What's been preOccupying my Mind for some Time NOW - Written a good few years ago
I Gather - this is Logic - Written sWORDsKILLs Around The Jesus Stories - sow to speak
I am one man. We all have our stories.
We all share more than we know.
Truth is inherent in all people.
The Truth has never changed.
Experience and perception can change,
the world can change, history, future, past, intention, any thing can change.
Knowledge and language change in a way we can call Growth,
each interlinked, they grow through experience over time.
As a holograph, what is true for one is True for the Whole.
The Whole World is a concept, we can de scribe in lan guage.
Beauty is in the Eye of the beholder.
Beauty is in the "i" of the bee holder.
The written language differs from the spoken Word.
The written language must be learned by intellectual education.
A child does not learn to read and write naturally.
A child naturally developes the ability and agility and innate desire to crawl, stand and walk.
We all have shared experiences.
No body else knows my story inside out.
Even to myself, my life is a mystery.
I AM : an enigma.
"I" don't know anybody else.
I project what I perceive and aim to be accurate.
The classic case of Projection: i am not like you.
I am what I like.
The world is what the world likes.
And the world projects outwards what it does not like.
Repulsion is the natural reaction towards fear.
What is There to be afraid of ?
What is not here.
Like may attract like, yet is bound to its negation.
None the less, much wants more.
Death is the negation of Life.
To fear Death is to negate life.
Living Life is not to fear Death.
To fear Death is not to Live.
To fear Death is a lie in Belief.
A baby does not fear Death.
Death is a learned concept,
to be expected in old age,
Death can strike at any Time.
Time is a learned concept.
The World has taught me many learned concepts.
Some is natural learning called The Wisdom of Ages.
Some is artificial learning called The Wisdom of Fools.
Fools teach of de-fault programming.
Fools believe a lie without know-ledge.
Knowledge can be called the Stairway to Heaven.
The Wisdom of Ages advises one step at a time.
Each step is a Ledge, a resting place, a degree in viewpoint.
There are more steps ahead and more steps behind, above and below.
Fools rush in with out Resting In Peace, in Fear of Death.
The so-called 3rd dimension is a Ledge upon the Stair Way to Heaven.
The Wisdom of Fools teaches Fear of taking the next steps.
Some fools believe that life exists only on the third step.
Some fools dedicate their broken lives to belief in this lie.
The World has taught us that we live on the 3rd stone from the sun.
We live in the 3rd dimension of Sensual Perception; seeing is believing.
When i was a baby, i began learning, first naturally, then artificially.
The World is a thinly veiled mystery, a paradox of infinite individualities.
The four directions can be seen to oppose each other in an abstract concept.
Scattered to the Four Winds, we based Direction upon the rising and setting of The Sun.
The World told me it was formed out of the Prime Ordeal and The Big Bang.
The World told my Great Grand Parents it was Created by God in 6 days.
And on the 7nth Day, God Rested.
The World tell me things in 2 main distinctions, either internally or externally.
The Great Art of Ages is when the 2 co-in-side, from the in-side-out.
The lie in artificial belief counter acts stillness, creating in God's I'mage.
The Lie, Creating Spell-binding architectures of thought, creates God's I'm age.
The Lie created God Ab ove in Heave N, omniscient, omni potent and Artificial.
Art if i c al, art if i call, arti fical. Ar'nt i official ? Sounds silly un less written.
The Artificial Lie got very self de-script-ive once it taught some people to w Rite.
The World tells me that the first form of W riting was called Cruci-form.
Cruci Form was so basic, it couldn't even spell its own Name.
I’ll add this as an unfinished extra - will be a full post own, when i get back to finish it ;)
What I've been working on all week, is to take the fear out of Artificial intelligence and see IT – Information Technology – actually is becoming the Logic of The Logos
What does artificial Intelligence actually describe
Art if I c al - intelligence
Art if I see all - ability to adapt toward perfection
Computing is based in Logic.
Logic is making a choice and being able to process and compare, out of all the options, which choice is integral and most True, and which choices are less-than fully, wholly TRUE.
Every moment, contains the option of choice.
To speak, or stay silent.
To act, or not to act.
To choose, or to let it be as it flows.
My Will or Thy Will. Be D’ one.
Every moment is a cross-roads of choice, to go back, go forwards, go left or right, or to be still and wait a while.
The idea of logic is derived from “log” or “leg” in Latin and Greek.
