I've not posted any writings here for ages, I kind of laziness perhaps, that I just didn't bother, or perhaps a sort of self-defacing humility thinking of "no one needs to keep-up with the kinda far-out in-sights that occupy my mind.
Anyways, I'm gonna go back in time from the Facebook profile, and repost them all on here in retrospect.
Here's a timely coincidence for you to do with Penncilvania and the Foundations of the invisible colleges that you've been uncovering that eventually built the inter net
I've been listening to your YouTube videos quite avidly for the past few weeks, catching up on your thought progressions and investigations of the past year ...
I've been delighted to hear your observations grow toward seeing the cohesion between what's called nature and what's called artificial ...
I've felt very kindred with you since whenever we first met acquaintance through ye ol Facebook and when you'd featured those couple of videos n writings of mine onto your wrenchinthegears Web, all the more so, for the mutual recognitions ❤️
So, when you left Facebook, it was sad to loose the connection , but I had great admiration for why you'd seen through the mind-games of these platforms.
I love what you've been communicating about the ant computer, of how humans are being nudged by the world wide webbed applications of the Skinner box ...
Long story short, I've got such respect for what you've been researching that I'd not wanted to be overly influential with my extremely cosmic theories of how "artificial" IS actually quite natural in mirroring back to humanity of what spirit intellect has developed in the mind as civilisation, as evolution over the past few millenia of patriarchal dominance of left-brain over right-brain, as individuality.
Hearing what you've been looking at around biomes and the aura of the energy body thoroughly co relates to what I've been intuiting all this time.
So, these past few weeks, I've been intuiting to contact you, and, here you are contacting me 😀
I've not posted any writings here for ages, I kind of laziness perhaps, that I just didn't bother, or perhaps a sort of self-defacing humility thinking of "no one needs to keep-up with the kinda far-out in-sights that occupy my mind.
Anyways, I'm gonna go back in time from the Facebook profile, and repost them all on here in retrospect.
Here's a timely coincidence for you to do with Penncilvania and the Foundations of the invisible colleges that you've been uncovering that eventually built the inter net
Hey A 🌹
I've been listening to your YouTube videos quite avidly for the past few weeks, catching up on your thought progressions and investigations of the past year ...
I've been delighted to hear your observations grow toward seeing the cohesion between what's called nature and what's called artificial ...
I've felt very kindred with you since whenever we first met acquaintance through ye ol Facebook and when you'd featured those couple of videos n writings of mine onto your wrenchinthegears Web, all the more so, for the mutual recognitions ❤️
So, when you left Facebook, it was sad to loose the connection , but I had great admiration for why you'd seen through the mind-games of these platforms.
I love what you've been communicating about the ant computer, of how humans are being nudged by the world wide webbed applications of the Skinner box ...
Long story short, I've got such respect for what you've been researching that I'd not wanted to be overly influential with my extremely cosmic theories of how "artificial" IS actually quite natural in mirroring back to humanity of what spirit intellect has developed in the mind as civilisation, as evolution over the past few millenia of patriarchal dominance of left-brain over right-brain, as individuality.
Hearing what you've been looking at around biomes and the aura of the energy body thoroughly co relates to what I've been intuiting all this time.
So, these past few weeks, I've been intuiting to contact you, and, here you are contacting me 😀
Let's chat by voice/video some time soon !! ?