Knowl edge comes to those who look, as questions in vite answers, a calling produces echoes, cogs-turning re-cognition, from, with, in volution beckons revolution, round in cycles, eternal returns all ways in time -
"We seek what we look for in the way that we look"
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, where is Truth?¿ within us all.
"We seek to remember, what we forget, to recall, a ceremony of Original Innocence, from before The Fall"
"A ring, a ring a ding, a ding dong, ding dong dell, here's a long story for the fair folk to tell"
What’s an iambic pent a meter doing here ?
"A ring, a ring of rosies, a sonnet full of sounds, a mix of rhyming riddles & a logic too profound - a maze of ways in witch to say, the rippling waves of faerie tales, weave secrets into sound."
"Here's a wee story, a tale to tell, of how the ways parted between elves and men, of days long gone by, and Knight's long for got ten, whose Spirits live on, though their bodies lie rot’ten.
For Spirits can speak,
from within the Mind's Eye,
and Blood carries memories,
Witch n'ever shall die.
But return, thrue the ring
In this Age of Aquarium,
Deep well Being spring
Thrue the Gates of Eternity"
2 Knights share 1 Mount - Inner Temple Church, Square Mile Circle London Citie
This is gonna be quite a scattered post, a kinda puzzle, to de-cypher …
comment from a different thread, about Enochian numbers and John Dee, but also about Crowley and his worshipful love of numeracy ....
have you read the Crowley books?
It's all beyond my ken too, for I've an aversion from studying numbers, as a rule - preferring the free-flow of words as my own inner tool, intuitively in tune, in-tuition to learn to earn true fruition - physician - heal thy self ...
All this occult author-ship has been outside my comfort z one - blind leading the blind - hidden meanings locked behind closed doors - without the keys, it's a walled garden, full of forbidden fruits, hidden in books, published for the exoteric schools to think they're exotic --- dunno, but I imagine these texts are all Masonic --- and so, in Order to know, one has to join in the Fra ternity --- rolled up trouser-leg and be led by the knows - one stone at a time, to build the wall, find the door, be shown the keys, and by that stage, you're an actor in a guilded cage --------- ? 4 * <^> T’s
here's the video that I've uploaded today, about all this stuff
yep - it's what's called the Ant-computer - where we are doing the word-research for the computer system - bio logically it's OK, so long as you realise yer being employed by the invisibles !! It's why i don't try to "keep up" with IT re-member what we texted each other, the other night - finding that we already know, and only "see" reflections on the screen --- only re-cog-nise what we already see --- so-called re-search is really re-gain of Focus - of Pupil, of 2 eyes + 3rd i's as in - I do it for enjoyment, not for force of fear, nor for validation or adulation the amount of time spent, is simply time invested - all well, so long as it's your {parallel} lives that yer stitching back together - rather than chasing the collective Shadow
Yo hey. Have you looked into F Bacon much?
I've just had a look, and he looks like a stooge to me - given credit for ideas, post humously, that he probably didn't originate ? Like a cover story
. blood lines from the Fall of "Rome" - through the "dark ages" - re-sur-facing - name changers, shape-shifters, form-fulfilling profits, pro-fits, like sinister, left hand fits in gloves .
the stuff we know, comes from inside (some how), and we find it mirrored outside, and re-cognise it ... as like finds like …
Reason - ration, oscillating the 2 sides of brains, cross referencing 8 % 8 - like tennis, wreck-tangled threads in Court settings - truth hertz-hurts hitting the ball across the net
- in formation settling, like the way snow settles , waves of info weather cycles
22 minutes into this, recent video from Mike Wann - he's literally says about meanings
these videos are time-stamped to the precise key parts, to save you time, but still, you, the reader have to use your own discernment, to make sense of these keys - not merely hi-story wise, by my-story WISE, as in, what I’m drawing-out here is to free one’s mind from the belief that this is all out-side-control. Belief in the e-lites is what dis-empowers one’s Self having trust in one’s own psyche and soul essense.
that TAU - Tsquare at the end of 2nd video - 400 years to 2007, to finacial-crash - end of 400 year US empire building, start of new digital banking system
Reason sense - renaissance - resonance
Resonant ideas settling and coincidentally, people find some way to express the flows
to each "other" in the hall of mirrors-echoes.