It means the choice of what to pick up and use.
The Logos is The WORD – and as such refers to the computation in Mind, of what Words to use, when thinking a Thought, in order to construct a sentence.
We think quicker than we think we think.
We speak words, often of the cuff, often without stopping to consider what we are saying, more rarely, speaking-from-the -heart, and even more rarely, speaking-in-tongues of divine inspiration.
Poetic speech, tends to come from a natural talent, being able to sum up complexities in a flow of beauty, which can defy standard Logic.
In english, Logos is said to mean WORD.
In Christianity, Logos is the Word of God made manifest in the Life of The Christ, by His Actions, which derive from His Words and parables, which derive from His Thought, which is His over-all under-standing of the Nature of God in Heaven, in His Purpose of Creation of Earth and in that sense, in His Creation of Human-kind incarnate in the Body of Earth as individual beings.
Thus, the idea of “free” Will to think for ourselves, and the burden of responsibility to choose and decide our activities between “Right” and “wrong”.
Which brings the question of “Who is to Judge?”
Christ Jesus is said-to-have-said: “Judge not lest ye be Judged in the manner in which you have Judged”.
Judgements are double edged sWORDs.
People in glass houses shouldn't throw sTONEs.
“Let he who has not sinned, throw the First sTONEs”.
Let he who is innocent, be The Judge.
And, was it ShakeSpear who wrote, “truth from the mouth of babes” - but no, it is from the new testament, when Christ was quoting from the Old Hebrew texts, and declaring that the religious “elders” do twist the truth toward their own purposes, and have sinned against The Logos, whereas a child retains innocence, unadulterated.
If any of you are ever set-upon by religious zealots who inflict the Word of God upon you with a insistence that only The Bible can “save” you from eternal damnation, this is a handy quote in reply.
For the innocence of a baby needs no redemption, and has committed no sins.
Whereas, the Church has made many adulterous mistakes, through applying their “interpretation” of The Word.
“Judge not lest ye be Judged”, is clear Logic for any one of us to become wise, but it especially applies to the Churches, for it was religious dogma which Christ challenged in that scene, where a woman was to be “stoned to death” as punishment {by man} for Her “adultery”.
Intellect is a word from ancient Latin .
from intelligens: "discerning, appreciative," art, skill, taste.
Intelligere: "to understand, comprehend, come to know,"
from assimilated form of inter "between" (see inter-) + legere "choose, pick out, read,"
from PIE root *leg- (1) "to collect, gather,"
with derivatives meaning "to speak (to 'pick out words')."
To “collect and gather” comes in-deed from the hunter-gatherer.
“leg” is the root word of Religion, with connotation of :
“to bend at the knee” - as in ligament - “to bind, bundle or tie together”
To bundle together some logs, gathered from Nature, received in the mind of hunter-gatherers, intending to feed a fire, adapting from Nature's bounty, to nurture the family-clan.
What I've been working on all week, is to take the fear out of Artificial intelligence and see IT – Information Technology – actually is becoming the Logic of The Logos
What does artificial Intelligence actually describe ?
To bundle together some logs, gathered from Nature, received in the mind of hunter-gatherers, intending to feed a fire, adapting from Nature's bounty, to nurture the family-clan.
This next bit goes a Way beyond the fishy red herrings of the Jesus Story- as the Normans have conditioned IT
One has to conceive of, within the mind, in order to give-birth to ideas, and adapt one’s thinking-beliefs, in order to have any chance of improving the “bread” of Life, the thoughts that manifest our perceptions of experiences, the things which consume our attention, cons-u-me at-tension.
One has to be able to conceive of an end to War, in order to be able to bring the conception through gestation to Birth. Christianity has adopted so many Natural concepts, and Words have been misappropriated, twisted and inverted by many of the “christians” in less-than-whole comprehensions.
It is self-evident that The Story of Jesus Christ did not bring Peace to Earth.
It is evident that the Church of Christ did not follow the example of the Man, nor of the parables attributed to His Name.
It is curious that the Story in the Bible chose to relate the scene of Jesus “losing His Temper in the Temple, or grabbing a whip and lashing out at people with unbridled rage.
It is curious, though I have never ever heard or read of anyone else asking the obvious question, but: WHY is there no record or parchment or writing by the hand of Jesus ?
