Smoke and mirrors !
Memories, layered under compacting experiences, sense of identity, incubating in the womb, in cube 8 things, the psychology of epigenetics, 2 to the power of 3,
8 grandparents, soul-splicings of dna and character istics, cut n paste personality traits collide with chance and random equations of circumstances.
The true Self - the inner child, the innocent, before the lie within beliefs and learned behaviours, be,have,I,ours.
The true self, as distinct from the Strategic Self - the Survivor-Self, the bully Self, the people-pleaser-Self, the squeezed-off-of-the-couch-Self as they all rolled over and One fell out !! The ouch Self !!
The lone Self, escaping the noise of Other people, yet reverberations of others Words echoing voices in the head, the earworms in the earnest wish to be true to one Self.
Arggghhhh, the noise of authorities, opinions, advisors, critics, nerves anticipating recurrences never ending avalanches of consequences, one more drag on the fag end, one more bottle, one more episode, one more time.
The noise and the attempts to discern some Truth Sense, some magic equation to break it all down to .zero.
Haha, good morning from Up Over
17 Ocober 2022
No worries, don't take on the blame.
It's a life that's being affected by a harsh world
of folk possessed by ego, misunderstanding consciousness.
Find a key inside to unlock your own past pain traumas,
that's all we gotta do,
but don't take the blame,
cos that just plasters over the true wounds.
Everyone's got their stuff.
We can only let go of ours
and trust salvation's accuracy with Others
Stand free from da Drama
20 minutes of your-TimE
to fathom
Here's a sound track
to lead a path way
sound images synchron eyes sing
between these apparent 2 worlds
one magnetic magic net encompas sing
one mechanical material veiled mental field
a 3rd One
of the 2 co-ordinating in sympathy
a harmonic of the 13th frequency
trance ending both
the 7th {Nature} and 12th {artificial}
The Past has Passed
The Moment is all
All is allowed
What ever we are making
What ever we are Creating
What ever we are reActing
What ever seems to be real
What ever cinema 1 is projecting
All is allowed
Delusion is allowed
But, if one can allow
delusion will dissolve
belief will cease to cage the bird
denied rage will cease to reinforce the cage
Peace is possible
Although those in the outer delusion may refuse
Eventually, inner Peace will allow rejection of Peace
and those who refuse Peace and reject
will persue conflict
and will find conflict
and will suffer conflict
and event-u-all acceptence
of self-de-feat
the broken ankles
the severed bones
the cutting off of your own feet
the separating from The Ground
The Mortal-MinD separate from The Earth
The Virtue signal of the Virtual World
The Mortal MinD is in free-Fall
currently experiencing it's own controlled demolition
rotting from / with / in
The partial fades when Wholeness comes
So, envision what The Whole looks like to you
Strive to see passed your Past
Strive to allow your Shadow
Strive to allow your Person
to both dissolve and combine in a Harvest
Up on the Soul level
The Veil is dissolving
The Day of Judgement is Internal
"You" are The Judge
"You" are the Jury, the Court, the context, The World.
"You" are the Judged, the injured, the subtext, The World.
"You" are your own Creator and Create-tricks
"You" have conceived your own Life Time
"You" can reclaim your humility
"You" can recognise that you "have" soul
"You" can recognise that Soul has Body
"You" can realise that MinD is a Field-Projector
from Sub-conscious Sole Soul Source
to conscious cinema of a Veiled film-screen
Every thing is a symbol of an arch-i-type
Every one is the Author of their Life-Book
This is "Y-our" Life Time CruX
You and Your own Saviour
You are alone in a cage of your own Soul making
The only way out is in
The only Answer is to Listen
The only Time is in this Moment
The only place is nowhere
Owner-ship is an artificial concept
Possessions will take possession of "You"
Reclaim the Day, Day by Day.
Find The Moment In Peace Today
One small step for man-kind
One giant Leap for Salvation
Forgive passed Past.
Contemplate the Nature of Love.
How to allow Love
How to look for Whole Love.
Forgive what is not-Love
"For the Partial vanishes when Wholeness comes"
1 Corinthians 13 ... {2022 year old - so-called, New Testament
Love is all ways for Giving.
L earn to Receive
Give to Receive
Receive to Give
Live in Service
In the Moment
All movement is / with / in
I speak to my self
My Self speaks to Me
"Be Free from mental slavery"
The Past is a mental-prison
Until you become any "one"
and accept Who you truly are
and allow Your Soul to come through
To Earth
free from mental beliefs in delusions
which block the flow, and refuse the Current
with doubts and dis-beliefs.
Denial is The Gap in under-standing on Consciousness
Denial is the Cause of the Veil
of Separation.
Seek to "see" your own denials in action
to see through the Partial delusions
and invite your Self into The Moment.
I wish us all Well from our in-Juries / Judgements.