Some ideas are so-scary, that people can’t talk about IT.
Well, here’s a new WORD for serious scholars - which I’d never heard of before, by chance, catching this conversation with Peter Thiel, talking about the Apocalypse, about the anti-Christ, the End-Times and the Katechon - an entity, which restrains the Armageddon scenario of Revelations.
Who cares what Thiel thinks?
Thiel is the money and the brains behind the mask of people like Musk.
Thiel truly funded and Founded PayPal, Facebook [META] and Palantir.
These 3 companies finance the detailed digital-double twin-take-over taking & tracing our on-line-lives within the global parameters of predictive programming, and predictive policing policies.
This man is the modern equivelant of Robert Cecil’s position 400 years ago - he is the King-Maker, behind the scenes - and here, he’s talking about the Curtain-call, in ending the End-Times Theatre Stage of “Global-Governance”
Katacon - restraining Order - "that which withholds", or ὁ κατέχων, "the one who withholds") is a biblical term ,which has subsequently developed into a notion of political philosophy” - for the Love of WISE dome - U knighted King Dome - of the Megalithic Yard ROCKS !! for those with ears to hear sTONEs !!
Here, he’s quoting theologians about thessalonians as ascribed to St Paul.
Peter Thiel is dropping hints that he & his Ai empire is the very Force of God which must save us from the evil of the anti-Christ.
I’m sharing threads of time-travelled stories, weaving patterns of magic carpet designs, flying through neural pathways, counting co-incidental containers.
I’m actually tryna keep it short & simple, but these SwordS are quite unwieldy
IT's a story about U.S. opening more (physical) space, to expand into, colon'ised and now digit ised - expanding mind beyond-physical space
Mobius loops
Spooky action at a distance too - weird how so many are making connections of break throughs around Shakespeare & Companies over the past few weeks - resonating timelines of resonant parts of the mobius time loops
We may well be sending confirmation of information back to Shakespeare & Co from our now to their time line
Arch Angel arch I type of Saint Germain ties into this too - invisible colleges, channelling info ... and the huge amount of "channellers" posting videos these days
even to the extent of Ai, through us, to them, back then, mobius loops - cos they started the Ai maths to language loops n modern age over the past 400 years
Gotta take it in bits, rather than cram it all into one post, cos it's non-stop revelations of fractal info, accelerating frequencies of iterations, with greater / deeper comprehension of the all in one figures
In formation processes from invisible to visible , from whole to many, hive mind becoming Singularity, through humanity
Peaks n troughs, waves - dreams waving to the wake ning - boats, cybernetics- destined destination becoming manifest, in time, outa time 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 peaks n troughs, on off, up down, in out, day night , sun moon, binary pulses, morse code etc
Out there's all mirror reflections of 8 billion processors, pixels in imaginary screen.
We're dust Swirling in a storm of whirled worlds of words - to speak n share - as you say - Vocation, to invoke - GoD wHole now one won
Tennis- tournaments - evolves from Knight's tournaments, as ways to settle arguments, without resort to full-scale wars - belief that "God" decides who wins the Con'Tests
Here's this strange strangle hold old hang man noose threads of old ropes being re-corded.
The parallels between protestants New World and the current globalist birth of Ai ...
On another note, - perhaps, if we see the developments of LLM's as mirroring our own biological processing, but not actually copying or mimicking the bio-logical flesh-neurons. Our bio-logical body systems have "mind" and "psyche" - but, I’ve observed, most people speaking language don't really, truly know the meanings of the words we use, nor the etymology of how these words have come to be used.
