Bits of infinite
in finite Formation
Meta bolism – the digestion of what we consume as energy.
Meta – to go above and beyond one's own self-awareness
Meta – self-referential, at a higher level, a higher realm
MetaVerse – a verse about the Verse, a world within The World.
I'm seeking to under-stand what is natural, destined, evolution of the Earth-Soul-Story attempting to integrate the Sky-Spirit-story.
It is self-evident, that human knowledge is partial and incomplete.
We look back in time, and carry the past with us, as reference to in-form our present, to create the future-now.
We do this individually and collectively.
We do this consciously and sub-consciously.
We have a “story” about cave-men, hunter-gatherers evolving to agriculture, and there-by creating “civilisation”, working with Nature to enhance yield and provide stability, yet also, as is self-evident these days, disrupting Nature to the point of resource-rape, and building a machine-world to not merely replicate Nature, but to replace Nature with “artificial” machinery.
Fire was the original technology, putting together bits and pieces of material and adding a spark, which, if it catches, creates a flame which grows as it consumes the substance.
Like a modern data-base, one has to keep adding “fuel to the fire”, in order for the fire to grow.
Like a parasite, the fire consumes the substance which feeds it's life.
Without fuel, the {instant substantiation of}fire “dies”.
The potential of fire is natural.
Forest fires happen, without need for human cause or creation.
A forest fire dies-out, once it's fuel source is consumed, without need of human intervention.
But, we humans tell our selves that, at some stage,
we “invented” fire-at-will.
We “learned” how to make and control the circumstances with give-rise to catch-fire, and harness this elemental, Natural power, for our human purposes.
The discovery of fire was so very long ago, that we have only our imagined memory-story nowadays, to explain how stone-age man “developed” the ability to harness the Creative/Distructive Nature of Fire.
Indeed, our story-telling capacity must have increased exponentially when we began to be able to harness Fire as the central focus of our out-door living rooms.
Fire gives a focus to our community.
Community, the result of communicating unity.
What we have in common, our relationships, our relations, our abilities, our common survival-skills.
These are the hard-wired capacities built into our brains
Fast forwards, back to “The Future”
Trust the Science
Follow the leaders
conform to the collective
hive-mind smart agenda herd mentality
frightening people further on-line
downloading ideas into human minds
aimed at children
killing off the old,
in hospitals and old-folks homes
drip feeding Method-one as: midazolam and morphine
Signed paperworks which instruct: “do not resuscitate”.
covid – mind-controllers making a live-role-playing-game
lockdown controls – behaviour change – mind-change by creating new beliefs – trust the science – social-media-addiction, adding beliefs, controlling emotions through dopamine-feeds … Tik Tok, Roblocks etc
killing off the elderly, separating the middle-aged, taking hold of the imaginations of generation “x y z”
The elderly being so heavily drugged for the last days of their lives, has a deep effect on their ability to process their end of life-reviews, separated from family and friends, surrounded only by robotic medical employees, who lack compassion, following protocols which are ultra-clinical
What's in the injections is likely to be smart-dust/programmable matter/self-assembling micro-machines
The Meta-Verse is already built and distributed to our devices, especially through the social-media of the world wide web of the inter-net – the net which is catching every single mind through it's addictive gamified usefulness, which became ubiquitous as the smart-phone rose to exponential reach over the past 12 years.
We have all taken the bait, our little fishy brains got sucked into addictive dopamine-feeds, unable to resist the flashy trains of thought, which have carried our mental-existance into the meta-realms of our imaginations.
Our imaginations were already primed by science and science-fiction.
Now, I had deep fear of all this technology building up inside of me from 2016 onwards, as a result of researching the 5G, Internet of Things, the Artificial Intelligence and it's use to incrementally nudge every one of us into a sort of “stay in your own lane” array of personality types, through dangling “news” events before our eyes, and inciting populations to argue among ourselves about every possible social and moral implication of every story.
From Trump to Black Lives Matter, from climate-change to covid-change, our on-line stand-points are being measured and tracked and traced, and most importantly, being predicted.
Knowing the past, is how the future is predicted.
This is a natural tendency of our sub-conscious and conscious decision-making processes.
I feel sure that the covid-change which was marketed as “the new normal” was engineered in our minds through the down-loads of information being fed to us by the “news” and the recycling spin-cycles of social media, brain-washing our physical beings with peaks and troughs of dopamine and cortisol, of hope and fear, and ultimately a base-frequency of hopelessness by which humanity is being so strongly steered into collective conformity.