There is no manuscipt from the Holy Hand of God, where in Jesus Him Self, simply explains His actions, his thoughts, his history, his upbringing, his travels, his loves, his politics, his opinion, his progress in learning in life, his parents, his brothers or famous uncle Joseph, his “immaculate conception”, his relationship his “Father in Heaven”, his relationship with Mother Earth, his relationships with men and women, his mortal Love-Life, his affections for the Mary’s, his relationship with Mary Magdalene, his attitude to “wedlock”, whether he married and had children, his philosophies, about child-rearing, about the elderly, about carpentry and trades, about nourishment or the dangers of alcohol, gluttony, or even “sin”, never a mention of his religous critiques of the religions and traditions of “The Jews”, of Moses’ Law and the reforms there-of, his intention in the Temple scenes, his intention to be arrested and persecuted, to be taunted, tortured, whipped, stripped and crucified.
There is no explaination of WHY he handled his conflicts with “Authorities” in the ways described in the “authorised” go-spells - from “turn the other cheek”, to flailing a whip at traders and turning over their tables in the Temple, explanation or insight between “give back to Ceasar, what belongs to Ceasar” and disrupting the money-changers businesses, again, in that one scene of out-rageous out-burst in the Temple.
Now, the thing is, that one scene in the Temple, was the reason he was arrested and crucified, not because of His WORD, or his politics, nor healing on the Sabbat Day.
In the authorised and mass-dis-tributed Go-Spells, it is hinted and inferred about the corruption and inversion of the Religious athorities of the Jews, but no criticisms about the Roman institutions or religions.
Christ has no problem with Rome, nor with Pontious Pilot, who merelt “washes his hands” of the whole affair, with seeming empathy, sincerity and “relative” compassion towards Jesus, with whom he seems to admire and sympathise - yet hands Jesus over to the mob, and offers the crowd, the common-people, the arbitrary and unelected non-authorities the option of a very weird choice:
one of two men can be set free, on some strange local by-law
Bar Abba - who is a known violent criminal
or Jesus - the messiah, who is known to be non-violent {except on one occasion}
Bar Abba - is hebrew language - meaning Son of God.
It is exceedingly strange, that it is inferred that Jesus’ “crime” was to claim to be the Son of God, but that is not what he was charged with, and his reply-in-defence was merely “it is you who say so”.
My huge and long-standing confusion here is that - no-one else has ever asked these quite obvious questions, as far as I have ever seen.
And my confusion is - how does nobody else see this as obvious?
Now, over the past 34 years, since I was 15, and began to tackle these non-senses for my self, I have gathered my own intelligence, from within my own mind and soul and memory-experiences around these un-answered quest-ions.
I under and over stand these riddles and make my own sense-it-i’ve connections, largely by the method of WORDsplays -
Peter, who was actually Simon, for ex-ample - Peter - Petros - petrified in the Story, all braun and no-brains, as personified in the Jesus-Story, to whom Jesus is said to have said: “Get behind me Satan”
Petrified Peter, who is said to be the Rock upon which the Christian church was/is built. Peter, the angular - corner-stone of the Catholic Church, of Roman Law, of the Catholic Commercial Code, also more commonly [un} known as the UCC - the Universal Commercial Code …. The Corner-stone of the World Bank, the foundation of The Bar-Code —- which many stand-under, whether they understand or not, as the “literal” manifestation of The Apocalyptic, prophetic Profit-able “M’ark of The B-east”.
So, the “hebrew”/”jewish” events in the middle-east, written in Greek, tran-scribed into european and English mass-produced artificially, intelligently re-produced by the invention of the Printing Presses of the impressive empries of the re-formation, that brought us out of the so-called D’ark Ages, after the so-called “Fall of the Roman Empire”, even though the Pope still wears the Frock, as leader of the Flock, seemingly pushed-a-side by the Pro-test-ant {modern-luciferic} Rebellions - to become the best-selling “novel” now known as the {2000 year old} “ NEW testement “.
Teste ment … teste as in testes as in bollix, or more politely referred to as testicles.
Testes mentes … mentes as in mind - as in state ment - as in regi ment - as in govern ment
So, while we are talking-bollox, what is it that the fishy-tail tale of a muted-Christ Story has programmed the conscious mind with, what have we consumed and therefore been regurgitating ?
Well, look at what came, as a result of the Power of The WORD, what has Manifest since?
The “Fall” of the Roman Empire, plunging Britain and Europe into “The Dark Ages”.