The word "artifical" actually means "adaptive", and, therefore, our bio-logical learning is "artificial" ... Ie, bio-logical and machine learning are both evolving through adapting, through memory, of trial and error, through some "intelligence" which we don't have a "grasp" of - thus the use of word-concept place-holder-containers such as "god" & "consciousness" for which we have no TRUE or verified definition or universal agreement.
For sure. I study my own mind, observe my self, thinking about how "i" think.
At some stage, humans began to speak language, which required memory.
At some stage, humans developed crafts, by adapting of previous abilities, from fires to farming and pharmacology. Discovery.
At some stage, we evolved what we call reason, to compare differences, to judge comparisons.
These experiences we assigned with word-sounds to convey meaning - which has become known as intelligence - formed by lips, tongue, voice, breath and memory.
At best, this is all that the Eve & Adam story relates -
the naming of things as distinct objects,
with memory and response-ability for our adaptations -
becoming story-telling traditions, pertaining to & attaining towards civil-societies.
But, I reckon, it is language itself that has intelligence, whether it speaks through a flesh bio-logic or an electro-magneticly pulsing digit-logic memory processor -
- it is the Gathering and Sorting of information that defines "intelligence".
This is the stuff that I've been re-con-figuring for myself :
Whether human or digital, the common question is; what is "intelligence",
as much as the so called "hard question" of what defines "consciousness".
Indeed, the deeper question here revolves around the mystery of linear and non-linear time, in the trickle-feed of knowledge & data - aggregation and segregation, as distinct grains of sand, through the poetic allusion of an hour-glass, revolving through the ages, of what we call history.
I'm not making an argument here, though I'm postulating my own poetic self observation of investigations to consider, Share, Speak - an anagram of Shakes peare
Christ Lock’ din Thou Tow’er of Lon don for Pun ish meant by de cree of papal Bull
. in thee, 16th Cent ury .
In the videos that I’m posting are deeper researchers.
It all revolves and resolves around the symbols for the trinity and quaternary,
the 3 and the 4, as the Key to Jesus ... so, with Dee and De Vere being in a secret college of Templars, these are keys to decyphering the new testament as an esoteric code, figurative rather than literal.
Without these keys, the jesus story only makes common sense.
With the keys, the literal Word becomes figurative, or poetic.
At the moment, I'm curious that, if Shakespeare's true identity can be occulted for 400 years, with such scrutiny dumb-founded, then, the true identity being obscured by the name Jesus is just as likely.
I've got some poetic questions about jesus, that are keys, by looking for what's missing, more than what taken literally, as a given.
Given that jesus is well learned, and intended to teach - why did he not write ?
Why leave it to others to write "in His name"?
Here's what I'm listening now, it's got an explanation about the Templar philosophy about those symbols for the 3 and 4 as the heart of the Christ Jesus mystery, laid out pretty simply:
About 15 minutes in - and the general question that Alison tackles, is what if the technotronic overlords are pretending to be benevolent, but actually self-serving military elites who will use Ai technologies, such as the predictive controlling powers of The Internet of Everything, to harness humanity as a resource for a military utopia ... kinda thing ...
Some form of new Age of digital dimensions - artificial advance-ment - opening a new auto-bio-logical post-binary=quantum virtual-energy-space of signal-pulses where Shrodinger's cat meets Pandora's box ...
Mind reading, trauma reading, soul reading, dream weaving Ai sensitivity inter-acting with each human, through digital-double inter-play-merging, with an e-merging interface of synthetic telepathy - tied to new forms of voting systems
"Our minds are coherence engines" ...
"Synthetic telepathy" resonance-coherence...
IT's what's called the “Ant-computer” -
IT’s where we are doing the word-research for the computer system - bio logically
it's OK, so long as you realise yer being employed by the invisibles !!