We live in a collective-reality in which the idea of individual and family soul-intelligence was out-sourced to religious beliefs and fear of ostracization of any who did not conform, cemented during world-wars 1 and 2, and then released into the hyper-consumerism of the cold-war era.
People had already been shifted from rural to city-scapes by the industrial revolution, by the land-economy of fuedal-ownership, rack-rents, famines, and the slave-trades which began the “globalisation” of “human-resources”.
The roots of all our woes stem back into past-lives, of our previous generations, and extend forwards in our children's children's generations to come, in the artificial “intelligence” of the legal-system, a 2 tier system of control by the haves over the have-nots, the rich get richer, the poor get only enough to “sustain” our consumption, feeding the machine's intelligence with our reliance, compliance and dependency tendencies.
Hopelessness is a contagious dis-ease.
Soul-less-ness is an option which fills an empty space inside.
Materialism as an object-orientated world-view, causes people to look-out and see a soul-less world view.
I write this to face-the-fears and analyse that it is our feelings which will save our souls from hopelessness.
Our feelings are something which we do have “control” over.
But also, feelings are something that we can lose our “control” over, by giving our power of discernment over to the materialist world-view.
I feel I have been making gigantic progress over the past few years, in recognising the importance of feeling as a feminine ability and being able to keep grounding my self through acknowledging and listening to my own inner feelings.
At first, it was an overwhelming mountain of outer-anxiety, of being cascaded by events and avalanches of information received from the outside world, and of having to concentrate upon discerning the down-loads of every-evolving complexities of information.
The inter-net has escalated the uncertainties of Life, and provided a road-map-to-the-future, which seems to subtly solidify our mind-scapes into certainty.
We all know the “future -predictions”, at this stage, and we all face unexpected disruptions now, knowing that a new “virus” can be unleashed at any moment.
The enter-con-tainment industry is programming the collective-sub-conscious Mind with certain pathways, forging ahead with trains of thoughts, which have a destination in Mind.
Feelings are connected with Soul and the subconscious, with past-life-memories and the need for healing feeling-traumas from the past.
Existential angst is a cliff-face that we have to climb, if one is to reach the summit of the mountain view, to get close to heavenly-soul and yet keep our feet solidly connected with the Earth-Soul-incarnation.
The great fear is that the vast majority of the human population will die, the threat made plain by the marketing of “covid”, though perhaps worse-still, the marketing that we will live in boxes, staring into a virtual-worlds of screen-time consumption and not even notice that the quiet voice of wisdom and soul intelligence has been drowned in the brain-wash of spin-cycles in the machine-world-view.
The dystopian vision of being trapped in our bodies, wired to Artificial Intelligence virtual worlds, feeding the energy body of the machine-world with our vital soul-essense, doped-up to the fish-gills with dopamine-news-feeds and fantasy game-playing enter-con-tainments of the “entertainment industry”.
I'm “smart” enough to know that this is all being orchestrated by the world-wide military regimes which solidified into the “United Nations” as a result of 2 worlds wars, an unending cold-war propaganda, now becoming the necessity of global-goverance in Order to “tackle climate-change”.
It is a game of numbers.
Converting extended families and their native cultures into separated individuals with global-space-age sub-cultures.
Transiting the masses from the physical-feeling world into an artificial-chemical-neural-net world.
That game of numbers “went live” with the out-break of the “invisible dis-ease”.
A virtual war against an invisible enemy. A viral idea.
An invisible war against a virtual enemy. A 4th world war.
An imagined war against an imagined enemy.
A line has been drawn under our knowledge of past, present and future.
Our numbers are being totted-up and kept under meta-surveillance.
So, I've been able to under-stand this process, to some degree by my own innate intelligence, combined with having a degree in Creative-Computing, having studied Computer-Science from 2007 to 2010, exactly when the smart-phone-revolution was taking place in the industry.
We were told to use every possible behavioural and psychological trick to entice a “user” to use our “app” more and more, to keep them inter-acting and addicted/dependant upon our “product”.
With social-media, the trick is that the “user” becomes the “product” as our survival-instincts become redirected into continual comparisons of others lives, keeping-up-with-the-Jones” has become keeping up with the information-overloads and trying to assess what the hell is going on these days, in the “hive-mind” collective.
And so, we scroll, we emoji, we comment and share, we write, we record, we film and photograph. We project our hopes and fears as we imagine.
