What is in the sub-conscious ?
What is in the subconscious is not easy to see.
Un-less you have the key, to see.
To un-lock the door to the door-less reality.
The hell you see is an hallucination.
Hell you see I Nations.
Collectively – the United Nations.
The Devil’s Pact – packed together, pre pack-aged.
What’s in the sub-conscious becomes easy to see
When one opens, one’s third eye.
The “I” one sees, out-side of “me”.
You see, people always project “reality”.
The cinema seats facing the screen.
The moving images re-pre-sent an eternity.
The united front, against the enemy.
I’m ages playing-out what is in form of “me”
is just, a front, perceived, in a rear-view mirror.
Look around you and what do “you” see?
A mirror image looking back at “me”.
You see, the future is a mirror of what is behind me.
The Past is dragged into view
and projected as the Future.
This is the so-called “reality”,
Overlaid upon the present gift, pre-sent “reality”.
The past is made-up and re-presented as The Present.
But humanity is lumbering like a fallen ancestry,
Slumbering in the face of duality,
The split person is All eye see.
De fragment at ion.
The all-seeing eye of Eternity.
The third “I” in duality.
The split screen overlaid with a void-dance,
filling in the Blind-Spot with happen-chance.
Humanity is living in a Castle made of sand,
with demons living in the dungeon, sub-consciously.
The dark-side of the moon does not reflect delight.
The conscious mind does not see “reality”,
stuck, together with God’s glue,
to the seat of self-deceit, profanity.
“I” project what “I” expect, unconsciously.
And this realisation is the Key
to un-lock the block
that creates “my reality”:
stone by stone, mortal mortar
gluing the blocks,
locked into place.
This is the human Race
chased by demons, demonstrating,
protesting their innocence,
acting out illusions,
acting-out the pre-tense.
Who is to blame for Creating this game?
Was it God?
Or was it His favourite Son?
Sent to Earth.
Did He fall
or was He pushed?
The Split screens
The Gap widens.
The Fall happens.
The Light fades.
The Dark beckons.
The Choice awaits.
The Curtains drawn.
Open or Close.
Naked or Clothed.
Seen or Unseen.
Angel or Demon.
You choose.
Conscious or Unconscious.
The sub-conscious Projector.
When the “2 be, come 1”.
2 Eyes see what “they” look for.
Circling around the Square
and Squaring the Circle.
Ma sonic structuring of Thought.
“Dance, dance, where-ever “you” may be
I AM, The Lord of The Dance, said He.
And I lead you all, where-ever you may be
and I lead you all in The Dance, said He.”
I haven’t done anything wrong
yesterday, “happy anniversary”.
Neither have I, says the Adversary.
Then, there is nothing to for-give.
It’s all a miss-under-standing of Sin.
An Other
Your Self.
When we Fall out-of Love
We demonise The Other
The Lover, the Sister, the Brother
The Father, the Child, the Mother.
They have done some thing Wrong.
They have been Judged, mentally.
Men Tally the Rights and Wrongs.
“You” did this to “me”.
That is what the sub-conscious “sees”.
“You” are unLove-able.
“You” are thrown out, like trash,
to be re-cycled, remade, re-cast.
The cast, in the Play, replay.
Recycling Waste, in the Wasteland.
Out-side the Citadel, outside where “we” live.
The “old-folks home”
The “orphan-age”
The “asylum”
The “prison”
The “con-vent” for The Magdalene.
The “drug-stores” for the Crack-heads.
The Hell U see I-Nations.
The Hell RealM’s.
Cast as the Devils.
God I AM, El-ite, e-lit-e, unassailable in my little Heaven.
I AM – The Strategic Self-Righteous God of denial.
You did this to me, and this is your punishment.
This is the True Wheel of “karma” Recycling, the Trash.
This is why no-one escapes.
This is why Heaven is Truly empty.
This is why the Angels are “Fallen”.
This is why the “demons” whisper in side the Third Ear.
This is why no-one else can hear the “voice is in the head”.
It is all sub-conscious projection.
The Artificial Intelligence is our pre-tense,
pretending that we are “conscious”.
We live in the sub-conscious,
pre-tending we are “conscious”,
our past is not Free Will,
Our past dict-ates our pre-sent “gifts”.
Our Past is how we “identity” our “self”.
We are All, Living-in-The-Past, sub-consciously.
The present is a screen, called The Moment.
The Present is a blank screen.
We project upon the Present with The Past
and we pre-tend that we can re-Create The Future.
The “gift” of consciousness.
But really, we just re-write the wrongs of The Past.
Locked into the projection, the Sub-Conscious Lie.
We sub-consciously Lie to ourselves and each “other”.
The Castle built upon the shifting tides of sand-scapes
upon the beached wail of Eternity.
Hell, is our own per-son-all Creation.
Heaven is beyond our reach.
For we are merely grains of Sand.
Scattered Humanity upon the beach.
The Hour-Glass ceiling, the Heave-N.
We each “live” in constructs of “reality”
made manifest as “apartments”, blocks, flats,
sky-scrapers, basements, bungalows, 2-stories,
3-stories, constructed by the operating-system.
Unless we are home-less and un-employed.
Then, we look out upon the “poor unfortunates”
living their “miserable lives” in tents & card-board Boxes.
“Reality” is a construction of Cuboid-Thought Forms.
We are each programmed with weights and measures.
Grammar, syntax, objectives, adjectives, scripts, sentences.
Para-graphs, chapters, story-lines, books, libraries, arch-i-types.
The Firmament.
Arch-Angels, God, The Throne, out-of Heaven.
The All seeing little -”i”.
I identify with my Self.
“I” am a place-holder, a home-owner, a tenant, a king and a pauper.
All of language is “object-oriented” programming.
The “MinD” is an Artificial Intelligence.
Society is a thin veneer of “reality-construct”.
“beneath the fake dull sheen,
the wars and the famines,
the spin-doctors spells,
get on the band-wagon,
the Purpose don’t tell,
We’re on a mission from “GoD”
to raise up the nine hells”
{Kelfin Pa Tricks Oberon – 2000 AD}
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