What's in my MinD,
first thing this morning.
Most people don't recognise
There are invisible beings around us all, all of the TimE.
Call it soul, faerie, angel, spirit guide, soul family or even ghosts.
Modern religions made people scared of invisible beings, and frightened of any people who do see and hear and feel the presense of these invisible beings.
Mental asylums to protect the "mental health" of the religiously frightened masses, to separate the magic from the mundane, to separate the highly sensitive from the so called sane.
Did the witch hunts really happen?
Did the Magdalene "care homes" really abuse mothers and children, in religious institutions, in convents where men dressed in robes, pass between worlds unseen, and lives are abused, and taken, for granted, by men and women, in postitions of power, yet held unaccountable, protected in the secrecy of the Orders.
Secret Societies proleferate in the dark shadows, with hidden signs and draped door ways to enter the unseen corridors of power, wearing rings of power, believing themselves to be, above the Law of ordinary people, members of the public, Cannon fodder of the ecclesiastical classes, whose Cannon balls broke lives and smash futures.
The recent past few hundred years have been hell on earth.
Indeed the need for healing is really real, for there is torture inflicted into the souls of our ancestors, persecution, recurring punishments, acting out, struggling to re-cover, struggling to express, dying from repression, attempting suicide, sometimes succeeding, most often failing, knowing that death is not the end.
My senses are telling me that these days are the End Times, these days of revelations, when and where the UnSeen become Seen.
All The Endings Get To Happen.
The end of TimE is swift and swallow.
The end of TimE is Nature unveiled.
The Veil of Separation is the heavy curtains of this Stage of Life.
We are Sacred Players acting in the Stage of Life.
Many are scared of living.
Many are scarred of life.
Man are suffering lack of Love in Life.
Many feel trapped at this stage, scared of making a scene, scared of making a fool of themselves, scared of being seen, scared of being ridiculed or fired.
Many afraid to move into the next stage in the play, the next Act, many afraid that they don't have the words, off by heart, many have lost faith in the script, of the ghost writers, of the production company, of the industry, of the whole show being a disasterous shit-show called Reality.
Big Brother rules. The World.
Many see the dead sea scrolls de-scibe a gnostic vision of
[The ME Urge] demiUrge and demonic entities in a Spirit-technology-matrix-trap-hell-hole prison planet simulation of fake Life.
Many Buddhists see endless lifetimes of suffering the wheel of life, austere victim-hoods seeking to escspe to nirvana, to the far away fields are greener SamSara.
The New Age Say that we can visualise whatever we want, by denying the negative and accentuate the positive.
Non Duality says this is not really real.
Christianity says that Jesus is the only One, who came down here with The Key, died for all of us, but fucked off and left us behind, soul level social media "followers", and he left us to suffer in his Name, to take to blame and be the sheep while little Bo Peep is a Pope, with an army Swiss Pen knife in the back of our throats.
The pen Is mightier than the Sword Words, writ 10 in sTONEs, old bollox of Moses testesMent.
These are all storytelling tales.
Religious anti-Nature.
I have learned of them, but find them impossible to believe.
In fact, i find it difficult to comprehend how anyone believes them.
But i remember faerie tales, of immortal soul incarnate in flesh, joyful and fearless, to live and let live, to love and let Love guide.
I may be incarcerated in cancerous flesh, but I AM internally eternal in-car-nation none-the-less.
Have a care for what you believe in, question TimE ITSelf.
Care fully, what one wishes for.
My mantra these days is a prayer for feeling the healing, world wide, true, all time and one moment, in all, sPACEs
it's a gift eh, that when i awoke from dreamtime this morning, and didn't have a pen and paper to write with, so i picked up the phone {and had my specticles to hand ! }
and simply wrote, word by word, line by line, insight by insight, memory-healing of past beliefs and historical non-sense, and post online in the moment, and be a conduit for a little fractal of healing actually happening, and re-storing faith in the unSeen origin of all of our lives, in one moment, receiving a future, in which all illusions are dis-illusioned
Trust = the ability to integrate the dark and light and shadow and rainbow -
Integrity=the ability to integrate life experiences
= unconditional creativity = LOVE beyond imagined fears in victim hoods
Thanks for reading, and for the comments
Art by Ocean luv Christina Dove Born-Free
Nice though I'd say Non Duality is about everything is one. Everything is connected. Everything contains it's opposite. No this and that, no here and there, today and tomorrow. Non-duality helps me see that I am part of an undistinguishable whole, and that I cannot separate myself out from the world, other people or my creator. I am not, at my essence, my mind or body; I am the witnessing presence that experiences my mind and body, and that experiences everything else in existence.
This new answer is much more satisfactory. It means that I don’t need to worry that I will someday completely disappear. It means I don’t have to feel left out or ignored or not considered. It means I’m never truly alone, even when it feels like it. It means that I don’t necessarily share the limits or the destiny of my body. It means that everything is ultimately as it should be, because my story is not the story of an individual person living in this space and time; my story is the story of the universe, of existence itself, of which my body is just one small part.
When this answer has been experienced with clarity, life becomes more peaceful. light. https://www.yogainyourlivingroom.com/blog/non-duality-for-dummies-an-introduction-to-the-teachings-of-non-duality
l0v333 n hugzzz