Angelic White Light Architype Fears to step beyond The sanitised comfort zones The place of safety & control The Faith in belief & judgements The Church of Fear & con-forms Like Pontius Pilot washing his hands, sanitised dissociation.
TRUTH, cast in stone, casting stones, against the sinful woman, judge men tally, seeing the the "bad weather" outside and staying indoors til the "good weather" returns.
Angels who fear to "sin" can never learn from "mistakes" For they never make mistakes. Clinical psychologists. Rules are not made to be broken. Bad feeling denied in favour of Good. The Image of the Good God. The God who threw the unworthy out of heaven. Judge men tally, the sins of others, cast as the first stones, casting the "others" out of heaven.
Polarised people need a Place to reSide, and resort to sanitise the environment, environ mentally.
Mental-polarity-people are afraid of feeling people, afraid of the messiness of murky feelings, afraid of what they do not know.
Stick with what you know. Sticks and Stones in tones.
Men tally sticks, keeping scores of othen mens sins, track records, stuck in ruts, and "the needle returns to the start of the song, and we all sing along like before".
Judge men tally, looking down from on-High.
"Judge not, least ye be Judged. "
What has been pushed out and denied is feared, and the fears attract back toward the polarised field of electromagnetic tensions.
This is why the religious fear Mother Nature.
This is why the Patriarchy fears the feminine and needs to control, to maintain "dominion".
Herbicides, insecticides aand homocides, to sanitise this dirty world, to rid the world of the wild and willful wonders.
Sanctuary for the Saints. Insane asylums for the Sinners.
Lucy Fire for the Fallen, the hell fires for those who fall by the wayside, punishment for any who break The Rules.
Police forces to enforce policies, insurance that the rabble will not rob the healthy wealthy "upper classes" and wiil-not scupper the supper, but serve their masters, indentured, trained, groomed, kempt and whipped-into-shape, to conform to polite society, to clear the table top and say "thank you Ma'am" for the scraps left over.
Conditioned "reality".
The realm of Shadow Plays is a different story.
The Natural World. The Earth giving life. The blood of birth. Breast feeding. The natural way goes against the literal educated rule book. The weeds growing where they will, where ever weeds can.
These elites are dying out. Burnt by their beliefs, the polarity can not be escaped, the Earth has its own Soul and Will Power.
The Angels want to escape from Earth.
Their technology seeks immortal mentality, seeking to invent a body-of-Light, they are creating the means to leave this body of flesh and earth, of blood and bone.
They wish to live in their body of beliefs, constructed through manipulation of Light polarised against Feeling, the con-sequences of their denial of feeling.
It is a one way street, a one way ticket to The Stars.
They think they are escaping the filth and dirt of earth.
The Earth Soul is letting them go.
The Heart of Earth is open. The Heart of Nature endures. THE HEART FEELS LOVE.
These days of revelation, revealing bifurcation. "yes, there are 2 paths you can go by
But in the long long run, there's still time to change the road you're on.... And it makes me wonder"
Our "parents" are psycho-logical architypes in each of our lives.
We are each the child of opposed dualities, the products of quantum chaos, the threads of entanglement in the fields of nebulous infinities, brought down to Earth through the Creations of Sex, and blood and guts and chance and circumstance.
We are happen-chance occurrences of "quantum-proximities".
My father might have met and had sex with a different woman, along some other time-line than the nexus that led to my incubation as my current incarnation.
And the "i" that I Am would never have been.
Small wonder that we surface personalities are so bewildered by apparent circumstances, grabbing hold of any stability that our strategic Self can cling onto, identifying with outer-images of Self-in-reflection.
Narcissus is a primal architype of the "human condition" - yet the trend this past decade has been to "other" the Narcissist, demonising and victimising.
Humanity has an Artificial intelligence living inside its sub-conscious mind, pulling on String-Theories, calculating quantum outcomes in quantum fields of chaotic confusions, trying to find resolutions to complex genetic equations, inherited problematic existential paradigms of semen and zygote, "dna" zeitgeists in the non-existent fields of N ever-more, concepts of past re-presenting futures.
