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We are partial-fragments of the Whole

13'31 09-February 2023

There's a long pause at the moment,

neither start nor stop.

Every direction is a way

from the centre, to the object.

Object oriented thought forms.

The Sun shines but often clouds obscure.

The heart is Love but often thoughts injure.

Dreams obscured by awakening.

Things to do, can obscure, the things to be.

The past can obscure the view of the future.

There's a long pause at the moment,

neither start nor stop.

Every direction is a way

from the centre, to the object.

From winter solstice to spring equinox

We are held in a magnetic flux, this year.

What was is no longer what is destined.

Dreams change, cluttered-mind-controls

trajectory, tragedy, pot-holes on the road maps.

The map is not the terrain.

What mind projects as trajectory

is based upon past knowledge,

is based upon past experience.

All the potential of a new born child

becomes the experience of growing up

from childish play to the constrictions

picked up along the way to adult-hood.

There was a conception inherent in every Life.

There was a birthing of body into Breath.

There was a switching ON of first breath.

There was the opening of external eyes.

The MinD began to record and process TimE.

From the inner womb to the outer world experience.

Temperature, change, touch, kiss, nourishment, body, poo and wee.

The MinD becomes filled with objective reality over time.

The construct becomes solidified.

The auras become definitive edges.

Language is listened to, meaning is understood,

things are given names and words are repeated.

Things are ascribed with values.

Life is a miracle wonder, and a mystery.

Experience explains away the miracle mystery.


Object oriented thought forms.

The Sun shines but often clouds obscure.

The heart is Love but often thoughts obscure.

Dreams obscured by awakening.


What we think we know is at best a guess.

Humanity has largely lost it's humility and innocence.

In no sense, in The Moment, in no TimE-scape.

To let my self be empty is to gain The Self Center.

I Am the hub from which my spokes persons extend.

I Am, not merely the rim, where the rubber meets The Road.

I Am The Center of The Wheel of Life.

The wheel of self-centred awareness of Life.

The rubber meets The Road in TimE.

Now the mystery becomes partially known.

Knowledge gathered like individual sticks

becomes a bundle-of-thoughts to carry around.

Much of what we learn is not actually true.

Some sticks are wonky and twisted and awkward to carry.

Much of what we think everyday is stuck-sticks.

Constructs struck dumb by stuck-sticks.


Gathering Sticks to Create Fire in The Gathering Place.

Story-telling Gathered around the central Fire Place.

Once upon a Time, Life was simple, uncomplicated:

Numbers were small, needs were few,

Thoughts were simple, natural-order, imitating Nature.


These days, we know so much con-fusing partial knowledge.

We are all too aware of conflicting beliefs, at war with each other.

Beliefs, like gods, creating constructions, bundles of sticks.


For the new moon of early September 2022

I lit a fire,

kindled from dried grass and dock leaved stalks,

with seeds dangling, now destined to “die”

in the construction I created in the field,

of dried kindling destined to die, to birth the fire.

I'd envisioned a challenge to test a theory:

To drop the data-set

To sit by the fire side

To tune in to the internal ancestral memory banks

To see if I can imagine

Time coming to a stand-still Moment

To hold The Moment for days on end

To concentrate concentric circles

To allow my Self to un-know mind-fullness

To allow my self to bridge to eternity

To allow the rigidity of civil-eyes to collapse

To internal-eyes a 9/11 style “inside Job”.

To see if I could un-see the outer-beliefs in reality.

It was an experiment in “identity”.

“I” identify my Self through Past associations.

“I” had suffered wounding traumas in my Life.

“I” had naturally become identified with my traumas.

“I” had followed the Way of the wounded-warrior.

“I” had winced and wobbled and hobbled and humbled.

It is well known that we have layers of self-identity.

From the hub to the rim of the wheel of the spokes-persons.

The Wheel of the Year within the Wheel of Life-cycles.

However many Life-cycles I've lived is a mystery however.

What if:

“I” can press pause for a few days?

“I” stop believing for a few days?
“I” can take TimE out of MinD for a few days?

“I” can sit out-side of “My mind” for a few days?

“I” can sit with my Self in relative silence.

“I” can make space to invite my past-lives to visit me.

I found that I could sit beside my mind

rather than having to shut my mind down .

I have been “there” before.

Out-side of mortal-mind.

Beyond the temporal simulation.

Witness to the mumbo-jumbo.

Being where the soul goes, when the mortal body dies.

Being where the soul IS, when the body is conceived.

I AM – a human – Soul Being – concept – Creation.

Where is memory, when the body dies?

Does The Mother Earth Being know my soul?

Have some souls been coming down to Earth

for “longer” than some other souls?

What is the idea of Soul-fragmentation?

What is the idea of Soul?

I've been thinking that the soul is like the hand

and the physical experience is like the glove.

The Hand fits into the G-love, and fills the form.

I've been thinking that the Creation didn't “happen” in the past.

Creation happens in The Moment.

The Moment is Creation.

The simulation of Life “happens” in TimE.

The simulation is a recreation of Creation.

The MinD is a film-projector – rendering reality,

from the sub-conscious to the conscious.

“Dreams are how anarchy is organised”.

At this point in Time, I'm ageing, I'm imaging,

I'm imagining, I'm mortal & I'm immortal.

In January 2020, I awoke from a dream,

with the image-experience of having 2 people,

1 male and 1 female, a Father and a Mother,

standing at the foot of my bed.

I awoke while still, between worlds, with the Words:

“all the endings get to happen”.

I cannot stop the creations of others.

We are partial-fractals of the Whole.

I guess that I am practising the art of holding

both the UnSeen and the Seen Worlds as One.

The 0 and the 1 – the two become, unique and the same.

The outer is actually within the inner, but being projected.

The soul is not separate from the self, yet

the self can think it is separate from the soul.

The Whole is not separate from the Part, yet

the Part can consider it-self separate from the Whole.

Identify identity beliefs about Self imagery.

Respect literally means to “look again”.

Self-re-spect = to look at one-self a-gain.

My self-limiting-thought-forms-create-self-identity-complexity.

I like the word Quantum – like a 4 core computer processor.

These days I've come to accept

that the artificial intelligence invention

is a reflection of our own core-creation.

Eye see the outer-world as being a mirror-world

simulation of the inner-world of imagination.

And so, I Am seeing if eye can sew the seed-idea

of peace, of fragments pieced together, un-broken, whole.

Perhaps, we are poised in a pivotal moment in time.

The past adds up to the pre-sent,

while the future holds the potential now.

Is the past dragging us down ?


is the future opening up ?

Where is the individual creation in this equation?

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

and as I grow older

how do I value the quality of time ?


There's a long pause at the moment,

neither start nor stop.

Every direction is a way

from the centre, to the object.


Knowledge gathered like individual sticks

becomes a bundle-of-thoughts to carry around.

Much of what we learn is not actually true.


The past can obscure the view of the future.


Faith in Trust in Love in Life in Truth in Time.


The map is not the terrain.


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