This is bigger picture stuff, about Creation, about Soul, about how we get to be in a body, in a 3 dimensional experience, not-yet complete, theory …
Here’s some audio recording about this post - about the nature of the mind and stream-of-consciousness - in-sights
Here’s the video that does explain a lot about the channelling process, empathy and telepathy
I had an old alcoholic friend who was a role model for me when I was was in my early 20’s. He’d lived on the streets. He was wise, from lived experience, had been a movie script writer and a millionaire in America at some points in his life, but had returned back to his home town eventually, broke, but not broken.
He used to quote some one famous: “Hell is other people”.
Well, turns out that it was existentialist philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre who had coined the phrase, not to say that other people make our lives hell, but actually, that the way we psychologically see our selves in reflections of other people is what causes our mental self judgements.
We inherently imagine how others judge us, but we are actually judging ourselves, as if others were judging us, using the people around us as objects with which to objectify The Self.
There’s a woman in America, called Anne Tucker, who channels angels and posts her videos on online. Here’s one of her videos as an example, speaking of the shift, the flash of light, and how each of our timelines plays out depending on our soul harmonics … and here’s her youtube link if you wanna deep-dive into this kind of information streams, to wonder how channellers obtain these comprehensions ahead of our current times capes
She says that karma is actually self-judgement, acted out.
There’s a magic to how life mirrors our our inner, whirled through the outer.
Magic being a word to describe processes that we don’t actually comprehend.
Karma tends to kick one in the ass, from behind, as if our Dark-Side Shadow-Self is showing us the after-effects of our actions, in the rear-view mirror, while we try to concentrate on the destination in mind on our road ahead.
So, Karma is to do with our wounded Self, drawing attention to our deeper inner trauma, of what needs to heal in this Life-Time scenario.
Darma is what flows as we grow into harmony through healing the inner trauma, through expression rather than repression. Dharma is our core wound becoming our innate gift, the lotus flower that grows from the the under worlds of conflicted disturbances of e-motions over time.
Anne Tucker’s Angels also say that in this life-time, we have a dual aspect to our lives:
The Wounded-Self and the Healed-Self.
I mention her here because I’m interested in “channelling”. I’ve been wondering for a long time: “where do thoughts come from?” - and out of all the channellers out there, I find that she has a very open and authentic personality, and that the stuff her “angels” say is very similar to my own thought-streams
Here’s an analogy as an example:
I’ve been smoking nicotine/tobacco since 15 years old.
At 50 years old I’m on the final verge of no longer being a “smoker”.
How different is life going to be as a non-smoker as compared to being a smoker?
This past year I’ve been posing a question:
Who am I, if I no longer identify my Self as my traumas?
Because I’ve realised that our sense of identity IS associated with the characteristics of our childhood wounds, our life “karma”, and with our individual ways of coping with our life circumstances.
The idea of “soul” is that we each have an intelligent Being that enters into this material plane of existence for a time, and therefore, this bodily identity is created inside of time-space, in much the same way that we humans can create an online “persona” that lives in the internet.
These days, I’ve been seeing that our souls chose our traumas as a scripted theme of an individual life-time, in the soul-life alchemy of turning lead into gold.
It’s a change of state, over time, in how one sees one self, through life’s experience.
Imagine putting your hand into a body of water. The hand is in a different medium from the rest of the Self, seemingly separate, having a Life-Time of it’s own while in the water. When we die, it’s like taking one’s hand back out of the Water and realising that the separation was an illusion, that the hand was always a part of the whole.
Our personality seems to be separate from the soul, while in the material realm.
The soul intelligence knows that the hand is not truly separate, while the hand thinks that only hands exist, only the medium of water is real.
So, at this point in time, I’m seeking to see my self from this dual perspective of the indivi-dual embodied persona, with a birth-chart destined path through the chaos of this world, and also the soul intelligence, which wishes to make contact with the persona, to heal the traumatised self-reflections, by bringing the trauma into awareness, to be felt and suffered, in order to play one’s part in healing the collective and the Earth Her-Self, for what She has felt and embodied from the evolution of humanity and our creations over time.
Imagery of a 0 twisting itself into a figure of 8, so that the whole seems divided into 2 circles mirroring each other, in order to create the illusions of duality, as perceived by our indiv-dualities.
Now, we are learning to perceive the twist and re-cognise that we are actually whole again, having gained value from the experience of the illusion of separation.
The veil between the words live and evil is a jumble of meanings of the same 4 letters.
Memory holds onto old stories of I’m-ages, regurgitating what has not been fully digested from past and re-cycling as pre-sent, but seen as the future becoming now in the moment of per-cept-ions.
So, here I am, typing, thoughts onto screens, for others to read and digest and attempt to make sense of in your own lives. I face my own self judgements in the reflection of the potential readers, as objects in my mind, whom I imagine might judge me as being too scattered and dis-jointed, as a stoner, too out-there in the ethers of pipe-dreams of “spirituality”, of imagined concepts that deny the solidity of this material realm, and thus I have been spinning in the scaletrix of my own figure of 8, of mental gymnastics - and thus it’s taken weeks to settle down and write this attempt at putting every-thing into one-thing.
