So pleasing to find similarities...I too have been self critisizing my SELF...For years!!! And So MANY OTHER written words akin to my thinking. Xx

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Thank you for letting me see the mother in me. Words are not enuff/to tell U just how much/the reading of this/has unzipped the bag of the body/I was given. More listening/I will be doing/and in that listening/renewing my understanding/of possibilities.🥰

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Thanks ever so much for sharing that comment Eden

It's all too easy for me to not post these writings

thinking that it's not gonna be of any value to others

You're helping me in real i sing

that I vital to share these inner world writings

keep on commenting - words are enough !

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Well...bugger me! (No...don't actually. It's NOT MY cup of tea!) But...I can't remember writing/or posting ANY if this!!!

So glad I did tho...cause I like your flow Kelfin/the way you pull apart words exposing/the deeper meaning of them. Tho I think perhaps we share/the same spare time where/neither of us is aware/of the beauty we create/just by talking 2 each other M8! Seems the words/so eager to be heard/jump off our fingers...towards/the fascination of self. The one we prolly SHOULDA left on the shelf/that sneaky little ego itself!

I'm hoping you'll be understanding/what it is I'm referencing? For I know I'm being a referee/for the fascination I hold/for all parts of me!

Sure...I could investigate endlessly/the self that is me...and never be bored/or in need of more!!!

(Does that mean I'm basically/self absorbed/like he/who fell in love/with his own reflection?) Or is it Per-fick...this love of my SELF...Is it just...eccentric?

(Enuff/I'm running out of stuff/and I'm really NOT tuff...just...a damaged inner child!)

Xx...for quite a while longer/my heartfelt brother/from another!!!

Xx lol

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Hey there - yes to all !

And regarding the shimmering self images in the rippling pool of Nice narcissus reflection in the broken mirrors of this world if illusions - well, maybe we're well broken old souls, distorted and contorted by our diving through the doorless doors and through the 13 floors of de elevator ...

Old souls, full of broken wholes, so for sure we gotta lotta Voices vying for a tension, add in hair extensions and talk-therapy alter native pretensions of Grandeur -

Truly though, I've been self-critic sizing my self for years, that I don't share what I know so much of, that I don5 hoare my self out there on the Virtue Medial net works - that I knowledge we're hild coins, then I'm a miser ...

And then I reply quite himble-ly ..................

But by today, I have to say, my part in this play has been to be, quite anonymously, a waiting in the wings, to jot give the Plot a way, and ruin the ending synchronisticly, when actually - uncertainty, is the ma jest tea - that makes the trip come to life in duality, in reality.

And now, I'm sure, that the end is here - and the final finale is nigh ...

The curtain collapses the synapses of the Soul selves sense of veiled separations ... and so, now I know, it's time to sow the seeds The Reaper needs to reveal the digb of the seal to be heart broken , soaken, renewed and awoken again, refined, redefined, slim, re-styled, tailored in trim and no longer depicted as Grim.

Make hay when the uni verse shines

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