St Colm Kills .:. Hill of Tara 2020 Ri enactment .... story plus video on my website now ....
this mornings' mu sings so far ... Tara Hill Re-enactment .:.
A video of my performing a Part in the Faerietale from 2000 AD,
but at Tara Hill In County Meath, Ireland @ Equinox 2020.
I strive to understand,
and to raise my awareness in my responsibility of being able to Invoke Spirit
in speaking these words and enact
- real-i-sing - the arch-i-type - Story - teller - Myth - made - manifest . . .
A long series of synchronicities co-inside to Create the circumstances
which caused me to envision and follow-through The Vision in real-life,
that made this recording become a brief document of what happened.
To capture a magical moment of extended suspended-dis-belief,
in which the ominous anxiety of our modern world pressures to con-form
to mask-wearing-in-order-to-fit-in, psycho-logically-the-mask-of-personality
and of Character, yet, in September 2020,
this psychology made-manifest in the government Orders decreeing that masks must be
worn as a visible adherence and sub-mission to the "belief in the CoViD Corona" ...
a virtual "Crown of Thorns" representing the collective suffering
of humanity in fear of an "invisible enemy".
To call "corona" an invisible enemy is a terribly wide-open term to apply to a microscopic "virus".
For "invisible enemy" can apply to every other Unseen Force in the multiverse.
It is a term which relates to the 3rd Eye - the 3rd "i" of 2nd-Sight ....
the ability to see the UnSeen ... .:.
which includes being able to "see" sense of the magical realms, the elemental realms,
the non-human realms, the imaginary-realms-of-the psyche, the between-the-realms,
beyond-the-Veil, into "The Other Worlds" dimensions .:.
and also, the Ancestral Realms, the "purgatory-place" where past-life Soul-incarnations still "exists" beyond the con-fines of the contempory time-line of our manifest experience, day by night by day, in which we awaken, activate activities, grow weary and eventually need to sleep-and-dream again,
to pass through the Veil again and enter the dream-time-dimensions in Order to process our continual review and re-enactment of our Day-to-Day lives.
It is as though, "normally", the vastness of our dream-time-imaginations is sieved through a psychological process and filtered through a Film - FrameWork ... frame by frame ... being rendered into reality ...
We only "see" what we focus upon ...
and we are sub-consciously programmed to focus upon "what is important", what is possible, what is acceptible, what is expected, what is "given".
"Normally", we are excluded from all of this dream-time-sub-conscious processing and filtering.
Normally, as soon as we awaken-from-slumber,
the "mind" activates and serves-up thoughts and
our conscious body-awareness of impulses and feelings kick-in.
Normally, its an alarm clock, rudely interupting sleep with some sort of bleep, often instanciating immediate shock and re-action to "get up and at it" - to go to work, or school or what-ever it is that we "have to" do in our Life-style routines.
What day of the week is it?
What am i supposed to be doing today, what is expected of me, how much time do i have ?
All mental-gymnastics.
And most minds with skip-past the adverse emotional responses to these mental-demands.
Personally, I very rarely ever use any alarm-clock.
I developed a conscious natural-ability to be able to wake-up on-time by learning to trust in my inner communications between conscious-unconscious-superconscious aspects of my "Self", to trust that I remember to "chat" with my "self" before i "fall asleep", a prayer-fullness if you like, of "speaking within" the 3rd ear and listen to my own soul responses to my intentions, so that "i" can participate in the conversations of "internal dialog" where my child-like-conscious Self can "meet" with my parental-part of "me", to give comfort and assurance that everything in Life is "taken care of" by the Greater-Love of what we call "GoD" and the "Spirit World" .:.
.:. That Heaven is an unbroken realm where all Souls are Whole and where Love is Universal and unfettered by the manifestations of "limited time" which we experience in the temporal mortal "Earth-Walk" of our limited life-time "conscious awareness".
An awareness fore-shadowed by the collective awareness that the limited life-time is doomed to die.
That a match, once-struck, must burn-out.
That a Bell struck-once, must gradually cease to reverberate.
So, the over-soul does not fear Death.
