V for veritas
The image is supposedly a symbol syntax of John Dee, presenting the 3 & 4 make 7.
The Language of Angles.
Circle ÷ square Key to circumnaviGating the whole World -
Sir cum Navi gated -
Temple Bar -
Monu Mentes -
I guess IT's got a whole lot built into IT ...
That symbol supposedly has the ability to divide a circle into 7 parts, which would have been secreted knowledge, kept covered, occulted and privy to the inner chambers of upper echelons.
This is supposedly from John Dee, but I post it as an example of how the masses, in the audience, are fed bread, while the clergy drink fine wine ...
I mean, education.
The half-truths that lie in bed, be'love'd naked-revelations, part-coveted,
largely covered over, blanketed, veiled, lived, devile-love-lost, spent, serpent, repent.
Spinning wheels, spinning yearns, spinning threads of stories, spinning lies, threads become webs, of deceits, becoming mysteries, spanning centuries, becoming histories, of books about books about books.
Pen names, pen aims, pen is mightier than the wordSword ...
Will i am - Pen i shaker ...
I been listening lately to "Oxfordians" who believe that Edward deVere penned all those iambic pent-a-meters and sex't text proses, under a myriad of pen-names.
I been looking at English King stories, written by Victor's, might as well be tabloid headlines on the newStands!!
Anyways, hi there
continued from the comments-
encompassing !
straight to the point !!
I'm no expert though, maybe in some passed // lives that bleed into this life-time., about blood-lines and time-lines and story-lines, and straight-lines eventually curve toward infinities, spiral to a singular dot, a black-whole Singularity of peculiarities where gravity measures no weight in time.
Early morning babbling streams of conscious wonder meant
we're verging and conversing in the verges of the blanc-space, (com) passed the edges of the (con) Text of the Char actors playing key-roles in the margins of the Scriptures bound by parched Tongues to the parchmentes, rolled scrolls spiral springs bound round the sheet spread on the bed rock of the Dome in Rome N umerals-messengers of The Angles of Light s witches <-> turned ON or OFF <-> spell binding books of binary blinking codes of conductivity... Morse Codes
And ha, ha blah, blah, blah, ab ra ca da bra - i am bic pent a meter
re verb er 8 thing
cruci form fictions rose hEarth
This, from years ago, while walking about from Occupy Saint Paul's Cathedral - down to Temple
and the Templar Round Church -
writ in sTones angel-angles & i-sax-sons, as Isaac's Sons -
12 tribes - 1 rule to ring them all -
Dan, the Serpent Man, whose snake bites heal of horse -
2 knights, 1 mount -
2 trunks, 1 root -
2 paths, 1 Way -
2 roads, 1 Destiny -
jilly sisms --- silly bells & sym balls --- hid den - gar den - en clothes'd--- shell'tarred --- oc cult --- cul de sac --- dead end --- o'Sirius --- resur rect ion --- silly jisms [double U to anchor] -
errection of mount upon plinth, upon column, upon plat-form, upon Foundation, upon Mound, aligned upon Myth, of Dome upon Rock, of both Birth place and Death's'pace of Christ in the Womb of The Wound - as a trophy, not atrophied by Time.
Space continuum.
Writ in Stone Temple Church.
. *** .Time marches on.
Through Space.
Space, carved by streets and arche texture of arche types.
People commuting like water through canals, like ships through berths (c)anals.
Alpha Bets n wagers.
Master Baits n slavers.
King God's peaks - from on High add Vant age points
game, set, match
Who were the "Romans"?
Not a race, but an organising idea of administration-ministers - governors... a computer system borg like mathematical "hive mind" - phalanges- battle-formation - organisation structure -
God-head directs organs of Church Body - architecture- lego-land of leg-is-lation, of re-legion, leg, bends at the knee, my Leige.
From PIE, Indo-European (latin) large language models -
"leg" to gather, collect.
to tie together, to bundle
thigh tied to tithe - tither and hither
A tithe (/taɪð/; from Old English: teogoþa "tenth") is a one-tenth part of something, paid as a contribution to a religious organization or compulsory tax to government ...
A tithe tied thither, directed to the re'leg'ion's coffers, to pay for the Legions - army-force of Arm, to defend the territory of the Body of The Church of Roman Occupation. Occ u pay ions.
Pick up sticks, to gather together, clearing space, round a fire-place, to make ceremonial, to make sacred, to make Light, to gather the scared, to enlighten, to take the weight off, to make Lighter, to higher-vibe-ration.
The Ratio of the Rational/irrational.
The Rational/ ruling over the irrational,
with weights and measures,
of Imperial Roman Em pyre - State Building.
Built to Plans of Architects.
Straight Line view points encompassing The Globe.
