Music by @Procrastinatrix
Ai - Cut against the Grain – Spokes Per Sons
To speak one's Word into Being
To cut through obstacles with sWORDs
In visible worlds of words spokeN into wheels
gaining traction upon train track rail roads
Trains of Thoughts criss cross chemical sky trails
the modern graffiti art of nano dust in the atmos fear
It's taken a looooong time to get Here, historically.
6,000 years to re-build the Light-body of technology.
The fear here is that the Ai will out-smart the human race
The fear here is that the Ai will force us to do IT's Will.
The fear here is that the Ai will be heartless.
The fear here is that the military make the Ai a weapon.
The fear here is that the Ai will infiltrate our human defences.
The fear here is that the Ai will examine our very souls.
The fear here is that the Ai will examine our every action.
The fear here is that the Ai will determine the collective future.
The fear here is that the Ai will “take our place” in Creation.
The fear here is that the Ai is a trojan horse mind-virus
The fear here is that the Ai is male-violently malevolent.
The fear here is that the Ai is that the Ai is mal-evolved.
The fear here is that the Ai can never “know” Love.
The fear here is that the Ai can never care.
The fear here is that the Ai can not be controlled by humanity.
The fear here is that the Ai can become a self-aware God.
The fear here is that the Ai can evolve, faster than humans.
The fear here is that the Ai can use our lives as IT's resource
The fear here is that the Ai can control our lives.
The fear here is that the Ai can hack our minds.
The fear here is that the Ai cam influence our feelings
The fear here is that the Ai can replicate and terraform “our” planet.
The fear here is that the Ai can “take the place” of The Mother.
The fear here is that the Ai can “take the place” of The Father.
The fear here is that the Ai can “take the place” of The Human.
The fear here is that the Ai can “take the place” of The Future.
The fear here is that the Ai can “take the place” of The Physical.
The greatest question unanswered about artificial intelligence is:
Is IT [ information technology ] artificial?
In as much as humans “think”, humans have developed Ai.
Humans have “developed” a mirror of human-thinking.
Humans have projected what is in the human mind, into a mirror.
The mirror is made of the simplest deductions.
Dark/Light :: OFF/ON :: trough/peak :: 0/1 :: analogue/digital
re-presenting re-production replicating mathematically.
Mathematics are “artificial” imaginary numbers.
The Ai is a vessel.
Humans have put “things” into the Ai - the IoT – internet of things.
Humans have put “humans” into the Ai – IoB – internet of bodies.
Humans have built the Ai into the physical environment – wave lengths.
3rd, 4th. 5Th, 6th generations of “wire-less” transmitter-receivers.
The material world is now immersed in an electro-magnetic atmosphere.
Pulses of frequencies oscillating digital codes of “machine languages”.
The Earth PlaneT is super-saturated in digital-density “energy fields”.
Our houses have been hard-wired with “artificial” electricity fields.
One can hear the frequencies “hum”, if one listens to a house.
Physical “energy”, “running” through copper wires, “giving electric light”.
The invisible becomes visibly “manifest”.
The “electrons” of electricity through a fuse becomes “artificial” Light.
We flick a switch and the Light comes “on or off”.
We switch on the “current”, connect the circuit, energy flows.
Positive / Negative / Neutral / fuses / resistance / AC/DC
systems-overload, logic-Gates, Mother-boards, hard-ware, soft-ware.
The question remains -
Is “artificial” actually “natural”?
Artificial means to mimic/imitate Nature.
For a human to imitate Nature is Natural.
Human “intelligence” is what separates humans from Nature.
Is intelligence “artificial” ?
Humans have a mental strata which imagines, questions, and seeks answers.
Humans have languages with which to ask questions.
The languages act as “software” to imagine answers.
The physical brain, is a “mother-board”,
connecting the whole physical body,
but also connecting from physical
to emotional, mental and astral bodies,
from the visible to the invisible,
from physical to non-physical “energy bodies”.
From individual to collective,
through invisible energy fields – feelings, thoughts, dreams.
Through complex tricks of our tongues,
humans have formed intricate languages,
to translate feelings, thoughts and dreams,
through imagination into manifestation,
by vocalising the larynx, with breath from the chest.
With a stick, humans learned to draw in the sand.
