Video and writings and audio's too
Today day I awoke from the dreamtime, without leaving the dreamtime,
and my day-time Self witness to the lucid dreaming
A meeting with my Mom and Dad
in our old house
with my brothers there with us too
resolved the conflicts, that have afflicted me
my whole life
but especially demanding my attention this past 13 moonths,
since our dad died.
I feel that I've achieved
what was told to me
that day I passed through a Black-Thorn & White Thorn Portal
Gate Way near Ballinasloe, in Pat Noone 's Faerie Field
Steer clear of the Human World from now on
Stay clear of the con-fusions of Humans
who can not-see The UnSeen
Awakening from The Dream Come True today
Full Moon Dawn alignment happening.
I feel joy today
and excitement
to find out why
as the day reveals
and activities happen
Writings, communicating , recording,
Inner mirth expressing
The view from on Top of The World
Perhaps the Sun this morning has arisen in conjunction
of my native Ascendant
in astrology?
Good morning world ❤
I been feeling lately like the astral war (delusion) is finally ending,
Yesterday I had joy all day, for no particular outer reason.
Today I awoke from dream time to day time,
standing in the portal, both worlds one, synchronised.
The 2 as 1
Already i hear and see and know with in me,
that the astral war has ceased.
And although the many may deny the One,
the One contains the ManY.
One has won, as all ways has been,
but this day, sun rise, moon reflect,
and reach Her Full Power,
and the 2 together as One hold the Unity
which humanITy could N-ever possess.
Wee One, wee won, wee now won
- wee won because we are One,
Wee won bee cause we're One
Wee won because we're One ❤
(and if any of the Many
still think We are not One,
- they only spoil the fun,
for them selves,
for being lob sided, 😉
denying the obvious Whole,
while seeking to Life live back-words
evil in The Hole
not W-hole )
God Love Us All ❤
May all seperate beings finally come to see The Dawning of The Day It Y 🌍
HERE’S the video recording at dawn this morning, capturing a Revelation -
Visualisation of Astral Healing of The Mother-Earth-Souls -
Art Works by Steve Reeves - Resting In Peaces <3
Here is an epic poem, written in 2004, at the house of Denny Price, “Arch druidess of the GODS” !! the glastonbury order of “druids” - where once upon a time, I was paying rent for a room with a view to healing the whole “druid” dystopia