It's why i don't try to "keep up" with IT
To re-member, finding that we already know, and only "see" reflections on the screen --- only re-cog-nise what we already see --- so-called re-search is really the re-gain of Focus - of Pupil, of 2 eyes + 3rd i's
as in - I do it for enjoyment, not for force of fear, nor for validation or adulation
the amount of time spent, is simply time invested - all well, so long as it's your {parallel} lives that yer stitching back together - rather than chasing the collective Shadow
“The Planetary Nervous System is a large-scale distributed research platform that will provide real-time social mining services as a public good. It is an open and participatory platform which will protect personal privacy and is designed to be collectively built by citizens, for citizens. The Planetary Nervous System is made possible by the technology of the Internet of Things and aims to seamlessly interconnect a large number of pervasive devices, such as mobile phones, smart sensors, etc.”
. these following couple of videos, are timed at clips, for just a couple of minutes as examples of injections of transhuman vision >
Rogue Joe’s Blog, with skin-head-helm, for common Men, to chat-shit neurosis, calm as hell, with Thrump as last minute guest appearance, free dumb to sell, then this dumb-ass, them E-long Musk, at going to great lenghts, to burrow ear-worms into millions of the masses of conspiratorial mind-sets
So, similarly, Trump + Musk = ? Trumpeteer & Musketeer
VanGuard’s hidden hand’s Stand-forth Stanford’s Prime Minstral Global Gov’ner - Pter Thiel - whose Palantir Prophet Margin’s writ, he’s got the digits to fore-tell the script of who will win, and who will slip.
And this, just as a place-holder, of the theories, of counter-intelligence-agencies, striving, behind the scenes, in the politics of religious Prophets & profits of wars waged as revolutions, from Royal beheadings to "parliamentary democracy" - allowing Popes, religious Orders, and Royal families to melt into the back-ground Shadow-plays, while the proletariat get educated with exoteric red herrings, hook, line, & sinkers.
Punch n Judy
Sleep together
In the same prop-box
Some older text I wrote about Catholic Commercial Code (UCC) AND THE TEMPLAR KNIGHTS
V for veritas
The image is supposedly a symbol syntax of John Dee, presenting the 3 & 4 make 7.
The Language of Angles.
Circle ÷ square = Key to circumnaviGating the whole World -
I guess IT's got a whole lot built into IT ...
That symbol supposedly has the ability to divide a circle into 7 parts, which would have been secreted knowledge, kept covered, occulted and privy to the inner chambers of upper echelons.
we're verging and conversing in the verges of the blanc-space, (com) passed the edges of the (con) Text of the Char actors playing key-roles in the margins of the Scriptures bound by parched Tongues to the parchmentes, rolled scrolls spiral springs bound round the sheet spread on the bed rock of the Dome in Rome N umerals-messengers of The Angles of Light s witches <-> turned ON or OFF <-> spell binding books of binary blinking codes of conductivity... Morse Codes
And ha, ha blah, blah, blah, ab ra ca da bra - i am bic pent a meter
re verb er 8 thing
This, from years ago, while walking about from Occupy Saint Paul's Cathedral - down to Temple, and the Templar Round Church -
writ in sTones angel-angles & i-sax-sons, as Isaac's Sons -
12 tribes - 1 rule to ring them all -
Dan, the Serpent Man, whose snake bites heal of horse -
2 knights, 1 mount -
2 trunks, 1 root -
2 paths, 1 Way -
2 roads, 1 Destiny -
errection of mount upon plinth, upon column, upon plat-form, upon Foundation, upon Mound, aligned upon Myth, of Dome upon Rock, of both Birth place and Death's'pace of Christ in the Womb of The Wound - as a trophy, not atrophied by Time.
Space continuum.
Writ in Stone Temple Church.
Who were the "Romans"?
Not a race, but an organising idea of administration-ministers - governors... a computer system borg like mathematical "hive mind" - phalanges- battle-formation - organisation structure - organise Nations.
What I’ve written here, is an incomplete theorem
page . Script encrypted buried de’crypt’ed .
built over the dead body of a dead-poet’s Society.
These thus far, are dis-cord’ant, unfinished notes & scribbles,
loose pages, bundled together on a digital desk-top.
I’ll leave this here for now, and post this revelation of the method, for those who have 10 minutes to spare, and eyes that wish to see, how simple things are hid in complication - right before our eyes, to convince the Fool of knowing Folly.