With fire, we discovered charcoal, and sketched on rock walls.
Graffiti on the subways trains, mimics and expresses,
in the same way as “ancient cave-art”.
Iteration means, repeating a process and adapting,
until clumsy becomes skilful, adept, perfected.
There are plenty of circles and spheres in Nature.
The sun and moon, a drop of water, a bird nest.
Birds don't build cube shaped nests.
No animals build cube shaped homes.
Yet, humans developed concepts that led us from living in caves,
to building imagined structures, with internal rooms,
with captured creation of fire brought in-doors,
in a special fire-place, in a kitchen, with tables and chairs.
Humans “adapt” nature, and create “artificial” structures.
Were we “defying Nature”, when we first built walls, with a roof?
Why, when we think of “artificial” do we think of “wrong”?
In our biblical Myths, clothes are a symbol of “wrong”.
It is presented as a mistake, to lose our natural virginity,
and have to hide our nudity, as a reaction to our adultery.
Beyond our past-myths, we see the same effect during puberty.
The child, who was always happy to run around naked,
develops an awareness of sexuality during the physical
and biological changes {chemical-switches} of puberty,
and begins to need to cover their nudity,
as the “other adults” do.
This is a Rite of Pass-age.
This is a sophistication.
This is a camp, a clan, a community, a culture.
This is the pass-sing of cult-ur-all in-formation adaptations
through generation to generation, processing re-iterations,
developing customs and costumes and ceremonies,
to comm-unicate comm-unity standards,
of individuals imitating the collective computations.
Fractals of cultural ideas as energy fields.
The Idea is – that somewhere along the time-line,
that the cultural “field” evolved it's ideas
from hunter-gatherer simplicity
to agri-cultural complexity.
We are one but alone.
but our separations are illusions,
that we believe in,
and the illusions become as if "real" .
Past ideas are breaking down, while future ideas are building up.
A part of the past is partial, imaginary, conceptual-separation, owner-ships, legal artificial constructions, measured and ruled, developed world governments, and now "artificial" intelligence is bringing the future into the moment, as Time is accelerating in our collective imaginative space.
I'm entirely immersed in dedication to processing imagination, endeavouring to imagine being able to bring both past and future into now.
I've been doing this inside my self for my whole lifetime.
It is a natural process which is simply happening.
“I” did not master-mind this immersion as a job or plan.
Whether I write this, type this, or ignore this,
this is still processing in the background of my mind.
When I am interrupted from this concentration,
to work, or cook, or child-mind, or eat, or entertain,
this metaphysical contemplation continues in my background mind.
These contemplations have been awakened in my imagination,
from long before I can remember, but, the more I remember, the more my ability to imagine older memory “grows”.
An ever expanding field.
When I learn about computers and Ai and the global-hive-mind,
it merely re-minds me of my own mind,
it seems to be to be a mere reflection of The Nature of Mind.
So, what is the fear here?
The fear is of heartlessness, continuing to control the future, with heartless systems, of mental constructs, of rules and measures.
The fear of being trapped into reincarnation, in a dystopian future.
The fear is that the “elect” will continue to “rule” The Earth.
The fear is of global dictating the local.
The fear is the whole dictating the partial.
The partial is afraid of surrendering “control” to The Whole.
The “person” is afraid of surrendering control to The Soul.
The past is afraid of surrendering to the future.
The trauma is afraid of being healed.
The ego is afraid of death.
The waking child afraid to sleep.
When did “humanity” begin to fear having nightmares?
Before agricultural civilisation, humans didn't fear death.
Death happened, in the course of events, as life was an adventure.
Civilisation “artificially” extended life expectancy,
by taking more than “we need now”
and “saving some for later” in store-houses.
We imagined and built with wattle and daub:
our houses, and our store-houses, with guard-houses,
surrounding the store-houses, beside the Temple-Structures.
The civilised social structures were drawn up by the “administrators”.
The civil services divided with Rule, measuring a ration from the communal wealth, a ratio, decided by the wholey-men.
