I'm not saying i'm correct about this but my over-riding feeling is that whatever is really going on in this manifest world-experience is a matter of choice within the constraints of healing our emotional trauma ...
and so this modern experience of Life, since the Flood and Fall of Atlantean times - is truly an issue of emotional healing from that flooded catastrophy, and that what civilisation has "created" in the last 5000 is all a replay of trauma, all divinely-playing out what happened before, but with the potential of a different over-all outcome, with a rebalancing of the dualities which went off-kilter ...
we all have the Choice to feel, or to over-rule feeling with mental projection of the subconscious cinema.
True feeling will guide in a Way which MinD has not valued and has not followed, believing instead in its own capacity to re-write and author the future ....
Feeling in-tuition is more-so being able to sense the currents of the e-motions of the Oceans and tilt the tiller of the boat each tiny moment to steer and discern the direction to flow with, rather than MinD's attempts to follow straight lines on territorial maps.
These days with coVid lockdown and vaccines having taken over the cinema, the MinD of Social Media has become so utterly in-un-dated with almost infinite variations of "believing" some version of narrative or an other, regarding governments and science and Law and Order and guidelines and measures and add-vice, that, to me, it seems
that collective-mind is so over-whelmed with conflicting information, that we are challenged to "make up our own minds", and truly incorporating Feeling into the equation is the only true solution to enact upon.
I cannot control the ourside world of governments and Law and Society-at-large, but I can re-balance the respect within my Self, so that I get my MinD to tune-in with feeling and room-in-8 about the infinities of could-be's yet, let the mentalisms fall away as obsolete in true-timelessness, and allow the intuition to penny-drop the solutions/revelations/inner-knowings in the moment ...
and when i notice myself getting enticed into disbelief that "Society" is lurching lock-step into totalitarianism {whateverthatmeans!}, i drop the mental isms and remember to feel and remember .:.
that feeling Joy is the natural state of Being,
available in any given moment,
so long as I brake the mind-control-attention
and belief in the cinema-projection ...
So mermaids sing in my inner ear,
and I remember that "humans" don't even know the meaning of life, yet every baby knows ...
so, it's whatever mind-virus's that adults develop which cause us to forget Joy and to perceive and project the fear and misery and woe.... "I seek to remember what wee forget to re-call, a ceremony of Original Innocence, from before The Fall"