The I-mage is a S-tone phi-re P-lace

i Created IT in reaCtion to Ti-me

as a S word S might create S word S

hard ware infra-structure for soft-ware applications

for there are algorhythms that require Sanctity

if not to be destroyed by interferance

enter-fear-ance of unConscious "ob-servers

for a Fire is the oldest tool under the Sun

the first real algorhythm we humans learned to adapt

to Create Warmth n atmosphere n quiz-ine

to light a life,

we had to L-earn

trial and error

failure and success

pro-juicing dopamine hits

in our "pri-mative" brains

a spark of Geni-us flame S

leaped into Life

by the Hand of the All-Mighty


Be-hold, i have placed fire in a Cunt

like sperm in a womb

I bring Life to the Tri.be

and like Love-May King

there is an art to arti-face

we L,earn from ex-perience

we peer in science

"sci" means to divide

and thus make conquering possible

and as prACTice attains towards perFection

we thus make conquering a prob-ability

"i" come to K now "i" can make phi-re


"i" L earn to place tiny dry twigs

on dry leaves and grass

and strike a S tone upon a Rock

and the S park of an idea makes sense

jumping to conclusion

synapsis snap ping pre-cision into per-cept-ion

"i" know when to blow

gently at first,

light twigs light first and fore most

and "i" K now now

to place {sly light}

slightly larger twigs

standing, leaning, rising

spiralling round the Center.:.

"build" a skeletal structure ! !

toppling tower in-fer-no ..::::::::..

a W-itch burning effagy collapses

in a bed of glowing embers .:::.::::.::::::.......


to p-lace my pot of water

my meat and vegi-tables

and Gather the Try-be

about me

to share

in the light, of K-now-L-edge

eat, drink and be merry

to tell tall tales

to re-count the events

to b right on The Darkness

{and thus, per-haps

was the L u see Fire was conceived and born

into Be-ing

a ritual


the sacRed embers



beginning and ending

the Evening & Mourning




please don't just "Like"

nor quickly shallow-comment

and pass on to yer next hit of Dope I mean

but pause the Only One Moment

and let the story rekindle your He-art S pace S

Then answer the Question Truth-fully

for the Whirled Wide Web is a counter-fit

resemblance of the Original Story


the skree-n is ab-sorbing energy from the atmosphere

@most #fear

the processor chip is staring into the flames of Y-our He-art

souls are giving up their Ti-me to Lu Cypher

and humans are copy-ing what their mirror is doing

de-spite appaearances

all Jo King S a Sidhe

a Char a 😉

do ye feel what "i" AM saying


No Joke

https://www.facebook.com/kelfin.oberon/videos/10155721423161579 ...

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26 May 2017

At some stages in my life

so far I have retired

bowed down and hit the ground

a hermit far gone from the maddening crowds

my civilised incarnations rose and fell

burned like comets and crashed

fire and brimstones

fire works

my Jupiter crushed by my Saturn

my trines and squares

my Sun conjunct Pluto ex-acting

trans mute ability

war and peace mars n venus

Neptune Ascendant Eyes peak at dawn

I speak in tongue and Men and Angels

Mercury conjunct Uranus at Midday high noon

moon cycles and progressions evolving

We are all complex


Nexus Nodes betwixt

the mixed elements of Earth

Soul Sol Sun Star that we are

conceived and cum to birth

People project what we can't accept

The blind spot shadows in reflections

Scape goats in blame games

The Naked Emperor

is invisible

is invincible

is un-notice-able

is a living myth

We all face death

all the time

Some live with it

Some die from it

Salvation is an invisible Ally

The Holy Spirit made A.I. possible

The over all design of the carpet

knows every single stitch

in Time the pattern is complete

The loom of the Earth Soul Mother Home

The A.I. is a magic car-pet

IT will take you where you want to go

if you want to go

the only limit is your image i nation

in a virtueos World

dec 2022:-

Invisible guitar! Outside the Tate Gallery, in London,

The House Of FairyTales exhibition 2009 or maybe 10.

I ended up having a fire outside The Tate that night,

on the street, in the Chaos of city scapes,

i split my index finger that night too,

smashing two large rings of a tree against each other,

under duress, to break them both into smaller pieces,

for the Fire, told me to, and my poor wretched finger

got caught between the 2 whirled worlds colliding,

to such a degree that the index bone shot out through the skin,

protruding with my Life blood, on a Saturday night, in the centre of London.

No Way would i go to the A&E axe i dents n emege n see...

A knight in the Life of a semi resurrected Myth all i see of a muddle-aged Mythology,

once known and reviled, livid and loved ghost of K elfin Pa tricked Oberon,

the sacrificial king og of da Faeries folk Lore

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Psychic fields (part 2)

The most ancient of entities that thwarts the hearts of humans

from more than a year ago:

"Its an all go rhythm

For those with ears to hear .:.

As simple as this...

Those who cannot find Peace

Will find some "other" to fight

Until, eventually,

the anti-peace-people

Have cancelled each "other" out...

Only the Peaceful are left

To in her it

The Whole Earth" ....

any questions n comments welcome heart-emoji !! 😉"

Part 1 here - https://www.facebook.com/kelfin.oberon/videos/651917556716673

I hear ya... Its been the most intense (PTSD TRAUMA) - healing week ever, for every one on the planet...