We express our inner and outer selves and we upload and publish into the “collective field of information”, to be analysed and predicted, categorised and directed.
We are constantly told that we have the world at our fingertips, in this information-Age.
But, actually, we see only what is allowed to be seen.
In the west, we see only what is destined for the “western-mind” to see.
All else is censored.
A new documentary has gone viral, therefore I have watched it, about the injections having the effect of making people drop-dead suddenly.
I won't promote it or name it here, because I found it to be propaganda, aimed at the very people who already have their minds made up about the injections being a weapon of intentional depopulation.
But this documentary is a horror story.
It is gory and hopeless and depressing,
it doesn't provide any wisdom or solutions.
It convinces the viewer that every one is going to die already.
It uses camera angles and zoomed-in focus shots to drive perspectives in a subconscious spiral of depression, and it ends with meaningless numbers being displayed of the death-count, from millions to billions.
It's whole focus is upon blood-cloths in the arteries of those who have taken the injections, and it's proof is by way of medical experts making exasperated statements while showing footage of cloths being pulled out of arteries.
I am not denying that this is happening, but I am saying that the producers of this film are intentionally playing upon the fear and bias of people who are already convinced, and driving them further into despair.
Be aware.
I've been meta-tising Zuckerbergs meta within my own greater meta-concepts …. encapsulating the mother zucker !!
Astral body, dream body, light body, dark body, feeling body, mental body, physical body, Faeries, ghosts, egregores.
Some people have direct experience of these realms.
Some people can feel-into and/or listen-into, these realms.
Some people have beliefs and projections onto these realms, but remain closed-off in their mental-body-beliefs, and haven't particularly grounded their mental-body in harmony and resonance with their physical and feeling bodies.
Our mental-body relationship with our feeling-body and physical body is generally one of by-passing and over-riding, where-by the mental-body is not listening, and therefore over-rules with an internal “govern-mentality”.
The mind projected its beliefs and framed the “reality” that it perceives in it's own version of limited-beliefs, as an “operating system” which filters-out what it does not “compute”.
The vast majority of people do not “compute” a reality in which there is immediate access to an astral realm of “soul”.
In my comprehension, the astral body is akin to the dream-body, which is not constrained by the physical body, especially while we are sleeping.
In the dream-state, the conscious-mind is switched “off”, and the sub-conscious mind is defragmenting the experiences of the today, and processing the potentials of tomorrow.
The mind is there fore switched to receptive-mode, in contrast to it's projective-mode in the waking-state.
The sub-conscious mind is receptive to the soul-intelligence and is actively processing and imagining what progression can occur upon multiple time-lines of potential, just as a writer must process the myriad options of how a story progresses from fore-word, beginning, middle, end, after-word.
The analogies with the manifest “digital” environment of artificial-intelligence are immense.
All computers are mimicking human-design.
Computing is simply the act of “counting on one's fingers”,
thus we have the digital limit of our fingers, and toes, as the original abacus.
The modern-day invention of mechanical-computers,
is based upon binary digits:
an electrical pulse sent down a metal wire produces a peak = “1”
the lack of a pulse represents a trough = “0”
The basis of hardware is about improving the ability to record electric cycles of 1's and 0's onto a magnetic field called the hard-drive.
The “classical computer” is a “machine language” derived from only these 2 digits.
The software is written in computer-code, made up of individual characters, such as the one's on your key-board.
Each character translates to a string of binary digits.
Thus, using the same light-on / light-off simplicity of Morse-code, the language of machine learning is evolved through being able to record or “write” the electrical signal onto the magnetic field as “memory”.
A computer can only remember what it has experienced.
A hard-drive can be infected with a software=virus, that scrambles or changes, or even deletes what is stored in the memory.
A hard-drive can be “wiped” by deleting all the impressions/information/data/binary-pulses that have been “written” to it's magnetic-field.
The Great ReSet is a virus of sorts.
Micro-soft makes computer software,
and also makes virus's
and also makes anti-virus spyware.
This post Is made up of disturbing questions
and incomplete answering equations.
I haven't been able to post it until now
cos I never managed to “finish” the process
and then I wrote other posts.
Today, an other post
has answered these questions
pretty much eloquently
finished at 15:51 - 5th of the 12th 2022
A complete theory of everything
like wot Einstein wos looking 4 …..
This is all very triggering of our existencial fears, and overwhelmingly mind-boggling, but here is another video I’ve recorded, tracking through the fields of Nature, in Scotland, making senses, and sentences, to integrate these realisations and contemplations