It's difficult to believe that there are energies streaming into our atmosphere, from the sun, and moon and planets and even from other stars, from further afield in the galaxies.
But that is the simple premise of astrology.
Its difficult to believe that there are energies streaming into our conscious awareness from other dimensions, bringing evolutionary codes to upgrade our subconscious programs.
It's difficult to believe in faeries, mermaids, angels, souls, soul families, Christ, Krishna, Buddha and whatever ideas of ascended masters.
It's difficult to believe in any God, in heaven, difficult to believe in a Creator, whether male, female, both or neither "gender".
It's difficult to believe in 5G and/or 5D
being responsible for feeling completely wiped out some times these days, when exhaustion seems to occur so suddenly, for no obvious reasons, and then lift again, after some time, sometimes after days of being in a daze, of feeling otherworldly and having to drift out of mind, out of worry, out of worldly expectations of achievement in the physical outer gameplans and coping strategies of material Life.
Its difficult to imagine and accept that the outer world experience of duality/polarity is a projection of illusion, is a collective simulation of a soul level experimental environment, in which to evolve in Love, through experiencing the Lack of Love in Life.
It is difficult to imagine non-duality, and difficult to imagine what the outcome is when individuality becomes whole again.
Some people are super sensitive and hyper intuitively psychic in their awareness of these subtle energies, of high frequencies, of invisible realms of reality.
Clair sentient awareness of intelligence in the unSeen realms of conscious Life.
Time and space are little understood in modern science.
Like a fish attempting to see through the glass bubble of the fish bowl in a domestic house, trying to understand the complexities of the humans and other beings in the world outside their perception bubble containers.
How can a goldfish comprehend the patterns of the comings and goings of the other creatures outside of its fish bowl lens?
How can the fish interpret the rooms beyond the room in which it is situated?
How can the fish imagine what it is like to leave the house, get in a car, drive to work/school/whatever, and return "home" many hours/days /weeks later.?
Is fish-time, in the goldfish's bowl, of a different scale to that of a cat, dog, turtle, human or indeed, of a God, of a concept, of a galaxy, of a moment of conception or a moment of birth or death?
Is the timescale different for a newborn child, as compared with an elder?
Is time experienced differently by an elder who is living with their family, in their own home, with generations to keep company and entertained with loving conversation, with living memories .:. compared with elders who have been placed in old-folks "care homes", where society is artificial, sterile and professional.
Humanity as a (fractured) whole is limited in comprehension of higher dimensional time and space intelligence.
Cuboid thought forms humanoid cubes - mental blocks, emotional blocks, comprehensive blocks - block ages of time.
I see a mass collective healing process occurring in every one's in divi dual life these days.
I call it the Planetary Peace Process.
Others call it the Ascension Process, or endtimes revelation, rapture, cat-as-trophy, climate change, world war, artificial intelligence timebomb, etc etc
Many still think that there is nothing cosmic or spiritual happening, just material progress in a material world.
"Time will tell - Time is a great healer" as my mom says.
What do you, who has read this message so far, reckon is actually happening these days., in the bigger, biggest pictures?
I'm being told to share my views more, to keep writing and recording.
Feel free to share these posts, for others who might find the perspectives helpful. Here's a short video on the same train of thoughts -
Another little update of insight about time and soul timelines downloading from Dawning of the New Earth paradigm.
May well explain why so many sensitive people are feeling exhausted and needing to completely rest some days, receiving future timelines coming down to anchor frequency codes Co-ordinates in the 3d present moment.
So, these days, we are actually choosing what version of 4d timelines, train of thoughts, resonant feeling, ideal imagined, peace full resolution, of all our relations.
Feeling peace full, rather than half empty hungry ghosts.
I've mentioned the vagus nerve here cos it popped into mind with a few synchronicities lately, some from someone elses facebook post, where i gathered about healthy vagus being involved in the natural ability to rest and heal, and of how gut parasites are connected with vagus nerves, and also with future creations.
I been realising that the deep-rest being needed at odd times these days, is actually how the mind is being put aside at times, into a different frequency of opening to receiving information from optimal timelines, and thus realising that the choices of which time line one is open to, is the means of choice of which 4d path is being chosen, by which destination is being dreamed into being pre-sent>>>
Here is the importance of being self-aware of which frequencies are creating your choices,
of whether one is being tuned to fear projections onto the world, creating fear-filled future experiences,
or whether one is learning to steer clear of the fear,
by learning how to trust in Whole Love,
of soul-self-guidance,
in believing in one self more than the conflicted interests of individuals in the "rat race",
caring more for bank accounts than rivers, streaming to the Ocean.
I've found my self receiving visions of where I'll be in a years time, and real eyes that its the co ordination between seemingly-separate-self and seemingly-soul-self, allowing One-Self to believe in the dream, for the 3d to hold the thread of the 4d dream-state connecting to the 4d unity-Self of soul self, no longer seemingly split from personality self.
It's worth investigating new ideas
and wonder what the 5th dimension might
actually look like, if one could, see beyond the limited scope of the 3 dimensional fish-bowl analogy
I've just been poking around on your page and wanted to let you know I have compassion for your situation and the sense that it's hard to find people to talk with about these insights into different aspects of the nature of reality we're navigating. My family all left me, because they couldn't fit me into their world anymore. We didn't argue, they just disappeared on me. It's been a few years, but I have come to a point where I can more deeply appreciate your perspective. I have not availed myself of nature's mind-opening bounty, but my searchings into myth and archetype and symbol have led to quite a few lucid dream, synchronistic experiences. They are coming more often these days. I'm learning not to fear them, but look at things with a bemused appreciation for the irony they often contain. You're right about the microbiome - not just the gut, but all the critters that create the universe that is a single human. Fascia, too, is very important - liquid crystal communication with the field. Anyway, just want to let you know that your message resonates with me over on this side of the pond. Keep going...