Hell is the imagined shadow of other people, reflected by the self-critical observations of our mental projections.
If there is evil in the outside world that I’m “seeing”, that’s continually described by the news and reflected in the post-truth world of social media, then I’m seeking the evil in me and seeking to for-give the error in my thinking.
My “hand” is attempting to realise that I am a part of the whole body of my soul, immersed in liquidity, like a baby in the womb, approaching birth, anticipating passing through the veil of the membrane of the material plane. The Mother Earth is birthing 8 billion souls.
Here’s Alison McDowell - also covering a huge range of topics, from science to soul, from personal life to existential crisis on the collective level, and in this video, looking at the technological take-over of healing, of the bio-field intelligence.
FEAR the False Evidence Appearing Real.
LOVE - Live Our Virtual Existence.
Artificial actually means to adapt, to learn from past experience and re-iterate.
We are literate, word-processors, intuiting intelligence, dreaming into reality, seemingly separate existences in a seemingly simultaneous time-scape.
What we hope and fear about technologies are a mirror of what we fear about our selves and each other.
In the meta-narrative, I’ve been trying to philosophise about whether some evil rules this world or whether a benevolence holds all of our material lives in some worthwhile paradigm where everything works out well in the end, like a movie that goes through all kinds of drama but was well worth watching in the end, but an immersive film, in which we are scripted our parts and act our roles for each other.
Here’s an astrologer and a psychic talking about how the truth frequency from outside of our dualistic constraint [of evil-lives] dis-solves the dis-beliefs of the human [past-based] mentality within the [limited] control systems within the Game-space of separation-consciousness.
So, you see, hell is [the belief system mirror of] other people, bound by the fear that we will be judged in reflection, for thinking outside of the box, of cuboid thought forms, which keeps our attention bound to dramatisation of split personality traumatisation.
Scitzophrenic bi-polarisation being healed by healed Beings, awakening from the dream of the illusions of veiled separation consciousness - if that makes any sense in translation to any body, through the medium of mere words on screens ?
We speak the world into Being through our words, as our thoughts make manifest, as we imagine what can be, depending on what we believe, individually and collectively.
Imagine you’re a smart phone, trying to communicate with your human Self, as an analogy of the hand-in-water, trying to communicate with its soul in Spirit.
These are all huge ideas, too much for a little article, but I’m becoming more confident about being able to make sense to others, and bit by bit making sense of one self.
So, here’s today’s bit … cut short, cos other wise the text is endlessly overwheming !!
I’ll keep ploughing away at this field and broad casting these seed ideas and we’ll see what grows out of the effort over time ….
Here’s some more astrology perspective about how Time is constructed and predictable - cos if it were not, then astrology could not function -
Here’s details of how intensely the configurations of the planets of the solar system are lining up over the next 3 years, like a spiral reaching a point in time, like a baby body squeezing through the cervix of the birth canal … and what that indicates for humanity, and for our perception of time and of inter-dimensional awareness, of faeries, angels and soul …
this from a 17 months ago -
I did watch the film Channeled: Lightworkers! Your new call to serve is coming by Anne Tucker. I think is fairly food psychology mixed with and income stream through new age spirituality. I do try to give much a chance, but Seriousely this funnels into surrender, giving up and growing with the flow, not your way. A bit like many pseudo religions that direct many off their own true path.
Anne says that karma is actually self-judgement, acted out. I do think we judge ourselves but karma I feel is a false light, I don't think this because of ego, but I was innocent born into a hell most do not survive without suffering mental instability. What I endured as an innocent child saying it Karma is like saying I deserved it. For this reason I think Karma is another spiritual bypass However I would agree as you say 'There’s a magic to how life mirrors our our inner, whirled through the outer.
Magic being a word to describe processes that we don’t actually comprehend.
'I think saying Karma drama is to do with our wounded Self, drawing attention to our deeper inner trauma, of what needs to heal in this Life-Time scenario. is also a bypass. I recognise my deep wounds by experience and heal them by addressing the fact my suffering was mirrored onto me by someone else who fail to heal their own drama, trauma or wounded child.
For sure most or many have The Wounded-Self and the Healed-Self, mythology and rights of passage help us identify this, not new age doctoring formalised from psychology to generate income.
Channelling we be a think but I personally think we are eternal and its memories and teaching brought up from within, from our many ancestors. Again I don't think this from the ego, but have experienced deep internal knowledge, skill, ability and I just know stuff. But some may channel but I think so much is from within and every organised religion seems to get us to follow or surrender to their dogma.
I am sorry but I did not see her as authentic, I think she is very bright, intuitive and knows psychology and has formulated her own mythology to make income and encourage followers.
Trauma is trauma I know and there is no completion, but I would not have chosen my trauma, fact is I almost did on more than one occasion because of it and it took a long time to heal. Also I do think alchemy of turning lead into gold even if metaphorically is a real thing. Some thoughts on the beginning bit of your blog after listening to Anne's presentation...
Here's another version of the idea of higher Dimensional Beings, which we may disregard or we may communicate with ... and who knows whether these things are real or imagined, in deed, whether some thing is real, simply because we can imagine ....
So many people find it easy yo believe in evil egregores feeding off us, yet sneer at the belief in benevolent Beings ...