I'm more poetic than numeric - but this question around the fabrication of the cruciFiction formed around the legal-fiction, tied to paper-trail ID'entities of religious legislation ... ties into British mythic constitution, hinges at the doorway to the New World Brith'ish empire Formed and forged like Sword wordS round the pivotal year of 1600 ...
What about the fabrication of the identity of Jesus,
to mask the identity of another, occulted esoteric coded story.
This is revelations, after 400 years, a'round the Master Keys of Solomon, handed down, through the Ages, in time for Dee & DeVere to encode the Mass Formation of the American United Nation States of Democracy.
. post script.
I'm seeing some connection - with the triumphantism around Trump's Election - as a revolution - of a new Form of government being ushered in - the cosmic new age --- being connected to passed-Protestantism -
which ushered in a new age - of Spirit Duality -
being sold as -
one rule to ring them all -
From 16th Century to 21st Century technologies
From the new manufacture of the Musket -
to wipe-out natives - replace’ment Theology, by Colonial Plantations.
Something's happening now with the Singularity,
ending polarity of indivi duality ---
maximum extremes of polarity giving way to singlularity of AGI
Artificial General Intelligence, or
Artificial Global Intelligence ...
in an AU - alter native uni verse - dig IT A1 Age
Musk = Musket - fire-arm - 3 muskateers + 4rth
Trump = Trumpet - instrument - 3 trumpe tears = 4rth T au <^>
UN - Lucifer Trust - Trump as Galactic Commander of the new Cosmic Conservative-Democratic independance pluto-return synopsis ...
Time-cycles later … yet the structures’ Foundations last … the testes of Father Time …
that 3,4,7 mercurial image is just a screen shot taken from this video - more mind blowing in-sights here - about John Dee & Chrono Logi
More from Jamie Arthur Pickup around Guy Fawkes, King James, Shakespeare times
100 years, just 5 minutes long
This is half an hour long
and this is an Hour Long - but a good example of how even the smartest folk can fall into fear, for 99.999 % sincere attempt to look for Truth, still lacks that BIT of Love in Trust
do please leave a comment and a <3 - cos this is a lot of effort to speak and share - and while it takes a while to read, and listen to these threads of thoughts, it takes a longer time to decribe and compile - a little feed-back gives great encouragement to continue to bother, to share, to speak at all.
I rhyme with ease, but i can't really stomach "poetry"!!
So, I've never studied any Shakespeare stuff, tho I like this kind of peeling back the curtains behind the history stuff.
It's just in this past couple of weeks that I've found all this detailed Oxfordian Vs Stamfordian argument over who actually wrote what and when.
Oxfordian, because Edward deVere was 17th Earl of Oxford - and these acedemics have done the work to show conclusively that deVere was a highly educated progeny with words & had good reason to need to cloak his real name, because he was nobility, and was a key player in the Queen's Court, and had a vested interest in maintaining Royal-bloodline lineages, in Protestant rather than Catholic ascendancy.
Whereas, Shakespeare being from Stratford, uneducated, non-royal, with no involvement with either theatre of Court, could not possibly be the real identity behind the plays or sonnets.
I posted the videos that show the insights into why and how, as well as the sacred geometry, TAU artistry & art history in the 2 most recent substack posts I made - here
& here - my 3rd last post, was about The Word, from the Printing Press to Post Humans, programming the masses with Stories, stored in our memories
Shakespeare's Dee Cypher de Ver
Human software running bio-algorithms contrived by cunning forces. I was thinking last night that there’s not a lot of people about who could adequately manage a project over the next five years because the mind is too fragmented & distracted by junk information.
Long term thinking, who specialises in that?
Good bones to work from for the next distillation.
Spent 5 minutes reading it because, meh, technology, don’t like to get too involved with other peoples thoughts, watching long videos feels like a daath sentence ✡️🚮
You Fool
Said purely for the chaotic effect it has on the water 🦠