17 November 2022
I feel like I'm getting easier about being able to see myself as a “writer”, and to be able to just sit down and write {almost} every day.
And I've been getting easier about the outside world too.
The existential angst is becoming less, regarding the fears of technology.
It's a very primal fear, that something new, can very likely be dangerous.
That kind of thinking-instinct is hard-wired in the physical brain.
It is tied in with the fear of the future and the fear of the unknown.
And as with all fears, there's the reaction to cower back, and another reaction, to by-pass the fear, and do it anyway.
The “curiosity killed the cat” kind of complex.
There was such a huge reaction to covid, lockdown and the new injections, because the whole thing was unprecedented, so sudden, and so unexpected.
A massive, world-wide disruption to everyday life.
We all have fears of some sort, and the shock of covid triggered everyone's fears in some sorts of ways, each in our own individual ways.
A pandemonium of panic, pent-up and unleashed.
Nearly 3 years later, and every one is still confused as to what the hell is going on.
People struggle to understand what was happening, and people have had to come to their own conclusions, because, well, what else can we do, but try to make sense of “reality”.
We all have our unique view of the world and our own innate coping mechanisms of how to interpret change in our circumstances.
One thing about the human organism is that we “take things for granted”.
This is what we call “normal”.
This is what we rely upon.
This is what helps us to think we are somewhat in control of our lives, at least enough to feel we can predict what will happen next.
The past predicts the future.
Linear time frames our perceptions.
Every one has their “place in society”, their job, their family, their friends, colleagues, location, local community, hobbies, interests, skill-sets, ambitions, dreams, wants, needs and expectations in Life.
Normality and comfort-zones, order in amidst the chaos is what we can call routine-expectation.
“Taking for granted” that routine-expectations can be relied upon.
“Taking for granted” means that we don't need to question everything, every moment of every day.
So long as one has enough money coming in to pay for the things one needs to survive, means that one doesn't need to question too much, in order to not “rock the boat”, in order to insulate one self from the chaos “out-there”.
So, the “first world” doesn't question too much about life in the “third world”, and doesn't even question as to where is the “second world”.
The past dictates the future.
Linear thinking mechanisms.
Vast generalisations.
We live in our minds,
processing time,
from past to future,
very rarely ever present,
in our thoughts.
Progress; the idea that things will continue as they are, but improve-over-time, over-all, “things can only get better”.
Hope; it's a story we tell ourselves, in order to live with the fact that life is unequal, things don't always “work out for the best”, and in fact, the things we try to achieve, very often go wrong.
It is amazing to me that so many people appear to have faith in “Society”, to be cheer-leaders for billionaires such as Musk, Bezos, and Gates, but it also amazes me that anyone even watches the “NEWS”, never mind the fact that most people actually believe the spells that are spewed out by the NEWS-spell-casters.
I didn't much question what was going on in the adult world, when I was a child. I had my place, I trusted my parents, we lived in relative isolation.
But I got The Mumps when I was about 14 years old, and spent a few weeks delirious, bed ridden, in and out of dream-time continuously.
Weeks of merged days and nights, crossing continuously between the worlds, in and out between reality and dream-time.
By 15,
I was seeing through the grown up “reality”,
seeing that it is non-sense,
religions spinning stories that they don't live by –
The Catholic Pope has an army and infinite stolen wealth,
sitting “in the place of Christ”
but running hell-on-Earth,
The Queen as head of the Protestant Church, but the richest woman in the world, keeping the poor in poverty while the rich get richer.
I guess that is when the story-telling capacity began.
I began to make my own sense of reality, with a constant stream of intuitive thoughts coursing through my consciousness,
I stopped looking to the adults for answers to life's questions, and started forming my own world view in my own imagination.
I started eating magic mushrooms, smoking, travelling, and seeing through the cracked veneer of so called civilised society.
None of this was exactly by “choice”.
It all simply unfolded.
My life-path opened up,
and I began to make my own way through “society”.
Thoughts downloaded themselves in my astral mind.
I naturally understood concepts of astrology and reincarnation.
And this is what I'm realising with hind-sight these days:
Having ideas that are dismissed by the masses made me feel like I was an odd-ball in a cuboid world and that I didn't fit-in.
But even more-so, I had no wish to fit-in.
I kept meeting other odd-balls., people who I did fit-in with, a sub-culture of friends with whom I had a sense of past-life familiarity and integrity.