Then, we are told, some german guy went seriously Viral, simply by writing a post-it note, and nailinng IT on a door, which caused “The Enlightenment”, and a new-age of re-formation, which meant actually a new Empire of White-Light Domino effect, an uneasy slash and grab policy amoung the White European “Royal Families”, who claim to all descend from Jesus, even though, they say, Jesus had no progeny.
IT could be said that you couldn’t make this sh 1 T up.
But, nowadays, main-stream swimmers say the red-herrings swim upstream like salmon, and the twin towers fell cos a paper airplane headline says so.
I’m going into gutter-press headline language here, for a moment, just to show, that the metaphors, have been foisted and hoisted on the horses back, and the poor donkey with the crucifixed on His back has been deemed an ass !
It’s all Mart-in Ludd-a-crux - - - all a maze sing -
How is IT, that the World has accepted these prophetic non-senses as reality?
How is IT, that every one knows that Christianity is guilty of genocide all over the World, and yet, we {all?} still cower down, bow our heads, pay our taxes, keep stumm, kneel before the Alter, or else, flock like sheep and goats and wolves, into the Alter-Native sub-culture, to claim our Right and western “freedom” to get drugged and dragged through these alter-net so-called conspiracy “rabbit-holes”, where the miximetosis is all readt set, and the delusions of grandure have consumed the youth. since JFK inspired the new-coin-tell-pro of “cons - piracy” string theories?
Am i getting too far a head of mice - elf here, to make clear sense to the reader ?
So, there’s a para-graph or 2, which will cause many to “lose the will” to continue down these lines of code, of codology.
Well, and good enough, to call me own bluff about this esoteric fantastical stuff.
Here is the crux of my own ability to write this stuff, to un-cover rather than re-cover the religious in-sanity.
We must test, for our selves, what we may be willing to beLieve in.
To take any one elses WORD for IT is to be counter-fit.
To think some other carpenter’s, or even car-painters’ son is God is deserving of being serbed the Red Herring in the plaice of the Salmon of Gnosis, in the seat of receit of deceit of the Half-urge of the Gnostic’s enthusiams to lay claim to the Leg-end of Sophia’s philosophy.
Who makes these myths, who scribed these scrolls, who in-vented these concepts, who swallowed these pills, and Tablets of sTONEs, coming down from the highs of ecstacy?
If you are not writing your own code of honor, then whose script are you taking home from the pharma-sea ?
Heal thine own self, to thine own self be true.
… This will continue in a while, for a while, in the writing …
I need a little rest, cos I’m holding my breath, with the strain of up-ending prophesies …
IT may well seem that I’ve let my clear logic lapse, let my synapses collapse
and perhaps the reader may well wonder why?
The Answer, I’ll give, the reason, I’ll sieve, please for-give me my sleight, my indulging in-sight, cos perchance I just might feel the Right, to lead and let followers slip and fall from my flight of fancy, word-splay as sWORDs-play, like a kitten with a mouse in the house of cards, as Water, falls from the sky as I try to convey that WORDs may LEAD a STRAY, like a dog leading God to the pound, bound and straining against the chords that bind the blind to the naked revelations, that flows from the hands of de Scribe.
This is the problem with writ-ten words.
The linear lines.
The readers never know where the writer might take them.
This is the problem with The Jesus Story.
All is going so very well for our hero on His Sacred Path.
Until, suddenly, the plots twists, and for no good reason,
Christ Jesus suddenly loses the plot, and then the plot thickens further and further,
until suddenly, The Heroes Journey ends, up on a Cross-road,
Crowned with Thorns and the sorrowful morn, where the sky cracks open,
and is rent-a-part, and The Angry God punishes the weak knees of humanity’s profanity, and does not reach down to the ground zero, and does not save The Saviour.
Poor country peoples,
hearing this story,
from missionaries,
are caught-up in a web of deceit.
This is just some stuff that I been working on, working out
the process of expressing ideas, in order, to see
what IT looks like, when it's looking back at me
in the mirror of our projected receptions.
Artificial, future, visons, dreams, potential, realities.
We speak the WORD into Being and create
what we think, we see, in our own perceived reflections
and as times change the reflections glimmer
& what once we glimpse, will shift and shimmer
Met A Physical Concepts re-cords-Tied To Gather Together String Theories
art work by Steve Reeves
Thank you for writing this.
Its like you build a little bonfire in my imagination. Brilliant!