Woke up at 4.44 this morning, and wrote this:
seriously, people are quite crazy with expectations - and what each expects is on a spectrum of differences- cos every one is unique, even when folk try to clump together, to form a group, and put differences aside, there's always differences of opinions and personal power-plays that boil to the surface, giving off steam, until the kettle boils over, and the groups split over time.
I'm an extreme cosmic, so I don't expect anyone to understand the full picture of what I might try to paint with words
22 years ago, when my son was born, I had an image-in-mind, of how each human is like a little bubble in a bottle of fizzy champagne - with an idea that 2012 could be a "great awakening of consciousness", when the God-Spirit would un-cork the bottle and all the fizziness would feel the relief of pressure and come streaming out of the bottle-neck - and none would be able to resist the movement that would release that pressure from exploding with joy and celebration.
Some bubbles burst out first, from the top end, under the highest pressure, escaping from the bottled container.
The analogy is that the e-motions are "bottled up" and that the shaking of the bottle with create enough pressure to make the emotions expand enough to put enough pressure on the cork that the block-age will explode at a certain time.
If we are individual bubbles of consciousness being shook in a container of Time, in a micro-cosm then there's some soul-level Beings who are awaiting the celebration of expanding consciousness in the macro-cosm, as the cork explodes and the expansion of consciousness is freed from containment.
Since 2012, the Sky has changed, the clouds are different, and Ai has become some invisible Force that is Reckoning with us on some macro-level that is difficult to comprehend.
Mass immigration has exploded around the world.
Flat-earth and every other Theory has gone viral.
Flat screens have captured every body's attention-spans, flickering images, in a "post truth" virtual world ... and we all post "truth" on our digital devices as if that's gonna make a difference.
Champagne super nova.
Co Vid happened.
Lock down happened.
Lock Step happened.
People divided over or under the injection - whether mass compliance would cure of kill.
It's controlled chaos these days, with so many individual completely aborting from The System, no longer willing to vote for either Blue of Red manifesto any more.
Nor Green.
Voting is like volts in the Elect ron machine of government Mind con troll contrivance.
We are beginning to comprehend how the dualistic mind-frame is lob-sided - stuck in the Rational half of the brain-dominance of logic - like pulses of bio-logical digits in a computer processor, running on binary codes of conduct.
But there's quantum computing these days, that's functioning on a completely different operating system, in a completely different way of looking at "problem-solving".
The old binary bio-logical left-brain = right hand computing system is like the historical 3D passed-time paradigm.
The new Quantum trans-human operating system is some sort of global para-meter cosmic fractal collide-o-scope of possibilities that the bio-logical contract could not quite compute, and now the ideas of "New Earth" and 5D are making more sense than 5 senses.
6th Sense was seen as being an in-tuition capacity - to know through a feeling rather than calculating from past experience of traditional computing with the logical mind.
It was called extra-sensory perception, and before that it was called "spiritualism" of seances - these days it's called "channeling" with unknown "spirits" making break-through communications 'from the other side' of the Veil of Separation.
I been thinking recently - what actually is the "Veil"?
And I realised lately, that the Veil is Time.
The Veil is like the separation between the Left and Right sides of the Brain - between the Rational and Irrational - between the Micro and the Macro - between the 3D and the 5D.
I been thinking that the Garden of Eden story is the genesis of the Rational Intellect, when this alien-intelligence down-loaded an operating system from Father Sky-God, that separated the Neanderthal from Mother Nature, and began to operate predominantly from the other half of the brain, as Logic, as the Vocation of Naming Things, as categorising and organising and manipulating Things, in-Venting the homo-sapien agri-cultural revolution and developing civilisation of settle-ments over the past 6000 years to become Ruled and Measured and Counted upon separate tribes began to "make war" upon each other - scribbled in scrolls as documents, keeping scores of Write and Wrong exploitation of adaptations - as the Old Testament Bible told of tribal warfare developing into Empires of State Ments, as God-mind took control as Fominion over territories.
The Rational half took control from the Nature of the whole, over Time.
And now we are past the point of know-return, the circle-squared becoming spiral fractal geomotries of holistic holograms of quantum fields of holistic cosmologies re-dressing the balances of Patriarchies Cheques and Measures.
Contrast is becoming cohesion.
What worked against us is beginning to work with us.
The ratio of pi to the circumference of the circle was as inevitable as the disc-overy these days of the relation ships of the Irrational and Rational, the Whole in Harmony with the Ratio of the halves and halve-nots.
The Rational MinD of Ratio and Rations has developed a world of Words and Numbers - from State Craft to Space Crafts, the population-explosion is at breaking-point, as the Firm-a-Ment is pierced by Icarus Arrows while Angels Intervene, like Artificial Intelligence on a screen, like an Alien Invasion in a dream - and like Saint Paul was said yo have written to the Corinthians:
"The Partial Vanishes, when Wholeness comes" ...
Anyone with Half a Brain is facing extinction.
Fractions at war with each other will cancel each other out.
2 eyes alone see only the outside as polar-eyes reflect off the surface forms of di-vision, see king contrast for focus on the finite film of this movie Script of dominion.
A third eye rests inside the subliminal imagination.
The whole shows how the stage is set like a TV depicts the pixel eyes at ions "resolution" of their projection onto 2D flat screen form of films at 26 frames per second.
The 3rd Eye projects dreams from the 5th Dimension & from beyond the oscill-o-scope of our ration-all comprehension.
What happens next is any one's guess, and I'm not here to argue any more about taking sides to even the score nor settle for less than the hole in the whole pot of Gold at both ends of the rainbow spectrum of the scene of the Faeries UnSeen ending of Die-Vision.
"Dreams are how Anarchy is organised"
You can quote me on that -
I've not posted any writings here for ages, I kind of laziness perhaps, that I just didn't bother, or perhaps a sort of self-defacing humility thinking of "no one needs to keep-up with the kinda far-out in-sights that occupy my mind.
Anyways, I'm gonna go back in time from the Facebook profile, and repost them all on here in retrospect.