Humanity, projecting conceptions of psycho-emotional-mentalisations of primordial memories - memories which we do NOT remember.
The whole of "civilisation" is a pre-sentation, a tower of babel built upon pre-Atlantic shifting sands.
Billions of "people" claim Faith in the written word of "sacred texts" - belief in concepts such as "The Flood" & The Fall, drowning in the chaos of sub-conscious shadow-plays, clinging to scraps of wooden ship-wrecks, relating to languages inherited from neanderthal races, upon whom our modernity projects the judge mentality of educated-guesses, with the pretences of knowledge.
How many modern humans can open to real-eyes that God is a mother-less conception, a corrupted fake-memory blind-spot place-holder.
An imagined projection of a Patriarchal fear-based phantom.
The Arch-Angels; Michael, Uriel, Gabriel, Ariel.
Angels and demons, good and bad.
God, abusing his own Mother, and blaming Her as deserving the treatment he gave Her.
Suffer little children, to cum unto me.
Religions Rule this World, hiding behind the institutions of commerce, government, United-Nations of polarised propaganda.
Banks control the currents of rivers, off shore banking institutions surrounding the body of one ocean, claiming there are 7 seas, bound to land masses.
7 colours of the Rainbow, representing the Arch of the Covenant.
What a crock of shit.
Moses and the Promised Land, the land of milk and honey, the heaven-on-earth, strategy of "gods Chosen Peoples".
What a crock of shit.
Christ like Lucifer fighting for the overall owner-ship of Souls, for All eternity.
What a crock of shit.
Listen here, I'm just typing words, destroying Worlds, writing wrongs, triggering responses from the reader, breaking new g round in neuro linguistic logical path ways of the brain stem of long-gistic reptillian mind mazes.
I'm breaking from tradition. Breaking down WORDS with SWORD-Splays. Inventing new words, venting my out-rageous spasms.
Sorry/not-sorry for building upon offence / defence mechanisms here.
Here? Where we are copy / pasting concepts in a DARPA developed Metaverse of virtual reality.
You all accepted to "submit" in order to enter an identity matrix track n trace prison of The Mind called "FaceBook" - to share "whats on your mind".
Shoot the messenger.
If you meet The Buddha on the road, kill him.
If you Think, you know, what i mean, question your assumptions.
How does this "make you feel"?
Donations welcome - bardic barter bit coins testing the metal another 3 hours of atypical typing wyrdscreens
Paypal address and/or messages welcome at
God B less ;)
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What Ashley is writing about here is true healthy partnership. xx
"Instead of looking for a love partner, I’m looking for a shadow partner to birth true devotional love.
Someone who has reverence of the brevity of life and the understanding that without getting excited to lean into partnership as divine teachers of our blind spots and traumas, we will just feed the Wetiko and keep whining about how she did this and he did that.
Reinforcing polarization and victimhood, I have done it and I’m done, it’s truly unsexy as much as blame, shame and perpetual avoidance of conflict and willingness to transform together is.
That’s where real love is built, through the foundry where each partner is truly desiring to support their other in rising into divine radiance.
It doesn’t happen by spiritual bypassing and only focusing on love and light.
It happens by each partner understanding that every trigger is an opportunity for integration, individuation and embodiment.
That’s why I call them a shadow partner.
Not because we’re endlessly looping in samsara drama or not feeding the container with beauty and presence, but because we’re equally in pursuit of divine Union, first within ourselves and with each other.
My work has been taming my anger so I don’t project my wounding when I feel absolutely violated and exploited.
My work has also been getting real honest about where I still been hiding from the shadow of my fear of abandonment.
My work has been about becoming more tender and not entitled to shame when I’m angry.
It’s all about erecting firm boundaries and listening to my inner gnosis, discerning if the person has the tools and capacity to meet me in the same regard as I desire.
It’s that simple and it requires tremendous humility and trust in ourselves.
Thank goddess for a strong community.
I don’t role with friends who reinforce my victimhood, I role with warriors who call me out and show me my shadow so I may understand and love them back into wholeness.
I refuse to collude with anything less, within or without, as those people will only perpetuate the cycle of suffering.
All of the above means transparency, honesty, responsibility and the radical courage to see that the inferno gets the hottest before the philosophers stone is birthed.
