... wondering if the earth-soul is really finally allowing the 2 timelines in quantum proximity to wheat-n-chaff the population of this planet in the hereNow NowHere, so that the followers of Technology all feck off to somewhere else in the universe and the earth-soul gets to live-in-Peace in the here-after
covid 19 ... happens to have achieved the lockdown of economies and ordinary peoples' life styles, which the proponents of lCimate Crisis have been demanding ... covid 19 co-incidently has also ticked all the boxes required by the World Economic Forum's demands for "unprecidented disruption" to all economies and business models, including the demand for Universal Basic Income, digital currency, global governance, veganism / lab-grown meat, block-chain and AI governance for the 4th Industrial Revolution ... covid 19, also happens to supply instant implementation of digital-learning-online, replacing school with Smart-home-education in the Hive-Mind ... covid 19 has also inadvertantly brought about the break-down of "supply-chains" - perfectly neccessitating the need for the Internet-of-Things, powered by 5G, to track and trace every object and item with a tiny smart-sensor, so that the world-economy of goods can be upgraded, block-chained and automated ... covid 19 has also provided the much-needed excuse for Governments and the telecomms industry to admit they have the full capacity and technology ready to implement the track n trace of every individual through their mobile phones, and for those luddites who won't use a smart-phone, they already have ankle and wrist "wearable" Smart-devices - so that "no-one gets left behind" ... cpvid 19 has instigated 2 meter physical distancing in all public places - which does have a handy side-effect for facial-recognition software and the artificial intelligence which already has our online-digital-double fully simulated, but now makes the mapping of our physical-appearance to our indivdual social-media-identities tied to our legal-identity - soon to be block-chained to our ID2020 world-citizen chattle-mangement system ... simulation-stimulation-AI-social media feedback-stimulous-package-portions https://www.facebook.com/events/830162764142012/permalink/831450797346542/
digital identity
A digital identity is information on an entity used by computer systems to represent an external agent. That agent may be a person, organization, application, or device. ISO/IEC 24760-1 defines identity as "set of attributes related to an entity".
I just don't think the earth-soul wants to have the industrial technology layer of Nature-suppressing radio-frequencies to be her trans-humanist future .. so I imagine the technologists will leave the earth in peace, rather than the Nature Lovers leaving for some other planet / Rapture
i is a thinking of on a soul-level ... virtual world, mental world, make-believe world ... pied piper world ... would most technological folk even notice if they started living in a virtual-reality-simulation
"In other words we will use this situation to force the masses to set up digital identity or their ability to move, work, or secure needed items will be seriously curtailed. THIS IS AN ENCLOSURE - an enclosure of body and soul."
i'm not saying its right, but I'm imagining that there must be God and that this manifest physical Earth-world must have Soul, and that They have tricked the aetheist transhuman nutjobs-in-control to create their fantasy and immerse themselves into their virtual world, and thus the earth's quantum-problem gets resolved ... not a water-tight-prospiracy-theory ! but it's what's in my mundi mind
Video link
Is this an example of Facebook AI trying to answer the questions IT has been given ? problem, prescription, solution = Covid, making the "invisible threat" existencially "present" instead of prescient ? FACEBOOK IS A VIRTUE SIGNALLING PLATFORM BY DESIGN ...
self-fulfilling prophesy ... the dangers of digital identity 2020 ... "shocked" ... living in a matrix ...