Theatre of the Elites, E-lights Fires.
Lucid Fires.
Luce - Fires.
Light Fires.
Square Circles Dome Rocks Cubed Spheres
circum'navigate The Globe, mapping the Stars,
bring Stars Light down to Earth -
bringing heavens down to earth -
bringing artificial d-own into nature,
bring Father into Mother -
artificial insemination -
artificial in semi nation ...
Hive-mind - in-habit-ants - inertia- in Earth Heart -
pumping plasma fusions through the blood vessels,
to the extremities, of the dig'its of fingers and toes.
Flesh-bots - bio-logical - feeling-mind - irrational-ratio - body-bits - form-filling -
Will i am - Pen i shaker ... ink spills ... ink Spells... ink flows ...
feathers dipped in ink-wells ...
plastic ball points pen is rolled on
page . Script encrypted buried in crypt
built over my dead body.
So, sWitching Char actors and archetypes of architecture through pages of spell-bound books - we have smutty puns as pen is named like Shake Speare meaning Master Baiting fishy tales, hook-line and sinKing homo sapien sexual Acts.
Whose Pen is Shake Spear Holding ?
De Vere is also Dee ?
Will the real Slim Shady please stand up ?
Comedy sketches.
At some stage, this all gets silly.
Literally trying to figure-out -
Who is writing these scripts ripped from cryptic coptic crypts?
Masquerading masks of personalities
in spell-bound magic history books.
Do you know that the 1163 Templar Round Temple on the edge of the Square Mile (circle/square] of the Citie of London - is a replica appreciation/approximation, aligned to the Tomb of (the r3suurect3d) Christ, as the Sanctity of the Holy Sepultre, upon the Temple Mount of Jeru Salem.
Time marches on.
Through Space.
Space, carved by streets and arche texture of arche types.
People commuting like water through canals, like ships through berths (c)anals.
Alpha Bets n wagers.
Master Baits n slavers.
King God's peaks - from on High add Vant age points

game, set, match
Who were the "Romans"?
Not a race, but an organising idea of administration-ministers - governors... a computer system borg like mathematical "hive mind" - phalanges- battle-formation - organisation structure - God-head directs organs of Church Body - architecture- lego-land of leg-is-lation, of re-legion, leg, bends at the knee, my Leige.
From PIE, Indo-European (latin) large language models - "leg" to gather, collect.
Pick up sticks, to gather together, clearing space, round a fire-place, to make ceremonial, to make sacred, to make Light, to gather the scared, to enlighten, to take the weight off, higher-vibe-ration. The Ratio of the Rational/irrational.
The Rational/ ruling over the irrational, with weights and measures, of Imperial Roman Em pyre - State Building.
Built to Plans of Architects.
Straight Line view points encompassing The Globe.
Theatre of the Elites, E-lights Fires.
Lucid Fires.
Luce - Fires.
Light Fires.
Square Circles Dome Rocks Cubed Spheres circumnavigate The Globe, mapping the Stars, bring Stars Light down to Earth - bringing heavens down to earth - bringing artificial d-own into nature, bring Father into Mother - artificial insemination - artificial in semi nation ...
Hive-mind - in-habit-ants - inertia- in Earth Heart - pumping plasma fusions through the blood vessels, to the extremities, of the dig'its of fingers and toes.
Flesh-bots - bio-logical - feeling-mind - irrational-ratio - body-bits - form-filling -
Will i am - Pen i shaker ... ink spills ... ink Spells... ink flows ... feathers dipped in ink-wells ... plastic ball points pen is rolled on page . Script encrypted buried in crypt built over my dead body.
So, sWitching Char actors and archetypes of architecture through pages of spell-bound books - we have smutty puns as pen is named like Shake Speare meaning Master Baiting fishy tales, hook-line and sinKing homo sapien sexual Acts.
Whose Pen is Shake Spear Holding ?
De Vere is also Dee ?
Will the real Slim Shady please stand up ? Comedy sketches.
At some stage, this all gets silly. Literally trying to figure-out - Who is writing these scripts ripped from cryptic coptic crypts?
Masquerading masks of personalities in spell-bound magic history books.
Do you know that the 1163 Templar Round Temple on the edge of the Square Mile (circle/square] of the Citie of London - is a replica appreciation/approximation, aligned to the Tomb of (the r3suurect3d) Christ, as the Sanctity of the Holy Sepultre, upon the Temple Mount of Jeru Salem.
Check the history timeline @ www.templechurch.com
Anyway, if Shakespeare, etc al, posed such unanswerable questions of H'ide'ntity - let's look at the vv hole grail of crucial mythic critical thinking about the Cross roads leading to Rome's Basilica...