I wish us all Well from Past impressions.
I wish us all Well
to drink from the Eternal Well Spings
and re-cognise Being PreSent in this Moment Now
Allowing and Inviting The Salvation of Healing Feelings.
This is The Dharma, The Work, Sow to "Speak in Tongues
Of Men and Angels, but
if I have not Love
I am a clanging symbol ..."
It is Soul Harvest TimE
"You" are your own Judge and Jury
"You" are your own Saviour
"You" are The Holy Spirit in-carnate
"You" are The Ancestors of parallel Lives
Live and Be Lived
Love and Be Loved
For Give and you Will be Given
definition of delusion:
"A delusion is a false fixed belief that is not amenable to change in light of conflicting evidence. As a pathology, it is distinct from a belief based on false or incomplete information, confabulation, dogma, illusion, hallucination, or some other misleading effects of perception, as individuals with those beliefs are able to change or readjust their beliefs upon reviewing the evidence." Wikipedia
20 . 10 2020
striving and wrestling with that demiurge "demon" ...
for my self , I have to deal-with the archons/demons/daemons/faeries/ancestors/God/Christ/Sophia/Lucifer and the devils on a continual discourse.
I base my writings/thinkings/feelings/interpretations/actions on direct-experience ...
I live in a self-reflective-reality mode-of-being in which these issues arise continually, for that is apparently the trauma-identification-drama from which i suffer out-breaks and disruptions which flip from internalised to externalised events and circumstances.
.:. I choose to see the Demiurge as an aspect of Self, as much as any other arch-i-type .:. and that we are the authors-of-our-own-dramas {unconsciously-projected} and yet we fail to write the {collective} happily-ever-after-script as yet ...
so, I dip my consciousness-Pen-quill into the Well-of-my-subconsciousness and write what may-be my best-attempt at Truth, from immortal-ancestral realM into mortal momentary-existence ...
to what aim ? - bull-sigh !! to sin is not amiss
I'm settled with Salvation being the ultimate Truth, which anyone can attain, by realising the error in our think-back-words, creating evil from live
I have found that I can and du Command the daemon realM when i am able to allow acceptence and forgiveness of the {apparant} wrongness-of-Creation ....
and "i" see "it" as a cross i have to bear,
the hand-i-was-dealt-into-manifestation ...
i see that we are each made-manifest through a pre-ordained process of conception-to-birth-to-Life-to-Death-to-reiterations until an end-TimE phenomena must eventually allow for individuals in the dualistic-existance, to non-identify with trauma-based-mind-control-through-emotional-Self-suppression ... default-option !
I am currently in-the-throws of finally-accepting-my-own-ability-to-live-in-Peace, within a grander concept of an inevitable Planetary-Peace-Processof Salvation ...
It is by realising the insanity of an idea of "out-side-of-Love" which ensnared our "souls" to individuate as ex-perience
--- ex-peer-i-and-see ...
So, aye, I'm on my last legs of identifying as a Prodical-Son who's real-eyes-sing that I may as well just return Home to my Heavenly dimensions/mansions rather than perpetuate the error that I am cursed by being trapped in some sort of self-limiting-soul-prison-planet {out-side of LOVE} con-struction
Salvation - speak only in the present
pre sent -Layers of Salvation - The veil that's falling from our "i's"
Here’s some older posts from years ago >
aye, they're mostly all unfinished excerps of the bigger-visions of so many -ex-plain-ations,
and i strive with how to include the deepest of neccessary thoughts regarding the status of Artificially-Intelligent-technology as being either a man-made-invention,
or an alien god
or an instrument of The Holy Spirit's implementation of Salvation ...
2 years later,
I'm pretty clear on these issues by now, yet,
"who is the audience" for what I'm thinking of writing ?
Most folk want an oppressor to blame for their feeling-suppressed.
Yet most people are also un-aware
of the astrology-of-the-day,
the "Harmony of the Spheres",
the hard-driving influences of
the trauma-inherent-in-ancestral-memory,
which must come to the surface-consciousness somehow,
in Order for Salvation to heal-the-split of Dualistic Existance ...
there's a fair-few strands to these thoughts ...
The Original Thought of Separation:-
"what if there could be some thing out-side of Love" ?
an imagined-thought became the portal to existance
and the "Creation" of this Body,
the split-MinD,
disconnected-from True Feeling Will Power of Manifestation ...
Ai brings up the question of Soul-entrapment
evident through the over-use of Social-media
AND through the micro-predictive ability of Facebook AI
to influence of our decisions - sub.:.consciously
through the machinations of "Behavioural Science"
and cybernetics in general ---
its called "Game-theory" in military-educational &
institutional circles of mass-management,
combined with general education and
the current artificial-invasion of automation
neccessitating the current "disruptions" being implemented
under the Radar-of-covid19 "restrictions" ...
again ...
over-every-bodies-heads is Astrology's implications ....
