yes {heart} delight in Love - da Love in delight
I'm sitting here late, again tonight astounded at the telling of a Story, that everyone thinks that they "know", or else thinking that they don't want to know this story, believing the Story to be so badly re-ported, that IT IS a lie, lying inside the belief, and that the "world" is eternally Ruled by evil, inverted, poisoned and disgusting by it's polluted & alienated Nature.
Children, who have learned ill-truths from their parents, go out seeking their own Way, and many end-up tied to their own masts, sailing past their ancestors, sailing away from their own progeny, their futures, lost in the storms-at-seas, and washed up on the shores of destitute foreign places.
Some children become humiliated with self-disgust, & return as the Prodicals, radicalized failures, who none-the-less achieve humility and gratitude, where once they were filled with comsumation of "privi-ledge" ...
I'd advise anyone, to invest time and humility in watching this series, for there are many things here, that I thought I had known, yet, not 'til we look in the mirror, can we see our reflections had blind-spots, full of bias ...
Logs are falling from mine-eyes, like veils falling from a window, like curtains opening for a very long-awaited play of Words, finally entering the Stage of Loving Life
"what angle do you think of
when you think of an ANGEL ?
trick or treakle question
and .... Home E O Pathy
what does the bible say ?
"it is not what we put into our mouths,
that can make us sick to death,
but it is what comes out if our mouths,
that creates disease"
Para phrase more than a literal quote,
but roughly, jesus is said to have said that
it isn't what qualty of food we eat that
defines our physical and spiritual health,
It is the thoughts invoked as word sounds
which people sent-hence as creation which
can make a persin ill and diseased,
through speaking ill of any person,
including one's Self.
In jewish tradition, by the Laws of Moses,
eating pig is forbidden, because a pig is defiled
by its nature and habit,
so eatung a pig will defile the purity of a jew.
These Laws distinguished the Jew from the Gentile,
not merely by "race", but by absolute adherance
to strickly enforced written Rules,
written by Adamic-man, over many centuries
until there were so many "laws" - contradicting
depending on the circumstance.
Same as today, in Christian "Law" of western-world-view
"legal" contradict G0D's Truth, and is actually still really
Practicing Moses' Laws ... still the "debt" to be paid,
still no Jubilee salvation of the for-giveness of Debt
and the re-placement of punishment to celebrating-healing
and the sharing of everything which "G0D"-invocation has Created and continues to Create
Jesus saying the Moses got it wrong.
Same thing with healing-work performed in the Sabbat,
an illegal "Act" under Moses law.
Declaring himself as The long awaited Messiah,
Messiah deliberately challenged the "written Laws" to the punishment "stoned to death" for debt,
regarding the belief in the Sins of Adam & Eve.
JESUS claimed that he was cancelling all debt,
for any who would admit the error, and the need
of the upgrade of Law from Past to New
comprehension of Living Love rather than
"survival of the tribal clan, family, male-authority"
The Law demands punishment for not-following every singley pro scribed written commandments of Moses' clay tablets - not written in S tone S - de scribed in written Torah/
His rebellion against man's misunderstandings of "GoD"
were not aimed at the out side,
but to the inside,
the inner female and the child's heart,
from Whom - Womb, the male can learn to cherish,
iand LOVE, nstead of blindly denying
the truth of highest MinD Being GoD
incarnate through Man speaking
The Truth of Absolute Love,
in every breath,
and thought and
One cannot serve 2 Masters.
If the outer Master over Rules the inner
feminine Mystery rhyme:
Then man's error produces lack
and compounded interest upon the debt.
If one chooses to listen first and foremost to the inner Voice of the inTuition, then the outer world will harmonise with the inner Thought of whole Love expressed and Brought To Life in expression, invoking One's God-like creative Nature, and thus, "the 2 can be, come One"
Why thank you, very much {?}
GoD -s the verb invoked by The I AM [The-ology} - on All Sidhes - native faerie folk wisdom phy-lo Sophia {a long lines of Mary/Michel maid/laid lines}
poetry in action, the meter of poet-i-c, the measure {rule} of da Land ---- wee hold in trust, in truth, else-we-lose-da-Plot-long-for-got-ten =1 0 one-ring ..... faerie-rings ....fay of the ley lines "