There's been a seismic change in my attitude overnight
Written here in thought and finger tip of the ice bergs meltings
one of those days, awakening from slumber
one of these days, awakening to the dream-time
bound through binary layers, we sleep to wake up
but each layer is held in a feeling-healing process
and day by day, the collective is experiencing
and bit by bit, we individually are processing
and over all, the astrology is determined
to bring up these ancestral dna encodings to unravel
and our own personal lives are experiencing
our own personal apocalypses
uncovering our own personal wounds
the cries of our own personal inner-child's sufferings
and bringing these "negative" feelings to the surface
to be processed and expressed
whether rejected or accepted
for those of us who are following our own souls guidance
and acknowledging their own existence as being yearning
for the collective soul resonance to be felt
in recognition, that without soul-recognition
we are just cogs in a soul-less, heart-less machine-world.
Only those who feel are truly "living" a full life.
Those who deny feeling are living a less-than half-life
of nuclear family cold-wars, of an outer-shell
full of explosives, maintaining a false-peace agreement
illuminated by a false-light virtuous respectability.
Re-spect means to look-again
In many respects, we need to look again at our own lives
and reconsider whether we can stay in silent confinement
that makes us subdue our true feelings
for fear of rejection and persecutions.
I feel like I have been holding my self back
from a soul level
since 2005
acting as if I were
"dead to the world"
I "ran out of time"
and though still in a "mortal" body
I have been living entirely inside my own reality
nursing my wounds, reviewing my past
seeing how the wounds have festered
administering my Self with remedies
owning my errors and mistakes
appreciating my Dark Side and integrating
I've been taking my mortal life to pieces
through continuous and consistent break-downs
get so high from the break-throughs and yet
again breaking my Self-identity down
to it constituent parts
I know that I am "in touch" with my soul
and yet, quite sanely, I insist on doubting the fact
and continuing to refine the art of self-healing
through Self examination with Self-honesty
When I am feeling overwhelmed in my most difficult times
I "pray" to The Mother, to re-member that I am a member
of the Earth-Soul Family
I find that I generally do not "pray to God"
though I have tried,
but what I find when I try, is that I reason with God
and I try to articulate to him
that He needs to "do the work"
to "bridge the Gap"
between HimSelf and The Mother
if He is to have any chance of being
able to "come down to Earth"
and help us "children" -
us - the manifested soul aspects
The Christ-Child female and male aspect
of our Cosmic Soul conception and Birth.
I have a gigantic mind and imagination
and a gigantic capacity to "remember" and see
from the soul perspective,
since before the beginning of Creation,
remembering all the way back
to the birth of The First Light
all the way back to when we were still
in the womb of The Mother Darkness
feeling and yearning to movement
to be born on the energetic soul level
from which we were further manifested
in our own unique Forms, our etheric bodies
And "stuff played out" in our cosmic Family
Our Father could not understand how
His Mother was also His Lover
for He had fear of Her Dark Side
He had Fear of Feeling
and He had preference for feeling the "positive"
and didn't yet comprehend that He was rejecting the "negative"
feelings which do not feel "good", got pushed out into Creation.
Eventually, the conflict escalated to the point where
God The Father repelled and kicked
The Mother out of His Heavenly Space
and She was pushed all the way down to Earth
into form, and imprisoned in Dark Matter
punished by God's Guilty feelings
His Dark Side and His Guilty reflections.
Us manifest Beings {souls}
who were more strongly on The Mother's "side" of this divide
followed the Mother's resonance
and also came down to Earth, into physical Form.
Most Souls stayed in Heaven,
fearing top be far from God,
fearing to leave His Light and Power Source
fearing to been seen to Judge God for His actions
fearing to be seen to prefer The Mother
and so, they also denied their feelings,
in fear of the Wrath of God
in fear of being thrown down to Earth
in fear of being thrown out of Heaven.
God The Father's Light is Electric
The Mother's Love is Magnetic
and the soul-groups who manifested as more Electric
naturally resonated with staying in God's Light Field
the soul-groups who manifested as more Magnetic
naturally resonated with following after The Mother
And it was terrifying to find ourselves drawn
further and further away from The Father's Light
Further and further into The Mother's Dark
crying in desperation for the Life-giving feeling
of The Mother's Love
which The Father's Light
had so suddenly vanquished
in his denied and pent up feelings
of Rage and Hatred and Frustration and Blame
{to name but a few of the most powerfully denied feelings}
When we first birthed from the unmanifest
into the manifest soul,
it was frightening but joyful.