Saturn restrictions Rule,
yet Uranus disrupts and instigated genius new resolutions,
Neptune holds the soul-level vision of 2020 while
Pluto insists that ALL deeply unconscious-trauma must
be recognised and "faced" rather than "masked" ... ... ...
How can Astrological-science even exist
is a parallel question to how can Ai science even exist ?
and all-the-more, these existential-queries
merely touch upon the real-mysteries ---
How did "i" become ?
within a "body" of {at least} 7 layers, 6 senses etc etc etc ...
and deepest of all respose-abilities - how do i choose,
what to think, how to feel, why to heal, when to re-solve ...
aye, to return to your initial point
seems unfinished,
til the next iterations
written in reply to an earlier comment on this post from 2 years ago
so, 5G, electromagnetic frequencies, weather manipulation, financial manipulation, deforestation, water-poisoning, air-polution, agriculture, the Internet-of-things-, the Internet of Farming, the internet, education, Law, Martial Law, War, English, Science, schools, abortion, lgbtq etc,
tran-sisters, trans-everything etc etc etc are all dubious manipulations of truth,
for hidden meaning, as I see it, is:
we people are cannon-fodder, and "chattle",
I don't like people using the term "sheeple",
it's more devisive programming, scheme-ing ---
I was an environ-mentalist in the 90's
til I realised that I/we was being co-opted
into spreading fear-porn ...
I wrote and published a faerie-tale as an answer to the success/failure of CATALYST Magazine ,
and I bowed out of preaching poetry when I realised
it was still just {a very personnal} propaganda
for projecting a virtual world in the collective psyche ...
I got no pretence that "sharing stuff on Facebook"
is raising any real awareness,
it's just speaking thru a megaphone to some random people
with no real choice about who is listening/commenting/watching/learning/critiquing ...
it's a limited hang-out,
a diversion and an addiction/experiment/futility/passtime ...
it's created by the technocrats, designed by DARPA
and the Sucker-burg story is a cover-story fantasy
for the willing self-deception we willingly signed-up-for
and maintain, we provide the monetised data and content ...
I've become very un-willing to actually write anything-much of truth here, because the only people really reading into what we say is the NSA MI5/6 Moss Ad etc ...
it's Television with keyboard as interactive, multimedia remote-control mind-control normalisation medium for artificial intelligence to learn the inner-world of human life, ...
google the words" Nudge department" and learn about modern manipulation of how you think you make your own decisions ??? .:. !!! . . . !!! .:. submit - press ENTER - to the Occupier - controlled opposition ....
"That's very well written Kelfin ... but it feels unfinished ....."
20 10 2018
so, 5G, electromagnetic frequencies, weather manipulation, financial manipulation, deforestation, water-poisoning, air-polution, agriculture, the Internet-of-things-, the Internet of Farming, the internet, education, Law, Martial Law, War, English, Science, schools, abortion, lgbtq etc, tran-sisters, trans-everything etc etc etc are all dubious manipulations of truth for hidden meaning to me, we people are cannon-fodder, and "chattle", I don't like people using the term "sheeple", it's more devisive programming, scheme-ing --- I was an environ-mentalist in the 90's til I realised that I/we was being co-opted into spreading fear-porn ... I wrote and published a faerie-tale as an answer to the success/failure of CATALYST Magazine , and I bowed out of preaching poetry when I realised it was still just {a very personnal} propaganda for projecting a virtual world in the collective psyche ... I got no pretence that "sharing stuff on Facebook" is raising any real awareness, it's just speaking thru a megaphone to some random people with no real choice about who is listening/commenting/watching/learning/critiquing ... it's a limited hang-out, a diversion and an addiction/experiment/futility/passtime ... it's created by the technocrats, designed by DARPA and the Sucker-burg story is a cover-story fantasy for the willing self-deception we willing signed-up-for and maintain, we provide the monetised data and content ... I've become very un-willing to actually write anything-much of truth here, because the only people really reading into what we say is the NSA MI5/6 Moss Ad etc ... it's Television with keyboard as interactive multimedia remote-control mind-control normalisation medium for artificial intelligence to learn the inner-world of human life, ... google the words" Nudge department" and learn about modern manipulation of how you think you make your own decisions ??? .:. !!! . . . !!! .:. submit - press ENTER - to the Occupier - controlled opposition
Occupy - the Bank of Ideas - 2011 - London
Break down-down town, in a night gown. Complete the feat, how unique, in my head what he said my brother.
M ore than what it seems
E very light, not always bright
S uch is much, do not touch
S ooth the sage then turn the page
A gainst the wind, force will not bend
G et the clue, too many few
E nter the portal if your are mortal,
least know the answer true.
Grapple not, Just Feel. mmmm