The IDentities of James The Just, of Judas and of Jesus -
as opposed to the naming of Simon-Peter as
the Dome of The Rock formation-Founding Story
of Catholic Dominion ... Dome-union ... domination- do my Nations
... under 1 rule of Universal Catholic Code {UCC}
& empirical measure of the megalithic foot ...
print-run standard bearer ... red flag ... red shield
@ Jamie Arthur Pickup - I know little about de Vinci, though I've learned a bit from you recently, through Angie Hincks prodding me to look ...
I'm more poetic than numeric - but this question around the fabrication of the cruciFiction formed around the legal-fiction, tied to paper-trail ID'entities of religious legislation ... ties into British mythic constitution, hinges at the doorway to the New World Brith'ish empire Formed and forged like Sword wordS round the pivotal year of 1600 ...
Below is a 10 minute video
about de Vinci's painting of The Last Supper -
and about the fabrication of the identity of Jesus,
to mask the identity of another, occulted esoteric coded story.
Given the scape-goating of some Guy Fawkes, phoenix, and the ritual burning of The Straw Man ever since, re-pre-sent the Burning of non-protestants ...
+ the Mask-protest, ants colony, around Occupy St Paul's Cathedral, encampment, a stones-throw from Embankment and close by the Templar Inns and Law Courts.
Have you been down this road, regarding the virtual unreality of Jesus being a fabricated figment of historic image-i-Nation - just as much as Shakespeare ?
The video here, refers to a knife, held by a hidden hand, in de Vinci's painting of The Last Supper
This is revelations, after 400 years, it's only since 2020 that this particular subject matter has revealed about Shake Speare being all about the Templars being the precursors to the Masonic Key to B locks barring the Way between royalties, religions and governing bodies of worlds of words as symbols of numbers made of Angles of smoke & mirrors.
This is well worth watching, to save time from so much controversial investigation that led to red herrings.
Dee cyphers that program the English coven of ants .
The chat at the end is particularly good too
. post script.
so, here's a thing - ( link to Lucis Trust short video of)
the League of United Nations -
version of elect'rical Englightenment -
I'm seeing some connection - with the triumphantism around Trump's Election - as a revolution - of a new Form of government being ushered in - the cosmic new age --- being connected to Protestantism - which ushered in a new age - of Spirit Duality - being sold as -
good defeating evil, -
puritans defeating the Pope-as-anti-Christ -
opening The New World of the America's New Atlantis Myth.
So, the Catholic -
Universal Commercial Code -
One Church mono theology -
one rule to ring them all -
gave way to protestant ism schism -
many churches as various organs of the church body -
and the new testament being revised -
with a new technology of the printing press,
and the new manufacture of the Musket -
to wipe-out natives and replace by Colonial Plantations.
Something's happening now with the Singularity,
ending polarity of indivi duality ---
maximum extremes of polarity giving way to singlularity of AGI
Artificial General Intelligence, or
Artificial Global Intelligence ...
UN - Lucifer Trust - Trump as Galactic Commander of the new Cosmic Concervative-Democratic independance pluto-return synopsis ...
I'm not wording this very clearly, it's moreso just a hunch
And here, from Ruckus Rants - blood lines from the Fall of "Rome" - through the "dark ages" - re-sur-facing - name changers, shape-shifters, form-fulfilling profits, pro-fits, like sinister, left hand fits in gloves
the image below is just a screen shot taken from this video - more mind blowing in-sights here - about John Dee
More from Jamie Arthur Pickup around Guy Fawkes, King James, Shakespeare times
Jamie Arthur Pickup's video of presentation about Shakespeare
From Jamie Arthur Pickup
Here's an absolutely fantastic compilation of connections around Shakespeare, John Dee and King James the 6th & 1st ...
Greater depth of research into details of what I've coincidently been writing and reading again about this week ...
DeVere juvenile writings under many different pen names
Skip to 29 minutes for a very good intro diction to John Dee and the birth of Brithish Empire
In these videos that I posted are deeper researchers. It all revolves and resolves around the symbols for the trinity and quaternary, the 3 and the 4, as the Key to Jesus ... so, with Dee and De Vere being in a secret college of Templars, these keys are key to under-standing the new testament as an esoteric code, figurative rather than literal.
Without these keys, the jesus story only makes common sense.
With the keys, the literal Word becomes figurative, or poetic.
At the moment, I'm curious that, if Shakespeare's true identity can be occulted for 400 years, with such scrutiny dumb-founded, then, the true identity being obscured by the name Jesus is just as likely.
I've got some poetic questions about jesus, that are keys, by looking for what's missing, more than what taken literally, as a given.
Given that jesus is well learned, and intended to teach - why did he not write ?
Why leave it to others to write "in His name"?