But when we were drawn down to Earth
stretching the Light-Essence from Heaven to Earth
and reached as far as the Etheric Field of The Earth
we were exhausted, at the end of our Light-tethers.
This etheric plane is the distance from Heaven to Earth
but there is a Gap between, a heartless and Love-less void
which has filled with ALL of the T-errors that escaped
in the Chaos that was The Creation.
Non-duality is Darkness
When Light was born out-of Darkness
was the beginning of Duality
bringing Order to counter-act The Chaos
The Chaos yearned for Order
for Conscious Light to examine the The Chaos of yearning
bringing electric Light into the Magnetic Darkness
bringing Height into the Deep Abyss
On a Soul-level, we are born of this conflict.
On a Soul-level, we are born into an incomplete puzzle.
On a Soul-level, our Birth began "Time"
Ona Soul-level, our Birth was so very traumatic
that we cannot remember what happened
unless One can heal One's our traumatised circumstances,
un-less One can Man-Age to re-member One's conception.
One has to "go back" to before One's Birth.
One has to remember back to before "One" was Born
For, when One was Born, it was Born as many
each a facet of a Love that was not yet Self-conscious.
. . .
I will write/speak here as if "I" remember my Story
and describe my view of how and why
The Earth became inhabited,
at First by The Mother
and next by the Mother-Lovers
when we followed The Mother
In need of Her Love.
We became clothed in etheric the essence of etheric bodies.
We had wings.
We were hued with colours, of vibrational frequencies
We were all "on the spectrum" - pun intended.
Many souls felt immediately drawn to the Waters
desiring to delve deeply down,
enveloped in the absolute darkness of feeling
These we know mythologise as mermaids.
Others of us, felt to retain as much Light essence
content to breathe in the etheric of the air
These we now mythologise as faeries.
We brought enough etheric Light to Earth
in our Beings, in our bodies, in our blends of Mother/Father,
to be able to resuscitate The Mother
where She lay broken and unconscious in the energy-field
of the material of the Earth Body itself.
We awakened Mother Nature.
She awakened to Her dream-come-true:
that She was not alone and utterly retched in rejection
that Her Children had not all abandoned Her
that She still had Her Role as Mother
Yes, this is the literal version of the Story of Mother Earth
from a Soul perception, from a mortal-Child's point of view.
This is the essence of a faerietale.
This is the essence of the size of my imagination.
This is what I live with as my belief-system.
This is how differently from “normal” I think.
This is how I process my life experiences.
This is why I do not fit-in with the out-side human World.
This is why I have preferred to live “between worlds”.
This is why I am receiving strict instruction, in my imagination
to step-free-from the modern human paradigm “belief systems”
and share openly of this other “operating system”
which the “software” of soul story that I am telling
enables as a healing perspective of soul-level trauma.
My conversations with God-The-Father have made it plain to me
that The Father has grown mature in His Self assessment.
He has learned enough about the Adversary's Shadow
to realise that this un-feeling cruelty
and the persecutions being re-enacted
upon the Earth Life experience
cannot be healed
unless the Judged feelings are listened to and re-experienced.
Each of us humans are imprinted,
on the deepest of sub-conscious levels
with these Original Traumas.
We have been plagued by hidden and denied attacks
as a result of these Judgements, and the denials inherent
in our imprinting's, manifesting from a Source-Code
buried so deeply in our unconscious memories
that, for all of Eternity so far,
none of us has ever gained full healing of Self-acceptance.
Thus, we have remained confined and “cursed” with continuous incarnations, repeating our traumas, manifesting our deaths and re-births
seeking the solutions to this un-conscious puzzle
So pleasing to find similarities...I too have been self critisizing my SELF...For years!!! And So MANY OTHER written words akin to my thinking. Xx
Thank you for letting me see the mother in me. Words are not enuff/to tell U just how much/the reading of this/has unzipped the bag of the body/I was given. More listening/I will be doing/and in that listening/renewing my understanding/of possibilities.🥰