It made simple sense to me that there are past-lives and future lives.
It made sense to me that when I met the other odd-balls in this life, that the sense of mutual recognition was because we had been soul-family in other life times.
It made simple sense to me
that I have a sense of“higher-intelligence”
speaking to me because I have “soul”,
which had chosen the circumstances of this life-time,
my parents and siblings, my conception and birth circumstances,
my asthma as a toddler,
and how my asthma had influenced my parents
to move back to the countryside in Ireland,
rather than continue to live in London city,
after a decade of dad's alcoholism being reinforced daily
from the routine of his sub-culture,
working on the building sites with the other London-Irish.
My dad had run-away from home as a teenager.
My asthma helped him return to restart his life again, back on his families land, back in the place he had run away from.
A prodigal son returning home.
Now, I'm 49 years old,
and covid has rattled the cage of the mental prison
that normal-civilised-society has been confined within.
The same Catholic and Protestant religions that had specifically waged war against the knowledge of re-incarnation, also raged raw against astrology and any who held onto the resonance of natural native wisdom.
These religions are now collapsing in on themselves, built upon faulty foundations, ivory castle, built upon sandy beaches, with the full moon tides encroaching fast.
These religious leaders and followers, exposed as child-abusers, and women abusers, exposed as a Patriarchy of covert systematic educational genocidal institutional unfeeling mind-controllers.
Government have their roots in religions.
The word “regimented” is made up
of Regi {royalty} and “mente” {mind}-
it's the source root of the idea of the Catholic
Kings and Queens of Medi-evil Europe
having a “divine right to rule”.
Regimented thinking is a closed loop, an enclosure,
a pen that is mightier than the sword.
In many ways it may be said, that patriarchal mind came into being about 5 or 6 thousand years ago, which we now call the birth of civilisation.
Humans learned {remembered} how to intentionally grow crops, to work as an organism or a hive-mind, in order to use technology expressed as “agriculture”, as distinct from the previous algorithm of “hunter-gatherer”.
Agriculture caused us to grow excess grains, which we could store and preserve, to see-us-through-the-winter-months with “sustain-ability”.
The grain-store needed to be protected from mice and rats and other wild creatures who would steal our human-resources.
So, we built buildings to store the grain, using blocks and cement.
Cuboid-thought-formed to contain our collective wealth for our collective health.
But, there were ideas of deities.
The Sun God, the Moon God, the Earth God etc.
And there were ideas of Gods being incarnate as individuals.
God-beings in human form.
The Pharaohs, kings, high-priests roles in our “societies”.
Here is the root of the “divine right to rule”.
To “RULE” is to “MEASURE”.
Which are mathematical terms.
Mind, maths, measure-ment = technology.
Technology “transitioned” and disrupted the natural hunter-gatherers' society, taking over the land, fencing in their animals, building their houses and temples and grain-stores, rather than being nomadic.
Sustain-ability was a different way of looking at “time”.
It was an “adult” understanding of “providing for the future”.
Techno-logically-minded / civilised societies functioned under a different operating system compared with intuitive hunter-gatherer societies.
Civilisation was able to control Nature, and it's Royalty were able to apparently “become gods”, by their ability to measure the heavens and predict the seasons and to regulate their agriculture.
This was the beginning of govern-ment, civil-servants who implemented the divine will of their Royal representatives of the gods-incarnations.
Back in those days, reincarnation was a primal comprehension of how Society was divinely organised, the gods begot their next incarnations, keeping the line-age within the royal-families.
These days, it's called nepotism, and is frowned upon as un-fair.
And so, “democracy” developed to make the system seem fairer.
But, Divine-Right-To-Rule is still the cornerstone of civilisation, and thus, the Head of the Anglican Church is still the Head of the British Royal Family, who stands above the democratic process.
Quite like how the new King Charles the turd, stands above the democratic process, fingering his puppets, placed on the chess-bord-checkered floors of freemasonic secret societies, in places like Davos.
I hope that you can perceive here that “trans-human-ism” is not a new thing.
FOR MORE - LISTEN TO THIS AUDIO, with Toby Why, a conversation explaining the Meta Concept of technology mirroring our mental construction of the physical reality game-play.
Breaking the Rules
Photo credit - Ember Love - Ai rendering of Steve Reeves artwork onto the image of Kelfin Pa Tricks Oberon