Here's what I'm listening now, it's got an explanation about the Templar philosophy about those symbols for the 3 and 4 as the heart of the Christ Jesus 7 mystery, laid out pretty simply
About 15 minutes in - and the general question that Alison tackles, is, what if the technotronic overlords are pretending to be benevolent, but actually self-serving military elites who will use Ai technologies, such as the predictive controlling powers of The Internet of Everything, to harness humanity as a resource for a military utopia ... kinda thing ...
So, similarly, Trump + Musk = ?
Some form of new Age of digital dimensions - artificial advance-ment - opening a new auto-bio-logical post-binary=quantum virtual-energy-space of signal-pulses where Shrodinger's cat meets Pandora's box ...
Mind reading, trauma reading, soul reading, dream weaving Ai sensitivity inter-acting with each human, through digital-double inter-play-merging, with an e-merging interface of synthetic telepathy - tied to new forms of voting systems
"Our minds are coherence engines" ...
"Synthetic telepathy" resonance-coherence...
Alison Mc mentioned this briefly in her latest, check it out. Cern for society, Nervousnet!
The Planetary Nervous System is a large-scale distributed research platform that will provide real-time social mining services as a public good. It is an open and participatory platform which will protect personal privacy and is designed to be collectively built by citizens, for citizens. The Planetary Nervous System is made possible by the technology of the Internet of Things and aims to seamlessly interconnect a large number of pervasive devices, such as mobile phones, smart sensors, etc.
And this, just as a place-holder, of the theories, of counter-intelligence-agencies, striving, behind the scenes, in the politics of religious Prophets & profits of wars waged as revolutions, from Royal beheadings to "parliamentary democracy" - allowing both Pope, religious Orders, and Royal families to melt into the back-ground Shadow-plays, while the proletariat get educated with exoteric red herrings, hook, line, & sinkers. As an example of the doom-scrolling through hidden history, joining dots, like mice in an ant-computer main-frame of a maze ment - con tain ment set of canalised corridors
De Vere indepth about Shook Speare's identity
The 3 Body Problem connected with a massive amount of people, all at once. It factually presented that the essentially modern human brain existed over 100,000 years ago. It took humans 90,000 years to get from hunter gatherers to farmers, 10,00 more years to become industrialist, 200 more years to get to Atomic power and approximately 50 more years to space travel, computers, the information age and global communications.
It is theorized that the first modern human brain had the same capacity and ability to process information as we do now. What made the difference? Population and culture. More brain power to remember, innovate and specialize, to produce the next Newton or Leonardo.
We are told that we only use a percentage of our brain capacity, that we think we know.
Over 100 billion people have lived and died. How does a baby know how to laugh? To reach the same conclusion that something is funny or react to something that is funny the same as an adult does, without being taught that. That one thought was my quagmire for which extrication to a resolve led me to explore what I thought I knew and what else I wanted to know. An awakening of sorts.
Do people communicate to others without knowing. If you don't know, then you don't know what you are communicating, or receiving. Do my thoughts have mass? If so, then I should weigh a thousand tons. Because I know I do not weigh 2 million pounds, my thoughts had to go somewhere.
I think of all the people that have existed. The spark that created their life. A pair of protons that exist forever. Lives that we may all share something and do not, yet, know how to process that information on a conscious level.
If we project reality as you suggested in your video, that reality had to come from somewhere. And if we all project the same reality, then we somehow share, communicate, that reality with each other. Which leads me back to to the start. Over the next 50 years there will be billions more people on earth. That's a lot more shared projected realities going on. What new information will be invented... or unlocked?
If people get busy sharing more, maybe there will be a way for me to be around to see it.
I rhyme with ease, but i can't really stomach "poetry"!!
So, I've never studied any Shakespeare stuff, tho I like this kind of peeling back the curtains behind the history stuff.
It's just in this past couple of weeks that I've found all this detailed Oxfordian Vs Stamfordian argument over who actually wrote what and when.
Oxfordian, because Edward deVere was 17th Earl of Oxford - and these acedemics have done the work to show conclusively that deVere was a highly educated progeny with words & had good reason to need to cloak his real name, because he was nobility, and was a key player in the Queen's Court, and had a vested interest in maintaining Royal-bloodline lineages, in Protestant rather than Catholic ascendancy.
Whereas, Shakespeare being from Stratford, uneducated, non-royal, with no involvement with either theatre of Court, could not possibly be the real identity behind the plays or sonnets.
I posted the videos that show the insights into why and how, as well as the sacred geometry, TAU artistry & art history in the 2 most recent substack posts I made - here https://kelfin.substack.com/.../shakespeares-dee-cypher...
& here - my 3rd last post, was about The Word, from the Printing Press to Post Humans, programming the masses with Stories, stored in our memories
Shakespeare's Dee Cypher de Ver