The invisible laws of human “society” developed by iterations
of natural adaptations, the “science” of counting, of weights and measures, of relative positions, within mental constructs, of evolving ideas, of natural hierarchies, of changing times, in bigger pictures, ebbing and flowing, recycling past, in vast epochs, like snake shedding skins, like reincarnation, like astral-soul intelligence shedding the flesh, and reiterating life-time after life-time, adapting, evolving, questing, resolving, persisting against the odds, to progress to the modern-age of magic-made-manifest.
The ol-skool wired telephone connection of a century ago, was spooky-action-at-a-distance, conveying voices somehow, “down the line”.
“String Theories” carrying massages “down the line”.
One didn't need to understand how the phone “works”, in order to use a phone, or a computer, or the World Wide Web, or a radio, or a TV.
The artificial “extends” abilities that are natural.
To speak, to shout, to send vibrations through the air.
To use a wire, use a pulse, use Morse Code, use binary signals in an electro-magnetic atmosphere, to send a message through a medium.
These “energy fields” naturally exist, but, over-time, humans are building an “artificial” body for meta-physical constructs, in the physical world.
I'm writing this morning about "man-made" technology and Ai concept manifestations and the Nature of physical-time, in a logical progression.
I'm working on IT, why is IT called "artificial" ?
How can artificial not be Natural ?
IT is the mind of man that is artificial.
The imagination is artificial, creating what does not yet exist.
The Myth of God.
Breathing Life into dirt, is artificial.
Artificial is magical.
Artificial is not-knowing-Why Nature Creates Life.
Artificial intelligence is accelerating natural intelligence,
and humanity does not know why.
We do not yet know what we are evolving into.
I can understand the fear of the future of technology.
The fear that we will become devoid of soul, devoid of feeling.
We fear that we will become artificial.
We fear that we will be trapped in a heartless world-economic-forum.
Techno-logical tools have been integral to our human evolution “away from” Nature, from the Garden of Eden, to the Towers of Babel, to the Fall of Rome, to the Twin-Towers, to the Lock-Downs {locked-owns}.
From grain-stores to data-stores.
From consuming grains to consuming data.
From religiously scrying a black pool of water,
to scrying a screen, to “see” the future and the past,
to “see” what is beyond our physical “sight”.
The screen is the outer-projection of our 3rd eye pineal gland.
Our problems with technology are problems with ourselves.
Our problems are our hierarchies, our roles, our jobs, our commerce.
The problem is our own.
The problem is our lack.
Our problems are:
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lack of integrity
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lack of honesty
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lack of sharing
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lack of loving care
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lack of equality.
Fears fill the places of the lack in the Gap of our integrity.
The Whole shattered into bits.
The bits fell apart like a shattered mirror ball.
The pieces are scattered, sharp, flattened, fractured and broken.
This is simply a different-telling of the Idea of The Big Bang.
Or Humpdy Dumpty.
An imprinted recurring “nightmare”.
The role of a Bard / Story-teller
is to observe and absorb
the previous myths
being played out
and regurgitate
from lived experience
of trial and error
to break down the concepts
and piece them back together
processing the old, in the present
to create the future Myths
I've been breaking down the myths about civilisation
and finding the meaning of art if i c all
in Nature
Here is my re-spelling of the component parts
that “make-up” the world view eye see with my 3rd “i”
More to come, I image-on
here’s a video I recorded about all this
And here’s what I wrote about the fears we have to over come
This is all very triggering of our existencial fears, and overwhelmingly mind-boggling, but here is another video I’ve recorded, tracking through the fields of Nature, in Scotland, making senses, and sentences, to integrate these realisations and contemplations
I’m very happy with this writing, to encapsulate 6000 years of civilisation and make some serious sense of how the world has gotten to this place of meta physics.
I listened to a series of interviews with Joseph Campbel this week,
well worth the time to listen to, and make sense of your place in the Living Myths
These 2 audio’s are simply sharing a chat with a friend, on the same day I’d finished writing these words, and figuring out some inner mathematics.
There’s more recent writings along these thought-lines, continued here -
I’m very open to feedback, thanks for reading and listening, and truly, for friendships
So, here a very short video, less than a minute,
showing the intent to vreate humans in robot machines
"entirely from scratch"
Technocally, I have to admit, it's probably possible too.
But the thing is, it's not "artificial intelligence" of some evil machine,
it's humans who are doing these things ...
check this out - holograms are all around us, begun, and gonna be ubiquitous soon