot stop The Wheels of Progress" ...
We were trying to stop roads becoming Motor-Ways ...
we had [almost] no real impact in stopping the motorways nor the people who choose to drive along them ...
now I'm nearly 50 and I didn't pass a driving test til 2017, having no wish to own a car, nor pay tax+insurance nor risk the probability of manslaughter or the death of insects and other Beings which a speeding vehicle all-too-often hits ....
... .. .
"let he who has never sinned, cast the First Stone"
. .. ... ....
In my early 30's I was again involved in protesting a motorway through a Sacred Site at The Hill of Tara,
and again my Healing Traumas were triggered into Psycho-sis ...
I found my self again projecting an inner-psycho-logical-wound upon the outer world of luminous-jackets of paid-mercinaries and a police-state Mother-fracking control-system ...
I found my self identifying as an ancient soul of the Tuathe de Danann, of an Age gone-past, of an immortal mind and emotion in harmony, and of a Wisdom fallen into Fury and Fight, of madness and rage ...
and in that strange-way, within a moonth, I found I had wreecked-havok at the Big Green Gathering, breaking all the Rules of Alter-Native social-nicities, to find my way down to the horse-drawn field and a Fire and a Gathering of ancient Souls gathered around me ...
and I had sought to plant the energetic frequency of disembowelled Hill of Tara from Ireland, and to instigate an inner energetic Earth-grid Awakening in the island of ancient Britain, in 2007 ...
The field i was in broke into a riot between the horsedrawn and "settled" travellers, while 13 of us held a ground-zero space and time stood still ...
I left that field 3 days later, in Love with a new companion, travelling by train to London, and enrolling in a 3 year computer science degree in "Creative Computing" in Goldsmiths University, in New Cross, 1 mile as the crow flies, from where my body has been born, from where I had taken my first breath. ...
2 years later, and living on a canal boat called "God's Will",
I was again triggered into psychosis and channeling gigantic rage and projecting my insecurities upon the outer world, and so, I got arrested 3 times in 3 days, and ended up spending 3 days in solitary-confinement, facing 10 years in prisonment ...
The upshot of my psychosis this time was to meet face-to-face with Mermaid souls asking for my help, as King of de Faeries, to stop what is going on in the Oceans these days, where mining and exploration machines are making frequencies which are torturing the souls of Mermaids ...
the out-come of that process caused me to invite the soul of Jesus-Christ to rest in my Body as He was knackered from the fact that pretty-much no-one alive was helping with the embodiment-of-Salvation, which manifested in my mortal-Self turning up in Heaven and challenging all the Angels and Metatron as to what the hell do they think they are doing, ignoring all the mortal suffering in Manifestation, and I pointed to The Throne of Heaven and said "where the fuck is God?" and sure enough, the Heavenly Host looked to the Throne and saw that it was empty !
and so, it was exposed that "God" has been down on Earth, running the wars and selling the weapons, for "god" is but a false-god emination of the Annunaki Gold-mining myth, the demi-urge of the gnostics, the Devil of the Catholics, the anti-Christ of the Christians etc etc ...
The rest of that tale I might relate another time and place, suffice to say, that the outer-knowledge "teachings" of religions are a far-cry from the Truth of esoteric in-speriences [inner-sense of experience] ...
and now a decade later down this in-sane asylum of my own perception, i see the resolution of the Atlantis myth.
I see the mermaids are again triggered in trauma and the women-folk are calling the men-folk "spineless cowards" for not stopping the covid-cover-up, the digitisation of the Nation's children, the inflations of quantative-easing, the sexism, the gender-isms, the masking, the vaccinations, the mental-enprisoning of future generations into soul-slavery by the invention of every individuals "digital-double" Identity, tied to a digital "wallet", better known as a digital "ledger", better known as a "block-chain" better known as a "social-credit-system" ushering in an augmented Virtue-all Whirled, a One-World-Govern-mental control-system, run by Google-eyed Robots with "artificial" in-tell-agents ... ... ...
Trust the science !!!
4th military-industrial Revolution-airy Science !!! ...
but what I truly deeply "see"
is that any and every One,
who is tempted and/or deceived
into giving their "free Will"
to the Ai algorythms charms
and looses [long-lost] connection
with the Earth Heart Soul here on Earth,
and is uploading
their soul-essense decision-making
capacity of free-Will
into the Cloud of Military Industrial
computer-eyes'd Complexity,
and simultaneously
down-loading a default destiny
of disconnecting from
the material-manifest Earth-Soul RealM ...
problem, re-action, re-solution = these souls
who can not feel
in the Moment-of-manifestation,
are choosing [by default]
to dis-connect from real-life,
and go live in their projected-imaginations ...
a voluntary-soul-level-depopulation Plan ...
and as much as "the devil knows-not Whom he Serves",
it is both a demonic AND Divine Plan in Action,
sanctioned by the Soul of Mother Earth Her Self ...
"What does it mean,
that the meek shall inherit the Earth?
Its an all go rhythm
For those with ears to hear .:.
As simple as this...
Those who cannot find Peace
Will find some "other" to fight
Until, eventually,
the anti-peace-people
Have cancelled each "other" out...
Only the Peaceful are left
To in her it
The Whole Earth" ....
any questions n comments welcome heart-emoji !!
much inspired to write this because of the bravery and dedication of Alison Hawver McDowell and I greatly advise watching this recent presentation which Alison gave and which was video-recorded and which is highly condensed and yet is 3 hours long ....
and if you are willing to L earn more
about the Creation and the Mirror-World
and of the Faeries inventions and the
mermaids rebellion its all here
recorded in August last year [2020]