Your articles are very inspiring...

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Thanks Pete - i kinda need encouragement.

I so easily self-criticize. Most recently, I been thinking that how I'm writing is too (insert ) and therefore too difficult to read ... asking too much effort of people, and merely annoying ...

I guess I simply picked up these accusations and keep reapplying them - turns out to be quite a bit more difficult to erase than merely spotting ...

Anyways, thanks again for giving the time & ❤️

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You are welcome and I really do find the way you write is inspiring, like a stream of words that tap into the subconscious. Maybe its ahead of its time or from a time when we all knew words were magical. One thing I think is for sure we all need to step up with what we do well at. Our art, craft and gifts because we are part of a transition or maybe even the new. There is a powers struggle or seed change, within that the emery we can tap into can make all of the difference.

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Good luck with your website. Hit me up with your url so I can check it out. I have commented plenty about authors and their paid subscriptions. If your work is worthy, people will freely support the work. The problems I have with the subscription aspect here is that at some point it becomes unsustainable. If some one likes 50 authors, that's $250 a month min. on the pay by the month plan.

My other peeve is that there are rich folks here like Michael Moore, Bill Maher, Joyce Vance ect; that clearly do not need my $5. Their presence here is predicated on the back of the election and the rally cry is unity, for a price. Shit got real and just for a few months, give back. Let everyone participate in the discourse. Not those turds and many others.

Sound like a rant, but wise words be. The Sheppard sows not for the sheep, but for the many.

I'll keep checking back. Post some more mindful eloquent presentations, both natural talent, improved by knowledge of language, philosophy and rationale to form your persuasive set of tenets within the flow of joy and respect.

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