Awakening from The Dream Come True today

Full Moon Dawn alignment happening.

I feel joy today

and excitement

to find out why

as the day reveals

and activities happen


Writings, communicating , recording,

Inner mirth expressing

The view from on Top of The World

Perhaps the Sun this morning has arisen in conjunction

of my native Ascendant

in astrology?

Good morning world ❤

I been feeling lately like the astral war (delusion) is finally ending,

Yesterday I had joy all day, for no particular outer reason.

Today I awoke from dream time to day time,

standing in the portal, both worlds one, synchronised.

The 2 as 1

Already i hear and see and know with in me,

that the astral war has ceased.

And although the many may deny the One,

the One contains the ManY.

One has won, as all ways has been,

but this day, sun rise, moon reflect,

and reach Her Full Power,

and the 2 together as One hold the Unity

which humanITy could N-ever possess.

Wee One, wee won, wee now won

- wee won because we are One,

Wee won bee cause we're One

Wee won because we're One ❤

(and if any of the Many

still think We are not One,

- they only spoil the fun,

for them selves,

for being lob sided, 😉

denying the obvious Whole,

while seeking to Life live back-words

evil in The Hole

not W-hole )

God Love Us All ❤

May all seperate beings finally come to see The Dawning of The Day It Y 🌍

https://www.facebook.com/kelfin.oberon/posts/pfbid02ud3fAMQhrLXi3DKSKPfxqFD1QW5g8TTW3htMobzzdiGrdvG5aTndvDkQPm8jNj8cl -

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and here ... the difference between an "ancient" CULTURE OF PEOPLE, compared to the modern "ideal" of a "community of people" >> come-unity, clearly pre-dictive "programming" of [in-put/out-put] ... The WORD makes MANIFEST ... OUR "EDUCATION" has twisted our "use" of the WORD ... skip to last 3 minutes for that explanation, but this is a 4 part interview from a canal boat in London - 10 years ago !! ,,, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qZ8ja_ci34

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just in case any body-brain don't get the analogy ... the contaminated "water" is your "screens", your "inter-face" with the "World-wide-Web" of deceit ... It has affected your "neural-Path-Ways" in your physical Brain, with chemistry conceptually-linked to your conscious-mind . . . "you" are "Pavlov's dogs" and "they" are Pavlov's Gods, experimenting with your DNA, through Hip-gnosis, through predictive-programming, through artificializing of Natural-intelligence, through changing the meaning of "The Word", so that "enchantment" is replicated by "spells" ... "perception" has been changed", re-arranged on the "Alter" of "Ego", the split-created by the Trauma-baptised "anti-Christ" of "lucifer"ian-ism - {call IT what you Will, I'm just throwing some emperors-new-clothes upon the structure of ancient skellitons, of old-world WORDS and new-age-theories ... ... ... beware of what information, you ARE consuming, be-aware of WHO is poisoning the Well-Spring, be aware that you are experiencing the "internets" version of "lithium-poisoning" through the vibration-all-frequencies, coming through your screens

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best writings that I've written in a while

whole concepts constructed from bites of bits of Peace

lots of little steps make a stairway

a stair Way to heave N [numbers ... numb-errors]

to heave any who have any willing-wish to Be Well

A Source of Grounded-Higher-Intelligence

with Empathy, with psycho-path-y,

Know Thy Self NOW ... Path-o-Logic-all-in-Sight

From what meta-physical realm do you "draw your Waters" from ?

There's the old story-line .:. of the Towns-folks Well ... :

Lithium, from the nearby lithium-mine, leaked

and sneaked its way into the Water-table

and leached its way to contaminate the Well-Water

The Well-Water became un-well-Water

A poisoned Source of e-motion-all-in-formation

The Towns-folk took the Well for-Granted

and were not conscious of the slight change

in the smell and taste and vibration of the Waters

and they drank-poison-from-a-poisoned-Chalice

Slowly, but certainly, the "whole Community" went

slightly bonkers !!

and the town became an open-air lunatic asylum

para-gnosis, "collective" hell-u-c-i-Nations formed

para-no-id individuals disappeared from sight

only furtively venturing out in dead-of-night

{the stuff of weird fantasy/horror stories}

{the stuff of old-wives-tales and of Folk-Lore}

The entire "community" went crazy-paranoid

and none of them even noticed

The hospital closed down

money became worthless

The People panic-bought all the toilet paper first

and then the shelves all became empty

"the structure of Society collapsed"

The most-paranoid wouldn't leave their houses -

"not even to bury their dead"

In the old folk-tale version of this village-story ... :

a local-yocal Country-man who lived nearby

came to town to get his shopping once-a-month

He was {and still is } self-suffient

He had { and still has } his own Well

He was not drinking from the Towns-Water

He had not gone insane from the Lithium-leak-age

It took a good few months for this country-man

to real-eyes that the Townsfolk had all gone crazy

and that the shops were all empty

The Church was defiled

The schools were closed

The library was closed

The hospital was staffed only by the most "clinically insane"

. . . and They were all doing dance-routines !

hallucinating that They were pop-stars

and no-longer "doctors and Nurses"

The Police Station has become a bond-age fantasy dungeon

. .:. . . .:. . . .:. . . .:. . . .:. . . .:. . . .:. . . .:. . . .:. . . .:. . . .:. . . .:. .

"God is in The House" played repeating on Loop

. :. . from the Town hall tannoy-System -

louder than the speakers could manage

The only mechanism that kept Time in Order

was the Tik-Tok of the Town hall Clock

But no body could hear, Time ticking away . . .

The Country man tried to tell the Townsfolk


but the Townsfolk thought him mad

and ganged together to chase him out of Town

>>> add end-um <<<

Eventually, The Country-Man lured a few

of his once-wisest friends

to follow him home

and they accepted the offer

of some Real Hospitality

and They drank of his uncontaminated Well-Water

and they {Nature-magic-ally} recovered their Sanity

They returned to the Town to try to explain

their Revelation

But the Towns-folk could not recognise them

The Hallucinations had become a conformity

The collective "consciousness" has stabalised

The "NEW NORMAL" was to wear a mask

each mask made individually by its wearer

each mask revealing the hidden turmoil within

each mask betraying the paranoia

which the un-Well-Waters has triggered

in their perception of their individual "worlds"

.... ... ...

You can imagine what happenes next . . . : . . .

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its the word "usually" in the definition ... mandatory can also be a "guideline", a social-contract policed by the people, a common-agreement, in which the People police each other ... its more powerful than a law, and will, likely, become a Law over time, unless {in the covid world} its seen that many "mandatory" instructions turn out be not-be, for the greater good ... IE, "lockdown" may turn out to be completey non-Lawful, trampling many true-Laws, of personal integrity, travel of travel, mental health, social needs, loving relationships {the innate human need to find a "lover", a potential "mate" for making babies, for the greater-greater-good}

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