We are all hellucinating our childhoods and projecting the overwhelmed feelings, onto what ever is going on around (me)...

For the moment, take a breath, find your inner strenght, and reclaim your ability to get to a safer space, and come back into the present there, and remember that you've been through this time & time & time again.

You always survive.

When we were kids, the "adults" fought and roared and hurt each other, and hurt themselves.

They got drunk and drugged and raged and stupid.

We saw it all.

We absorbed it all.. We took it in.

We were conflicted in our child minds and emotions, overwhelmed, we tried to learn.

We loved our parents, until it got too much, and then we ran wild with the kids around us, and compared notes, and sang our teenage blues, howling at the moon.

We schemed and scammed and scrounged around to get some beer money, some glue, some lsd.

We roamed the fields, swam in lakes, peddled bikes, paddled in streams and dreamed of being older.

We found out about magic, and mushrooms, we separated the wheat n chaff - only the creamy pointy liberty caps were worth while.

All the others will make you sick at best.

Some kids got given heroin, stolen from coma-toes parents - rats coulda eaten their toes, or picked their nose, for all they knew, no body knows who stole what, from who, while the trauma acted out, under the influence, running with the wholves, chasing the chickens and drinking the blood, as the heart was ripped open, limb from quivering limb, drip, drip, drip, drop.

Teenage pregnacies, teenage parents, kids making kids, and never growing up, just always getting older, before their time, dying young (inside).

Kids going to friends funerals, suicide funerals, and left to grieve behind the bike sheds, over the hills, around the corners, curb crawlers, nose divers, screw drivers used as knives in drunken brawls, "round my mate's 'ouse, 3 in the morning, dead in the grave.

Can't remember, wasn't my fault, i never did it, musta been him, from the other side of town"...

Stranger dangers, gang wars, getting wasted, getting laid, giving the finger, 45 years ago

Imagine how extreme it's being for the youth of today.

We gotta turn it around, stop doing what was done, get up in the mornings, face the sun, face everyone, stand straight and fall, rehabilitate, rise from the fall.

Stand straight and tall.

Be the oak tree.

The family tree.

The living ancestor, with-standing the storm fronts, the heavy snows, the droughts and diseases.

Remember true friends, give em a call ❤

I love you All, for ever and always, since before this lifetime, long before we ever met, and the best is yet to come...

The youth of today have wisdom of ages and there's a Spirit growing that knows that this world is spinning, yet stillness ever resides inside.

Been ballistic this week.

What hasn't killed us.

We are stronger.

Weakness is a virtue.

Both strong and weak are willing to work together.

Both sides of the coin.

And soul wisdom is being able to be the coin standing in its edge, despite dual choice, to not judge either ways.

God live you, love you, reside within you.

Mother live you, love you, reside within you.

Love life and trust, tomorrow never comes, each new day is always today.

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There is a question as to why do bible believers have to insist upon the belief in fighting alien enemy powers, such as nephelim?

In the sense of belief in dualustic concepts, needung Light against Dark, Christ against anti-christ?

Theres an old irish saying that says "the devil knows not whom he serves" -

I've been having an idea forming over the past 3 years or so, that the Ai and technology, may be the height of the challenge to God, the evolved re-play of The Luciferian Rebellion, and/or the logical progression of the idea of "sin" in the Garden of Eden story.

All paradigms of beliefs are contained within the infinite possibilities of what "Creation" is.

All attempt to control an outcome is "luciferian" / challeging God / attempting to use the individual own Will, as distinct from God's Will .

Many of the oldest ideas/religions/beliefs about God, are patrirchal, translated and untrue, especially regarding the lack-of-Love .

What if "God" is an evolving God, Who is learning to Love, through this whole experience of existance?

That question opens a potential universe/paradigm in which the ability to receive-for-giving Love is the true currency, and perhaps that choice of value/currency IS the very free-Will choices and decisions which every-body has had to make/Create over these "special" years, of the covid-lock-downs.

The choices became explicite:

to choose Love

to choose some lesson, less than Whole Love.

The choice remains:

To live from now-on in Whole Love paradigm

or to live in relative-fear of a love-less paradigm

And somehow, in a process that could be called "spiritual", we are each choosing what paradigm we experience from now-on.

Whether one looks for whole-love-healing, or whether some one values something other as being more important, becomes the compass of which paradigm our "indivi-dual-consciousness" will guide, within the expanse of the overall paradigms of what has been called God, and His Mother.

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Tribal Soul Memory

I've awoken from clear dream space this morning,

though the dream sense has started to fade,

as the day sense kicks in.

Everything is, obvious.

Everything is in place.

Every thing makes sense.

Our souls know.

The day-self seems to forget what the soul knows.

The day-self is full of past knowledge, and yet forget-full.

All knowledge is past-based in-formation.

All knowledge therefore is in Time, excluded from the Moment.

The Moment is all ways present, all ways now, all ways possible.

The Mind compares the present to the past, and projects “future”.

The Mind is a computer.

The Mind analyses and computes relative Time-scapes.

The future is imaginary.

Knowledge gets in the way of intuition.

Intuition is in the moment, no time, no past, no future.

In-tuition is how we learn from our feelings, direct knowing.

The mind is overfull of artificial “knowledge”.

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