Death is merely like the experience of,
having sub-merged ones hand into Water,
retrieving one's hand back-out of the Water.
It is difficult to explain how it is that I have these awarenesses and the ability to put these images and ideas into Words ... yet, somehow, I can.
I would find it easier to explain, if such ideas were as common-place as common-knowledge, and so I wouldn't have to try so hard to get around the "reductionist" and "materialist" world-views of the more modern-world educated-systems.
Through a series of "random" synchronicities pre-ordained and co-ordinated by some ^higher-MinD^ i found my self being brought to Glastonbury town and the Tor Hill in TimE for the Grand-Cross Total Eclipse of The Sun in August 1999.
I ended up living there for 6 years to-the-day, and finally delivered back home to my parents house, a broken shell of exploded empathy .:. wounded, twisted, contorted, wasted, "tortured-soul"
.:. dead-to-the-World, as far as "i" was concerned .:.
I had "succeeded" in "entering into" death realms,beyond-the-living "veil" through which the Dead must leave this mortal-coil.
I, following my recently deceased friend Tomey Atoma Shekina, who had succeeded in "committing suicide" in some sort of magical-spiritual-Ritual, most likely within the belief of being fighting a Spiritual War, but through "facing and processing and healing" the deepest of past-life traumas.
A war made manifest through inner conflict, between having such a huge capacity for Love and yet striving with Forces of Rage and Terror, rejection and fear, death being the final-epitaph of every mortal Life, yet Immortal Soul Being containing even Death within the i-deal of "Ever-lasting Life".
However, I can attest, that striving to embody the Christ-Arch-i-Type is a "fools errand" in the eyes of the mundane MinD.
video of Faerietale poetry
For Any One at All
WHO Knows Any One at All
WHO has had ISSUES at ALL
ABOUT Mental Health-Issues
Or Any One at ALL who
has never experienced
their own "mental-health ISSUES
Has Had PROBLEMS with Others'
Mental HEALTH Issues
And Had A Friend Or Family Member
SECTIONED Under The Mental_Health ACT
This video raises awarness and shares
INSIGHT into what it is like to have ISSUES
With experiencing non-NOR-mal Mentality
Where psychotic or scitzophrenic mess-ages
Over-Whelm the "healthy" NORMAL Mentality
When the "filters" which NORMALLY render sanity
become hay-wired to the emotional Moon-Memory
And "reality" becomes too difficult to re-LATE
Please SHARE this video, if you feel you care-to .:.
Perhaps it can and WILL help where help is sorely needed
.:. ... .:. ... .:. .:. ... .:. ... .:. .:. ... .:. ... .:. .:. ... .:. ... .:. .:. ... .:. ... .:. .:. ... .:.
My [facebook] Life as a, fairly-well-written, open-book
a sound-montage of what it's like
when mental-health issues forth
when the Muses amuse the MinD
and the Section SYSTEM abuses
the mental-health issues of Friends
And then watch this, if you Will
A much easier to listen to
Magical performance of Poetry
Psychotic Prophetic Performance
Poety in deed, an Enchantment
Ri Enacted at The Hill of Tara 2020
Autumn Equinox Hunters New Moon
Brewing up a Shadow Storm with prophetic poetry published performed and full filled
A Gain at Last - faerietale poetry enactments, Ireland 2022
Brewing up a Shadow Storm with prophetic poetry published performed and full filled
A Gain at Last
"The truth is that Tolstoy, with his immense genius, with his colossal faith, with his vast fearlessness and vast knowledge of life, is deficient in one faculty and one faculty alone. He is not a mystic; and therefore he has a tendency to go mad. Men talk of the extravagances and frenzies that have been produced by mysticism; they are a mere drop in the bucket. In the main, and from the beginning of time, mysticism has kept men sane. The thing that has driven them mad was logic. ...The only thing that has kept the race of men from the mad extremes of the convent and the pirate-galley, the night-club and the lethal chamber, has been mysticism — the belief that logic is misleading, and that things are not what they seem."
-- Chesterton
Art: "The Tree of Life" Jung