Who takes Earth and Life and Love for granted ?
Who feels like The System is a failure ?
Who is living in fear ?
Who is feeling scared of their own skin ?
Who is afraid of the air ?
Who is afraid of an invisible enemy ?
Who is afraid of the tsunami of this economic crash ?
Who believes in the Earth-Soul ?
Who believes that "soul" is a religious construct
of controlling masses ?
Who thinks that the idea of a Creator of heaven
and earth is a primitive non-sense ?
Who believes in the idea of a Christ
and of a second-coming ?
Who understands that every thought
and every word
and every action
are integral to the Life
we each Create ?
Who thinks that rubbish dis-appears
when the bin-men take it away ?
Who thinks the World is over-populated ?
Who thinks there are a whole-lotta-people
who don't really wanna be living
in a natural world ?
Who wants to live in a Smart City ... ?
Who wants to be cocooned in a Smart Home ?
Who wants to be dependant upon a Smart-Vaccine ?
Who wishes for a Universal Basic Income ?
Who wants to live in a world where Corporations
own the patents for the seeds for all our super-market foods ?
Who wants to live in a world where those seeds
are genetically modified by alien-scientists ?
Who wonders if the aliens will f*uck off to space
in their space-ships ?
Who's waiting for the extra-terrestrial ships
to come manifest
and take the Elect to Heaven ?
Who is already experiencing the Rapture ?
Who thinks the indigenous and Native Peoples
should change their ways,
modernise and join the real-world
of a Sustainable-System ?
Who thinks Facebook AI is a helpful friend ?
Who knows where Facebook AI comes from ?
Who still visits sacred sites ?
Who is happy ?
Who is meek ?
Who is breathing deep
and holding space
and feeling free ?
chat ... "hmmm, don't be harsh with yourself about slumbering or off-path .... i've felt guided/forced/wisdom to get more material/real-worldly/mundane - for the past 10 to 20 years ... a long cycle ... and not really what my nature-urge is ... i like to be wild - yet i have tamed myself and am glad of it ... being able to pass for "normal" among the normals
but whatever the Originies are saying publicly now, is like a bell tone resounding ... its not a new concept, the parting of the ways ... people have already chosen, over the past 20 years and more, every tiny little choice {with infinite quantum consequences} ... but that biggest worry the likes of you and i have about the techn ology taking over the whole world and making earth into a technoprison planet .... that's not gonna happen
so, that kinda finally clears off the fear-distraction and unknowing/knowing despair which knowing too-much about the darker side of spirit-devils and spirits and humans and demonics etc Earth Nature is stronger than 3D alien systems !!!
Video link
Kelfin, so what are your thoughts on that we came from divine energies (spirit), that there are other civilisations inside and outside of the cosmos. I've done meditations/visualisations that showed me both views of where the earth was going;. I've also been told that in another life time I would have the choice to return to help humans move from Earth to another planet to enable Earth to repair and recooperate, or to bypass this and return to a time where we lived in harmony. That would be a hard call for a self imposed "rescuer" !! it's not the kinda thing I can just drop into a conversation!!
hmmmm, i thinks its curious that the human population has grown exponential over the hundred years ... where do souls come from, form-from ?
ideas of earth-souls, who've been here for [?] millions of years / epochs, ages .... ideas of material-density "aliens" coming invading from Malduke {or what ever it was called}, ideas of tech-enhanced global civil wars that turn a planet into an astroid-belt ... ideas of a galactic federation, and ideas of angels and arch-angels ... ideas of genetic-scientists dabbling with dna, of plaedians and dracos of spiders-from-mars ... ideas of prgrammable-matter, smart-dust, black-goo ... whatever ...
Where do they (souls) come from - well likely straight from the "universal divine source", not all are incarnated at any one time. It's not something that's touched on, the main religions don't go into it. Wish I fully understood the hierarchy side of things!
so, the idea of many souls trans-migrating to Earth to be present and incarnate for this rather-extra-ordinarily-strange time ... for a hundred years of part-icipation in a trans-formation ... then leaving in much the same way as they came, back to other planets, other planes, other plans ..... a gathering for an event, inter-mingling, experiencing, learning, evolving {?} and then dispursing ... i certainly like the idea that the technologists-extremist, get to be here and imagine their ideal future and then go to some virtual-world to live out their imagination, .:. thereby, leaving Earth-in-Peace - free from their creations/manifacturing, AI etc"