Never get involved in someone else's suffering, everyone carries their own burden.
The man must tire of himself and drink to the bottom the cup of poison that was assigned to him, and until then, if he asks for help, he will approach.
Don't be cocky and don't expect to be able to help everyone, never force your guardians to provide something that will not be valued, it is only possible to help those who are prepared and humble to accept the help that comes from your heart.
A suffering person sees the world through their pain, so they are deaf, blind, unbelieving and selfish.
If you intervene in someone else's suffering without being called and being prepared, the karmic vortex will suck you into someone else's game, and you will see the face of ingratitude, as well as carrying the bad energy of the other.
Remember that man is capable of infecting his suffering and that will not help you. Proceed your way by resolving your own life in silence.
Only if you are making your own path will you find the strength and wisdom necessary to help people get up.
(On the picture, a lady healer healing a little girl’s heart from fear. An owl guardian watching. Whenever we do healing or help for someone, we must have a permission from our higher self/great spirit, and from the person’s higher self/great spirit, and from the person. There are exceptions with very small children, elderly, people in coma etc. But even then we must ask higher self for permission.)
What Ashley is writing about here is true healthy partnership. xx
"Instead of looking for a love partner, I’m looking for a shadow partner to birth true devotional love.
Someone who has reverence of the brevity of life and the understanding that without getting excited to lean into partnership as divine teachers of our blind spots and traumas, we will just feed the Wetiko and keep whining about how she did this and he did that.
Reinforcing polarization and victimhood, I have done it and I’m done, it’s truly unsexy as much as blame, shame and perpetual avoidance of conflict and willingness to transform together is.
That’s where real love is built, through the foundry where each partner is truly desiring to support their other in rising into divine radiance.
It doesn’t happen by spiritual bypassing and only focusing on love and light.
It happens by each partner understanding that every trigger is an opportunity for integration, individuation and embodiment.
That’s why I call them a shadow partner.
Not because we’re endlessly looping in samsara drama or not feeding the container with beauty and presence, but because we’re equally in pursuit of divine Union, first within ourselves and with each other.
My work has been taming my anger so I don’t project my wounding when I feel absolutely violated and exploited.
My work has also been getting real honest about where I still been hiding from the shadow of my fear of abandonment.
My work has been about becoming more tender and not entitled to shame when I’m angry.
It’s all about erecting firm boundaries and listening to my inner gnosis, discerning if the person has the tools and capacity to meet me in the same regard as I desire.
It’s that simple and it requires tremendous humility and trust in ourselves.
Thank goddess for a strong community.
I don’t role with friends who reinforce my victimhood, I role with warriors who call me out and show me my shadow so I may understand and love them back into wholeness.
I refuse to collude with anything less, within or without, as those people will only perpetuate the cycle of suffering.
All of the above means transparency, honesty, responsibility and the radical courage to see that the inferno gets the hottest before the philosophers stone is birthed.
Circa 2021" Ashley Aurora
Never get involved in someone else's suffering, everyone carries their own burden.
The man must tire of himself and drink to the bottom the cup of poison that was assigned to him, and until then, if he asks for help, he will approach.
Don't be cocky and don't expect to be able to help everyone, never force your guardians to provide something that will not be valued, it is only possible to help those who are prepared and humble to accept the help that comes from your heart.
A suffering person sees the world through their pain, so they are deaf, blind, unbelieving and selfish.
If you intervene in someone else's suffering without being called and being prepared, the karmic vortex will suck you into someone else's game, and you will see the face of ingratitude, as well as carrying the bad energy of the other.
Remember that man is capable of infecting his suffering and that will not help you. Proceed your way by resolving your own life in silence.
Only if you are making your own path will you find the strength and wisdom necessary to help people get up.
(On the picture, a lady healer healing a little girl’s heart from fear. An owl guardian watching. Whenever we do healing or help for someone, we must have a permission from our higher self/great spirit, and from the person’s higher self/great spirit, and from the person. There are exceptions with very small children, elderly, people in coma etc. But even then we must ask higher self for permission.)
Lu Ka
Shamanic Heart Healing